- 空间权重矩阵与相关性检验(Stata)
- @[toc]
- 1 空间相关性检验
- 1.1 全局空间相关性检验
- 1.2 局部空间自相关检验
- 1.3 散点图
- 2 权重矩阵
- 2.1 截断距离权重矩阵
- 2.2 反距离权重矩阵
- 空间权重矩阵与相关性检验(Stata)
- @[toc]
- 1 空间相关性检验
- 1.1 全局空间相关性检验
- 1.2 局部空间自相关检验
- 1.3 散点图
- 2 权重矩阵
- 2.1 截断距离权重矩阵
- 2.2 反距离权重矩阵
1 空间相关性检验
cd "D:\Allcode\Stata\Spatial-Econometrics\chapter01"
spatwmat using data\testwm.dta,name(W) // 或者使用 matlist W
* 矩阵查看,这里为0-1矩阵
1.1 全局空间相关性检验
use data\test01.dta,clear
Contains data from data\test01.dta
Observations: 49
Variables: 6 21 Feb 2020 13:14
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
id byte %8.0g Neighborhood id value
hoval float %9.0g Housing value (in $1,000)
income float %9.0g Household income (in $1,000)
crime float %9.0g Residential burglaries & vehicle thefts per 1,000 households
x float %9.0g x coordinate of centroid (in arbitrary digitizing units)
y float %9.0g y coordinate of centroid (in arbitrary digitizing units)
Sorted by:
end of do-file
* 全局空间自相关检验(双边检验)_莫兰指数
spatgsa crime,weights(W) moran twotail
1.2 局部空间自相关检验
* 局部空间自相关检验(双边检验)_莫兰指数
spatlsa crime,weights(W) moran twotail
1.3 散点图
* 行标准化权重矩阵
spatwmat using data\testwm.dta,name(W1) standardize
* 可视化
spatlsa crime,weights(W1) moran graph(moran) symbol(n)
2 权重矩阵
2.1 截断距离权重矩阵
* 导入数据
use data\test02.dta,clear
* 生产截断二进制距离矩阵(标准化)
spatwmat,name(W2) xcoord(x) ycoord(y) band(0 12) binary standardize
* 查看矩阵
matrix list W2
* 将矩阵W2转化为文本txt
* 可能无法识别mat2txt命令,需要 ssc install mat2txt
mat2txt,matrix(W2) saving(out\weight) replace
* 将weight.txt转化为excel格式
dataout using out\weight.txt,excel replace //ssc install dataout
2.2 反距离权重矩阵
**# 5 反距离权重矩阵
spwmatrix gecon y x,wname(weight1) wtype(inv)
* 查看反距离权重矩阵
matlist weight1
* 保存为txt文件
mat2txt,matrix(weight1) saving(out\weight1) replace
* 转化为excel数据
dataout using out\weight1.txt,excel
* 反二次距离矩阵
mat weight2 = hadamard(weight1,weight1)
matlist weight2
mat2txt,matrix(weight2) saving(out\weight2) replace
dataout using out\weight2.txt,excel