💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
👨💻4 Matlab代码
💥1 概述
传感器节点是一种多功能、节能的无线设备。节点在工业上的应用十分广泛,传感器节点的集合从环境中收集数据,以实现特定的应用目标。在无线传感器网络中,节点的数量可以是成百上千的,与传感器网络相比,Ad Hoc网络在没有任何结构的情况下具有更少的节点。
📚2 运行结果
L = 1000; n= 100; nSalesmen = 5; myConfig.dmat = []; myConfig.nSalesmen = nSalesmen; myConfig.minTour = floor(1/4*(n/myConfig.nSalesmen)); myConfig.popSize = 80; myConfig.numIter = 1e3; myConfig.showProg = true; myConfig.showResult = true; myConfig.showWaitbar = true; % USERCONFIG (structure) with zero or more of the following fields: % - XY (float) is an Nx2 matrix of city locations, where N is the number of cities % - DMAT (float) is an NxN matrix of city-to-city distances or costs % - NSALESMEN (scalar integer) is the number of salesmen to visit the cities % - MINTOUR (scalar integer) is the minimum tour length for any of the % salesmen, NOT including the start/end point % - POPSIZE (scalar integer) is the size of the population (should be divisible by 8) % - NUMITER (scalar integer) is the number of desired iterations for the algorithm to run % - SHOWPROG (scalar logical) shows the GA progress if true % - SHOWRESULT (scalar logical) shows the GA results if true % - SHOWWAITBAR (scalar logical) shows a waitbar if true nTests = 5; minDistRand = zeros(1,nTests); minDistSect = zeros(1,nTests); for j = 1:nTests myConfig.xy = L*rand(n,2)- repmat(L/2*[1,1],n,1); myConfig.xy(1,:) = [0,0]; resultsStructSect = mtspf_gaSectors(myConfig); resultsStructRand = mtspf_ga(myConfig); minDistRand(j) = resultsStructRand.minDist; minDistSect(j) = resultsStructSect.minDist; display([num2str(j),') rand Start = ',num2str( minDistRand(j)),', theta start = ',num2str( minDistSect(j))]) end display(['MEAN rand Start = ',num2str(mean(minDistRand)),', MEAN theta start = ',num2str(mean(minDistSect))]) save(['CompareRandSec',num2str( myConfig.nSalesmen),'Points',num2str(n),'.mat'],'minDistRand','minDistSect'); % Output: % RESULTSTRUCT (structure) with the following fields: % (in addition to a record of the algorithm configuration) % - OPTROUTE (integer array) is the best route found by the algorithm % - OPTBREAK (integer array) is the list of route break points (these specify the indices % into the route used to obtain the individual salesman routes) % - MINDIST (scalar float) is the total distance traveled by the salesmen
🎉3 参考文献