cartgrapher ukf 代码清晰属实不错

news2024/9/20 5:54:24


  • 原理
    • UKF
      • Sigma and weight
      • UKF Algorithm
      • UT/UKF/EKF Summary
  • cato_code
    • 外围函数
      • 检测是否为对称矩阵
      • 矩阵的开方根
      • 高斯分布
    • UKF 代码实现
      • 预测
      • 观测更新
      • 点评



  • KF 系列求解:
    • Kalman filter 需要线性模型
    • EKF通过泰勒展开线性化
    • 更好的方式线性化 -> Unscented Transform -> UKF
      • 计算一组(所谓的)sigma 点
      • 从变换和加权的 sigma 点计算高斯
  • Unscented Transform
    • 计算一系列的 Sigma 点
    • 每个Sigma点有一个权重
    • 通过非线性函数转换 Sigma 点
    • 权重点计算高斯

Sigma and weight

  • Sigma 点
    • 选择 χ [ i ] {\chi^{[i]}} χ[i] w [ i ] {w^{[i]}} w[i] 使得:
      • ∑ i w [ i ] = 1 {\sum_i w^{[i]} = 1} iw[i]=1
      • μ = ∑ i w [ i ] χ [ i ] { \mu = \sum_i w^{[i]}\chi^{[i]}} μ=iw[i]χ[i]
      • ∑ = ∑ i w [ i ] ( χ [ i ] − μ ) ( χ [ i ] − μ ) T {\sum = \sum_i w^{[i]}(\chi^{[i]}-\mu)(\chi^{[i]}-\mu)^T} =iw[i](χ[i]μ)(χ[i]μ)T
    • 没有唯一的解决方案
    • 如何选择Sigma点
      • 第一个Sigma点也是均值 χ [ 0 ] = μ {\chi^[0] = \mu} χ[0]=μ
      • χ [ i ] = μ + ( ( n + λ ) ∑ ) i {\chi^[i] = \mu + (\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum})_i} χ[i]=μ+((n+λ) )i for i=1,…,n
      • χ [ i ] = μ − ( ( n + λ ) ∑ ) i − n {\chi^[i] = \mu - (\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum})_{i-n}} χ[i]=μ((n+λ) )in for i=1+n,…,2n
        • 矩阵的开方根
        • n n n 维度
        • λ \lambda λ 缩放参数
    • 矩阵开方根
      • 定义 S S S ∑ = S S \sum=SS =SS
      • 通过对角化计算:
        • ∑ = V D V − 1 = ( d 11 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ d n n ) = V ( d 11 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ d n n ) ( d 11 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ d n n ) V − 1 {\sum=VDV^{-1}= \begin{pmatrix} d_{11} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & d_{nn} \end{pmatrix} = V\begin{pmatrix} \sqrt{d_{11}} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & \sqrt{d_{nn}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \sqrt{d_{11}} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & \sqrt{d_{nn}} \end{pmatrix} V^{-1}} =VDV1=d1100dnn=Vd11 00dnn d11 00dnn V1
        • 因此可以定义: S = V D 1 / 2 V − 1 {S=VD^{1/2}V^{-1}} S=VD1/2V1
        • 因此: S S = ( V D 1 / 2 V − 1 ) ( V D 1 / 2 V − 1 ) = V D V − 1 = Σ SS=(VD^{1/2}V^{-1})(VD^{1/2}V^{-1})=VDV^{-1}=\Sigma SS=(VD1/2V1)(VD1/2V1)=VDV1=Σ
      • Cholesky Matrix 开方根法
        • 矩阵开方根的替代定义: L , ∑ = L L T {L, \sum=LL^T} L,=LLT
        • L , ∑ {L,\sum} L, 有相同的特征向量
    • Sigma 点和特征向量
      • Sigma 点可以但不必位于 Σ {\Sigma} Σ 的主轴上
        • χ [ i ] = μ + ( ( n + λ ) ∑ ) i {\chi^[i] = \mu + (\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum})_i} χ[i]=μ+((n+λ) )i for i=1,…,n
        • χ [ i ] = μ − ( ( n + λ ) ∑ ) i − n {\chi^[i] = \mu - (\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum})_{i-n}} χ[i]=μ((n+λ) )in for i=1+n,…,2n
    • Sigma 点 权重
      • w m [ 0 ] = λ n + λ {w_m^{[0]}=\frac{\lambda}{n+\lambda}} wm[0]=n+λλ
      • w c [ 0 ] = w m [ 0 ] + ( 1 − α 2 + β ) {w_c^{[0]}=w_m^{[0]}+(1-\alpha^2+\beta)} wc[0]=wm[0]+(1α2+β)
      • w c [ i ] = w m [ i ] = 1 2 ( n + λ ) {w_c^{[i]}=w_m^{[i]} = \frac{1}{2(n+\lambda)}} wc[i]=wm[i]=2(n+λ)1 for i=1,…,2n
      • 其中:
        • w m [ i ] {w_m^{[i]}} wm[i] 用于计算均值,
        • w c [ i ] {w_c^{[i]}} wc[i] 用于计算协方差
      • 右边的为参数
  • 恢复高斯
    • 从权重和 点计算高斯
    • μ ′ = ∑ i = 0 2 n w m [ i ]   g ( χ [ i ] ) {\mu'=\sum_{i=0}^{2n}w_m^{[i]}\ g({\chi}^{[i]})} μ=i=02nwm[i] g(χ[i])
    • Σ ′ = ∑ i = 0 2 n w c [ i ] ( g ( χ [ i ] ) − μ ′ ) ( g ( χ [ i ] ) − μ ′ ) T {\Sigma'=\sum_{i=0}^{2n} w_c^{[i]}(g(\chi^{[i]})-\mu')(g(\chi^{[i]})-\mu')^T} Σ=i=02nwc[i](g(χ[i])μ)(g(χ[i])μ)T

UKF Algorithm

  • Sigma points and Weight

    • 点:
      • χ [ 0 ] = μ \chi^{[0]}=\mu χ[0]=μ
      • χ [ i ] = μ + ( ( n + λ ) ∑ ) i {\chi^[i] = \mu + (\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum})_i} χ[i]=μ+((n+λ) )i for i=1,…,n
      • χ [ i ] = μ − ( ( n + λ ) ∑ ) i − n {\chi^[i] = \mu - (\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum})_{i-n}} χ[i]=μ((n+λ) )in for i=1+n,…,2n
    • 权重:
      • w m [ 0 ] = λ n + λ {w_m^{[0]}=\frac{\lambda}{n+\lambda}} wm[0]=n+λλ
      • w c [ 0 ] = w m [ 0 ] + ( 1 − α 2 + β ) {w_c^{[0]}=w_m^{[0]}+(1-\alpha^2+\beta)} wc[0]=wm[0]+(1α2+β)
      • w c [ i ] = w m [ i ] = 1 2 ( n + λ ) {w_c^{[i]}=w_m^{[i]} = \frac{1}{2(n+\lambda)}} wc[i]=wm[i]=2(n+λ)1 for i=1,…,2n
    • 参数:
      • k ≥ 0 k \geq 0 k0
      • α ∈ ( 0 , 1 ] \alpha \in (0,1] α(0,1] 影响Sigma点与均值的距离
      • λ = α ( n + k ) − n \lambda =\alpha(n+k)-n λ=α(n+k)n
      • β = 2 \beta=2 β=2 优化选择为高斯
      • 在这里插入图片描述
  • Prediction

    • χ t − 1 = ( μ t − 1 ,    μ t − 1 + ( n + λ ) ∑ t − 1    μ t − 1 − ( n + λ ) ∑ t − 1 ) {\chi_{t-1}=(\mu_{t-1},\ \ \mu_{t-1}+\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum_{t-1}}\ \ \mu_{t-1}-\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum_{t-1}})} χt1=(μt1,  μt1+(n+λ)t1   μt1(n+λ)t1 )

    • χ ˉ t ∗ = g ( u t , χ t − 1 ) {\bar{\chi}_t^* = g(u_t,\chi_{t-1})} χˉt=g(ut,χt1)

    • μ t ˉ = ∑ i = 0 2 n w m [ i ] χ ˉ t ∗ [ i ] {\bar{\mu_t}=\sum_{i=0}^{2n}w_m^{[i]}\bar{\chi}_t^{*[i]}} μtˉ=i=02nwm[i]χˉt[i]

    • Σ ˉ t = ∑ i = 0 2 n w c [ i ] ( χ ˉ t ∗ [ i ] − μ t ˉ ) ( χ ˉ t ∗ [ i ] − μ t ˉ ) T + R t {\bar{\Sigma}_t=\sum_{i=0}^{2n}w_c^{[i]}(\bar{\chi}_t^{*[i]}-\bar{\mu_t})(\bar{\chi}_t^{*[i]}-\bar{\mu_t})^T+R_t} Σˉt=i=02nwc[i](χˉt[i]μtˉ)(χˉt[i]μtˉ)T+Rt

  • Correction

    • χ t ˉ = ( μ t ˉ ,    μ t ˉ + ( n + λ ) ∑ t − 1 ,    μ t ˉ − ( n + λ ) ∑ t − 1 ) {\bar{\chi_{t} }=(\bar{\mu_{t}},\ \ \bar{\mu_{t}}+\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum_{t-1}},\ \ \bar{\mu_{t}}-\sqrt{(n+\lambda)\sum_{t-1}})} χtˉ=(μtˉ,  μtˉ+(n+λ)t1 ,  μtˉ(n+λ)t1 )
    • z t ˉ = h ( χ t ˉ ) {\bar{z_t}=h(\bar{\chi_t})} ztˉ=h(χtˉ)
    • z t ^ = ∑ i = 0 2 n w m [ i ] z ˉ t [ i ] {\hat{z_t}=\sum_{i=0}^{2n}w_m^{[i]}\bar{z}_t^{[i]}} zt^=i=02nwm[i]zˉt[i]
    • S t = ∑ i = 0 2 n w c [ i ] ( χ ˉ t [ i ] − μ ˉ t ) ( χ ˉ t [ i ] − μ ˉ t ) T {S_t=\sum_{i=0}^{2n}w_c^{[i]}(\bar{\chi}_t^{[i]}-\bar{\mu}_t)(\bar{\chi}_t^{[i]}-\bar{\mu}_t)^T} St=i=02nwc[i](χˉt[i]μˉt)(χˉt[i]μˉt)T
    • K t = ∑ ˉ t x , z S t − 1 {K_t = \bar{\sum}_t^{x,z}S_t^{-1}} Kt=ˉtx,zSt1
    • ∑ t = ∑ ˉ t − K t S t K t T {\sum_t =\bar{\sum}_t - K_tS_tK_t^T} t=ˉtKtStKtT

UT/UKF/EKF Summary

  • UT/UKF
    • 无迹卡尔曼作为线性化的替代方案
    • UT 是比泰勒展开更好的近似值
    • UT 使用 sigma 点传播
    • UT中的自由参数
    • UKF 在预测和校正步骤中使用 UT
    • 线性模型的结果与 EKF 相同
    • 非线性模型比 EKF 更好的近似
    • 差异通常“有点小”
    • UKF 不需要雅可比行列式
    • 相同的复杂度类
    • 比 EKF 稍慢
    • 仍然受限于高斯分布





  • ∣ ∣ ( A − A T ) ∣ ∣ 2 < 1 e − 5 {||(A-A^T)||_2 < 1e-5} (AAT)2<1e5
// Checks if 'A' is a symmetric matrix.
template <typename FloatType, int N>
void CheckSymmetric(const Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, N>& A) {
  // This should be pretty much Eigen::Matrix<>::Zero() if the matrix is
  // symmetric.

  //The NaN values are used to identify undefined or non-representable values for floating-point elements, 
  //such as the square root of negative numbers or the result of 0/0.

  const FloatType norm = (A - A.transpose()).norm();
  CHECK(!std::isnan(norm) && std::abs(norm) < 1e-5)
      << "Symmetry check failed with norm: '" << norm << "' from matrix:\n"
      << A;


本代码使用的为上述中 对角化的方法:

  • 定义 S S S ∑ = S S \sum=SS =SS
  • 通过对角化计算:
    • ∑ = V D V − 1 = ( d 11 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ d n n ) = V ( d 11 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ d n n ) ( d 11 ⋯ 0 ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ 0 ⋯ d n n ) V − 1 {\sum=VDV^{-1}= \begin{pmatrix} d_{11} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & d_{nn} \end{pmatrix} = V\begin{pmatrix} \sqrt{d_{11}} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & \sqrt{d_{nn}} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \sqrt{d_{11}} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 0 & \cdots & \sqrt{d_{nn}} \end{pmatrix} V^{-1}} =VDV1=d1100dnn=Vd11 00dnn d11 00dnn V1
    • 因此可以定义: S = V D 1 / 2 V − 1 {S=VD^{1/2}V^{-1}} S=VD1/2V1


  • 几个术语: Av=λv.  λ 为一标量,称为 v 对应的特征值。也称 v 为特征值 λ 对应的特征向量。
    eigenvalues 特征值,
    eigenvectors 特征向量 
  • template <typename FloatType, int N>
    Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, N> MatrixSqrt(
        const Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, N>& A) {
      Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, N>>
          adjoint_eigen_solver((A + A.transpose()) / 2.);
      const auto& eigenvalues = adjoint_eigen_solver.eigenvalues();//特征值
      CHECK_GT(eigenvalues.minCoeff(), -1e-5)
          << "MatrixSqrt failed with negative eigenvalues: "
          << eigenvalues.transpose();
      return adjoint_eigen_solver.eigenvectors() *
                 .cwiseMax(Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, 1>::Zero())
                 .asDiagonal() *



  • 均值 : N × 1 N\times 1 N×1

  • 协方差: N × N N\times N N×N

  • /*
    template <typename T, int N>
    class GaussianDistribution {
      GaussianDistribution(const Eigen::Matrix<T, N, 1>& mean,
                           const Eigen::Matrix<T, N, N>& covariance)
          : mean_(mean), covariance_(covariance) {}
      const Eigen::Matrix<T, N, 1>& GetMean() const { return mean_; }
      const Eigen::Matrix<T, N, N>& GetCovariance() const { return covariance_; }
      Eigen::Matrix<T, N, 1> mean_;       //N*1,均值
      Eigen::Matrix<T, N, N> covariance_; //N*N。协方差

高斯 相加

  • 均值:均值+均值

  • 协方差:协方差+协方差

  • /*高斯分布性质:
    template <typename T, int N>
    GaussianDistribution<T, N> operator+(const GaussianDistribution<T, N>& lhs,
                                         const GaussianDistribution<T, N>& rhs) {
      return GaussianDistribution<T, N>(lhs.GetMean() + rhs.GetMean(),
                                        lhs.GetCovariance() + rhs.GetCovariance());

高斯 相乘

  • 均值: ( N × M ) ⋅ ( M × 1 ) = ( N × 1 ) (N\times M) \cdot (M \times 1) = (N \times 1) (N×M)(M×1)=(N×1)

  • 协方差: ( N × M ) ⋅ ( M × M ) ⋅ ( M × N ) = ( N × N ) (N\times M) \cdot (M \times M) \cdot (M \times N) = (N \times N) (N×M)(M×M)(M×N)=(N×N)

  • template <typename T, int N, int M>
    GaussianDistribution<T, N> operator*(const Eigen::Matrix<T, N, M>& lhs,
                                         const GaussianDistribution<T, M>& rhs) {
      return GaussianDistribution<T, N>(
          lhs * rhs.GetMean(),                          // N*M || M*1 -> N*1
          lhs * rhs.GetCovariance() * lhs.transpose()); // N*M ||M*M || M*N ->  N*N

UKF 代码实现


  • 预测与更新。在预测阶段,滤波器使用上一状态的估计,做出对当前状态的估计。
  • 在更新阶段,滤波器利用对当前状态的观测值优化在预测阶段获得的预测值,以获得一个更精确的新估计值。

template <typename FloatType, int N>
class UnscentedKalmanFilter {
  using StateType = Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, 1>;           //状态矩阵N*1
  using StateCovarianceType = Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, N>; //协方差矩阵N*N
  explicit UnscentedKalmanFilter(
      const GaussianDistribution<FloatType, N>& initial_belief,                 //参数1

      std::function<StateType(const StateType& state, const StateType& delta)>  //参数2
          add_delta = [](const StateType& state,
                         const StateType& delta) { return state + delta; },

      std::function<StateType(const StateType& origin, const StateType& target)> //参数3
          compute_delta =
              [](const StateType& origin, const StateType& target) {
                return target - origin;
      : belief_(initial_belief),
        compute_delta_(compute_delta) {}
   * @brief Predict 预测step。使用卡尔曼滤波对当前状态进行预测。
   * @param g  控制必须由函数 g 隐式添加,该函数也进行状态转换。
   * @param epsilon  “epsilon”是控制噪声和模型噪声的加法组合。
   void Predict(std::function<StateType(const StateType&)> g,
               const GaussianDistribution<FloatType, N>& epsilon);

   * @brief Observe  观测步骤
   * @param h   'h' 将状态转换为应该为零的观察值,传感器读数应该已经包含在这个函数中。
   * @param delta  'delta' 是测量噪声,必须具有零均值。
  template <int K>
  void Observe(
      std::function<Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, K, 1>(const StateType&)> h,
      const GaussianDistribution<FloatType, K>& delta)
  StateType ComputeWeightedError(const StateType& mean_estimate,
                                 const std::vector<StateType>& states) {
    StateType weighted_error =
        kMeanWeight0 * compute_delta_(mean_estimate, states[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i != 2 * N + 1; ++i) {
      weighted_error += kMeanWeightI * compute_delta_(mean_estimate, states[i]);
    return weighted_error;
  StateType ComputeMean(const std::vector<StateType>& states) {
    CHECK_EQ(states.size(), 2 * N + 1);
    StateType current_estimate = states[0];
    StateType weighted_error = ComputeWeightedError(current_estimate, states);
    int iterations = 0;
    while (weighted_error.norm() > 1e-9) {
      double step_size = 1.;
      while (true) {
        const StateType next_estimate =
            add_delta_(current_estimate, step_size * weighted_error);
        const StateType next_error =
            ComputeWeightedError(next_estimate, states);
        if (next_error.norm() < weighted_error.norm()) {
          current_estimate = next_estimate;
          weighted_error = next_error;
        step_size *= 0.5;
        CHECK_GT(step_size, 1e-3) << "Step size too small, line search failed.";
      CHECK_LT(iterations, 20) << "Too many iterations.";
    return current_estimate;
  // 常值确定参数   sqr=a*a, OuterProduct=V*V^T N*1 || 1*N -> 外积,N*N
  constexpr static FloatType kAlpha = 1e-3;
  constexpr static FloatType kKappa = 0.;
  constexpr static FloatType kBeta = 2.;
  constexpr static FloatType kLambda = sqr(kAlpha) * (N + kKappa) - N;
  constexpr static FloatType kMeanWeight0 = kLambda / (N + kLambda);
  constexpr static FloatType kCovWeight0 =
      kLambda / (N + kLambda) + (1. - sqr(kAlpha) + kBeta);
  constexpr static FloatType kMeanWeightI = 1. / (2. * (N + kLambda));
  constexpr static FloatType kCovWeightI = kMeanWeightI;
  // 成员变量
  GaussianDistribution<FloatType, N> belief_; 
  const std::function<StateType(const StateType& state, const StateType& delta)>
  const std::function<StateType(const StateType& origin,
                                const StateType& target)>
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kAlpha;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kKappa;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kBeta;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kLambda;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kMeanWeight0;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kCovWeight0;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kMeanWeightI;
template <typename FloatType, int N>
constexpr FloatType UnscentedKalmanFilter<FloatType, N>::kCovWeightI;



  • 1、判断协方差 为对称矩阵
    2、取当前状态的均值和 协方差开方根  (生成Sigma点要用)
         协方差 直接基于 `最优均值` 重新计算
    4、更新状态  均值+协方差


void Predict(std::function<StateType(const StateType&)> g,
             const GaussianDistribution<FloatType, N>& epsilon) {
    /// 1. 协方差是对称矩阵

    // Get the state mean and matrix root of its covariance.
    /// 2. 取当前状态的均值+协方差开方根
    const StateType& mu = belief_.GetMean();
    const StateCovarianceType sqrt_sigma = MatrixSqrt(belief_.GetCovariance());//N*N

    // 由于UKF,采用点2N+1
    std::vector<StateType> Y;//需要计算的状态矩阵,N*1矩阵。
    Y.reserve(2 * N + 1);//公式:p65
    /// 3. 计算状态转移矩阵,均值+协方差
    const FloatType kSqrtNPlusLambda = std::sqrt(N + kLambda);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        // Order does not matter here as all have the same weights in the
        // summation later on anyways.
        Y.emplace_back(g(add_delta_(mu, kSqrtNPlusLambda * sqrt_sigma.col(i))));
        Y.emplace_back(g(add_delta_(mu, -kSqrtNPlusLambda * sqrt_sigma.col(i))));
    // 得到最优 均值 (误差小于阈值)
    const StateType new_mu = ComputeMean(Y);
	// 基于最新阈值重新计算新的协方差
    StateCovarianceType new_sigma =
        kCovWeight0 * OuterProduct<FloatType, N>(compute_delta_(new_mu, Y[0]));
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        new_sigma += kCovWeightI * OuterProduct<FloatType, N>(
            compute_delta_(new_mu, Y[2 * i + 1]));
        new_sigma += kCovWeightI * OuterProduct<FloatType, N>(
            compute_delta_(new_mu, Y[2 * i + 2]));
    //更新状态  均值+协方差
    belief_ = GaussianDistribution<FloatType, N>(new_mu, new_sigma) + epsilon;



1、判断 观测均值和协方差,均值0附近,协方差对称矩阵
2、取当前状态的均值和 协方差开方根  (生成Sigma点要用)
3、计算0均值sigma点和Z,得出 总体观测均值 ,协方差
     协方差 直接基于 `最新均值` 重新计算,同时加上观测自身的协方差
4、计算 (x,z)的sigma。x 即sigma,z (z_t -z_u)
5、得到 K_t
6、更新 协方差 。原协方差-ksk^T
7、更新状态  均值+协方差


 * @brief Observe  观测步骤
 * @param h   'h' 将状态转换为应该为零的观察值,传感器读数应该已经包含在这个函数中。
 * @param delta  'delta' 是测量噪声,必须具有零均值。
void Observe(
    std::function<Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, K, 1>(const StateType&)> h,
    const GaussianDistribution<FloatType, K>& delta) {
    /// 1. 观测均值0附近,观测协方差是对称矩阵
    // We expect zero mean delta.
    CHECK_NEAR(delta.GetMean().norm(), 0., 1e-9);

    /// 2. 取当前状态的均值+协方差开方根
    // Get the state mean and matrix root of its covariance.
    const StateType& mu = belief_.GetMean();
    const StateCovarianceType sqrt_sigma = MatrixSqrt(belief_.GetCovariance());

    // As in Kraft's paper, we compute W containing the zero-mean sigma points,
    // since this is all we need.
    // 计算0均值的sigma点,及转移后的sigma值
    std::vector<StateType> W;
    W.reserve(2 * N + 1);

    std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, K, 1>> Z;
    Z.reserve(2 * N + 1);
    /// 3. 计算0均值sigma点和Z,得出 总体观测均值
    Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, K, 1> z_hat = kMeanWeight0 * Z[0];
    const FloatType kSqrtNPlusLambda = std::sqrt(N + kLambda);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        // Order does not matter here as all have the same weights in the
        // summation later on anyways.
        W.emplace_back(kSqrtNPlusLambda * sqrt_sigma.col(i));
        Z.emplace_back(h(add_delta_(mu, W.back())));

        W.emplace_back(-kSqrtNPlusLambda * sqrt_sigma.col(i));
        Z.emplace_back(h(add_delta_(mu, W.back())));

        z_hat += kMeanWeightI * Z[2 * i + 1];
        z_hat += kMeanWeightI * Z[2 * i + 2];
    /// 4. 得出总体观测的 协方差(递推协方差+自身协方差)
    Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, K, K> S =
        kCovWeight0 * OuterProduct<FloatType, K>(Z[0] - z_hat);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        S += kCovWeightI * OuterProduct<FloatType, K>(Z[2 * i + 1] - z_hat);
        S += kCovWeightI * OuterProduct<FloatType, K>(Z[2 * i + 2] - z_hat);
    CheckSymmetric(S); // 递推协方差 对称矩阵
    S += delta.GetCovariance();

    /// 5. 计算Sigma_x,z
    Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, K> sigma_bar_xz =
        kCovWeight0 * W[0] * (Z[0] - z_hat).transpose();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        sigma_bar_xz +=
            kCovWeightI * W[2 * i + 1] * (Z[2 * i + 1] - z_hat).transpose();
        sigma_bar_xz +=
            kCovWeightI * W[2 * i + 2] * (Z[2 * i + 2] - z_hat).transpose();
    /// 6. 计算 K_t,更新协方差
    const Eigen::Matrix<FloatType, N, K> kalman_gain =
        sigma_bar_xz * S.inverse();
    const StateCovarianceType new_sigma =
        belief_.GetCovariance() - kalman_gain * S * kalman_gain.transpose();
    /// 7. 更新 状态方程
    belief_ = GaussianDistribution<FloatType, N>(
        add_delta_(mu, kalman_gain * -z_hat), new_sigma);


  • 预测、更新的状态方程都可以动态给出
  • 代码结构清晰,属实不错





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