
news2025/2/24 1:52:33


昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland),简称“昆大”“UQ” ,世界高等科研学府。始建于1910年,是昆士兰州第一所综合型大学,同时还是六所砂岩学府之一,环太平洋大学联盟、澳大利亚八校联盟、UNIVERSITAS 21、国际铁路联盟及新工科教育国际联盟等组织成员。

Postdoctoral Research FellowUniversity of Queensland

This is an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to focus  their efforts on developing their expertise and emerging research profile in their discipline. At this level it is expected that the incumbent will contribute to service and engagement roles and activities.

The Research Officer will be involved in broad discovery and pharmacological characterisation efforts defining the activity of biologically active peptides. The position will contribute to the Robinson teams' research through the evolutionary analysis, synthesis, biochemical analysis and characterisation of bioactive peptides.

Key responsibilities include:

1. Research

·  Develop and implement experiments to:

·  Analyse the spatial and temporal localisation of peptide toxins in fixed tissues and cells

·  Image morphology of venom production and delivery systems

·  Perform phylogenetic analysis of peptide toxin families

·  Generate and analyse venom proteomes and venom gland transcriptomes

·  Learn and implement:

·  High-throughput FLIPR-based fluorescent calcium and membrane potential assays to characterize pharmacological activity of toxins, venom-derived peptides and small molecules across selected ion channels and receptors

·  Electrophysiological protocols using whole-cell manual patch clamp approaches and the high-throughput electrophysiology platform QPatch 16 to characterize the mode of action and selectivity of selected compounds.

·  Analyse, interpret and distribute data in a timely manner.

·  Produces quality research outputs consistent with discipline norms by publishing or exhibiting in high quality outlets.

·  Participate in applications for competitive research funding to support projects and activities.

·  Work with colleagues in the development of joint research projects and applications for competitive research funding support.

·  Contribute to progressing towards transfer of knowledge, technology and practices to research end users through translation, including commercialisation of UQ intellectual property.

·  Develop a coherent research program and an emerging research profile.

·  Review and draw upon best practice research methodologies.

2. Supervision and Researcher Development

·  Contribute to the effective supervision of Honours and Higher Degree by Research students (as appropriate).

·  Demonstrates personal effectiveness in supervision and the management of researcher development.

·  Effective lead and develop supervisee performance and conduct by providing feedback, coaching, and professional development.

·  As appropriate, manage research support staff effectively throughout the employee lifecycle in accordance with University policy and procedures.

·  Working to promptly resolve conflict and grievances when they arise in accordance with University policy and procedures.

3. Citizenship and Service

·  Demonstrate citizenship behaviours that align to the UQ values.

·  Shows leadership of self through collaboration and active participation in priority activities for the unit

·  Provide support to other academic positions and unit operations as needed during other team members absences.

·  Contribute to internal service roles and administrative processes as required, including participation in decision-making and service on relevant committees.

·  Collaborate in service activities external to the immediate organisation unit.

·  Begin to develop external links and partnerships by cultivating relationships with industry, government departments, professional bodies and the wider community.

This role is subject to the University's Code of Conduct.

About You

·  Completion or near completion of a PhD in the discipline area.

·  An emerging profile in research in the discipline area.

·  Evidence of publications in reputed refereed journals and presenting at conferences.

·  Evidence of contributions towards successfully obtaining external research funding.

·  Some experience in meaningful internal service roles and contributions towards external activities







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