Spire.Office for Java 7.12.2 迎接新年/圣诞!!!

news2025/2/27 2:45:18

谷歌找破解版Spire.Office for Java is a combination of Enterprise-Level Office Java APIs offered by E-iceblue. It includes Spire.Doc for Java, Spire.XLS for Java, Spire.Presentation for Java, Spire.PDF for Java and Spire.Barcode for Java.内容及配图来自网络


Developers can use Spire.Office for Java to perform a wide range of office document operations in Java applications, such as opening, creating, modifying, converting and printing Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents, generating and scanning 1D&2D barcodes.

As an independent Office Java library, Spire.Office for Java doesn't need Microsoft Office to be installed on either the development or target systems.

Spire.Doc for Java
Spire.Doc for Java is a professional Java Word API that enables Java applications to create, convert, manipulate and print Word documents without using Microsoft Office.

A plenty of Word document processing tasks can be performed by Spire.Doc for Java, such as creating, reading, editing, converting and printing Word documents, inserting image, adding header and footer, creating table, adding form field and mailing merge field, adding bookmark and watermarking, adding hyperlink, setting background color/image, adding footnote and endnote, encrypting Word documents.

Spire.XLS for Java
Spire.XLS for Java is a professional Java Excel API that enables developers to create, manage, manipulate, convert and print Excel worksheets without using Microsoft Office or Microsoft Excel.

Spire.XLS for Java offers a wide range of features of operating Excel worksheets on Java applications, such as creating, reading, editing, converting and printing Excel worksheets, finding and replacing data, creating charts, creating auto filters, reading and writing hyperlinks, merging/unmerging cells and files, grouping/ungrouping rows and columns, freezing/unfreezing panes, and encrypting/decrypting Excel workbooks.

Spire.PPT for Java
Spire.Presentation for Java
Spire.Presentation for Java is a professional PowerPoint API that enables developers to create, read, write, convert and save PowerPoint documents in Java Applications.

A rich set of features can be supported by Spire.Presentation for Java, such as adding/editing/removing slides, creating charts and tables, adding bullets, encrypting and decrypting documents, adding watermarks and hyperlinks, inserting audios and videos, setting documenting properties, inserting/extracting images, extracting text, setting animations, adding headers and footers, adding/deleting comments, adding notes, and creating SmartArt.

Spire.PDF for Java
Spire.PDF for Java is a PDF API that enables Java applications to read, write and save PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat.

Using this Java PDF library, developers and programmers can implement rich capabilities to create PDF files from scratch or process existing PDF documents entirely. Spire.PDF for Java supports extract text/image from the PDF, merge/split PDF, draw text/image/shape/barcode to the PDF, create and fill in form fields, add and delete PDF layers, overlay PDF, insert text/image watermark to the PDF, add/update/delete PDF bookmarks, add tables to the PDF, compress PDF document etc.

Spire.Barcode for Java
Spire.Barcode for Java is a professional barcode library specially designed for developers to generate, read and scan 1D & 2D barcodes on Java applications (J2SE and J2EE).

Spire.Barcode supports various common image formats, such as Bitmap, JPG, PNG, EMF, TIFF, GIF and WMF.

Spire.Office for Java 7.12.2 is released
Friday, 09 December 2022 09:25
release of Spire.Office for Java 7.12.2. In this version, Spire.PDF for Java supports disposing PdfTrueTypeFont object; Spire.Doc for Java enhances the conversion from Word to PDF as well as images and HTML to Word; Spire.XLS for Java enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF; Spire.Presentation for Java enhances the conversion from PowerPoint to SVG. Additionally, a lot of known issues are fixed successfully in this version. More details are listed below.
Here is a list of changes made in this release
Spire.PDF for Java
New featureSPIREPDF-5590Supports disposing PdfTrueTypeFont object.
BugSPIREPDF-3959Fixes the issue that the table cell borders were not merged when converting PDF to Excel.
BugSPIREPDF-5505Fixes the issue that the added signature by using pfx certificate file did not include all certificates in the certificate chain.
BugSPIREPDF-5509Fixes the issue that the extracted table content was incomplete.
BugSPIREPDF-5540Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect when converting PDF to Images in Mac OS environment.
BugSPIREPDF-5582Fixes the issue that some content was displayed as black rectangle when converting PDF to Images.
BugSPIREPDF-5585Fixes the issue that the lines lost when converting PDF to Images.
BugSPIREPDF-5594Fixes the issue that the value was garbled characters when using WPS tool to open and view output PDF after setting the value displayed in the drop-down box.
BugSPIREPDF-5618Fixes the issue that PdfHorizontalOverflowType enumerated types were confused.
Spire.Doc for Java
BugSPIREDOC-4737Fixes the issue that paragraph wrapping was inconsistent when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-5771Fixes the issue that the tables overlapped when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8031Fixes the issue that the font size and the spacing between paragraphs changed after merging files.
BugSPIREDOC-8306Fixes the issue that the content location was offset when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8362Fixes the issue that the header text was slightly obscured when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8375Fixes the issue that the numbers in the table overlapped when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8536Fixes the issue that the chart content was wrong when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8560Fixes the issue that the content format lost after merging files.
BugSPIREDOC-8561Fixes the issue that the table had extra black borders when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8565Fixes the issue that some content changed after calling document.getText() and saving to a new file.
BugSPIREDOC-8631Fixes the issue that the result document was opened with MS Word with content error after loading and saving a docx document.
BugSPIREDOC-8639Fixes the issue that there was still content in revision status after accepting revision.
BugSPIREDOC-8655Fixes the issue that the table content turned into black area when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8669Fixes the issue that the program threw "An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" when copying the content of a document's content control to another document.
BugSPIREDOC-8678Fixes the issue that the line height of the result document of converting Word to PDF was larger than the line height of the result document converted by WPS tool.
BugSPIREDOC-8692Fixes the issue that the pictures in the table overlapped when converting Word to PDF.
BugSPIREDOC-8711Fixes the issue of incorrect document comparison effect.
BugSPIREDOC-8753Fixes the issue of missing spaces between words in Word to PDF conversion.
BugSPIREDOC-8743Fixes the issue that the program threw "class com.spire.doc.packages.sprdwr: Unknown format" when converting HTML to Word.
BugSPIREDOC-8744Fixes the issue that the font changed after modifying paragraph format.
BugSPIREDOC-8761Fixes the issue that the program threw "The string contains invalid characters" when loading file.
BugSPIREDOC-8767Fixes the issue that the program threw "NullPointerException" when converting Word to images.
BugSPIREDOC-8774Fixes the issue that the setting page margin didn' t take effect.
BugSPIREDOC-8821Fixes the issue that Tiff files converted from Word could not be operated for the second time when they were in occupied state.
BugSPIREDOC-8831Fixes the issue that the text garbled when converting Word to PDF.
Spire.XLS for Java
BugSPIREXLS-4154Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4166Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.ClassCastException when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4181Fixes the issue that the font changed when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4198Fixes the issue that the program threw java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when loading an Excel file.
BugSPIREXLS-4208Fixes the issue that the chart lost when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4241Fixes the issue that the cell was not filled with correct data.
BugSPIREXLS-4250Fixes the issue that the content format was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4257Fixes the issue that the program threw "Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count." when converting Excel to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4261Fixes the issue that the stack overflowed when InserArray was called to insert an int array.
BugSPIREXLS-4264Fixes the issue that setting the chart border to rounded corners did not take effect.
BugSPIREXLS-4266Fixes the issue that the cell style changed after merging excel documents.
Spire.Presentation for Java
BugSPIREPPT-2085Fixes the issue that the content format changed when converting PowerPoint to SVG.
BugSPIREPPT-2099Fixes the issue that the gradient color of the shape line lost when converting PowerPoint to SVG.
BugSPIREPPT-2101Fixes the issue that the program threw an error "Index must be >= 0 and <= Count" when loading a PowerPoint file.
BugSPIREPPT-2102Fixes the issue that the program hanged when converting PowerPoint to PDF.
BugSPIREPPT-2108Fixes the issue that the content lost when converting PowerPoint to SVG.




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