【PostgreSQL内核学习(四)—— 查询规划】

news2024/10/7 6:51:05


  • 查询规划
    • 总体处理流程
      • pg_plan_queries函数
      • standard_planner函数
      • subquery_planner函数
      • inheritance_planner函数
      • grouping_planner函数
  • 总结




  1. 查询分析:在查询分析阶段,数据库系统将接收到的原始查询语句进行解析和语法分析,生成对应的抽象语法树或查询树。这个过程包括语法验证、语义验证、语句解析等,以确保查询语句的合法性和正确性。
  2. 查询重写:在查询重写阶段,数据库系统根据查询规则(如视图、规则、触发器等)对查询树进行重写和转换,以便将用户提交的查询转换为等价但更高效的查询形式。这个过程可能会应用优化规则、替换视图、应用规则和触发器等。
  3. 查询规划:在查询规划阶段,数据库系统根据重写后的查询树和数据库的统计信息,通过选择合适的访问路径、连接顺序、索引使用等策略,生成最终的查询执行计划。查询规划的目标是找到最优的执行计划,以在数据库中高效地执行查询操作。




  1. 预处理阶段
  • 语义分析:在预处理阶段,数据库系统会对查询进行语义分析,检查查询是否符合语义规范,并确保查询中的表、列名等对象都是有效的和存在的。
  • 查询重写:数据库系统可能会在预处理阶段应用一些查询重写规则,例如视图展开、规则应用等,将用户提交的查询转换为等价的查询形式,以便更好地进行优化。
  1. 生成路径阶段
  • 选择访问路径:数据库系统根据查询涉及的表、索引和统计信息,选择合适的访问路径,如全表扫描、索引扫描、索引范围扫描等,以尽可能减少数据的访问量。
  • 连接顺序:如果查询涉及多个表的连接操作,数据库系统需要决定这些表之间的连接顺序,以便在连接操作中尽早过滤不必要的数据。
  • 排序和聚合:如果查询需要排序或聚合操作,数据库系统会决定如何执行这些操作,选择合适的算法和排序策略。
  1. 生成计划阶段
  • 物理运算:在这个阶段,数据库系统会将逻辑查询计划转换为物理查询计划,选择实际的执行算法和数据访问方法,包括选择具体的操作算子,如Join、Sort、Aggregate等。
  • 执行计划评估:数据库系统会对生成的物理查询计划进行成本估算,评估每个操作的执行成本,包括访问数据的成本、排序成本、聚合成本等,以及各种操作的代价。
  • 选择最优计划:根据成本估算,数据库系统会选择最优的物理查询计划作为最终的执行计划,并将该计划传递给执行器执行。

  查询分析工作完成之后,其最终产物—查询树链表将被移交给查询规划模块,该模块的入口函数是pg _plan_queries,它负责将查询树链表变成执行计划链表pg_plan_queries 只会处理非Utility命令,它调用pg_plan_query对每一个查询树进行处理,并将生成的 PlannedStmt结构体(数据结构5.12)构成一个链表(执行计划链表)返回。pg_plan_query中负责实际计划生成的是planner函数,我们通常认为从planner函数开始就进入了执行计划的生成阶段。



 * Generate plans for a list of already-rewritten queries.
 * For normal optimizable statements, invoke the planner.  For utility
 * statements, just make a wrapper PlannedStmt node.
 * The result is a list of PlannedStmt nodes.
List *
pg_plan_queries(List *querytrees, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
    List	   *stmt_list = NIL;
    ListCell   *query_list;

    // 对于每个已经重写的查询树进行查询规划
    foreach(query_list, querytrees)
        Query	   *query = lfirst_node(Query, query_list);
        PlannedStmt *stmt;

        // 如果是UTILITY命令,无需进行规划,直接创建一个PlannedStmt节点包装它
        if (query->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
            stmt = makeNode(PlannedStmt);
            stmt->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
            stmt->canSetTag = query->canSetTag;
            stmt->utilityStmt = query->utilityStmt;
            stmt->stmt_location = query->stmt_location;
            stmt->stmt_len = query->stmt_len;
            // 对于普通查询,调用pg_plan_query函数执行查询规划
            stmt = pg_plan_query(query, cursorOptions, boundParams);

        // 将生成的PlannedStmt节点添加到结果列表中
        stmt_list = lappend(stmt_list, stmt);

    // 返回已规划的查询计划列表
    return stmt_list;


 * Generate a plan for a single already-rewritten query.
 * This is a thin wrapper around planner() and takes the same parameters.
PlannedStmt *
pg_plan_query(Query *querytree, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
	PlannedStmt *plan;

	/* Utility commands have no plans. */
	if (querytree->commandType == CMD_UTILITY)
		return NULL;

	/* Planner must have a snapshot in case it calls user-defined functions. */


	if (log_planner_stats)

	/* call the optimizer */
	plan = planner(querytree, cursorOptions, boundParams);

	if (log_planner_stats)

	/* Optional debugging check: pass plan output through copyObject() */
		PlannedStmt *new_plan = copyObject(plan);

		 * equal() currently does not have routines to compare Plan nodes, so
		 * don't try to test equality here.  Perhaps fix someday?
#ifdef NOT_USED
		/* This checks both copyObject() and the equal() routines... */
		if (!equal(new_plan, plan))
			elog(WARNING, "copyObject() failed to produce an equal plan tree");
			plan = new_plan;

	 * Print plan if debugging.
	if (Debug_print_plan)
		elog_node_display(LOG, "plan", plan, Debug_pretty_print);


	return plan;

  planner 函数的源码如下:(路径:src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c

 * planner - 生成查询的执行计划
 * 参数:
 *      parse:经过解析和重写后的查询树。
 *      cursorOptions:游标选项。
 *      boundParams:参数列表信息。
 * 返回值:
 *      返回生成的执行计划 PlannedStmt。
PlannedStmt *
planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
    PlannedStmt *result;

    // 检查是否设置了planner_hook,如果设置了,则调用该钩子函数
    if (planner_hook)
        result = (*planner_hook)(parse, cursorOptions, boundParams);
        // 如果没有设置planner_hook,则调用标准的规划器函数standard_planner
        result = standard_planner(parse, cursorOptions, boundParams);

    return result;

  planner函数会调用函数standard_planner 进入标准的查询规划处理。函数standard_planner接收Query查询树及外部传递的参数信息,返回PlannedStmt结构体,该结构体包含执行器执行该查询所需要的全部信息,包括计划树Plan子计划树SubPlan 和执行所需的参数信息。standard_planner通过调用函数subquery_plannerset_plan_references分别完成计划树的生成、优化与清理工作。

typedef struct PlannedStmt
	NodeTag		type;
	CmdType		commandType;	/* select|insert|update|delete|utility */
	uint32		queryId;		/* query identifier (copied from Query) */
	bool		hasReturning;	/* is it insert|update|delete RETURNING? */
	bool		hasModifyingCTE;	/* has insert|update|delete in WITH? */
	bool		canSetTag;		/* do I set the command result tag? */
	bool		transientPlan;	/* redo plan when TransactionXmin changes? */
	bool		dependsOnRole;	/* is plan specific to current role? */
	bool		parallelModeNeeded; /* parallel mode required to execute? */
	struct Plan *planTree;		/* tree of Plan nodes */
	List	   *rtable;			/* list of RangeTblEntry nodes */
	/* rtable indexes of target relations for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE */
	List	   *resultRelations;	/* integer list of RT indexes, or NIL */
	 * rtable indexes of non-leaf target relations for UPDATE/DELETE on all
	 * the partitioned tables mentioned in the query.
	List	   *nonleafResultRelations;
	 * rtable indexes of root target relations for UPDATE/DELETE; this list
	 * maintains a subset of the RT indexes in nonleafResultRelations,
	 * indicating the roots of the respective partition hierarchies.
	List	   *rootResultRelations;
	List	   *subplans;		/* Plan trees for SubPlan expressions; note
								 * that some could be NULL */
	Bitmapset  *rewindPlanIDs;	/* indices of subplans that require REWIND */
	List	   *rowMarks;		/* a list of PlanRowMark's */
	List	   *relationOids;	/* OIDs of relations the plan depends on */
	List	   *invalItems;		/* other dependencies, as PlanInvalItems */
	int			nParamExec;		/* number of PARAM_EXEC Params used */
	Node	   *utilityStmt;	/* non-null if this is utility stmt */

	/* statement location in source string (copied from Query) */
	int			stmt_location;	/* start location, or -1 if unknown */
	int			stmt_len;		/* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
} PlannedStmt;




  函数subquery_planner接收Query查询树,返回Plan (计划树),该计划树被包装在PlannedStmt中。对含有子查询的情况,可通过递归调用为子查询生成相应的子计划并链接到上层计划。该函数主要调用相关预处理函数,依据消除冗余条件、减少递归层数、简化路径生成等原则对Query查询树进行预处理。


  • parse:一个Query结构,表示需要处理的查询树。
  • cursorOption:整型,表示游标选项,在处理与游标操作时用到。
  • ParamListInfo 结构,记录了所用到的参数信息。


  • 创建子查询的PlannerInfo结构体
      首先,subquery_planner 函数会为子查询创建一个独立的 PlannerInfo 结构体,用于存储子查询的上下文信息。然后,将子查询的解析树、全局规划器状态和其他相关参数设置到新创建的 PlannerInfo 结构体中。
  • 预处理子查询
      在这一步中,会进行一些预处理工作,包括处理子查询的 WITH 子句(如果有)、解析子查询的 HAVING 子句、设置查询的目标列表和 HAVING 子句中的聚合表达式。
  • 初始查询优化
      接下来,会调用 query_planner 函数对子查询进行初步的查询优化生成子查询的初始查询计划。这一步骤主要是生成子查询的初始关系路径,并计算子查询中各个表达式的初始运行成本。
  • 处理子查询的 FROM 子句
      在这一步中,会调用 query_planner 函数对子查询的 FROM 子句进行处理,包括展开子查询中的 LATERAL 关键字,生成子查询的初始关系路径,并计算子查询中各个表达式的初始运行成本。
  • 处理子查询的 WHERE 子句
      这一步是处理子查询的 WHERE 子句,包括对子查询中的 JOIN 条件和其他过滤条件进行处理,生成子查询的初始关系路径,并计算子查询中各个表达式的初始运行成本。
  • 处理子查询的 GROUP BY 子句和 HAVING 子句
      在这一步中,会处理子查询中的 GROUP BY 子句和 HAVING 子句,生成子查询的初始关系路径,并计算子查询中各个表达式的初始运行成本。
  • 处理子查询的投影列表
      接下来,会处理子查询的投影列表,包括对子查询中的 SELECT 子句进行处理,生成子查询的初始关系路径,并计算子查询中各个表达式的初始运行成本。
  • 生成子查询的最终查询计划
      在完成所有子查询的预处理和优化后,会调用 create_plan 函数为子查询生成最终的查询计划。该函数会根据子查询的关系路径、投影列表和其他操作符,生成一个最终的 Plan 结构体表示子查询的执行计划。
  • 添加子查询到父查询
      最后,将子查询的执行计划添加到父查询的 PlannerInfo 结构体中,并返回。


PlannedStmt *
standard_planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
	PlannedStmt *result;
	PlannerGlobal *glob;
	double		tuple_fraction;
	PlannerInfo *root;
	RelOptInfo *final_rel;
	Path	   *best_path;
	Plan	   *top_plan;
	ListCell   *lp,

	 * Set up global state for this planner invocation.  This data is needed
	 * across all levels of sub-Query that might exist in the given command,
	 * so we keep it in a separate struct that's linked to by each per-Query
	 * PlannerInfo.
	glob = makeNode(PlannerGlobal);

	glob->boundParams = boundParams;
	glob->subplans = NIL;
	glob->subroots = NIL;
	glob->rewindPlanIDs = NULL;
	glob->finalrtable = NIL;
	glob->finalrowmarks = NIL;
	glob->resultRelations = NIL;
	glob->nonleafResultRelations = NIL;
	glob->rootResultRelations = NIL;
	glob->relationOids = NIL;
	glob->invalItems = NIL;
	glob->nParamExec = 0;
	glob->lastPHId = 0;
	glob->lastRowMarkId = 0;
	glob->lastPlanNodeId = 0;
	glob->transientPlan = false;
	glob->dependsOnRole = false;

	 * Assess whether it's feasible to use parallel mode for this query. We
	 * can't do this in a standalone backend, or if the command will try to
	 * modify any data, or if this is a cursor operation, or if GUCs are set
	 * to values that don't permit parallelism, or if parallel-unsafe
	 * functions are present in the query tree.
	 * For now, we don't try to use parallel mode if we're running inside a
	 * parallel worker.  We might eventually be able to relax this
	 * restriction, but for now it seems best not to have parallel workers
	 * trying to create their own parallel workers.
	 * We can't use parallelism in serializable mode because the predicate
	 * locking code is not parallel-aware.  It's not catastrophic if someone
	 * tries to run a parallel plan in serializable mode; it just won't get
	 * any workers and will run serially.  But it seems like a good heuristic
	 * to assume that the same serialization level will be in effect at plan
	 * time and execution time, so don't generate a parallel plan if we're in
	 * serializable mode.
	if ((cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_PARALLEL_OK) != 0 &&
		IsUnderPostmaster &&
		dynamic_shared_memory_type != DSM_IMPL_NONE &&
		parse->commandType == CMD_SELECT &&
		!parse->hasModifyingCTE &&
		max_parallel_workers_per_gather > 0 &&
		!IsParallelWorker() &&
		/* all the cheap tests pass, so scan the query tree */
		glob->maxParallelHazard = max_parallel_hazard(parse);
		glob->parallelModeOK = (glob->maxParallelHazard != PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE);
		/* skip the query tree scan, just assume it's unsafe */
		glob->maxParallelHazard = PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE;
		glob->parallelModeOK = false;

	 * glob->parallelModeNeeded should tell us whether it's necessary to
	 * impose the parallel mode restrictions, but we don't actually want to
	 * impose them unless we choose a parallel plan, so it is normally set
	 * only if a parallel plan is chosen (see create_gather_plan).  That way,
	 * people who mislabel their functions but don't use parallelism anyway
	 * aren't harmed.  But when force_parallel_mode is set, we enable the
	 * restrictions whenever possible for testing purposes.
	glob->parallelModeNeeded = glob->parallelModeOK &&
		(force_parallel_mode != FORCE_PARALLEL_OFF);

	/* Determine what fraction of the plan is likely to be scanned */
	if (cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_FAST_PLAN)
		 * We have no real idea how many tuples the user will ultimately FETCH
		 * from a cursor, but it is often the case that he doesn't want 'em
		 * all, or would prefer a fast-start plan anyway so that he can
		 * process some of the tuples sooner.  Use a GUC parameter to decide
		 * what fraction to optimize for.
		tuple_fraction = cursor_tuple_fraction;

		 * We document cursor_tuple_fraction as simply being a fraction, which
		 * means the edge cases 0 and 1 have to be treated specially here.  We
		 * convert 1 to 0 ("all the tuples") and 0 to a very small fraction.
		if (tuple_fraction >= 1.0)
			tuple_fraction = 0.0;
		else if (tuple_fraction <= 0.0)
			tuple_fraction = 1e-10;
		/* Default assumption is we need all the tuples */
		tuple_fraction = 0.0;

	/* primary planning entry point (may recurse for subqueries) */
	root = subquery_planner(glob, parse, NULL,
							false, tuple_fraction);

	/* Select best Path and turn it into a Plan */
	final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);
	best_path = get_cheapest_fractional_path(final_rel, tuple_fraction);

	top_plan = create_plan(root, best_path);

	 * If creating a plan for a scrollable cursor, make sure it can run
	 * backwards on demand.  Add a Material node at the top at need.
	if (cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL)
		if (!ExecSupportsBackwardScan(top_plan))
			top_plan = materialize_finished_plan(top_plan);

	 * Optionally add a Gather node for testing purposes, provided this is
	 * actually a safe thing to do.
	if (force_parallel_mode != FORCE_PARALLEL_OFF && top_plan->parallel_safe)
		Gather	   *gather = makeNode(Gather);

		gather->plan.targetlist = top_plan->targetlist;
		gather->plan.qual = NIL;
		gather->plan.lefttree = top_plan;
		gather->plan.righttree = NULL;
		gather->num_workers = 1;
		gather->single_copy = true;
		gather->invisible = (force_parallel_mode == FORCE_PARALLEL_REGRESS);

		 * Since this Gather has no parallel-aware descendants to signal to,
		 * we don't need a rescan Param.
		gather->rescan_param = -1;

		 * Ideally we'd use cost_gather here, but setting up dummy path data
		 * to satisfy it doesn't seem much cleaner than knowing what it does.
		gather->plan.startup_cost = top_plan->startup_cost +
		gather->plan.total_cost = top_plan->total_cost +
			parallel_setup_cost + parallel_tuple_cost * top_plan->plan_rows;
		gather->plan.plan_rows = top_plan->plan_rows;
		gather->plan.plan_width = top_plan->plan_width;
		gather->plan.parallel_aware = false;
		gather->plan.parallel_safe = false;

		/* use parallel mode for parallel plans. */
		root->glob->parallelModeNeeded = true;

		top_plan = &gather->plan;

	 * If any Params were generated, run through the plan tree and compute
	 * each plan node's extParam/allParam sets.  Ideally we'd merge this into
	 * set_plan_references' tree traversal, but for now it has to be separate
	 * because we need to visit subplans before not after main plan.
	if (glob->nParamExec > 0)
		Assert(list_length(glob->subplans) == list_length(glob->subroots));
		forboth(lp, glob->subplans, lr, glob->subroots)
			Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(lp);
			PlannerInfo *subroot = (PlannerInfo *) lfirst(lr);

			SS_finalize_plan(subroot, subplan);
		SS_finalize_plan(root, top_plan);

	/* final cleanup of the plan */
	Assert(glob->finalrtable == NIL);
	Assert(glob->finalrowmarks == NIL);
	Assert(glob->resultRelations == NIL);
	Assert(glob->nonleafResultRelations == NIL);
	Assert(glob->rootResultRelations == NIL);
	top_plan = set_plan_references(root, top_plan);
	/* ... and the subplans (both regular subplans and initplans) */
	Assert(list_length(glob->subplans) == list_length(glob->subroots));
	forboth(lp, glob->subplans, lr, glob->subroots)
		Plan	   *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(lp);
		PlannerInfo *subroot = (PlannerInfo *) lfirst(lr);

		lfirst(lp) = set_plan_references(subroot, subplan);

	/* build the PlannedStmt result */
	result = makeNode(PlannedStmt);

	result->commandType = parse->commandType;
	result->queryId = parse->queryId;
	result->hasReturning = (parse->returningList != NIL);
	result->hasModifyingCTE = parse->hasModifyingCTE;
	result->canSetTag = parse->canSetTag;
	result->transientPlan = glob->transientPlan;
	result->dependsOnRole = glob->dependsOnRole;
	result->parallelModeNeeded = glob->parallelModeNeeded;
	result->planTree = top_plan;
	result->rtable = glob->finalrtable;
	result->resultRelations = glob->resultRelations;
	result->nonleafResultRelations = glob->nonleafResultRelations;
	result->rootResultRelations = glob->rootResultRelations;
	result->subplans = glob->subplans;
	result->rewindPlanIDs = glob->rewindPlanIDs;
	result->rowMarks = glob->finalrowmarks;
	result->relationOids = glob->relationOids;
	result->invalItems = glob->invalItems;
	result->nParamExec = glob->nParamExec;
	/* utilityStmt should be null, but we might as well copy it */
	result->utilityStmt = parse->utilityStmt;
	result->stmt_location = parse->stmt_location;
	result->stmt_len = parse->stmt_len;

	return result;





  1. 依据消除冗余条件、减少查询层次、简化路径生成的基本思想,调用预处理函数对查询树进行预处理。
  2. 调用inheritance_plannergrouping_planner进入生成计划流程,该过程不对查询树做出实质性的改变。


 * subquery_planner
 *	  Invokes the planner on a subquery.  We recurse to here for each
 *	  sub-SELECT found in the query tree.
 * glob is the global state for the current planner run.
 * parse is the querytree produced by the parser & rewriter.
 * parent_root is the immediate parent Query's info (NULL at the top level).
 * hasRecursion is true if this is a recursive WITH query.
 * tuple_fraction is the fraction of tuples we expect will be retrieved.
 * tuple_fraction is interpreted as explained for grouping_planner, below.
 * Basically, this routine does the stuff that should only be done once
 * per Query object.  It then calls grouping_planner.  At one time,
 * grouping_planner could be invoked recursively on the same Query object;
 * that's not currently true, but we keep the separation between the two
 * routines anyway, in case we need it again someday.
 * subquery_planner will be called recursively to handle sub-Query nodes
 * found within the query's expressions and rangetable.
 * Returns the PlannerInfo struct ("root") that contains all data generated
 * while planning the subquery.  In particular, the Path(s) attached to
 * the (UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL) upperrel represent our conclusions about the
 * cheapest way(s) to implement the query.  The top level will select the
 * best Path and pass it through createplan.c to produce a finished Plan.
PlannerInfo *
subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal *glob, Query *parse,
				 PlannerInfo *parent_root,
				 bool hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction)
	PlannerInfo *root;
	List	   *newWithCheckOptions;
	List	   *newHaving;
	bool		hasOuterJoins;
	RelOptInfo *final_rel;
	ListCell   *l;

	/* Create a PlannerInfo data structure for this subquery */
	root = makeNode(PlannerInfo);
	root->parse = parse;
	root->glob = glob;
	root->query_level = parent_root ? parent_root->query_level + 1 : 1;
	root->parent_root = parent_root;
	root->plan_params = NIL;
	root->outer_params = NULL;
	root->planner_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
	root->init_plans = NIL;
	root->cte_plan_ids = NIL;
	root->multiexpr_params = NIL;
	root->eq_classes = NIL;
	root->append_rel_list = NIL;
	root->pcinfo_list = NIL;
	root->rowMarks = NIL;
	memset(root->upper_rels, 0, sizeof(root->upper_rels));
	memset(root->upper_targets, 0, sizeof(root->upper_targets));
	root->processed_tlist = NIL;
	root->grouping_map = NULL;
	root->minmax_aggs = NIL;
	root->qual_security_level = 0;
	root->hasInheritedTarget = false;
	root->hasRecursion = hasRecursion;
	if (hasRecursion)
		root->wt_param_id = SS_assign_special_param(root);
		root->wt_param_id = -1;
	root->non_recursive_path = NULL;

	 * If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and build an initplan
	 * SubPlan structure for it.
	if (parse->cteList)

	 * Look for ANY and EXISTS SubLinks in WHERE and JOIN/ON clauses, and try
	 * to transform them into joins.  Note that this step does not descend
	 * into subqueries; if we pull up any subqueries below, their SubLinks are
	 * processed just before pulling them up.
	if (parse->hasSubLinks)

	 * Scan the rangetable for set-returning functions, and inline them if
	 * possible (producing subqueries that might get pulled up next).
	 * Recursion issues here are handled in the same way as for SubLinks.

	 * Check to see if any subqueries in the jointree can be merged into this
	 * query.

	 * If this is a simple UNION ALL query, flatten it into an appendrel. We
	 * do this now because it requires applying pull_up_subqueries to the leaf
	 * queries of the UNION ALL, which weren't touched above because they
	 * weren't referenced by the jointree (they will be after we do this).
	if (parse->setOperations)

	 * Detect whether any rangetable entries are RTE_JOIN kind; if not, we can
	 * avoid the expense of doing flatten_join_alias_vars().  Also check for
	 * outer joins --- if none, we can skip reduce_outer_joins().  And check
	 * for LATERAL RTEs, too.  This must be done after we have done
	 * pull_up_subqueries(), of course.
	root->hasJoinRTEs = false;
	root->hasLateralRTEs = false;
	hasOuterJoins = false;
	foreach(l, parse->rtable)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);

		if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
			root->hasJoinRTEs = true;
			if (IS_OUTER_JOIN(rte->jointype))
				hasOuterJoins = true;
		if (rte->lateral)
			root->hasLateralRTEs = true;

	 * Preprocess RowMark information.  We need to do this after subquery
	 * pullup (so that all non-inherited RTEs are present) and before
	 * inheritance expansion (so that the info is available for
	 * expand_inherited_tables to examine and modify).

	 * Expand any rangetable entries that are inheritance sets into "append
	 * relations".  This can add entries to the rangetable, but they must be
	 * plain base relations not joins, so it's OK (and marginally more
	 * efficient) to do it after checking for join RTEs.  We must do it after
	 * pulling up subqueries, else we'd fail to handle inherited tables in
	 * subqueries.

	 * Set hasHavingQual to remember if HAVING clause is present.  Needed
	 * because preprocess_expression will reduce a constant-true condition to
	 * an empty qual list ... but "HAVING TRUE" is not a semantic no-op.
	root->hasHavingQual = (parse->havingQual != NULL);

	/* Clear this flag; might get set in distribute_qual_to_rels */
	root->hasPseudoConstantQuals = false;

	 * Do expression preprocessing on targetlist and quals, as well as other
	 * random expressions in the querytree.  Note that we do not need to
	 * handle sort/group expressions explicitly, because they are actually
	 * part of the targetlist.
	parse->targetList = (List *)
		preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) parse->targetList,

	/* Constant-folding might have removed all set-returning functions */
	if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
		parse->hasTargetSRFs = expression_returns_set((Node *) parse->targetList);

	newWithCheckOptions = NIL;
	foreach(l, parse->withCheckOptions)
		WithCheckOption *wco = (WithCheckOption *) lfirst(l);

		wco->qual = preprocess_expression(root, wco->qual,
		if (wco->qual != NULL)
			newWithCheckOptions = lappend(newWithCheckOptions, wco);
	parse->withCheckOptions = newWithCheckOptions;

	parse->returningList = (List *)
		preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) parse->returningList,

	preprocess_qual_conditions(root, (Node *) parse->jointree);

	parse->havingQual = preprocess_expression(root, parse->havingQual,

	foreach(l, parse->windowClause)
		WindowClause *wc = (WindowClause *) lfirst(l);

		/* partitionClause/orderClause are sort/group expressions */
		wc->startOffset = preprocess_expression(root, wc->startOffset,
		wc->endOffset = preprocess_expression(root, wc->endOffset,

	parse->limitOffset = preprocess_expression(root, parse->limitOffset,
	parse->limitCount = preprocess_expression(root, parse->limitCount,

	if (parse->onConflict)
		parse->onConflict->arbiterElems = (List *)
								  (Node *) parse->onConflict->arbiterElems,
		parse->onConflict->arbiterWhere =
		parse->onConflict->onConflictSet = (List *)
								  (Node *) parse->onConflict->onConflictSet,
		parse->onConflict->onConflictWhere =
		/* exclRelTlist contains only Vars, so no preprocessing needed */

	root->append_rel_list = (List *)
		preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) root->append_rel_list,

	/* Also need to preprocess expressions within RTEs */
	foreach(l, parse->rtable)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);
		int			kind;
		ListCell   *lcsq;

		if (rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION)
			if (rte->tablesample)
				rte->tablesample = (TableSampleClause *)
										  (Node *) rte->tablesample,
		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY)
			 * We don't want to do all preprocessing yet on the subquery's
			 * expressions, since that will happen when we plan it.  But if it
			 * contains any join aliases of our level, those have to get
			 * expanded now, because planning of the subquery won't do it.
			 * That's only possible if the subquery is LATERAL.
			if (rte->lateral && root->hasJoinRTEs)
				rte->subquery = (Query *)
					flatten_join_alias_vars(root, (Node *) rte->subquery);
		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_FUNCTION)
			/* Preprocess the function expression(s) fully */
			rte->functions = (List *)
				preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->functions, kind);
		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_TABLEFUNC)
			/* Preprocess the function expression(s) fully */
			rte->tablefunc = (TableFunc *)
				preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->tablefunc, kind);
		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
			/* Preprocess the values lists fully */
			rte->values_lists = (List *)
				preprocess_expression(root, (Node *) rte->values_lists, kind);

		 * Process each element of the securityQuals list as if it were a
		 * separate qual expression (as indeed it is).  We need to do it this
		 * way to get proper canonicalization of AND/OR structure.  Note that
		 * this converts each element into an implicit-AND sublist.
		foreach(lcsq, rte->securityQuals)
			lfirst(lcsq) = preprocess_expression(root,
												 (Node *) lfirst(lcsq),

	 * Now that we are done preprocessing expressions, and in particular done
	 * flattening join alias variables, get rid of the joinaliasvars lists.
	 * They no longer match what expressions in the rest of the tree look
	 * like, because we have not preprocessed expressions in those lists (and
	 * do not want to; for example, expanding a SubLink there would result in
	 * a useless unreferenced subplan).  Leaving them in place simply creates
	 * a hazard for later scans of the tree.  We could try to prevent that by
	 * using QTW_IGNORE_JOINALIASES in every tree scan done after this point,
	 * but that doesn't sound very reliable.
	if (root->hasJoinRTEs)
		foreach(l, parse->rtable)
			RangeTblEntry *rte = lfirst_node(RangeTblEntry, l);

			rte->joinaliasvars = NIL;

	 * In some cases we may want to transfer a HAVING clause into WHERE. We
	 * cannot do so if the HAVING clause contains aggregates (obviously) or
	 * volatile functions (since a HAVING clause is supposed to be executed
	 * only once per group).  We also can't do this if there are any nonempty
	 * grouping sets; moving such a clause into WHERE would potentially change
	 * the results, if any referenced column isn't present in all the grouping
	 * sets.  (If there are only empty grouping sets, then the HAVING clause
	 * must be degenerate as discussed below.)
	 * Also, it may be that the clause is so expensive to execute that we're
	 * better off doing it only once per group, despite the loss of
	 * selectivity.  This is hard to estimate short of doing the entire
	 * planning process twice, so we use a heuristic: clauses containing
	 * subplans are left in HAVING.  Otherwise, we move or copy the HAVING
	 * clause into WHERE, in hopes of eliminating tuples before aggregation
	 * instead of after.
	 * If the query has explicit grouping then we can simply move such a
	 * clause into WHERE; any group that fails the clause will not be in the
	 * output because none of its tuples will reach the grouping or
	 * aggregation stage.  Otherwise we must have a degenerate (variable-free)
	 * HAVING clause, which we put in WHERE so that query_planner() can use it
	 * in a gating Result node, but also keep in HAVING to ensure that we
	 * don't emit a bogus aggregated row. (This could be done better, but it
	 * seems not worth optimizing.)
	 * Note that both havingQual and parse->jointree->quals are in
	 * implicitly-ANDed-list form at this point, even though they are declared
	 * as Node *.
	newHaving = NIL;
	foreach(l, (List *) parse->havingQual)
		Node	   *havingclause = (Node *) lfirst(l);

		if ((parse->groupClause && parse->groupingSets) ||
			contain_agg_clause(havingclause) ||
			contain_volatile_functions(havingclause) ||
			/* keep it in HAVING */
			newHaving = lappend(newHaving, havingclause);
		else if (parse->groupClause && !parse->groupingSets)
			/* move it to WHERE */
			parse->jointree->quals = (Node *)
				lappend((List *) parse->jointree->quals, havingclause);
			/* put a copy in WHERE, keep it in HAVING */
			parse->jointree->quals = (Node *)
				lappend((List *) parse->jointree->quals,
			newHaving = lappend(newHaving, havingclause);
	parse->havingQual = (Node *) newHaving;

	/* Remove any redundant GROUP BY columns */

	 * If we have any outer joins, try to reduce them to plain inner joins.
	 * This step is most easily done after we've done expression
	 * preprocessing.
	if (hasOuterJoins)

	 * Do the main planning.  If we have an inherited target relation, that
	 * needs special processing, else go straight to grouping_planner.
	if (parse->resultRelation &&
		rt_fetch(parse->resultRelation, parse->rtable)->inh)
		grouping_planner(root, false, tuple_fraction);

	 * Capture the set of outer-level param IDs we have access to, for use in
	 * extParam/allParam calculations later.

	 * If any initPlans were created in this query level, adjust the surviving
	 * Paths' costs and parallel-safety flags to account for them.  The
	 * initPlans won't actually get attached to the plan tree till
	 * create_plan() runs, but we must include their effects now.
	final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);
	SS_charge_for_initplans(root, final_rel);

	 * Make sure we've identified the cheapest Path for the final rel.  (By
	 * doing this here not in grouping_planner, we include initPlan costs in
	 * the decision, though it's unlikely that will change anything.)

	return root;



  inheritance_planner 函数的作用是处理继承inheritance)相关的操作,特别是处理分区表(partitioned table)的查询规划。它在 subquery_planner 函数中的调用关系如下:

  1. subquery_planner 函数首先会创建一个 PlannerInfo 结构体,并对其进行一些初始化工作。
  2. 接下来,subquery_planner 函数会根据查询中的表引用,调用 query_planner 函数为每个表生成查询规划。在 query_planner 函数中,如果遇到分区表,则会调用 inheritance_planner 函数。
  3. inheritance_planner 函数会根据分区表的继承关系,将分区表的各个分区加入到查询规划中,并进行必要的优化,以便将查询规划分配到正确的分区表上。

  总的来说,inheritance_planner 函数负责处理分区表的查询规划,将查询计划分配到正确的分区表上,以实现分区表的查询优化和执行。

 * inheritance_planner
 *	  Generate Paths in the case where the result relation is an
 *	  inheritance set.
 * We have to handle this case differently from cases where a source relation
 * is an inheritance set. Source inheritance is expanded at the bottom of the
 * plan tree (see allpaths.c), but target inheritance has to be expanded at
 * the top.  The reason is that for UPDATE, each target relation needs a
 * different targetlist matching its own column set.  Fortunately,
 * the UPDATE/DELETE target can never be the nullable side of an outer join,
 * so it's OK to generate the plan this way.
 * Returns nothing; the useful output is in the Paths we attach to
 * the (UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL) upperrel stored in *root.
 * Note that we have not done set_cheapest() on the final rel; it's convenient
 * to leave this to the caller.
static void
inheritance_planner(PlannerInfo *root)
	Query	   *parse = root->parse;
	int			parentRTindex = parse->resultRelation;
	Bitmapset  *subqueryRTindexes;
	Bitmapset  *modifiableARIindexes;
	int			nominalRelation = -1;
	List	   *final_rtable = NIL;
	int			save_rel_array_size = 0;
	RelOptInfo **save_rel_array = NULL;
	List	   *subpaths = NIL;
	List	   *subroots = NIL;
	List	   *resultRelations = NIL;
	List	   *withCheckOptionLists = NIL;
	List	   *returningLists = NIL;
	List	   *rowMarks;
	RelOptInfo *final_rel;
	ListCell   *lc;
	Index		rti;
	RangeTblEntry *parent_rte;
	List	   *partitioned_rels = NIL;

	Assert(parse->commandType != CMD_INSERT);

	 * We generate a modified instance of the original Query for each target
	 * relation, plan that, and put all the plans into a list that will be
	 * controlled by a single ModifyTable node.  All the instances share the
	 * same rangetable, but each instance must have its own set of subquery
	 * RTEs within the finished rangetable because (1) they are likely to get
	 * scribbled on during planning, and (2) it's not inconceivable that
	 * subqueries could get planned differently in different cases.  We need
	 * not create duplicate copies of other RTE kinds, in particular not the
	 * target relations, because they don't have either of those issues.  Not
	 * having to duplicate the target relations is important because doing so
	 * (1) would result in a rangetable of length O(N^2) for N targets, with
	 * at least O(N^3) work expended here; and (2) would greatly complicate
	 * management of the rowMarks list.
	 * To begin with, generate a bitmapset of the relids of the subquery RTEs.
	subqueryRTindexes = NULL;
	rti = 1;
	foreach(lc, parse->rtable)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc);

		if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY)
			subqueryRTindexes = bms_add_member(subqueryRTindexes, rti);

	 * Next, we want to identify which AppendRelInfo items contain references
	 * to any of the aforesaid subquery RTEs.  These items will need to be
	 * copied and modified to adjust their subquery references; whereas the
	 * other ones need not be touched.  It's worth being tense over this
	 * because we can usually avoid processing most of the AppendRelInfo
	 * items, thereby saving O(N^2) space and time when the target is a large
	 * inheritance tree.  We can identify AppendRelInfo items by their
	 * child_relid, since that should be unique within the list.
	modifiableARIindexes = NULL;
	if (subqueryRTindexes != NULL)
		foreach(lc, root->append_rel_list)
			AppendRelInfo *appinfo = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(lc);

			if (bms_is_member(appinfo->parent_relid, subqueryRTindexes) ||
				bms_is_member(appinfo->child_relid, subqueryRTindexes) ||
				bms_overlap(pull_varnos((Node *) appinfo->translated_vars),
				modifiableARIindexes = bms_add_member(modifiableARIindexes,

	 * If the parent RTE is a partitioned table, we should use that as the
	 * nominal relation, because the RTEs added for partitioned tables
	 * (including the root parent) as child members of the inheritance set do
	 * not appear anywhere else in the plan.  The situation is exactly the
	 * opposite in the case of non-partitioned inheritance parent as described
	 * below.
	parent_rte = rt_fetch(parentRTindex, root->parse->rtable);
	if (parent_rte->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
		nominalRelation = parentRTindex;

	 * And now we can get on with generating a plan for each child table.
	foreach(lc, root->append_rel_list)
		AppendRelInfo *appinfo = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(lc);
		PlannerInfo *subroot;
		RangeTblEntry *child_rte;
		RelOptInfo *sub_final_rel;
		Path	   *subpath;

		/* append_rel_list contains all append rels; ignore others */
		if (appinfo->parent_relid != parentRTindex)

		 * We need a working copy of the PlannerInfo so that we can control
		 * propagation of information back to the main copy.
		subroot = makeNode(PlannerInfo);
		memcpy(subroot, root, sizeof(PlannerInfo));

		 * Generate modified query with this rel as target.  We first apply
		 * adjust_appendrel_attrs, which copies the Query and changes
		 * references to the parent RTE to refer to the current child RTE,
		 * then fool around with subquery RTEs.
		subroot->parse = (Query *)
								   (Node *) parse,

		 * If there are securityQuals attached to the parent, move them to the
		 * child rel (they've already been transformed properly for that).
		parent_rte = rt_fetch(parentRTindex, subroot->parse->rtable);
		child_rte = rt_fetch(appinfo->child_relid, subroot->parse->rtable);
		child_rte->securityQuals = parent_rte->securityQuals;
		parent_rte->securityQuals = NIL;

		 * The rowMarks list might contain references to subquery RTEs, so
		 * make a copy that we can apply ChangeVarNodes to.  (Fortunately, the
		 * executor doesn't need to see the modified copies --- we can just
		 * pass it the original rowMarks list.)
		subroot->rowMarks = copyObject(root->rowMarks);

		 * The append_rel_list likewise might contain references to subquery
		 * RTEs (if any subqueries were flattenable UNION ALLs).  So prepare
		 * to apply ChangeVarNodes to that, too.  As explained above, we only
		 * want to copy items that actually contain such references; the rest
		 * can just get linked into the subroot's append_rel_list.
		 * If we know there are no such references, we can just use the outer
		 * append_rel_list unmodified.
		if (modifiableARIindexes != NULL)
			ListCell   *lc2;

			subroot->append_rel_list = NIL;
			foreach(lc2, root->append_rel_list)
				AppendRelInfo *appinfo2 = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(lc2);

				if (bms_is_member(appinfo2->child_relid, modifiableARIindexes))
					appinfo2 = copyObject(appinfo2);

				subroot->append_rel_list = lappend(subroot->append_rel_list,

		 * Add placeholders to the child Query's rangetable list to fill the
		 * RT indexes already reserved for subqueries in previous children.
		 * These won't be referenced, so there's no need to make them very
		 * valid-looking.
		while (list_length(subroot->parse->rtable) < list_length(final_rtable))
			subroot->parse->rtable = lappend(subroot->parse->rtable,

		 * If this isn't the first child Query, generate duplicates of all
		 * subquery RTEs, and adjust Var numbering to reference the
		 * duplicates. To simplify the loop logic, we scan the original rtable
		 * not the copy just made by adjust_appendrel_attrs; that should be OK
		 * since subquery RTEs couldn't contain any references to the target
		 * rel.
		if (final_rtable != NIL && subqueryRTindexes != NULL)
			ListCell   *lr;

			rti = 1;
			foreach(lr, parse->rtable)
				RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lr);

				if (bms_is_member(rti, subqueryRTindexes))
					Index		newrti;

					 * The RTE can't contain any references to its own RT
					 * index, except in its securityQuals, so we can save a
					 * few cycles by applying ChangeVarNodes to the rest of
					 * the rangetable before we append the RTE to it.
					newrti = list_length(subroot->parse->rtable) + 1;
					ChangeVarNodes((Node *) subroot->parse, rti, newrti, 0);
					ChangeVarNodes((Node *) subroot->rowMarks, rti, newrti, 0);
					/* Skip processing unchanging parts of append_rel_list */
					if (modifiableARIindexes != NULL)
						ListCell   *lc2;

						foreach(lc2, subroot->append_rel_list)
							AppendRelInfo *appinfo2 = (AppendRelInfo *) lfirst(lc2);

							if (bms_is_member(appinfo2->child_relid,
								ChangeVarNodes((Node *) appinfo2, rti, newrti, 0);
					rte = copyObject(rte);
					ChangeVarNodes((Node *) rte->securityQuals, rti, newrti, 0);
					subroot->parse->rtable = lappend(subroot->parse->rtable,

		/* There shouldn't be any OJ info to translate, as yet */
		Assert(subroot->join_info_list == NIL);
		/* and we haven't created PlaceHolderInfos, either */
		Assert(subroot->placeholder_list == NIL);
		/* hack to mark target relation as an inheritance partition */
		subroot->hasInheritedTarget = true;

		/* Generate Path(s) for accessing this result relation */
		grouping_planner(subroot, true, 0.0 /* retrieve all tuples */ );

		 * Set the nomimal target relation of the ModifyTable node if not
		 * already done.  We use the inheritance parent RTE as the nominal
		 * target relation if it's a partitioned table (see just above this
		 * loop).  In the non-partitioned parent case, we'll use the first
		 * child relation (even if it's excluded) as the nominal target
		 * relation.  Because of the way expand_inherited_rtentry works, the
		 * latter should be the RTE representing the parent table in its role
		 * as a simple member of the inheritance set.
		 * It would be logically cleaner to *always* use the inheritance
		 * parent RTE as the nominal relation; but that RTE is not otherwise
		 * referenced in the plan in the non-partitioned inheritance case.
		 * Instead the duplicate child RTE created by expand_inherited_rtentry
		 * is used elsewhere in the plan, so using the original parent RTE
		 * would give rise to confusing use of multiple aliases in EXPLAIN
		 * output for what the user will think is the "same" table.  OTOH,
		 * it's not a problem in the partitioned inheritance case, because the
		 * duplicate child RTE added for the parent does not appear anywhere
		 * else in the plan tree.
		if (nominalRelation < 0)
			nominalRelation = appinfo->child_relid;

		 * Select cheapest path in case there's more than one.  We always run
		 * modification queries to conclusion, so we care only for the
		 * cheapest-total path.
		sub_final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(subroot, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);
		subpath = sub_final_rel->cheapest_total_path;

		 * If this child rel was excluded by constraint exclusion, exclude it
		 * from the result plan.
		if (IS_DUMMY_PATH(subpath))

		 * If this is the first non-excluded child, its post-planning rtable
		 * becomes the initial contents of final_rtable; otherwise, append
		 * just its modified subquery RTEs to final_rtable.
		if (final_rtable == NIL)
			final_rtable = subroot->parse->rtable;
			final_rtable = list_concat(final_rtable,

		 * We need to collect all the RelOptInfos from all child plans into
		 * the main PlannerInfo, since setrefs.c will need them.  We use the
		 * last child's simple_rel_array (previous ones are too short), so we
		 * have to propagate forward the RelOptInfos that were already built
		 * in previous children.
		Assert(subroot->simple_rel_array_size >= save_rel_array_size);
		for (rti = 1; rti < save_rel_array_size; rti++)
			RelOptInfo *brel = save_rel_array[rti];

			if (brel)
				subroot->simple_rel_array[rti] = brel;
		save_rel_array_size = subroot->simple_rel_array_size;
		save_rel_array = subroot->simple_rel_array;

		/* Make sure any initplans from this rel get into the outer list */
		root->init_plans = subroot->init_plans;

		/* Build list of sub-paths */
		subpaths = lappend(subpaths, subpath);

		/* Build list of modified subroots, too */
		subroots = lappend(subroots, subroot);

		/* Build list of target-relation RT indexes */
		resultRelations = lappend_int(resultRelations, appinfo->child_relid);

		/* Build lists of per-relation WCO and RETURNING targetlists */
		if (parse->withCheckOptions)
			withCheckOptionLists = lappend(withCheckOptionLists,
		if (parse->returningList)
			returningLists = lappend(returningLists,


	if (parent_rte->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)
		partitioned_rels = get_partitioned_child_rels(root, parentRTindex);
		/* The root partitioned table is included as a child rel */
		Assert(list_length(partitioned_rels) >= 1);

	/* Result path must go into outer query's FINAL upperrel */
	final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);

	 * We don't currently worry about setting final_rel's consider_parallel
	 * flag in this case, nor about allowing FDWs or create_upper_paths_hook
	 * to get control here.

	 * If we managed to exclude every child rel, return a dummy plan; it
	 * doesn't even need a ModifyTable node.
	if (subpaths == NIL)

	 * Put back the final adjusted rtable into the master copy of the Query.
	 * (We mustn't do this if we found no non-excluded children.)
	parse->rtable = final_rtable;
	root->simple_rel_array_size = save_rel_array_size;
	root->simple_rel_array = save_rel_array;
	/* Must reconstruct master's simple_rte_array, too */
	root->simple_rte_array = (RangeTblEntry **)
		palloc0((list_length(final_rtable) + 1) * sizeof(RangeTblEntry *));
	rti = 1;
	foreach(lc, final_rtable)
		RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(lc);

		root->simple_rte_array[rti++] = rte;

	 * If there was a FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clause, the LockRows node will
	 * have dealt with fetching non-locked marked rows, else we need to have
	 * ModifyTable do that.
	if (parse->rowMarks)
		rowMarks = NIL;
		rowMarks = root->rowMarks;

	/* Create Path representing a ModifyTable to do the UPDATE/DELETE work */
	add_path(final_rel, (Path *)
			 create_modifytable_path(root, final_rel,


  grouping_planner 函数是用于处理 GROUP BY子句的查询规划 的关键部分。它负责生成针对包含聚合函数的查询语句的执行计划

grouping_planner 函数的主要任务是

  1. 检查查询语句是否包含 GROUP BY 子句,以确定是否需要进行聚合操作
  2. 如果需要进行聚合操作,则进行聚合表达式的处理,例如对聚合表达式进行计算优化归并等操作。
  3. 为 GROUP BY 子句中的每个表达式创建相关的数据结构,并构建执行计划的树状结构
  4. 对查询的其他部分进行优化和处理,包括对 WHERE 子句的处理、索引的使用等。
  5. 最终生成一个 PlannedStmt 结构体,其中包含了查询的最优执行计划。


 * grouping_planner
 *	  Perform planning steps related to grouping, aggregation, etc.
 * This function adds all required top-level processing to the scan/join
 * Path(s) produced by query_planner.
 * If inheritance_update is true, we're being called from inheritance_planner
 * and should not include a ModifyTable step in the resulting Path(s).
 * (inheritance_planner will create a single ModifyTable node covering all the
 * target tables.)
 * tuple_fraction is the fraction of tuples we expect will be retrieved.
 * tuple_fraction is interpreted as follows:
 *	  0: expect all tuples to be retrieved (normal case)
 *	  0 < tuple_fraction < 1: expect the given fraction of tuples available
 *		from the plan to be retrieved
 *	  tuple_fraction >= 1: tuple_fraction is the absolute number of tuples
 *		expected to be retrieved (ie, a LIMIT specification)
 * Returns nothing; the useful output is in the Paths we attach to the
 * (UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL) upperrel in *root.  In addition,
 * root->processed_tlist contains the final processed targetlist.
 * Note that we have not done set_cheapest() on the final rel; it's convenient
 * to leave this to the caller.
static void
grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool inheritance_update,
				 double tuple_fraction)
	Query	   *parse = root->parse;
	List	   *tlist = parse->targetList;
	int64		offset_est = 0;
	int64		count_est = 0;
	double		limit_tuples = -1.0;
	bool		have_postponed_srfs = false;
	PathTarget *final_target;
	List	   *final_targets;
	List	   *final_targets_contain_srfs;
	RelOptInfo *current_rel;
	RelOptInfo *final_rel;
	ListCell   *lc;

	/* Tweak caller-supplied tuple_fraction if have LIMIT/OFFSET */
	if (parse->limitCount || parse->limitOffset)
		tuple_fraction = preprocess_limit(root, tuple_fraction,
										  &offset_est, &count_est);

		 * If we have a known LIMIT, and don't have an unknown OFFSET, we can
		 * estimate the effects of using a bounded sort.
		if (count_est > 0 && offset_est >= 0)
			limit_tuples = (double) count_est + (double) offset_est;

	/* Make tuple_fraction accessible to lower-level routines */
	root->tuple_fraction = tuple_fraction;

	if (parse->setOperations)
		 * If there's a top-level ORDER BY, assume we have to fetch all the
		 * tuples.  This might be too simplistic given all the hackery below
		 * to possibly avoid the sort; but the odds of accurate estimates here
		 * are pretty low anyway.  XXX try to get rid of this in favor of
		 * letting plan_set_operations generate both fast-start and
		 * cheapest-total paths.
		if (parse->sortClause)
			root->tuple_fraction = 0.0;

		 * Construct Paths for set operations.  The results will not need any
		 * work except perhaps a top-level sort and/or LIMIT.  Note that any
		 * special work for recursive unions is the responsibility of
		 * plan_set_operations.
		current_rel = plan_set_operations(root);

		 * We should not need to call preprocess_targetlist, since we must be
		 * in a SELECT query node.  Instead, use the targetlist returned by
		 * plan_set_operations (since this tells whether it returned any
		 * resjunk columns!), and transfer any sort key information from the
		 * original tlist.
		Assert(parse->commandType == CMD_SELECT);

		tlist = root->processed_tlist;	/* from plan_set_operations */

		/* for safety, copy processed_tlist instead of modifying in-place */
		tlist = postprocess_setop_tlist(copyObject(tlist), parse->targetList);

		/* Save aside the final decorated tlist */
		root->processed_tlist = tlist;

		/* Also extract the PathTarget form of the setop result tlist */
		final_target = current_rel->cheapest_total_path->pathtarget;

		/* The setop result tlist couldn't contain any SRFs */
		final_targets = final_targets_contain_srfs = NIL;

		 * Can't handle FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE here (parser should have
		 * checked already, but let's make sure).
		if (parse->rowMarks)
			  translator: %s is a SQL row locking clause such as FOR UPDATE */
					 errmsg("%s is not allowed with UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT",
							LCS_asString(((RowMarkClause *)

		 * Calculate pathkeys that represent result ordering requirements
		Assert(parse->distinctClause == NIL);
		root->sort_pathkeys = make_pathkeys_for_sortclauses(root,
		/* No set operations, do regular planning */
		PathTarget *sort_input_target;
		List	   *sort_input_targets;
		List	   *sort_input_targets_contain_srfs;
		PathTarget *grouping_target;
		List	   *grouping_targets;
		List	   *grouping_targets_contain_srfs;
		PathTarget *scanjoin_target;
		List	   *scanjoin_targets;
		List	   *scanjoin_targets_contain_srfs;
		bool		have_grouping;
		AggClauseCosts agg_costs;
		WindowFuncLists *wflists = NULL;
		List	   *activeWindows = NIL;
		grouping_sets_data *gset_data = NULL;
		standard_qp_extra qp_extra;

		/* A recursive query should always have setOperations */

		/* Preprocess grouping sets and GROUP BY clause, if any */
		if (parse->groupingSets)
			gset_data = preprocess_grouping_sets(root);
			/* Preprocess regular GROUP BY clause, if any */
			if (parse->groupClause)
				parse->groupClause = preprocess_groupclause(root, NIL);

		/* Preprocess targetlist */
		tlist = preprocess_targetlist(root, tlist);

		if (parse->onConflict)
			parse->onConflict->onConflictSet =

		 * We are now done hacking up the query's targetlist.  Most of the
		 * remaining planning work will be done with the PathTarget
		 * representation of tlists, but save aside the full representation so
		 * that we can transfer its decoration (resnames etc) to the topmost
		 * tlist of the finished Plan.
		root->processed_tlist = tlist;

		 * Collect statistics about aggregates for estimating costs, and mark
		 * all the aggregates with resolved aggtranstypes.  We must do this
		 * before slicing and dicing the tlist into various pathtargets, else
		 * some copies of the Aggref nodes might escape being marked with the
		 * correct transtypes.
		 * Note: currently, we do not detect duplicate aggregates here.  This
		 * may result in somewhat-overestimated cost, which is fine for our
		 * purposes since all Paths will get charged the same.  But at some
		 * point we might wish to do that detection in the planner, rather
		 * than during executor startup.
		MemSet(&agg_costs, 0, sizeof(AggClauseCosts));
		if (parse->hasAggs)
			get_agg_clause_costs(root, (Node *) tlist, AGGSPLIT_SIMPLE,
			get_agg_clause_costs(root, parse->havingQual, AGGSPLIT_SIMPLE,

		 * Locate any window functions in the tlist.  (We don't need to look
		 * anywhere else, since expressions used in ORDER BY will be in there
		 * too.)  Note that they could all have been eliminated by constant
		 * folding, in which case we don't need to do any more work.
		if (parse->hasWindowFuncs)
			wflists = find_window_functions((Node *) tlist,
			if (wflists->numWindowFuncs > 0)
				activeWindows = select_active_windows(root, wflists);
				parse->hasWindowFuncs = false;

		 * Preprocess MIN/MAX aggregates, if any.  Note: be careful about
		 * adding logic between here and the query_planner() call.  Anything
		 * that is needed in MIN/MAX-optimizable cases will have to be
		 * duplicated in planagg.c.
		if (parse->hasAggs)
			preprocess_minmax_aggregates(root, tlist);

		 * Figure out whether there's a hard limit on the number of rows that
		 * query_planner's result subplan needs to return.  Even if we know a
		 * hard limit overall, it doesn't apply if the query has any
		 * grouping/aggregation operations, or SRFs in the tlist.
		if (parse->groupClause ||
			parse->groupingSets ||
			parse->distinctClause ||
			parse->hasAggs ||
			parse->hasWindowFuncs ||
			parse->hasTargetSRFs ||
			root->limit_tuples = -1.0;
			root->limit_tuples = limit_tuples;

		/* Set up data needed by standard_qp_callback */
		qp_extra.tlist = tlist;
		qp_extra.activeWindows = activeWindows;
		qp_extra.groupClause = (gset_data
								? (gset_data->rollups ? ((RollupData *) linitial(gset_data->rollups))->groupClause : NIL)
								: parse->groupClause);

		 * Generate the best unsorted and presorted paths for the scan/join
		 * portion of this Query, ie the processing represented by the
		 * FROM/WHERE clauses.  (Note there may not be any presorted paths.)
		 * We also generate (in standard_qp_callback) pathkey representations
		 * of the query's sort clause, distinct clause, etc.
		current_rel = query_planner(root, tlist,
									standard_qp_callback, &qp_extra);

		 * Convert the query's result tlist into PathTarget format.
		 * Note: it's desirable to not do this till after query_planner(),
		 * because the target width estimates can use per-Var width numbers
		 * that were obtained within query_planner().
		final_target = create_pathtarget(root, tlist);

		 * If ORDER BY was given, consider whether we should use a post-sort
		 * projection, and compute the adjusted target for preceding steps if
		 * so.
		if (parse->sortClause)
			sort_input_target = make_sort_input_target(root,
			sort_input_target = final_target;

		 * If we have window functions to deal with, the output from any
		 * grouping step needs to be what the window functions want;
		 * otherwise, it should be sort_input_target.
		if (activeWindows)
			grouping_target = make_window_input_target(root,
			grouping_target = sort_input_target;

		 * If we have grouping or aggregation to do, the topmost scan/join
		 * plan node must emit what the grouping step wants; otherwise, it
		 * should emit grouping_target.
		have_grouping = (parse->groupClause || parse->groupingSets ||
						 parse->hasAggs || root->hasHavingQual);
		if (have_grouping)
			scanjoin_target = make_group_input_target(root, final_target);
			scanjoin_target = grouping_target;

		 * If there are any SRFs in the targetlist, we must separate each of
		 * these PathTargets into SRF-computing and SRF-free targets.  Replace
		 * each of the named targets with a SRF-free version, and remember the
		 * list of additional projection steps we need to add afterwards.
		if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
			/* final_target doesn't recompute any SRFs in sort_input_target */
			split_pathtarget_at_srfs(root, final_target, sort_input_target,
			final_target = (PathTarget *) linitial(final_targets);
			/* likewise for sort_input_target vs. grouping_target */
			split_pathtarget_at_srfs(root, sort_input_target, grouping_target,
			sort_input_target = (PathTarget *) linitial(sort_input_targets);
			/* likewise for grouping_target vs. scanjoin_target */
			split_pathtarget_at_srfs(root, grouping_target, scanjoin_target,
			grouping_target = (PathTarget *) linitial(grouping_targets);
			/* scanjoin_target will not have any SRFs precomputed for it */
			split_pathtarget_at_srfs(root, scanjoin_target, NULL,
			scanjoin_target = (PathTarget *) linitial(scanjoin_targets);
			/* initialize lists, just to keep compiler quiet */
			final_targets = final_targets_contain_srfs = NIL;
			sort_input_targets = sort_input_targets_contain_srfs = NIL;
			grouping_targets = grouping_targets_contain_srfs = NIL;
			scanjoin_targets = scanjoin_targets_contain_srfs = NIL;

		 * Forcibly apply SRF-free scan/join target to all the Paths for the
		 * scan/join rel.
		 * In principle we should re-run set_cheapest() here to identify the
		 * cheapest path, but it seems unlikely that adding the same tlist
		 * eval costs to all the paths would change that, so we don't bother.
		 * Instead, just assume that the cheapest-startup and cheapest-total
		 * paths remain so.  (There should be no parameterized paths anymore,
		 * so we needn't worry about updating cheapest_parameterized_paths.)
		foreach(lc, current_rel->pathlist)
			Path	   *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(lc);
			Path	   *path;

			Assert(subpath->param_info == NULL);
			path = apply_projection_to_path(root, current_rel,
											subpath, scanjoin_target);
			/* If we had to add a Result, path is different from subpath */
			if (path != subpath)
				lfirst(lc) = path;
				if (subpath == current_rel->cheapest_startup_path)
					current_rel->cheapest_startup_path = path;
				if (subpath == current_rel->cheapest_total_path)
					current_rel->cheapest_total_path = path;

		 * Upper planning steps which make use of the top scan/join rel's
		 * partial pathlist will expect partial paths for that rel to produce
		 * the same output as complete paths ... and we just changed the
		 * output for the complete paths, so we'll need to do the same thing
		 * for partial paths.  But only parallel-safe expressions can be
		 * computed by partial paths.
		if (current_rel->partial_pathlist &&
			is_parallel_safe(root, (Node *) scanjoin_target->exprs))
			/* Apply the scan/join target to each partial path */
			foreach(lc, current_rel->partial_pathlist)
				Path	   *subpath = (Path *) lfirst(lc);
				Path	   *newpath;

				/* Shouldn't have any parameterized paths anymore */
				Assert(subpath->param_info == NULL);

				 * Don't use apply_projection_to_path() here, because there
				 * could be other pointers to these paths, and therefore we
				 * mustn't modify them in place.
				newpath = (Path *) create_projection_path(root,
				lfirst(lc) = newpath;
			 * In the unfortunate event that scanjoin_target is not
			 * parallel-safe, we can't apply it to the partial paths; in that
			 * case, we'll need to forget about the partial paths, which
			 * aren't valid input for upper planning steps.
			current_rel->partial_pathlist = NIL;

		/* Now fix things up if scan/join target contains SRFs */
		if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
			adjust_paths_for_srfs(root, current_rel,

		 * Save the various upper-rel PathTargets we just computed into
		 * root->upper_targets[].  The core code doesn't use this, but it
		 * provides a convenient place for extensions to get at the info.  For
		 * consistency, we save all the intermediate targets, even though some
		 * of the corresponding upperrels might not be needed for this query.
		root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_FINAL] = final_target;
		root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_WINDOW] = sort_input_target;
		root->upper_targets[UPPERREL_GROUP_AGG] = grouping_target;

		 * If we have grouping and/or aggregation, consider ways to implement
		 * that.  We build a new upperrel representing the output of this
		 * phase.
		if (have_grouping)
			current_rel = create_grouping_paths(root,
			/* Fix things up if grouping_target contains SRFs */
			if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
				adjust_paths_for_srfs(root, current_rel,

		 * If we have window functions, consider ways to implement those.  We
		 * build a new upperrel representing the output of this phase.
		if (activeWindows)
			current_rel = create_window_paths(root,
			/* Fix things up if sort_input_target contains SRFs */
			if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
				adjust_paths_for_srfs(root, current_rel,

		 * If there is a DISTINCT clause, consider ways to implement that. We
		 * build a new upperrel representing the output of this phase.
		if (parse->distinctClause)
			current_rel = create_distinct_paths(root,
	}							/* end of if (setOperations) */

	 * If ORDER BY was given, consider ways to implement that, and generate a
	 * new upperrel containing only paths that emit the correct ordering and
	 * project the correct final_target.  We can apply the original
	 * limit_tuples limit in sort costing here, but only if there are no
	 * postponed SRFs.
	if (parse->sortClause)
		current_rel = create_ordered_paths(root,
										   have_postponed_srfs ? -1.0 :
		/* Fix things up if final_target contains SRFs */
		if (parse->hasTargetSRFs)
			adjust_paths_for_srfs(root, current_rel,

	 * Now we are prepared to build the final-output upperrel.
	final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);

	 * If the input rel is marked consider_parallel and there's nothing that's
	 * not parallel-safe in the LIMIT clause, then the final_rel can be marked
	 * consider_parallel as well.  Note that if the query has rowMarks or is
	 * not a SELECT, consider_parallel will be false for every relation in the
	 * query.
	if (current_rel->consider_parallel &&
		is_parallel_safe(root, parse->limitOffset) &&
		is_parallel_safe(root, parse->limitCount))
		final_rel->consider_parallel = true;

	 * If the current_rel belongs to a single FDW, so does the final_rel.
	final_rel->serverid = current_rel->serverid;
	final_rel->userid = current_rel->userid;
	final_rel->useridiscurrent = current_rel->useridiscurrent;
	final_rel->fdwroutine = current_rel->fdwroutine;

	 * Generate paths for the final_rel.  Insert all surviving paths, with
	 * LockRows, Limit, and/or ModifyTable steps added if needed.
	foreach(lc, current_rel->pathlist)
		Path	   *path = (Path *) lfirst(lc);

		 * If there is a FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clause, add the LockRows node.
		 * (Note: we intentionally test parse->rowMarks not root->rowMarks
		 * here.  If there are only non-locking rowmarks, they should be
		 * handled by the ModifyTable node instead.  However, root->rowMarks
		 * is what goes into the LockRows node.)
		if (parse->rowMarks)
			path = (Path *) create_lockrows_path(root, final_rel, path,

		 * If there is a LIMIT/OFFSET clause, add the LIMIT node.
		if (limit_needed(parse))
			path = (Path *) create_limit_path(root, final_rel, path,
											  offset_est, count_est);

		 * If this is an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, and we're not being called from
		 * inheritance_planner, add the ModifyTable node.
		if (parse->commandType != CMD_SELECT && !inheritance_update)
			List	   *withCheckOptionLists;
			List	   *returningLists;
			List	   *rowMarks;

			 * Set up the WITH CHECK OPTION and RETURNING lists-of-lists, if
			 * needed.
			if (parse->withCheckOptions)
				withCheckOptionLists = list_make1(parse->withCheckOptions);
				withCheckOptionLists = NIL;

			if (parse->returningList)
				returningLists = list_make1(parse->returningList);
				returningLists = NIL;

			 * If there was a FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE clause, the LockRows node
			 * will have dealt with fetching non-locked marked rows, else we
			 * need to have ModifyTable do that.
			if (parse->rowMarks)
				rowMarks = NIL;
				rowMarks = root->rowMarks;

			path = (Path *)
				create_modifytable_path(root, final_rel,

		/* And shove it into final_rel */
		add_path(final_rel, path);

	 * If there is an FDW that's responsible for all baserels of the query,
	 * let it consider adding ForeignPaths.
	if (final_rel->fdwroutine &&
		final_rel->fdwroutine->GetForeignUpperPaths(root, UPPERREL_FINAL,
													current_rel, final_rel);

	/* Let extensions possibly add some more paths */
	if (create_upper_paths_hook)
		(*create_upper_paths_hook) (root, UPPERREL_FINAL,
									current_rel, final_rel);

	/* Note: currently, we leave it to callers to do set_cheapest() */


typedef struct Plan
	NodeTag		type;

	 * estimated execution costs for plan (see costsize.c for more info)
	Cost		startup_cost;	/* cost expended before fetching any tuples */
	Cost		total_cost;		/* total cost (assuming all tuples fetched) */

	 * planner's estimate of result size of this plan step
	double		plan_rows;		/* number of rows plan is expected to emit */
	int			plan_width;		/* average row width in bytes */

	 * information needed for parallel query
	bool		parallel_aware; /* engage parallel-aware logic? */
	bool		parallel_safe;	/* OK to use as part of parallel plan? */

	 * Common structural data for all Plan types.
	int			plan_node_id;	/* unique across entire final plan tree */
	List	   *targetlist;		/* target list to be computed at this node */
	List	   *qual;			/* implicitly-ANDed qual conditions */
	struct Plan *lefttree;		/* input plan tree(s) */
	struct Plan *righttree;
	List	   *initPlan;		/* Init Plan nodes (un-correlated expr
								 * subselects) */

	 * Information for management of parameter-change-driven rescanning
	 * extParam includes the paramIDs of all external PARAM_EXEC params
	 * affecting this plan node or its children.  setParam params from the
	 * node's initPlans are not included, but their extParams are.
	 * allParam includes all the extParam paramIDs, plus the IDs of local
	 * params that affect the node (i.e., the setParams of its initplans).
	 * These are _all_ the PARAM_EXEC params that affect this node.
	Bitmapset  *extParam;
	Bitmapset  *allParam;
} Plan;


解释:Plan 结构体和 PlannerInfo 结构体是 PostgreSQL 查询规划器中两个重要的数据结构。在查询规划的过程中,PlannerInfo 结构体起到了承上启下的作用,它存储了查询的所有信息,作为规划器的中间状态。而每个 Plan 结构体则表示了一个具体的执行计划,它们之间是一一对应的关系。在查询规划的过程中,规划器会根据 PlannerInfo 中的信息生成一个 Plan 结构体的树状结构表示整个查询的最终执行计划。因此,PlannerInfo 结构体和 Plan 结构体是查询规划器中两个紧密相关的数据结构。


  1. Plan 结构体:
  • Plan 结构体是用于表示查询的执行计划的数据结构。它是一个抽象的计划节点,包含了执行查询所需的所有信息,如执行方式、访问路径、筛选条件、聚合操作、排序方式等。
  • Plan 结构体是一个抽象基类,具体的执行计划类型会继承自 Plan 结构体并包含额外的字段来存储特定类型的执行计划信息。
  • 在查询规划的过程中,规划器会根据查询的结构和要求生成一个 Plan 结构体的树状结构,表示整个查询的执行计划。
  1. PlannerInfo 结构体:
  • PlannerInfo 结构体是用于存储查询规划器的中间状态信息的数据结构。它包含了查询的所有信息,如查询树、目标列表、查询条件、关联表信息、约束条件等。
  • PlannerInfo 结构体是在查询规划过程中创建的,用于在不同的查询规划函数之间传递信息,并记录查询规划的中间状态。
  • PlannerInfo 结构体中的字段可以帮助规划器优化查询,例如选择最优的执行计划、使用合适的索引、处理连接操作等。







SpringBoot原理分析 | 任务:异步、邮件、定时

&#x1f497;wei_shuo的个人主页 &#x1f4ab;wei_shuo的学习社区 &#x1f310;Hello World &#xff01; 任务 异步任务 Java异步指的是在程序执行过程中&#xff0c;某些任务可以在后台进行&#xff0c;而不会阻塞程序的执行。通常情况下&#xff0c;Java异步使用线程池来…

Apikit 自学日记:如何使用定时执行测试用例功能呢?

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Llama 2: Open Foundation and Fine-Tuned Chat Models

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S32K144 GPIO外设分析

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python try/except/finally

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实验四 回溯法

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.text .global _start _start: /**********LED1点灯**************/RCC_INIT:LDR R0,0X50000A28LDR R1,[R0]orr R1,R1,#(0x1<<4)orr R1,R1,#(0X1<<5)STR R1,[R0] LED1_INIT:/**/LDR R0,0X50006000LDR R1,[R0]and R1,R1,#(~(0X3<<20))orr R1,R1,#(0x1<<…

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13.2 【Linux】帐号管理

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【MySQL】SQL性能分析 (七)

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