4-1 Working with images

news2025/2/20 19:12:49

4-Real-world data representation using tensors
How do we take a piece of data, a video, or a line of text, and represent it with a tensor in a way that is appropriate for training a deep learning model? This is what we’ll learn in this chapter.

We mentioned colors earlier. There are several ways to encode colors into numbers. The most common is RGB, where a color is defined by three numbers representing the intensity of red, green, and blue. We can think of a color channel as a grayscale intensity map of only the color in question, similar to what you’d see if you looked at the scene in question using a pair of pure red sunglasses.



conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install imgaug

Let’s start by loading a PNG image using the imageio module (code/p1ch4/1_image_dog.ipynb).

import imageio  # 如果出现警告可换为:import imageio.v2 as imageio
img_arr = imageio.imread('D:/20230716.png')
img_arr.shape  # 注意:输入张量为H × W × C


At this point, img is a NumPy array-like object with three dimensions: two spatial dimensions, width and height; and a third dimension corresponding to the red, green, and blue channels. PyTorch modules dealing with image data require tensors to be laid out as C × H × W: channels, height, and width, respectively.

We can use the tensor’s permute method with the old dimensions for each new dimension to get to an appropriate layout. Given an input tensor H × W × C as obtained previously, we get a proper layout by having channel 2 first and then channels 0 and 1:

import torch
img = torch.from_numpy(img_arr)
out = img.permute(2, 0, 1)

out uses the same underlying storage as img and only plays with the size and stride information at the tensor level.

As a slightly more efficient alternative to using stack to build up the tensor, we can preallocate a tensor of appropriate size and fill it with images loaded from a directory, like so:

batch_size = 3
batch = torch.zeros(batch_size, 3, 500, 753, dtype=torch.uint8)


This indicates that our batch will consist of three RGB images 256 pixels in height and 256 pixels in width.Notice the type of the tensor: we’re expecting each color to be represented as an 8-bit integer, as in most photographic formats from standard consumer cameras.

We can now load all PNG images from an input directory and store them in the tensor:

import os
import imageio.v2 as imageio
data_dir = 'D:/'  # 图像文件所在的目录路径
filenames = [name for name in os.listdir(data_dir)
    if os.path.splitext(name)[-1] == '.png']  #获取目录中所有以 .png 结尾的文件名
for i, filename in enumerate(filenames):  # 遍历每个文件名和对应的索引
    img_arr = imageio.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, filename))  # 根据路径加载图像文件并将其转换为 NumPy 数组
    img_t = torch.from_numpy(img_arr)  # 将 NumPy 数组转换为 PyTorch 张量
    img_t = img_t.permute(2, 0, 1)  # 调整通道的顺序,将通道维度置于最前面(前面的输入张量为H × W × C)
    img_t = img_t[:3]  # 只保留前三个通道。有时图像也有alpha通道表示透明度,但我们的网络只需要RGB输入。
    batch[i] = img_t

①enumerate(iterable, start=0)
start(可选):索引的起始值,默认为 0


②os.path.splitext() 拆分文件名和文件扩展名


③os.path.join() 连接路径

We mentioned earlier that neural networks usually work with floating-point tensors as their input. Neural networks exhibit the best training performance when the input data ranges roughly from 0 to 1, or from -1 to 1 (this is an effect of how their building blocks are defined).So a typical thing we’ll want to do is cast a tensor to floating-point and normalize the values of the pixels. Casting to floating-point is easy, but normalization is trickier, as it depends on what range of the input we decide should lie between 0 and 1 (or -1 and 1).

One possibility is to just divide the values of the pixels by 255 (the maximum representable number in 8-bit unsigned):

batch = batch.float()
batch /= 255.0

Another possibility is to compute the mean and standard deviation of the input data and scale it so that the output has zero mean and unit standard deviation across each channel:

batch = batch.float()
n_channels = batch.shape[1]
for c in range(n_channels):
    mean = torch.mean(batch[:, c])
    std = torch.std(batch[:, c])
    batch[:, c] = (batch[:, c] - mean) / std

Here, we normalize just a single batch of images because we do not know yet how to operate on an entire dataset. In working with images, it is good practice to compute the mean and standard deviation on all the training data in advance and then subtract and divide by these fixed, precomputed quantities.











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