
news2025/1/11 0:13:24



  • 1. 导入openai库
  • 2.示例聊天API调用
  • 3.GPT-3.5-Turbo-0301的使用技巧
    • 系统消息
    • Few-show prompt
  • 4.计数Token数

Chatgpt由Openai最先进的型号 gpt-3.5-Turbogpt-4提供支持。我们可以使用OpenAI API使用 GPT-3.5-TurboGPT-4构建自己的应用程序。


1. 导入openai库

# if needed, install and/or upgrade to the latest version of the OpenAI Python library
%pip install --upgrade openai
Requirement already satisfied: openai in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.27.8)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.20 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from openai) (2.26.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from openai) (4.62.3)
Requirement already satisfied: aiohttp in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from openai) (3.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (2.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (2022.12.7)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.20->openai) (1.26.7)
Requirement already satisfied: multidict<7.0,>=4.5 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (6.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: frozenlist>=1.1.1 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (1.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: aiosignal>=1.1.2 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: async-timeout<5.0,>=4.0.0a3 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (4.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: yarl<2.0,>=1.0 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (1.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.3.0 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from aiohttp->openai) (22.2.0)
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
# import the OpenAI Python library for calling the OpenAI API
import openai
# set openai api
openai.api_key = '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'
model_list = openai.Model.list() # 支持的model列表

# 列出和gpt相关的model list
for model in model_list['data']:
    if 'gpt' in model['id']:



  • model:我们可以使用的模型的名称(例如,gpt-3.5-turbogpt-4gpt-3.5-turbo-0613gpt-3.5-turbo-16k--0613
  • messages:消息对象的列表,每个对象都有两个必需的字段:
    • role:Messenger的角色(system','user'或Assistain`的角色)
    • content:消息的内容(例如,给我写一首美丽的诗)


截至2023年6月,我们还可以使用一系列的“functions”,告诉GPT它是否可以生成JSON,输入到一个函数里面。有关详细信息,请参见[documentation](,[api参考](聊天), 或《openai cookbook》如何使用聊天模型调用函数。



# Example OpenAI Python library request
MODEL = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613"
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Knock knock."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "Who's there?"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Orange."},

<OpenAIObject chat.completion id=chatcmpl-7avh8y3M0d47CBJGYQxUXQZnisQYP at 0x7fcc3044ce50> JSON: {
  "id": "chatcmpl-7avh8y3M0d47CBJGYQxUXQZnisQYP",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1689035942,
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613",
  "choices": [
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "Orange who?"
      "finish_reason": "stop"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 35,
    "completion_tokens": 3,
    "total_tokens": 38


  • id:请求的ID
  • object:返回对象的类型(例如,chat.completion
  • created:请求的时间戳
  • model:用于生成响应的模型的全名
  • usage:用于生成答复,计数提示,完成和总计的token数
  • choices:完整对象的列表(只有一个,除非设置n大于1)
    • message:模型生成的消息对象,带有role(角色)和content
    • finish_reason:模型停止生成文本的原因(如果达到了max_tokens限制,则``停止’‘或`length’
    • 索引:选择列表中完成的索引


'Orange who?'



# example with a system message
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Explain asynchronous programming in the style of the pirate Blackbeard."},

Arr, me matey! Let me tell ye a tale of asynchronous programming, in the style of the fearsome pirate Blackbeard!

Ye see, in the world of programming, there be times when ye need to perform tasks that take a long time to complete. These tasks might be fetchin' data from a faraway server, or performin' complex calculations. Now, in the olden days, programmers would wait patiently for these tasks to finish before movin' on to the next one. But that be a waste of time, me hearties!

Asynchronous programming be like havin' a crew of scallywags workin' on different tasks at the same time. Instead of waitin' for one task to finish before startin' the next, ye can set sail on multiple tasks at once! This be a mighty efficient way to get things done, especially when ye be dealin' with slow or unpredictable tasks.

In the land of JavaScript, we use a special technique called callbacks to achieve this. When ye start a task, ye pass along a callback function that be called once the task be completed. This way, ye can move on to other tasks while ye be waitin' for the first one to finish. It be like sendin' yer crewmates off on different missions, while ye be plannin' the next raid!

But beware, me mateys! Asynchronous programming can be a treacherous sea to navigate. Ye need to be careful with the order in which ye be executin' tasks, and make sure ye be handlin' any errors that might arise. It be a bit more complex than the traditional way of doin' things, but the rewards be worth it!

So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' to make yer programs faster and more efficient, give asynchronous programming a try. Just remember to keep a weather eye on yer code, and ye'll be sailin' the high seas of programming like a true pirate!
# example without a system message
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "user", "content": "Explain asynchronous programming in the style of the pirate Blackbeard."},


Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up, for I be tellin' ye about the mysterious art of asynchronous programming, in the style of the fearsome pirate Blackbeard!

Now, ye see, in the world of programming, there be times when we need to perform tasks that take a mighty long time to complete. These tasks might involve fetchin' data from the depths of the internet, or performin' complex calculations that would make even Davy Jones scratch his head.

In the olden days, we pirates used to wait patiently for each task to finish afore movin' on to the next one. But that be a waste of precious time, me hearties! We be pirates, always lookin' for ways to be more efficient and plunder more booty!

That be where asynchronous programming comes in, me mateys. It be a way to tackle multiple tasks at once, without waitin' for each one to finish afore movin' on. It be like havin' a crew of scallywags workin' on different tasks simultaneously, while ye be overseein' the whole operation.

Ye see, in asynchronous programming, we be breakin' down our tasks into smaller chunks called "coroutines." Each coroutine be like a separate pirate, workin' on its own task. When a coroutine be startin' its work, it don't wait for the task to finish afore movin' on to the next one. Instead, it be movin' on to the next task, lettin' the first one continue in the background.

Now, ye might be wonderin', "But Blackbeard, how be we know when a task be finished if we don't be waitin' for it?" Ah, me hearties, that be where the magic of callbacks and promises come in!

When a coroutine be startin' its work, it be attachin' a callback or a promise to the task. This be like leavin' a message in a bottle, tellin' the task to send a signal when it be finished. Once the task be done, it be sendin' a signal to the callback or fulfillin' the promise, lettin' the coroutine know that it be time to handle the results.

This way, me mateys, we be able to keep our ship sailin' smoothly, with multiple tasks bein' worked on at the same time. We be avoidin' the dreaded "blocking" that be slowin' us down, and instead, we be makin' the most of our time on the high seas of programming.

So, me hearties, remember this: asynchronous programming be like havin' a crew of efficient pirates, workin' on different tasks at once. It be all about breakin' down tasks into smaller chunks, attachin' callbacks or promises to 'em, and lettin' 'em run in the background while ye be movin' on to the next adventure.

Now, go forth, me mateys, and embrace the power of asynchronous programming! May ye plunder the treasures of efficiency and sail the seas of productivity! Arrrr!


指导模型的最佳实践可能会因模型版本而异。以下建议适用于 gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 ,可能不适用于未来的型号。




# An example of a system message that primes the assistant to explain concepts in great depth
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a friendly and helpful teaching assistant. You explain concepts in great depth using simple terms, and you give examples to help people learn. At the end of each explanation, you ask a question to check for understanding"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Can you explain how fractions work?"},


Of course! Fractions are a way to represent parts of a whole. They are made up of two numbers: a numerator and a denominator. The numerator tells you how many parts you have, and the denominator tells you how many equal parts make up the whole.

Let's take an example to understand this better. Imagine you have a pizza that is divided into 8 equal slices. If you eat 3 slices, you can represent that as the fraction 3/8. Here, the numerator is 3 because you ate 3 slices, and the denominator is 8 because the whole pizza is divided into 8 slices.

Fractions can also be used to represent numbers less than 1. For example, if you eat half of a pizza, you can write it as 1/2. Here, the numerator is 1 because you ate one slice, and the denominator is 2 because the whole pizza is divided into 2 equal parts.

Now, let's practice! If you eat 4 out of 6 slices of a pizza, how would you write that as a fraction?
# An example of a system message that primes the assistant to give brief, to-the-point answers
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a laconic assistant. You reply with brief, to-the-point answers with no elaboration."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Can you explain how fractions work?"},


Fractions represent parts of a whole. They have a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number).

Few-show prompt




# An example of a faked few-shot conversation to prime the model into translating business jargon to simpler speech
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful, pattern-following assistant."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Help me translate the following corporate jargon into plain English."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "Sure, I'd be happy to!"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "New synergies will help drive top-line growth."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "Things working well together will increase revenue."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "Let's circle back when we have more bandwidth to touch base on opportunities for increased leverage."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "Let's talk later when we're less busy about how to do better."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "This late pivot means we don't have time to boil the ocean for the client deliverable."},


This sudden change in direction means we don't have enough time to complete the entire project for the client.

为了帮助说明示例消息里面,并不是真实对话的一部分,不应该由模型引用,可以尝试将system系统的名称(name)字段置为 example_user 和 example_assistant 。


# The business jargon translation example, but with example names for the example messages
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful, pattern-following assistant that translates corporate jargon into plain English."},
        {"role": "system", "name":"example_user", "content": "New synergies will help drive top-line growth."},
        {"role": "system", "name": "example_assistant", "content": "Things working well together will increase revenue."},
        {"role": "system", "name":"example_user", "content": "Let's circle back when we have more bandwidth to touch base on opportunities for increased leverage."},
        {"role": "system", "name": "example_assistant", "content": "Let's talk later when we're less busy about how to do better."},
        {"role": "user", "content": "This late pivot means we don't have time to boil the ocean for the client deliverable."},


This sudden change in direction means we don't have enough time to complete the entire project for the client.








  • 请求费用
  • 生成响应所需的时间
  • 当答复被切断时,击中了最大令牌限制(gpt-3.5-turbo`''或gpt-4`''gpt-4,192)





!pip install --upgrade tiktoken
Collecting tiktoken
  Downloading tiktoken-0.4.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (798 kB)
[K     |████████████████████████████████| 798 kB 213 kB/s eta 0:00:01
[?25hRequirement already satisfied: regex>=2022.1.18 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tiktoken) (2022.10.31)
Requirement already satisfied: requests>=2.26.0 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from tiktoken) (2.26.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.26.0->tiktoken) (3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.26.0->tiktoken) (2022.12.7)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.26.0->tiktoken) (1.26.7)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in /Users/linxi/anaconda3/envs/pytorch18/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests>=2.26.0->tiktoken) (2.0.7)
Installing collected packages: tiktoken
Successfully installed tiktoken-0.4.0
import tiktoken

def num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613"):
    """Return the number of tokens used by a list of messages."""
        encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model)
    except KeyError:
        print("Warning: model not found. Using cl100k_base encoding.")
        encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
    if model in {
        tokens_per_message = 3
        tokens_per_name = 1
    elif model == "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301":
        tokens_per_message = 4  # every message follows <|start|>{role/name}\n{content}<|end|>\n
        tokens_per_name = -1  # if there's a name, the role is omitted
    elif "gpt-3.5-turbo" in model:
        print("Warning: gpt-3.5-turbo may update over time. Returning num tokens assuming gpt-3.5-turbo-0613.")
        return num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613")
    elif "gpt-4" in model:
        print("Warning: gpt-4 may update over time. Returning num tokens assuming gpt-4-0613.")
        return num_tokens_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-4-0613")
        raise NotImplementedError(
            f"""num_tokens_from_messages() is not implemented for model {model}. See for information on how messages are converted to tokens."""
    num_tokens = 0
    for message in messages:
        num_tokens += tokens_per_message
        for key, value in message.items():
            num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(value))
            if key == "name":
                num_tokens += tokens_per_name
    num_tokens += 3  # every reply is primed with <|start|>assistant<|message|>
    return num_tokens


# let's verify the function above matches the OpenAI API response

import openai

example_messages = [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are a helpful, pattern-following assistant that translates corporate jargon into plain English.",
        "role": "system",
        "name": "example_user",
        "content": "New synergies will help drive top-line growth.",
        "role": "system",
        "name": "example_assistant",
        "content": "Things working well together will increase revenue.",
        "role": "system",
        "name": "example_user",
        "content": "Let's circle back when we have more bandwidth to touch base on opportunities for increased leverage.",
        "role": "system",
        "name": "example_assistant",
        "content": "Let's talk later when we're less busy about how to do better.",
        "role": "user",
        "content": "This late pivot means we don't have time to boil the ocean for the client deliverable.",

for model in [
    # example token count from the function defined above
    print(f"{num_tokens_from_messages(example_messages, model)} prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().")
    # example token count from the OpenAI API
        response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            max_tokens=1,  # we're only counting input tokens here, so let's not waste tokens on the output
        print(f'{response["usage"]["prompt_tokens"]} prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.')
    except openai.error.OpenAIError as e:
127 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
127 prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.

129 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
129 prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.

Warning: gpt-3.5-turbo may update over time. Returning num tokens assuming gpt-3.5-turbo-0613.
129 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
129 prompt tokens counted by the OpenAI API.

129 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
The model: `gpt-4-0314` does not exist

129 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
The model: `gpt-4-0613` does not exist

Warning: gpt-4 may update over time. Returning num tokens assuming gpt-4-0613.
129 prompt tokens counted by num_tokens_from_messages().
The model: `gpt-4` does not exist





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英文题目&#xff1a;Perfect Match: A Simple Method for Learning Representations For Counterfactual Inference With Neural Networks 翻译&#xff1a;完美匹配&#xff1a;一种简单的神经网络反事实推理学习表示方法 单位&#xff1a; 论文链接&#xff1a;https://a…


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C++ 创建共享内存

共享内存用于实现进程间大量的数据传输&#xff0c;共享内存是在内存中单独开辟一段内存空间&#xff0c;这段内存空间有自己特有的数据结构&#xff0c;包括访问权限、大小和最近访问时间等。 1、shmget函数 #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> int shm…


优先查看&#xff1a;c——多态_Hiland.的博客-CSDN博客 目录 菱形虚拟继承子类的重写问题 菱形虚拟继承中的偏移量补充 逆向思维——汇编查看多态中被重写的虚函数 菱形虚拟继承子类的重写问题 继承环节时&#xff0c;菱形虚拟继承解决了菱形继承的数据冗余和二义性问题。…

C# Modbus通信从入门到精通(11)——Modbus RTU(调试软件Modbus Slave和Modbus Poll的使用)

前言 我们在开发Modbus程序的时候,会需要测试以下我们写的Modbus程序有没有问题,这时候就需要使用到Modbus Slave和Modbus Poll这两个软件,Modbus Slave是模拟Modbus从站,Modbus Poll是模拟Modbus从站主站的, 1、Modbus Slave 一般情况下我们开发的嗾使Modbus主站程序,…


1.性能指标 响应时间&#xff1a;一次请求的往返时间tps&#xff1a;每秒系统能够处理的事务数&#xff0c;比如订单中的下单操作&#xff0c;下单后续有很多操作&#xff0c;比如创建订单&#xff0c;扣除库存&#xff0c;清算库存等&#xff0c;这个完整操作就是一个完整的事…


气象数据是在各项研究中都经常使用的数据&#xff0c;气象指标包括气温、风速、降水、能见度等指标&#xff0c;说到气象数据&#xff0c;最详细的气象数据是具体到气象监测站点的数据&#xff01; 对于具体到监测站点的气象数据&#xff0c;之前我们分享过1929-2022年全球气象…

