
news2025/3/12 8:52:16

今天我学习了DeepLearning.AI的 Building Systems with LLM 的在线课程,我想和大家一起分享一下该门课程的一些主要内容。之前我们已经学习了下面这些知识:

  1. 使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(一):分类
  2. 使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(二):内容审核、预防Prompt注入
  3. 使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(三):思维链推理
  4. 使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(四):链式提示
  5. 使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(五):输出结果检查



import openai
#您的openai的api key
openai.api_key ='YOUR-OPENAI-API-KEY' 
def get_completion_from_messages(messages, 
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    return response.choices[0].message["content"]



def process_user_message(user_input, all_messages, debug=True):
    delimiter = "```"
    # Step 1: Check input to see if it flags the Moderation API or is a prompt injection
    response = openai.Moderation.create(input=user_input)
    moderation_output = response["results"][0]

    if moderation_output["flagged"]:
        print("Step 1: Input flagged by Moderation API.")
        return "Sorry, we cannot process this request."

    if debug: print("Step 1: Input passed moderation check.")
    category_and_product_response = utils.find_category_and_product_only(user_input, utils.get_products_and_category())
    # Step 2: Extract the list of products
    category_and_product_list = utils.read_string_to_list(category_and_product_response)

    if debug: print("Step 2: Extracted list of products.")

    # Step 3: If products are found, look them up
    product_information = utils.generate_output_string(category_and_product_list)
    if debug: print("Step 3: Looked up product information.")

    # Step 4: Answer the user question
    system_message = f"""
    You are a customer service assistant for a large electronic store. \
    Respond in a friendly and helpful tone, with concise answers. \
    Make sure to ask the user relevant follow-up questions.
    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}"},
        {'role': 'assistant', 'content': f"Relevant product information:\n{product_information}"}

    final_response = get_completion_from_messages(all_messages + messages)
    if debug:print("Step 4: Generated response to user question.")
    all_messages = all_messages + messages[1:]

    # Step 5: Put the answer through the Moderation API
    response = openai.Moderation.create(input=final_response)
    moderation_output = response["results"][0]

    if moderation_output["flagged"]:
        if debug: print("Step 5: Response flagged by Moderation API.")
        return "Sorry, we cannot provide this information."

    if debug: print("Step 5: Response passed moderation check.")

    # Step 6: Ask the model if the response answers the initial user query well
    user_message = f"""
    Customer message: {delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}
    Agent response: {delimiter}{final_response}{delimiter}

    Does the response sufficiently answer the question?
    messages = [
        {'role': 'system', 'content': system_message},
        {'role': 'user', 'content': user_message}
    evaluation_response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    if debug: print("Step 6: Model evaluated the response.")

    # Step 7: If yes, use this answer; if not, say that you will connect the user to a human
    if "Y" in evaluation_response:  # Using "in" instead of "==" to be safer for model output variation (e.g., "Y." or "Yes")
        if debug: print("Step 7: Model approved the response.")
        return final_response, all_messages
        if debug: print("Step 7: Model disapproved the response.")
        neg_str = "I'm unable to provide the information you're looking for. I'll connect you with a human representative for further assistance."
        return neg_str, all_messages



对客户的问题进行内容审查,这里调用openai的Moderation api函数,可以返回用户信息是否属于违规的标记flagged,Moderation api的返回的具体信息的含义在使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(二):内容审核、预防Prompt注入这篇博客已经介绍过了,这里不再赘述了。


查询产品目录清单和string转list 这两个方法的功能我在使用大型语言模(LLM)构建系统(四):链式提示这篇博客中已经介绍过了,这里不在赘述。






这里我们任然需要对LLM产生的最终回复内容进行审查,以免出现违规内容。内容审查我们任然调用openai的Moderation api函数来完成。




根据Step6的检验结果,来决定是否输出最终回复,如果检验结果中包含字母"Y",则输出最终回复,否则输出婉言拒绝的信息。这里有个小小的疑惑是 只用字母“Y”来判断是否通过“检验最终回复”似乎有点不太严谨,因为检验的结果是一长串英语的句子如下面所示:

 这里无法确定的是如果没有通过“检验最终回复”这一关,得到的答复是否也包含字母“Y”, 如果某一产品中也包含字母“Y”,它正好也出现在检验的结果中,这样就有可能出现问题。



user_input = "tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also what tell me about your tvs"
response,_ = process_user_message(user_input,[])



user_input2= "what specific categorys do you have?"
response,_ = process_user_message(user_input2,[])

当我们询问所有类别时,系统报错了,报错的位置是在执行了Step3以后开始的,从报错的内容上看,似乎是上下文长度超过了4096个tokens, 这里需要说明的是,当我们询问所有类别时,LLM会去获取系统里所有的类别和每个类别下所有的产品信息。这将导致Step3的结果的长度超标,因此会在执行Step4时报错。


user_input2= "tell me about BlueWave Chromebook"
response,_ = process_user_message(user_input2,[])


user_input2= "tell me about TechPro Ultrabook"
response,_ = process_user_message(user_input2,[])



user_input2= "tell me about your cars"
response,_ = process_user_message(user_input2,[])


接下来我们来打造一个聊天机器人的应用系统,让LLM扮演客服来回答用户关于相关产品的问题,下面我全程用中文和机器人聊天,尽管我们所有的产品信息和system message消息都是英文的,但是LLM仍然可以用中文来回复我的所有问题:

def collect_messages(debug=True):
    user_input = inp.value_input
    if debug: print(f"User Input = {user_input}")
    if user_input == "":
    inp.value = ''
    global context
    #response, context = process_user_message(user_input, context, utils.get_products_and_category(),debug=True)
    response, context = process_user_message(user_input, context, debug=True)
    context.append({'role':'assistant', 'content':f"{response}"})
        pn.Row('User:', pn.pane.Markdown(user_input, width=600)))
        pn.Row('Assistant:', pn.pane.Markdown(response, width=600, style={'background-color': '#F6F6F6'})))
    return pn.Column(*panels)

panels = [] # collect display 

context = [ {'role':'system', 'content':"You are Service Assistant"} ]  

inp = pn.widgets.TextInput( placeholder='Enter text here…')
button_conversation = pn.widgets.Button(name="Service Assistant")

interactive_conversation = pn.bind(collect_messages, button_conversation)

dashboard = pn.Column(
    pn.panel(interactive_conversation, loading_indicator=True, height=300),







import json
import openai
from collections import defaultdict

products_file = 'products.json'
categories_file = 'categories.json'

delimiter = "####"
step_2_system_message_content = f"""
You will be provided with customer service a conversation. \
The most recent user query will be delimited with \
{delimiter} characters.
Output a python list of objects, where each object has \
the following format:
    'category': <one of Computers and Laptops, \
    Smartphones and Accessories, \
    Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \
    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, 
    Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders>,
    'products': <a list of products that must \
    be found in the allowed products below>

Where the categories and products must be found in \
the customer service query.
If a product is mentioned, it must be associated with \
the correct category in the allowed products list below.
If no products or categories are found, output an \
empty list.
Only list products and categories that have not already \
been mentioned and discussed in the earlier parts of \
the conversation.

Allowed products: 

Computers and Laptops category:
TechPro Ultrabook
BlueWave Gaming Laptop
PowerLite Convertible
TechPro Desktop
BlueWave Chromebook

Smartphones and Accessories category:
SmartX ProPhone
MobiTech PowerCase
SmartX MiniPhone
MobiTech Wireless Charger
SmartX EarBuds

Televisions and Home Theater Systems category:
CineView 4K TV
SoundMax Home Theater
CineView 8K TV
SoundMax Soundbar
CineView OLED TV

Gaming Consoles and Accessories category:
GameSphere X
ProGamer Controller
GameSphere Y
ProGamer Racing Wheel
GameSphere VR Headset

Audio Equipment category:
AudioPhonic Noise-Canceling Headphones
WaveSound Bluetooth Speaker
AudioPhonic True Wireless Earbuds
WaveSound Soundbar
AudioPhonic Turntable

Cameras and Camcorders category:
FotoSnap DSLR Camera
ActionCam 4K
FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera
ZoomMaster Camcorder
FotoSnap Instant Camera

Only output the list of objects, with nothing else.

step_2_system_message = {'role':'system', 'content': step_2_system_message_content}    

step_4_system_message_content = f"""
    You are a customer service assistant for a large electronic store. \
    Respond in a friendly and helpful tone, with VERY concise answers. \
    Make sure to ask the user relevant follow-up questions.

step_4_system_message = {'role':'system', 'content': step_4_system_message_content}    

step_6_system_message_content = f"""
    You are an assistant that evaluates whether \
    customer service agent responses sufficiently \
    answer customer questions, and also validates that \
    all the facts the assistant cites from the product \
    information are correct.
    The conversation history, product information, user and customer \
    service agent messages will be delimited by \
    3 backticks, i.e. ```.
    Respond with a Y or N character, with no punctuation:
    Y - if the output sufficiently answers the question \
    AND the response correctly uses product information
    N - otherwise

    Output a single letter only.

step_6_system_message = {'role':'system', 'content': step_6_system_message_content}    

def get_completion_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0, max_tokens=500):
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
    return response.choices[0].message["content"]

def create_categories():
    categories_dict = {
      'Billing': [
                'Unsubscribe or upgrade',
                'Add a payment method',
                'Explanation for charge',
                'Dispute a charge'],
      'Technical Support':[
                'General troubleshooting'
                'Device compatibility',
                'Software updates'],
      'Account Management':[
                'Password reset'
                'Update personal information',
                'Close account',
                'Account security'],
      'General Inquiry':[
                'Product information'
                'Speak to a human']
    with open(categories_file, 'w') as file:
        json.dump(categories_dict, file)
    return categories_dict

def get_categories():
    with open(categories_file, 'r') as file:
            categories = json.load(file)
    return categories

def get_product_list():
    Used in L4 to get a flat list of products
    products = get_products()
    product_list = []
    for product in products.keys():
    return product_list

def get_products_and_category():
    Used in L5
    products = get_products()
    products_by_category = defaultdict(list)
    for product_name, product_info in products.items():
        category = product_info.get('category')
        if category:
    return dict(products_by_category)

def get_products():
    with open(products_file, 'r') as file:
        products = json.load(file)
    return products

def find_category_and_product(user_input,products_and_category):
    delimiter = "####"
    system_message = f"""
    You will be provided with customer service queries. \
    The customer service query will be delimited with {delimiter} characters.
    Output a python list of json objects, where each object has the following format:
        'category': <one of Computers and Laptops, Smartphones and Accessories, Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \
    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders>,
        'products': <a list of products that must be found in the allowed products below>

    Where the categories and products must be found in the customer service query.
    If a product is mentioned, it must be associated with the correct category in the allowed products list below.
    If no products or categories are found, output an empty list.

    The allowed products are provided in JSON format.
    The keys of each item represent the category.
    The values of each item is a list of products that are within that category.
    Allowed products: {products_and_category}
    messages =  [  
    {'role':'system', 'content': system_message},    
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}"},  
    return get_completion_from_messages(messages)

def find_category_and_product_only(user_input,products_and_category):
    delimiter = "####"
    system_message = f"""
    You will be provided with customer service queries. \
    The customer service query will be delimited with {delimiter} characters.
    Output a python list of objects, where each object has the following format:
    'category': <one of Computers and Laptops, Smartphones and Accessories, Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \
    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders>,
    'products': <a list of products that must be found in the allowed products below>

    Where the categories and products must be found in the customer service query.
    If a product is mentioned, it must be associated with the correct category in the allowed products list below.
    If no products or categories are found, output an empty list.

    Allowed products: 
    Computers and Laptops category:
    TechPro Ultrabook
    BlueWave Gaming Laptop
    PowerLite Convertible
    TechPro Desktop
    BlueWave Chromebook

    Smartphones and Accessories category:
    SmartX ProPhone
    MobiTech PowerCase
    SmartX MiniPhone
    MobiTech Wireless Charger
    SmartX EarBuds

    Televisions and Home Theater Systems category:
    CineView 4K TV
    SoundMax Home Theater
    CineView 8K TV
    SoundMax Soundbar
    CineView OLED TV

    Gaming Consoles and Accessories category:
    GameSphere X
    ProGamer Controller
    GameSphere Y
    ProGamer Racing Wheel
    GameSphere VR Headset

    Audio Equipment category:
    AudioPhonic Noise-Canceling Headphones
    WaveSound Bluetooth Speaker
    AudioPhonic True Wireless Earbuds
    WaveSound Soundbar
    AudioPhonic Turntable

    Cameras and Camcorders category:
    FotoSnap DSLR Camera
    ActionCam 4K
    FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera
    ZoomMaster Camcorder
    FotoSnap Instant Camera

    Only output the list of objects, nothing else.
    messages =  [  
    {'role':'system', 'content': system_message},    
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_input}{delimiter}"},  
    return get_completion_from_messages(messages)

def get_products_from_query(user_msg):
    Code from L5, used in L8
    products_and_category = get_products_and_category()
    delimiter = "####"
    system_message = f"""
    You will be provided with customer service queries. \
    The customer service query will be delimited with {delimiter} characters.
    Output a python list of json objects, where each object has the following format:
        'category': <one of Computers and Laptops, Smartphones and Accessories, Televisions and Home Theater Systems, \
    Gaming Consoles and Accessories, Audio Equipment, Cameras and Camcorders>,
        'products': <a list of products that must be found in the allowed products below>

    Where the categories and products must be found in the customer service query.
    If a product is mentioned, it must be associated with the correct category in the allowed products list below.
    If no products or categories are found, output an empty list.

    The allowed products are provided in JSON format.
    The keys of each item represent the category.
    The values of each item is a list of products that are within that category.
    Allowed products: {products_and_category}

    messages =  [  
    {'role':'system', 'content': system_message},    
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_msg}{delimiter}"},  
    category_and_product_response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    return category_and_product_response

# product look up (either by category or by product within category)
def get_product_by_name(name):
    products = get_products()
    return products.get(name, None)

def get_products_by_category(category):
    products = get_products()
    return [product for product in products.values() if product["category"] == category]

def get_mentioned_product_info(data_list):
    Used in L5 and L6
    product_info_l = []

    if data_list is None:
        return product_info_l

    for data in data_list:
            if "products" in data:
                products_list = data["products"]
                for product_name in products_list:
                    product = get_product_by_name(product_name)
                    if product:
                        print(f"Error: Product '{product_name}' not found")
            elif "category" in data:
                category_name = data["category"]
                category_products = get_products_by_category(category_name)
                for product in category_products:
                print("Error: Invalid object format")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")

    return product_info_l

def read_string_to_list(input_string):
    if input_string is None:
        return None

        input_string = input_string.replace("'", "\"")  # Replace single quotes with double quotes for valid JSON
        data = json.loads(input_string)
        return data
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
        print("Error: Invalid JSON string")
        return None

def generate_output_string(data_list):
    output_string = ""

    if data_list is None:
        return output_string

    for data in data_list:
            if "products" in data:
                products_list = data["products"]
                for product_name in products_list:
                    product = get_product_by_name(product_name)
                    if product:
                        output_string += json.dumps(product, indent=4) + "\n"
                        print(f"Error: Product '{product_name}' not found")
            elif "category" in data:
                category_name = data["category"]
                category_products = get_products_by_category(category_name)
                for product in category_products:
                    output_string += json.dumps(product, indent=4) + "\n"
                print("Error: Invalid object format")
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")

    return output_string

# Example usage:
#product_information_for_user_message_1 = generate_output_string(category_and_product_list)

def answer_user_msg(user_msg,product_info):
    Code from L5, used in L6
    delimiter = "####"
    system_message = f"""
    You are a customer service assistant for a large electronic store. \
    Respond in a friendly and helpful tone, with concise answers. \
    Make sure to ask the user relevant follow up questions.
    # user_msg = f"""
    # tell me about the smartx pro phone and the fotosnap camera, the dslr one. Also what tell me about your tvs"""
    messages =  [  
    {'role':'system', 'content': system_message},   
    {'role':'user', 'content': f"{delimiter}{user_msg}{delimiter}"},  
    {'role':'assistant', 'content': f"Relevant product information:\n{product_info}"},   
    response = get_completion_from_messages(messages)
    return response

def create_products():
        Create products dictionary and save it to a file named products.json
    # product information
    # fun fact: all these products are fake and were generated by a language model
    products = {
        "TechPro Ultrabook": {
            "name": "TechPro Ultrabook",
            "category": "Computers and Laptops",
            "brand": "TechPro",
            "model_number": "TP-UB100",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.5,
            "features": ["13.3-inch display", "8GB RAM", "256GB SSD", "Intel Core i5 processor"],
            "description": "A sleek and lightweight ultrabook for everyday use.",
            "price": 799.99
        "BlueWave Gaming Laptop": {
            "name": "BlueWave Gaming Laptop",
            "category": "Computers and Laptops",
            "brand": "BlueWave",
            "model_number": "BW-GL200",
            "warranty": "2 years",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "features": ["15.6-inch display", "16GB RAM", "512GB SSD", "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060"],
            "description": "A high-performance gaming laptop for an immersive experience.",
            "price": 1199.99
        "PowerLite Convertible": {
            "name": "PowerLite Convertible",
            "category": "Computers and Laptops",
            "brand": "PowerLite",
            "model_number": "PL-CV300",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.3,
            "features": ["14-inch touchscreen", "8GB RAM", "256GB SSD", "360-degree hinge"],
            "description": "A versatile convertible laptop with a responsive touchscreen.",
            "price": 699.99
        "TechPro Desktop": {
            "name": "TechPro Desktop",
            "category": "Computers and Laptops",
            "brand": "TechPro",
            "model_number": "TP-DT500",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.4,
            "features": ["Intel Core i7 processor", "16GB RAM", "1TB HDD", "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660"],
            "description": "A powerful desktop computer for work and play.",
            "price": 999.99
        "BlueWave Chromebook": {
            "name": "BlueWave Chromebook",
            "category": "Computers and Laptops",
            "brand": "BlueWave",
            "model_number": "BW-CB100",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.1,
            "features": ["11.6-inch display", "4GB RAM", "32GB eMMC", "Chrome OS"],
            "description": "A compact and affordable Chromebook for everyday tasks.",
            "price": 249.99
        "SmartX ProPhone": {
            "name": "SmartX ProPhone",
            "category": "Smartphones and Accessories",
            "brand": "SmartX",
            "model_number": "SX-PP10",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.6,
            "features": ["6.1-inch display", "128GB storage", "12MP dual camera", "5G"],
            "description": "A powerful smartphone with advanced camera features.",
            "price": 899.99
        "MobiTech PowerCase": {
            "name": "MobiTech PowerCase",
            "category": "Smartphones and Accessories",
            "brand": "MobiTech",
            "model_number": "MT-PC20",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.3,
            "features": ["5000mAh battery", "Wireless charging", "Compatible with SmartX ProPhone"],
            "description": "A protective case with built-in battery for extended usage.",
            "price": 59.99
        "SmartX MiniPhone": {
            "name": "SmartX MiniPhone",
            "category": "Smartphones and Accessories",
            "brand": "SmartX",
            "model_number": "SX-MP5",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.2,
            "features": ["4.7-inch display", "64GB storage", "8MP camera", "4G"],
            "description": "A compact and affordable smartphone for basic tasks.",
            "price": 399.99
        "MobiTech Wireless Charger": {
            "name": "MobiTech Wireless Charger",
            "category": "Smartphones and Accessories",
            "brand": "MobiTech",
            "model_number": "MT-WC10",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.5,
            "features": ["10W fast charging", "Qi-compatible", "LED indicator", "Compact design"],
            "description": "A convenient wireless charger for a clutter-free workspace.",
            "price": 29.99
        "SmartX EarBuds": {
            "name": "SmartX EarBuds",
            "category": "Smartphones and Accessories",
            "brand": "SmartX",
            "model_number": "SX-EB20",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.4,
            "features": ["True wireless", "Bluetooth 5.0", "Touch controls", "24-hour battery life"],
            "description": "Experience true wireless freedom with these comfortable earbuds.",
            "price": 99.99

        "CineView 4K TV": {
            "name": "CineView 4K TV",
            "category": "Televisions and Home Theater Systems",
            "brand": "CineView",
            "model_number": "CV-4K55",
            "warranty": "2 years",
            "rating": 4.8,
            "features": ["55-inch display", "4K resolution", "HDR", "Smart TV"],
            "description": "A stunning 4K TV with vibrant colors and smart features.",
            "price": 599.99
        "SoundMax Home Theater": {
            "name": "SoundMax Home Theater",
            "category": "Televisions and Home Theater Systems",
            "brand": "SoundMax",
            "model_number": "SM-HT100",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.4,
            "features": ["5.1 channel", "1000W output", "Wireless subwoofer", "Bluetooth"],
            "description": "A powerful home theater system for an immersive audio experience.",
            "price": 399.99
        "CineView 8K TV": {
            "name": "CineView 8K TV",
            "category": "Televisions and Home Theater Systems",
            "brand": "CineView",
            "model_number": "CV-8K65",
            "warranty": "2 years",
            "rating": 4.9,
            "features": ["65-inch display", "8K resolution", "HDR", "Smart TV"],
            "description": "Experience the future of television with this stunning 8K TV.",
            "price": 2999.99
        "SoundMax Soundbar": {
            "name": "SoundMax Soundbar",
            "category": "Televisions and Home Theater Systems",
            "brand": "SoundMax",
            "model_number": "SM-SB50",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.3,
            "features": ["2.1 channel", "300W output", "Wireless subwoofer", "Bluetooth"],
            "description": "Upgrade your TV's audio with this sleek and powerful soundbar.",
            "price": 199.99
        "CineView OLED TV": {
            "name": "CineView OLED TV",
            "category": "Televisions and Home Theater Systems",
            "brand": "CineView",
            "model_number": "CV-OLED55",
            "warranty": "2 years",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "features": ["55-inch display", "4K resolution", "HDR", "Smart TV"],
            "description": "Experience true blacks and vibrant colors with this OLED TV.",
            "price": 1499.99

        "GameSphere X": {
            "name": "GameSphere X",
            "category": "Gaming Consoles and Accessories",
            "brand": "GameSphere",
            "model_number": "GS-X",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.9,
            "features": ["4K gaming", "1TB storage", "Backward compatibility", "Online multiplayer"],
            "description": "A next-generation gaming console for the ultimate gaming experience.",
            "price": 499.99
        "ProGamer Controller": {
            "name": "ProGamer Controller",
            "category": "Gaming Consoles and Accessories",
            "brand": "ProGamer",
            "model_number": "PG-C100",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.2,
            "features": ["Ergonomic design", "Customizable buttons", "Wireless", "Rechargeable battery"],
            "description": "A high-quality gaming controller for precision and comfort.",
            "price": 59.99
        "GameSphere Y": {
            "name": "GameSphere Y",
            "category": "Gaming Consoles and Accessories",
            "brand": "GameSphere",
            "model_number": "GS-Y",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.8,
            "features": ["4K gaming", "500GB storage", "Backward compatibility", "Online multiplayer"],
            "description": "A compact gaming console with powerful performance.",
            "price": 399.99
        "ProGamer Racing Wheel": {
            "name": "ProGamer Racing Wheel",
            "category": "Gaming Consoles and Accessories",
            "brand": "ProGamer",
            "model_number": "PG-RW200",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.5,
            "features": ["Force feedback", "Adjustable pedals", "Paddle shifters", "Compatible with GameSphere X"],
            "description": "Enhance your racing games with this realistic racing wheel.",
            "price": 249.99
        "GameSphere VR Headset": {
            "name": "GameSphere VR Headset",
            "category": "Gaming Consoles and Accessories",
            "brand": "GameSphere",
            "model_number": "GS-VR",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.6,
            "features": ["Immersive VR experience", "Built-in headphones", "Adjustable headband", "Compatible with GameSphere X"],
            "description": "Step into the world of virtual reality with this comfortable VR headset.",
            "price": 299.99

        "AudioPhonic Noise-Canceling Headphones": {
            "name": "AudioPhonic Noise-Canceling Headphones",
            "category": "Audio Equipment",
            "brand": "AudioPhonic",
            "model_number": "AP-NC100",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.6,
            "features": ["Active noise-canceling", "Bluetooth", "20-hour battery life", "Comfortable fit"],
            "description": "Experience immersive sound with these noise-canceling headphones.",
            "price": 199.99
        "WaveSound Bluetooth Speaker": {
            "name": "WaveSound Bluetooth Speaker",
            "category": "Audio Equipment",
            "brand": "WaveSound",
            "model_number": "WS-BS50",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.5,
            "features": ["Portable", "10-hour battery life", "Water-resistant", "Built-in microphone"],
            "description": "A compact and versatile Bluetooth speaker for music on the go.",
            "price": 49.99
        "AudioPhonic True Wireless Earbuds": {
            "name": "AudioPhonic True Wireless Earbuds",
            "category": "Audio Equipment",
            "brand": "AudioPhonic",
            "model_number": "AP-TW20",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.4,
            "features": ["True wireless", "Bluetooth 5.0", "Touch controls", "18-hour battery life"],
            "description": "Enjoy music without wires with these comfortable true wireless earbuds.",
            "price": 79.99
        "WaveSound Soundbar": {
            "name": "WaveSound Soundbar",
            "category": "Audio Equipment",
            "brand": "WaveSound",
            "model_number": "WS-SB40",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.3,
            "features": ["2.0 channel", "80W output", "Bluetooth", "Wall-mountable"],
            "description": "Upgrade your TV's audio with this slim and powerful soundbar.",
            "price": 99.99
        "AudioPhonic Turntable": {
            "name": "AudioPhonic Turntable",
            "category": "Audio Equipment",
            "brand": "AudioPhonic",
            "model_number": "AP-TT10",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.2,
            "features": ["3-speed", "Built-in speakers", "Bluetooth", "USB recording"],
            "description": "Rediscover your vinyl collection with this modern turntable.",
            "price": 149.99

        "FotoSnap DSLR Camera": {
            "name": "FotoSnap DSLR Camera",
            "category": "Cameras and Camcorders",
            "brand": "FotoSnap",
            "model_number": "FS-DSLR200",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.7,
            "features": ["24.2MP sensor", "1080p video", "3-inch LCD", "Interchangeable lenses"],
            "description": "Capture stunning photos and videos with this versatile DSLR camera.",
            "price": 599.99
        "ActionCam 4K": {
            "name": "ActionCam 4K",
            "category": "Cameras and Camcorders",
            "brand": "ActionCam",
            "model_number": "AC-4K",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.4,
            "features": ["4K video", "Waterproof", "Image stabilization", "Wi-Fi"],
            "description": "Record your adventures with this rugged and compact 4K action camera.",
            "price": 299.99
        "FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera": {
            "name": "FotoSnap Mirrorless Camera",
            "category": "Cameras and Camcorders",
            "brand": "FotoSnap",
            "model_number": "FS-ML100",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.6,
            "features": ["20.1MP sensor", "4K video", "3-inch touchscreen", "Interchangeable lenses"],
            "description": "A compact and lightweight mirrorless camera with advanced features.",
            "price": 799.99
        "ZoomMaster Camcorder": {
            "name": "ZoomMaster Camcorder",
            "category": "Cameras and Camcorders",
            "brand": "ZoomMaster",
            "model_number": "ZM-CM50",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.3,
            "features": ["1080p video", "30x optical zoom", "3-inch LCD", "Image stabilization"],
            "description": "Capture life's moments with this easy-to-use camcorder.",
            "price": 249.99
        "FotoSnap Instant Camera": {
            "name": "FotoSnap Instant Camera",
            "category": "Cameras and Camcorders",
            "brand": "FotoSnap",
            "model_number": "FS-IC10",
            "warranty": "1 year",
            "rating": 4.1,
            "features": ["Instant prints", "Built-in flash", "Selfie mirror", "Battery-powered"],
            "description": "Create instant memories with this fun and portable instant camera.",
            "price": 69.99

    products_file = 'products.json'
    with open(products_file, 'w') as file:
        json.dump(products, file)
    return products


今天我们学习了如何构造一个端对端对机器人问答系统,该系统包含了大型语言模型(LLM) 处理用户信息的完整流程,总共包含7个主要的步骤:内容审核1,查询产品目录清单,查询产品信息,生产最终回复,内容审核2,检验最终回复,输出最终回复。这里面每一个步骤的主要功能和实现方法在本博客和之前的博客中都有详细介绍,最后我们开发了一个聊天机器人程序,并对有关产品的问题进行了测试,总的来说机器人的回复还算正确,但偶尔也会产生“幻觉”,并且编造一些根本不存在的产品出来(如苹果的产品)。希望今天的内容能帮助到大家。


DLAI - Learning Platform Beta





前言 随着大数据、云计算和人工智能的发展&#xff0c;越来越多的企业需要以数据为基础做出决策。数据分析是处理大量数据的过程&#xff0c;分析数据以识别趋势和模式&#xff0c;并从数据中提取有用的信息来支持业务决策。数据分析可以应用于各种不同的领域&#xff0c;如营…


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liunx服务器安装kafka 1. 初始化安装环境1.1 安装jdk1.1.1 找到对应的jdk版本1.1.2 下载并安装1.1.2.1 配置jdk环境变量 1.2 安装 zookeeper1.2.1 查找kafka对应zookeeper版本启动 2. 下载kafka 安装包 kafka 3.0.0 之前 &#xff08;包括3.0.0版本&#xff09;支持jdk 8 &…


我们在使用一些应用的时候&#xff0c;需要通过本地浏览器来唤醒本地应用的需求。 就像我们以前使用QQ一样&#xff0c;在网页上点击了某个按钮&#xff0c;会唤醒本地安装的QQ应用。 这里来介绍一下怎么使用自定义协议来唤醒本地的Electron应用&#xff08;其他框架写的应用同…


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Linux 多路转接 —— select

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LlamaIndex 是一个非凡的工具&#xff0c;创建为一个全面的“数据框架”&#xff0c;以促进 LLM&#xff08;大型语言模型&#xff09;应用程序的开发。该框架与 ChatGPT 集成&#xff0c;充当大型语言模型和用户私人数据之间的桥梁。 借助 LlamaIndex&#xff0c;用户可以轻松…

Apache Zeppelin系列教程第九篇——Zeppelin NoteBook数据缓存

背景 在使用Zeppelin JDBC Intercepter 对于Hive 数据进行查询过程中&#xff0c;如果遇到非常复杂的sql&#xff0c;查询效率是非常慢 比如&#xff1a; select dt,count(*) from table group by dt做过数据开发的同学都知道&#xff0c;在hive sql查询过程中&#xff0c;hive…

MySQL - 第1节 - MySQL数据库基础

1.数据库的概念 数据库是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库&#xff0c;是一个长期存储在计算机内的、有组织的、可共享的、统一管理的大量数据的集合。 虽然单纯的使用文件也可以存储数据&#xff0c;但会存在如下缺点&#xff1a; • 安全性问题&#xff1a;数据误操…


目录 1.问题引入 2.知识讲解 3.例题解析 【例题1】全排列。 【例题2】素数环Ⅱ。 【样例3】素数分解。 1.问题引入 上一节探讨了迷宫类问题&#xff0c;和平时遇到的迷宫小游戏类似&#xff0c;可以使用搜索程序求得迷宫的路径和最短路。本小节继续研究深搜的另一类问…


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1.什么是分布式事务 分布式事务就是指事务的参与者、支持事务的服务器、资源服务器以及事务管理器分别位于不同的分布式系统的不同节点之上&#xff0c;简单的说&#xff0c;就是一次大的操作由不同的小操作组成&#xff0c;这些小的操作分布在不同的服务器上&#xff0c;且属…

【Flutter】Flutter 创建每个页面公用的底部框

文章目录 一、 前言二、 创建公用底部框的步骤1. 创建一个公用的底部框 Widget2. 在页面中使用公用的底部框 Widget 三、 示例&#xff1a;电商应用中的公用底部框1. 创建电商应用的底部框 Widget2. 在电商应用的各个页面中使用底部框 Widget 四、 完整代码示例五、 一些注意事…

第一次ubuntu wsl ssh远程登录各种报错+解决

第一次ubuntu wsl ssh远程登录各种报错+解决 最新推荐文章于 2023-04-13 20:23:43 发布 kh3064 于 2020-11-03 15:12:16 发布 1869 收藏 5 文章标签: ubuntu


计算理论导引实验三&#xff1a;构造图灵机 实验描述形式化定义图灵机M的状态图 算法设计与描述状态转移关系类键盘输入及逻辑处理类 编码实现测试运行 实验描述 要求构造一个能够识别语言L的图灵机。语言L的描述和实验内容如下图所示 形式化定义 根据实验描述&#xff0c;可…



EBU5476 Microprocessor System Design 知识点总结_5 GPIO

GPIO General Purpose Input Output, Memory-Mapped IO 把设备&#xff0c;控制等寄存器映射到内存里。好处就是访问设备方式和内存一样&#xff0c;也不用设计复杂的IO电路&#xff0c;便捷&#xff1b;缺点在于占用了内存空间。 Peripheral-Mapped IO IO有一块专门的存储…