
news2025/3/11 23:28:32


        Voronoi 单元也称为泰森多边形。 Voronoi 图在许多领域都有实际和理论应用,主要是在科学和技术领域,但也在视觉艺术领域使用。Voronoi 图以数学家 Georgy Voronoy 的名字命名,也称为 Voronoi 镶嵌、Voronoi 分解、Voronoi 分区或 Dirichlet 镶嵌(以 Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet 命名)。

        在数学中,Voronoi 图是将对平面(集合)划分为多个区域的算法。在最简单的情况下,这些对象只是平面上的有限多个点(称为种子、站点或生成器)。对于每个种子,都有一个对应的优先划分区域。这种区域称为 Voronoi 单元,由平面上离该种子比其他任何点更近的所有点组成。一组点的 Voronoi 图与该组的 Delaunay 三角剖分是对偶的。















3.1 最简单的voronoi情况

        在最简单的情况下,如第一张图片所示,我们在欧几里得平面中得到一组有限的点 {p1, ..., pn}。在这种情况下,每个站点 pk 只是一个点,其对应的 Voronoi 单元 Rk 由欧几里得平面中的每个点组成,这些点到 pk 的距离小于或等于它到任何其他 pk 的距离。每个这样的单元都是从半空间的交集获得的,因此它是一个(凸)多面体。 [6] Voronoi 图的线段是平面上与最近的两个站点等距的所有点。 Voronoi 顶点(节点)是与三个(或更多)站点等距的点。 

3.2 在距离空间的数学描述

        设X是一个距离函数的度量空间,K是一组索引,{\textstyle (P_{k})_{k\in K}} 是空间中非空子集(站点)的元组(索引集合){\textstyle X}。 Voronoi 单元或 Voronoi 区域,{\textstyle R_{k}},与网站相关{\textstyle P_{k}} 是所有点的集合{\textstyle X}距离{\textstyle P_{k}} 不大于它们到其他站点的距离{\textstyle P_{j}},其中{\textstyle j} 是任何不同于{\textstyle k}。换句话说,如果{\textstyle d(x,\,A)=\inf\{d(x,\,a)\mid a\in A\}}, 表示点与集合之间的距离({\textstyle x} 和子集{\textstyle A}),然后有:

        Voronoi 图只是单元格的元组{\textstyle (R_{k})_{k\in K}}。原则上,一些站点可以相交甚至重合(下面描述了代表商店的站点的应用程序),但通常假定它们是不相交的。此外,定义中允许有无限多个站点(此设置在数字几何和晶体学中有应用),但同样,在许多情况下,只考虑有限多个站点。

        在空间是有限维欧几里德空间的特殊情况下,每个站点都是一个点,有有限多个点并且所有点都不同,那么 Voronoi 单元是凸多胞形,它们可以用组合方式表示它们的顶点、边、二维面等。有时,导出的组合结构被称为 Voronoi 图。然而,一般而言,Voronoi 单元可能不是凸的,甚至可能不是连接的。在通常的欧几里德空间中,我们可以用通常的术语重写形式定义。每个 Voronoi 多边形{\textstyle R_{k}} 与生成点相关联{\textstyle P_{k}}。让{\textstyle X} 是欧氏空间中所有点的集合。让1个{\textstyle P_{1}} 是生成其 Voronoi 区域的点

        1个{\textstyle R_{1}},2个{\textstyle P_{2}} 生成2个{\textstyle R_{2}}, 和3个{\textstyle P_{3}} 生成3个{\textstyle R_{3}}等等。然后,正如 Tran 等人所表达的那样,[7]“Voronoi 多边形中的所有位置都比欧几里得平面中的 Voronoi 图中的任何其他生成点更接近该多边形的生成点”。

3.3 不同距离空间所得 Voronoi 单元不同





4.1 算法库


from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw
from random import randint, choice, random, seed as randomseed
from typing import *
from math import hypot, sqrt
from queue import Queue
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum

import os
import sys

class ColorAlgorithm(Enum):
    random           = 1
    no_adjacent_same = 2
    least_possible   = 3

class RegionAlgorithm:
    def randomized(width: int, height: int, regions: int, mask_function) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
        """Return regions that are entirely random."""
        points = []
        while len(points) != regions:
            p = (randint(0, width - 1), randint(0, height - 1))

            if p in points:

            if not mask_function(p):


        return points

    def uniform(width: int, height: int, regions: int, mask_function) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
        """Return regions that attempt to be somewhat uniform."""
        k = 10
        points = []
        while len(points) != regions:
            best_p = None
            d_max = 0

            i = 0
            while i < k * len(points) + 1:
                p = (randint(0, width - 1), randint(0, height - 1))

                if p in points:

                if not mask_function(p):

                if len(points) == 0:
                    best_p = p

                d_min = float('inf')
                for x, y in points:
                    d = hypot(p[0]-x, p[1]-y)

                    if d < d_min:
                        d_min = d

                if d_min > d_max:
                    d_max = d_min
                    best_p = p

                i += 1


        return points

class DistanceAlgorithm:
    def euclidean(x, y, xn, yn):
        """Calculate the image regions (up to a distance) using euclidean distance."""
        return hypot(xn-x, yn-y)

    def manhattan(x, y, xn, yn):
        """Calculate the image regions using manhattan distance."""
        return abs(xn-x) + abs(yn-y)

    def euclidean45degrees(x, y, xn, yn):
        """Calculate the image regions using euclidean, but allow only lines in 45 degree increments."""
        return sqrt(2 * min(abs(xn-x), abs(yn-y)) ** 2) + abs(abs(xn-x) - abs(yn-y))

    def chebyshev(x, y, xn, yn):
        """Calculate the image regions using chebyshev distance."""
        return min(abs(xn-x), abs(yn-y)) + abs(abs(xn-x) - abs(yn-y))

    def set_each_point(seed: int, width: int, height: int,
            region_centers: List[Tuple[int, int]], image: List[List[int]],
            d_limit: int, f: List[Callable[[int, int, int, int], float]], mask_function):
        """Calculate the image regions (up to a distance) using the provided metric."""

        region_distance_functions = [f if not isinstance(f, list) else choice(f) for _ in range(len(region_centers))]

        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                if not mask_function((x, y)):

                d_min = float('inf')

                for i, region in enumerate(region_centers):
                    xn, yn = region
                    d = region_distance_functions[i](x, y, xn, yn)

                    if d < d_min:
                        d_min = d

                        if d <= d_limit:
                            image[x][y] = id(region)

class Utilities:
    def error(message, q=True):
        print(f"\u001b[38;5;1mERROR:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)

        if q:

    def warning(message):
        print(f"\u001b[38;5;208mWARNING:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)

    def info(message):
        print(f"\u001b[38;5;11mINFO:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)

    def success(message):
        print(f"\u001b[38;5;2mSUCCESS:\u001b[0m {message}", flush=True)

    def hex_to_tuple(color: str):
        color = color.strip("#")
        return (int(color[0:2], 16), int(color[2:4], 16), int(color[4:6], 16))

    def get_different_adjacent_colors(width, height, image, colors, color_algorithm):
        from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMinimize, lpSum, PULP_CBC_CMD

        edges = set()

        mapping = {}
        n = 0

        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                for xd, yd in ((0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)):
                    xn, yn = x + xd, y + yd

                    if not 0 <= xn < width or not 0 <= yn < height:

                    i1, i2 = image[x][y], image[xn][yn]

                    if i1 is None or i2 is None:

                    if i1 < i2:
                        if i1 not in mapping:
                            n += 1
                            mapping[n] = i1
                            mapping[i1] = n

                        if i2 not in mapping:
                            n += 1
                            mapping[n] = i2
                            mapping[i2] = n

                        edges.add((mapping[i1], mapping[i2]))

        edges = list(edges)
        model = LpProblem(sense=LpMinimize)

        chromatic_number = LpVariable(name="chromatic number", cat='Integer')
        variables = [[LpVariable(name=f"x_{i}_{j}", cat='Binary') \
                      for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]

        for i in range(n):
            model += lpSum(variables[i]) == 1
        for u, v in edges:
            for color in range(n):
                model += variables[u - 1][color] + variables[v - 1][color] <= 1
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                model += chromatic_number >= (j + 1) * variables[i][j]

        if color_algorithm == ColorAlgorithm.least_possible:
            model += chromatic_number
            model += chromatic_number == len(colors)

        status = model.solve(PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=False))

        if chromatic_number.value() > len(colors):
            Utilities.error("Not enough colors to color without adjacent areas having the same one!")

        return {mapping[variable + 1]: colors[color]
                for variable in range(n)
                for color in range(n)
                if variables[variable][color].value() == 1}

    def add_border(background, border_size, read_image, write_image, width, height, mask_function):
        r = border_size // 2

        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                if not mask_function((x, y)):

                for dx, dy in ((0, 1), (1, 0)):
                    xn, yn = x + dx, y + dy

                    if not 0 <= xn < width or not 0 <= yn < height:

                    if not mask_function((xn, yn)):

                    if read_image[x][y] != read_image[xn][yn]:
                        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(write_image)
                        draw.ellipse((x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r), fill=(*background,0))

def generate(
        path: str,
        regions: int,
        colors: List[Union[Tuple[int], str]],
        width: int = 1920,
        height: int = 1080,
        region_algorithm = RegionAlgorithm.uniform,
        distance_algorithm = DistanceAlgorithm.euclidean,
        color_algorithm = ColorAlgorithm.random,
        seed: Optional[int] = None,
        border_size: int = 0,
        mask: Optional[str] = None,
        mask_color = "#000000",
        animate = False,
        background = "#FFFFFF",
    # possibly seed the random algorithm
    if seed is None:
        seed = random()

    # possibly convert string colors to tuples
    i = 0
    while i < len(colors):
        if type(colors[i]) == str:
            colors[i] = Utilities.hex_to_tuple(colors[i])

        i += 1

    if type(mask_color) == str:
        mask_color = Utilities.hex_to_tuple(mask_color)
    elif type(mask_color) == list:
        mask_color = tuple(mask_color)

    if type(background) == str:
        background = Utilities.hex_to_tuple(background)
    elif type(background) == list:
        background = tuple(background)


    mask_function = lambda p: True

    if mask is not None:
            mask_img = Image.open(mask)
            Utilities.info("Mask provided.")

            w, h = mask_img.size

            mask_function = lambda p: mask_img.getpixel(p) == mask_color

            if w != width:
                Utilities.warning("Specified width doesn't match mask width, using mask width.")
                width = w

            if h != height:
                Utilities.warning("Specified height doesn't match mask height, using mask width.")
                height = h

        except Exception as e:
            Utilities.error(f"Error loading mask from '{mask}'.")

    if type(regions) == list:
        Utilities.info("Region centers provided, skipping generation.")

        # flip vertically!
        region_centers = [(int(center[0] * width), int(height - center[1] * height)) for center in regions]
        Utilities.info("Calculating region centers.")
        region_centers = region_algorithm(width, height, regions, mask_function)

    image = [[None] * height for _ in range(width)]
    Utilities.info("Calculating region areas.")
    DistanceAlgorithm.set_each_point(seed, width, height, region_centers, image, float("inf"), distance_algorithm, mask_function)

    # either assign colors randomly, or calculate the chromatic number and assign them then
    if color_algorithm == ColorAlgorithm.random:
        Utilities.info("Assigning region colors.")
        region_colors = {id(region): choice(colors) for region in region_centers}
        Utilities.info("Assigning region colors such that no two adjacent regions have the same color.")
        region_colors = Utilities.get_different_adjacent_colors(width, height, image, colors, color_algorithm)

    # if we're masking, some regions won't be assigned
    region_colors[None] = background

    # the original, full image (without borders)
    pil_image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height))
    for x in range(width):
        for y in range(height):
            pil_image.putpixel((x, y), region_colors[image[x][y]])

    if border_size != 0:
        Utilities.add_border(background, border_size, image, pil_image, width, height, mask_function)

    if animate:
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        d = 1

        while True:
            animation_image = [[None] * height for _ in range(width)]
            DistanceAlgorithm.set_each_point(seed, width, height, region_centers, animation_image, d, distance_algorithm, mask_function)

            animation_pil_image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height))

            for x in range(width):
                for y in range(height):
                    animation_pil_image.putpixel((x, y), background if animation_image[x][y] is None else region_colors[image[x][y]])

            if border_size != 0:
                Utilities.add_border(background, border_size, animation_image, animation_pil_image, width, height)

            animation_path = os.path.join(path, f"{d}.png")

            animation_pil_image.save(animation_path, "PNG")
            Utilities.success(f"Animation image saved to {animation_path}")

            d += 1

            if image == animation_image:

        pil_image.save(path, resolution=300)
        Utilities.success(f"Image saved to {path}!")

4.2 参数说明 

generate function arguments

  • path: the path (including an extension) to save the resulting file to
  • regions: the number of distinct regions in the diagram
  • colors: a list of tuples denoting the RGB of the color, or strings denoting the color in hex
  • width: the width of the image; defaults to 1920
  • height: the height of the image; defaults to 1080
  • region_algorithm: the algorithm that determines the centers of the regions:
    • RegionAlgorithm.uniform attempts to make the centers equidistant to one another; default
    • RegionAlgorithm.randomized makes the center positions entirely random
  • distance_algorithm: the algorithm that determines the way the distance is measured; if a list of the algorithms is provided, a random one is picked for each point
    • DistanceAlgorithm.euclidean: standard euclidean distance (hypotenuse); default
    • DistanceAlgorithm.manhattan: Manhattan (taxicab) distance (4 directions)
    • DistanceAlgorithm.chebyshev: Chebyshev distance (8 directions)
    • DistanceAlgorithm.euclidean45degrees: euclidean distance, but lines can only point in 45 degree increments
  • color_algorithm: the algorithm that determines the colors of the regions
    • DistanceAlgorithm.random: pick the colors randomly
    • DistanceAlgorithm.no_adjacent_same: pick the colors such that no two adjacent regions have the same color
    • DistanceAlgorithm.least_possible: same as no_adjacent_same, but attempt to do so in the least number of colors
  • seed: the seed for the random number generator; no seed by default
  • border_size: the thickness of the border (in pixels); defaults to 0 (no border)
  • mask: a path to an image mask so only specific areas are used
  • mask_color: the color of the mask to fill, ignoring everything else; defaults to #000000
  • animate: creates images in the folder path of the regions filling in; defaults to False
  • background: background of the animation/masking/borders; defaults to #FFFFFF

4.3 调用方法 

from voronoi import *

    path = "1.png",
    width = 3840,
    height = 2160,
    regions = 70,
    colors = [(0, 0, 0), (15, 15, 15), (23, 23, 23), (30, 30, 30)],
    color_algorithm = ColorAlgorithm.no_adjacent_same,








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&#x1f389;&#x1f389;&#x1f389;点进来你就是我的人了博主主页&#xff1a;&#x1f648;&#x1f648;&#x1f648;戳一戳,欢迎大佬指点! 欢迎志同道合的朋友一起加油喔&#x1f93a;&#x1f93a;&#x1f93a; 目录 一、选择题 二、编程题 &#x1f525;两种排…

【Java笔试强训 6】

&#x1f389;&#x1f389;&#x1f389;点进来你就是我的人了博主主页&#xff1a;&#x1f648;&#x1f648;&#x1f648;戳一戳,欢迎大佬指点! 欢迎志同道合的朋友一起加油喔&#x1f93a;&#x1f93a;&#x1f93a; 目录 一、选择题 二、编程题 &#x1f525;不要二 …

权限提升:本地权限提升.(AT || SC || PS )

权限提升&#xff1a;本地权限提升. 权限提升简称提权&#xff0c;由于操作系统都是多用户操作系统&#xff0c;用户之间都有权限控制&#xff0c;比如通过 Web 漏洞拿到的是 Web 进程的权限&#xff0c;往往 Web 服务都是以一个权限很低的账号启动的&#xff0c;因此通过 Web…