Latex 中插入 Matlab 代码

news2025/2/23 8:07:01

这篇文章将介绍如何在 Latex 排版过程中添加 Matlab 代码


  • 语法高亮
  • 自动添加边框
  • 自动添加行号


  1. 插入代码块

	% Plot function f(x) = 2*x^3 - x - 2
	ezplot('2*x^3-x-2',[0, 2])
	hold on


  1. 段落中插入 Matlab 语句
\mcode{for i=1:3, disp('cool'); end;}
\footnote{Works also in footnotes: \mcodefn{for i=1:3, disp('cool'); end;}}

即使用 \mcode{}



%%   This is file `mcode.sty'
%%   It is supposed to help you easily include MATLAB source code
%%   into LaTeX document,  but have it nicely highlighted, using
%%   the great listings package.
%%   PLEASE NOTE that this package does nothing but save you from
%%   figuring out some configurations  in setting up the LISTINGS
%%   package. ALL the work is done by that package!  Thus, please
%%   refer your questions to the listings package documentation.
%%   Usage: You have three ways of including your MATLAB code. As
%%   environment,  as inline object and directly from an external
%%   file.
%%   1) Environment:
%%          \begin{lstlisting}
%%             YOUR CODE HERE
%%          \end{lstlisting}
%%   2) Inline object*:
%%          Bla bla \mcode{CODEFRAGMENT} bla bla.
%%   3) Include external file (in environment form)
%%          \lstinputlisting{YOUR-FILE.m}
%%   For your convenience this package has the following options:
%%   - bw  if you intend to print the document (highlighting done
%%         via text formatting (bold, italic) and shades of gray)
%%   - numbered  if you want line numbers
%%   - autolinebreaks  if you want  the package to  automatically
%%          wrap your  code.  This is buggy as it  may well break
%%          break syntax and it  doesn't work well with comments.
%%          You REALLY should wrap your code manually.
%%   - useliterate   if you want  some characters / relations  in
%%          your code to be replace with something more readable.
%%          Example: ~= becomes $\neq$, >= becomes $\geq$,  delta
%%          becomes $\delta$ and so on.
%%   - framed  if you want a frame  around the source code blocks
%%   - final  if you have  ``gloablly'' set the draft option, the
%%         listings package will  not output the code at all.  to
%%         force it to  do so anyway,  load this package with the
%%         final option (passes the ``final'' on to listings).
%%   For example, you may use \usepackage[numbered,framed]{mcode}
%%   in your document preamble.
%%   * If you want to place  some inline code in a footnote,  use
%%   \mcodefn{} instead (this will reduce the font size a bit).
%%   Note:  Inside code blocks you  can escape to LaTeX text mode
%%   using §...§.  For ex. §text and some math: $x^2$§,  which is
%%   especially  useful  in comments  for putting  nicely typeset
%%   equations etc.  To get the same  colour/style as in the rest
%%   of the comment use \mcommentfont, i.e. §\mcommentfont $x^2$§
%%   To change the font used,  edit the first line in the "custo-
%%   mise below" section.  And feel free to  edit other things as
%%   well.  Refer to the documentation of the listings package to
%%   see what  else you could do.  If an extra small font  is re-
%%   quired,  use  {\fontfamily{pcr}\fontsize{3}{4.6}\selectfont}
%%   in the definition of \lstbasicfont.
%%   Author:
%%      Florian Knorn | |
%%   Version history:
%%      2.7  --  Bugfixes + keywords (thanks Hildo Guillardi Jr.)
%%      2.6  --  Add support for µ, fix for math-minus problem
%%      2.5  --  Renamed internal variables (thx S. Kranenbarg!)
%%      2.4  --  Added \mcodefn{} command (thx Tony Almeida!)
%%      2.3  --  More keywords (thx Dominik Wild!)
%%      2.2  --  Bugfix (thx Willi Gerbig!)
%%      2.1  --  Finally automatic detection between end and end
%%      2.0  --  New options for line breaking and literate prog.
%%      1.8  --  Fixed typo in documentation regarding §...§
%%      1.7  --  Added MATLAB block comment syntax %{ ...... %}
%%      1.6  --  Added some infos, dealing with keyword ``end''
%%      1.5  --  Tweaked check to see wether textcomp is loaded
%%      1.4  --  Fixed misconfig (mathescape now set to false)
%%      1.3  --  Purely cosmetic (tabs replaced by spaces)
%%      1.2  --  Added \lstset{showstringspaces=false}
%%      1.1  --  Added \mcode command and [final] option
%%      1.0  --  Release

%              D O N ' T    T O U C H    T H I S                %

\typeout{-- Package: `mcode' \fileversion\space <\filedate> --}

% for bw-option

% numbered option

% final option

% autolinebreaks option

% literate programming (replace certain characters/relations

% framed option

\DeclareOption*{% default
  \PackageWarning{mcode}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption' !}%

\ifmcode@bw\typeout{ - settings optimized for printing (bw formating)}
\else\typeout{ - settings optimized for display (colour formating)}\fi
\ifmcode@numbered\typeout{ - line numbering enabled}\else\fi
\ifmcode@useliterate\typeout{ - literate programming (character replacements) enabled}\else\fi
\ifmcode@autolinebreaks\typeout{ - automatic line breaking enabled (careful, buggy!)}\else\fi
\ifmcode@framed\typeout{ - framed listings}\else\fi

% This command allows you to typeset syntax highlighted Matlab
% code ``inline''.  The font size \small seems to look best...

% Same, but for footnotes

% check if color command exists

% check if listings has been loaded

% Check if textcomp has been loaded (this package is needed for
% upright quotes '' (instead of typographic ones `´)...

%                C U S T O M I S E   B E L O W                  %

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% default font

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% matlat languate definition
  morekeywords={%                             % keywords
		return,spmd,switch,try,while,...},        % Use the matlab "iskeyword" command to get those
  comment=[l]\%,                              % comments
  morecomment=[l]...,                         % comments
  morecomment=[s]{\%\{}{\%\}},                % block comments
  morestring=[m]'                             % strings 

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% general definitions
  basicstyle={\lstbasicfont},                 % set font
  showstringspaces=false,                     % do not emphasize spaces in strings
  tabsize=4,                                  % number of spaces of a TAB
  mathescape=false,escapechar=§,              % escape to latex with §...§
  upquote=true,                               % upright quotes
  aboveskip={1.5\baselineskip},               % a bit of space above listings
  columns=fixed                               % nice spacing

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% define colours and styles
\ifmcode@bw % use font formating and gray 'colors'
	\def\mcommentfont{\color[gray]{.75}\itshape} %comments light gray and italic
  \lstset{language=matlabfloz,                % use our version of highlighting
    keywordstyle=\bfseries,                   % keywords in bold
    commentstyle=\mcommentfont,               % comments 
    stringstyle=\color[gray]{0.5}             % strings darker gray
\else% notbw => use colors : )
	\def\mcommentfont{\color[rgb]{.133,.545,.133}} %comments in green
  \lstset{language=matlabfloz,                % use our version of highlighting
    keywordstyle=\color[rgb]{0,0,1},          % keywords in blue
    commentstyle=\mcommentfont,               % comments
    stringstyle=\color[rgb]{.627,.126,.941}   % strings in purple

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% automatic line breaking --- warning, this is buggy and
% doesn't break comments correctly!

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% literate replacements
% the following is for replacing some matlab relations like >= or ~=
% by the corresponding LaTeX symbols, which are much easier to read ...
			{~}{{$\neg$}}1 %               \neg, logical not
			{<=}{{\tiny$\leq$}}1 %         \leq
			{>=}{{\tiny$\geq$}}1 %         \geq
			{~=}{{\tiny$\neq$}}1 %         \neq, not equal
			{delta}{{\tiny$\Delta$}}1 %    \Delta
			{µ}{{$\mu$}}1 %                \mu
			{(end)}{\lstbasicfont (end)}{5} % black ``end'' when indexing last vector element
			{({ }end)}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end)}{6}
			{(end{ })}{\lstbasicfont (end{ })}{6}
			{({ }end{ })}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end{ })}{7}
			{:end}{\lstbasicfont :end}{4}
			{:{ }end}{\lstbasicfont :{ }end}{5}
			{end:}{\lstbasicfont end:}{4}
			{end{ }:}{\lstbasicfont end{ }:}{5}
			{,end}{\lstbasicfont ,end}{4}
			{,{ }end}{\lstbasicfont ,{ }end}{5}
			{(end)}{\lstbasicfont (end)}{5} % black ``end'' when indexing last vector element
			{({ }end)}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end)}{6}
			{(end{ })}{\lstbasicfont (end{ })}{6}
			{({ }end{ })}{\lstbasicfont ({ }end{ })}{7}
			{:end}{\lstbasicfont :end}{4}
			{:{ }end}{\lstbasicfont :{ }end}{5}
			{end:}{\lstbasicfont end:}{4}
			{end{ }:}{\lstbasicfont end{ }:}{5}
			{,end}{\lstbasicfont ,end}{4}
			{,{ }end}{\lstbasicfont ,{ }end}{5}
			{~}{{\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont\texttildelow}}1 % get a nicer tilde character

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% line numbering
\ifmcode@numbered% numbered option
    numbersep=3mm, numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, % number style

\ifmcode@framed%   framed option
    frame=single,rulecolor=\color{black}            % frame
      framexleftmargin=6mm, xleftmargin=6mm         % tweak margins

% fix for ``minus'' character issue, as suggested by Stefan Karlsson, thanks!
\lst@CCPutMacro\lst@ProcessOther {"2D}{\lst@ttfamily{-{}}{-{}}} 

%% End of file `mcode.sty'.






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