Better Few-Shot Relation Extraction with Label Prompt Dropout
core idea
在小样本关系分类中,prompt信息是relation name是信息,这篇文章为了保持train和test的一致性,将train中的一些relation name信息删除掉了。(相反,我们提出了一种称为标签提示剔除的新方法,它在学习过程中随机剔除了标签描述)
Model structure
(1)通过远程监督,将知识图谱中的知识在维基百科数据上标注,形式用于pre_training的数据集。——对抗学习( the two sentences will be labeled as a positive pair if K defines a relation R such that (h1,t1) and (h2, t2) belongs to that relation. Sentences that do not form a positive pair will be sampled as negative pairs.)+掩码学习(mask entity spans with the special [BLANK] token with probability ρblank = 0.7 to avoid relying on the shallow cues of entity mentions.
(2)利用在pre-training训练好的模型,按照introduction中的思路训练。通过一个episode中的例子得到每个类型的原型表示,原型是由start entity和tail entity 组成,通过dot product得到最终的类型。
(For K-way-N-shot learning, we average the
relation representations of the K support instances
within one class to obtain the class prototype. The
dot product between the query instance and each
class prototype is then calculated and used as the
logit in the cross entropy loss)