
news2025/2/22 17:55:22


The table reveals = The table demonstrates = The table shows = The table depicts = The tableillustrates = The table presents = The table describes
Comprise= Take up= Account for = Constitute = Consist of= Make up= Occupy
lt is noticeable that = It should be noted that= lt must be noted that = lt is to be noted that
The table suggests that = It can be concluded from the table that= It is suggested from the table that = As is suggested from the table= As can be suggested from the table = The table indicates that=The information shown in the table indicates that = The information shown in the table suggests that
The chart gives information about something… = The chart gives information concerningsomething. = The chart gives information respecting something. = The chart gives informationregarding something. = The chart offers information about something. = The chart offers informationconcerning something. = The chart offers information respecting something. = The chart offersinformation regarding something. = The chart provides information about something… = The chartprovides information concerning something. = The chart provides information respecting something. =The chart provides information regarding something.
We can see immediately that= We can see that= We ean see clearly that=It can be seen that= Itcan be seen clearly that
Compared with= Compared to =In comparison with= In comparison to= By comparison with= Bycomparison to
: The bar chart shows trends in=The bar chart reveals trends in = The bar chart demonstrates trendsin= The bar chart depicts trends in= The bar chart illustrates trends in = The bar chart presents trendsin = The bar chart represents trends in = The bar chart describes trends in
The graph shows the increase in = The graph depicts the increase in = The graph presents theincrease in= The graph represents the increase in = The graph reveals the increase in = The graphdemonstrates the increase in = The graph illustrates the increase in = The graph describes the increasein
Approximately = Almost = About = Around = Nearly = Roughly
Grow to = Rise to =Increase to=Go up to=Climb to= Ascend to=Jump to=Shoot to
Dip to=Fall to=Decline to=Decrease to = Drop to=Go down to = Reduce to= Slump to =Descendto=Sink to=Slide to
13. 一种急剧的增长
A dramatic rise = A boom = A dramatic increase = A sharp rise = An upward trend = A sharpincrease= A steep rise=A steep increase = A rapid leap = A sudden rise = A marked increase = A hugegrowth
14. 急剧地
Dramatically = Drastically =Sharply = Hugely =Enormously = Steeply = Substantially =Considerably=Significantly =Markedly =Surprisingly =Strikingly =Radically = Remarkably =Vastly=Noticeably
Steadily = Smoothly = Slightly = Slowly = Marginally =Gradually =Moderately =Mildly
Level out=Do not change =Remain stable = Remain still=Remain steady = Be stable =Maintain thesame level=Remain unchanged = Be still= Remain the same level = Stay constant = Keep at the samelevel=Level off =Stabilize = Keep its stability = Even out
Fluctuate =Go ups and downs = Display a fluctuation = Demonstrate a fluctuation
In contrast = By contrast = On the other hand = On the contrary = Conversely
Practically = In practice=Essentially=In essence=In reality= In effect =In fact = As a matter of fact =lt is a fact that
The graph gives information about = The graph offers information about = The graph providesinformation about= The graph gives information regarding = The graph offers information regarding =The graph provides information regarding = The graph gives information respecting = The graph offersinformation respecting = The graph provides information respecting = The graph gives informationconcerning= The graph offers information concerning=The graph provides information concerning
lt is shown in the chart that = It is depicted in the chart that= It is demonstrated in the chart that=lt is illustrated in the chart that= It is presented in the chart that= It is represented in the chart that=lt is revealed in the chart that = The chart gives = The chart reveals = The chart demonstrates = Thechart shows = The chart depicts = The chart illustrates = The chart presents = The chart represents =The chart describes=As is shown in the chart = As is depicted in the chart = As is presented in thechart= As is represented in the chart = As is demonstrated in the chart =As is revealed in the chart =As is illustrated in the chart
Increase dramatically from… . to… = Increase drastically from. . . to… = Increase sharplyfrom. . . to. . . = Increase hugely from. . . to. . . = Increase enormously from… . to. . . = Increase steeplyfrom. . . to. . . = Increase substantially from… . to. … = Increase considerably from. . . to. . . = Increasesignificantly from … . to. . . = Increase markedly from… . to… . = Increase surprisingly from. . . to… . =Increase strikingly from… . to… . = Increase radically from. . . to. . . =Increase remarkably from… . to… . =Increase vastly from. . . to. . . = Increase noticeably from. . . to. . .
The figures indicate = The figures suggest = It can be indicated from the figures that = It can besuggested from the figures that=lt can be concluded from the figures that = As can be indicated from the figures = As can be suggested from the figures = As can be concluded from the figures = Thestatistics indicate = The statistics suggest = lt can be indicated from the statistics that = It can besuggested from the statistics that = It can be concluded from the statistics that = As can be indicatedfrom the statistics =As can be suggested from the statistics = As can be concluded from the statistics
lIt is obvious in the table that the number of. … has undergone dramatic changes = It is clear in thetable that the number of… has undergone dramatic changes =. It is apparent in the table that thenumber of… has undergone dramatic changes = It is manifest in the table that the number of. . . hasundergone dramatic changes
By analyzing the two charts,we can see that = By analyzing the two charts,we can see clearlythat= By analyzing the two charts,we can conclude that
In other words =To put it like this=To put it differently=To put it from another way = To put itfrom another angle
So=Therefore = Thus = Hence = Consequently = As a consequence = Accordingly = As a result =Because of this= As a result of this
Clear = Obvious =Evident =Self-evident=Manifest = Apparent= Crystal-clear


4. 它主要包含以下几步。
5. 与发展中国家相比,发达国家消耗更多能源。
6. 从1985年到2005年,该数字呈逐渐下降趋势。
16.在3个部门中,A 的销售额最高,其次是B和C。
17. 上升两个星期后,8月份开始平稳。
19. 从2000年的40%降到2004年的20% ,然后形势逆转,2005年达到了68%。
23.男生最喜欢的职业是管理人员(40% ) ,其次是生意人(30% )。
30.这个工厂生产的彩电已由2004年的50 000台增加到2007年的210 000台。


  1. The whole procedure can be divided into five steps.
  2. It can be concluded from the bar chart that letters are not as popular as E-mails.
  3. The table provides some data concerning the divorce rate in America.
  4. It mainly includes the following steps.
  5. The number of people taking airplanes increased by 30% .
  6. The global water use rose sharply.
  7. The rate of male crime is much higher than that of female.
  8. Compared with developing countries ,developed countries consume more energy.
  9. The table provides the data regarding the enrollment rate of American university students.
  10. The figure showed a gradual decrease from 1985 to 2005.
  11. The chart shows the development of the village.
  12. What is noticeable is that in 2005,the percentage of all Australian households living inpoverty was as high as 9% .
  13. From 1985 to 1995 ,the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad was tripled.
  14. The table demonstrates the features of the underground railway systems in 6 cities.
  15. All the other years witnessed a gradual increase.
  16. A has the highest sales figure in the three departments,followed by B and C.
  17. The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in August.
  18. The decrease is more noticeable during the second half of the five-year period.
  19. It fell from 40% in 2000 to 20% in 2004, and then the trend reversed , finishing at 68% in 2005.
  20. It can be seen that the incidence of aceidents decreases as the children’s age increases.
  21. The number is 5 times as much as that of last year.
  22. The most striking contrast is in the occupation of teaching : 45% of girl students would like tobecome teachers after graduation whereas only 5 % of boys want to do this job.
  23. What boys like to do most is to become managers ( 40% ) and the second largest group is tobe businessmen ( 30% ) .
    24.London has the longest underground railway distance,which is almost a time than that of Paris.25. Though the longest,route is London,the most carrying capacity is Tokyo’s subway system.26. The first point to note is the huge increase in the number of crime rate.
  24. The chart reflects several trends.
  25. This bar chart displays the numbers of fuel’s prices.
    29.As is shown in the curve graph,there has been a-rapid increase in the population all over theworld in the past five years.
  26. The number of color TV sets produced by the factory increased from 50 000 in 2004 to 210 000in 2007.






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