
news2024/9/20 2:05:01





update tt_task          SET navigation_distance = ?,    plan_arrive_time = ?          where id = ?

update tt_task set grabbing_status = '0' where grabbing_status = '79501010' and relation_parts_count > 0




2.持有锁信息 HOLDS THE LOCK(S),只在事物2中出现,且可以看到具体持有那条数据的锁 








 分析发现,事物1,事物2的等待获取锁的数据,是同一条 CYL20220605853414,且这条数据也是事物2持有锁数据中的一条...这个怎么解释呢?







2022-06-23 17:11:03 0x7f5d8c87a700
TRANSACTION 1090268215, ACTIVE 0 sec starting index read
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 1951581, OS thread handle 140039768516352, query id 6856707976 service-2eoui9 updating
update tt_task
         SET navigation_distance = '28115',
                plan_arrive_time = '2022-06-25 17:11:03.08' 
        where id = 528013
RECORD LOCKS space id 1233 page no 40677 n bits 96 index PRIMARY of table `yl-task-jghc`.`tt_task` trx id 1090268215 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting
Record lock, heap no 17 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8d; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52f11; asc "  n / ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343134; asc CYL20220605853414;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363835; asc SEYL2022062300530685;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: SQL NULL;
 11: SQL NULL;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad2ed000; asc   .  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a34; asc   / 4;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b4; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333393936; asc S2206233996;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536302c31313031353631; asc 1101560,1101561;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d324142385041303435383937; asc LSFAM2AB8PA045897;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b4; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414233; asc SD2206232AB3;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: SQL NULL;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: SQL NULL;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de2; asc         ;;

TRANSACTION 1090267856, ACTIVE 3 sec fetching rows
mysql tables in use 1, locked 1
30328 lock struct(s), heap size 2711760, 557309 row lock(s), undo log entries 35
MySQL thread id 1951474, OS thread handle 140039766386432, query id 6856706017 service-2eoui9 updating
update tt_task
        set grabbing_status = '0'
        where grabbing_status = '79501010'
          and relation_parts_count > 0
*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):
RECORD LOCKS space id 1233 page no 40677 n bits 88 index PRIMARY of table `yl-task-jghc`.`tt_task` trx id 1090267856 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e7e; asc        ~;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef5243e; asc "  n $>;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533303939; asc CYL20220605853099;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363730; asc SEYL2022062300530670;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f29d; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a1d; asc   /  ;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f129c; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303237; asc S2206234027;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313533302c31313031353331; asc 1101530,1101531;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142375041303435393632; asc LSFAM3AB7PA045962;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f129d; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414432; asc SD2206232AD2;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad33129e; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd3; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 3 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e7f; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef524f7; asc "  n $ ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533313230; asc CYL20220605853120;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363731; asc SEYL2022062300530671;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f29e; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a1e; asc   /  ;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f129e; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303535; asc S2206234055;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313533322c31313031353333; asc 1101532,1101533;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142395041303436303030; asc LSFAM3AB9PA046000;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f129e; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332423031; asc SD2206232B01;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad33129f; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd4; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 4 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e80; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef525b0; asc "  n % ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533313431; asc CYL20220605853141;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363732; asc SEYL2022062300530672;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2a0; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a20; asc   /  ;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f129f; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333353338; asc S2206233538;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313533342c31313031353335; asc 1101534,1101535;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142375041303434393432; asc LSFAM3AB7PA044942;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f129f; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332384446; asc SD22062328DF;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312a0; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd5; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 5 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e81; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52669; asc "  n &i;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533313632; asc CYL20220605853162;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363733; asc SEYL2022062300530673;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2a1; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a21; asc   / !;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a0; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334313034; asc S2206234104;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313533362c31313031353337; asc 1101536,1101537;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142325041303436313134; asc LSFAM3AB2PA046114;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a1; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332423430; asc SD2206232B40;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312a1; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd6; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 6 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e82; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52722; asc "  n '";;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533313833; asc CYL20220605853183;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363734; asc SEYL2022062300530674;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2a2; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a22; asc   / ";;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a2; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303236; asc S2206234026;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313533382c31313031353339; asc 1101538,1101539;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142355041303435393631; asc LSFAM3AB5PA045961;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a2; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414431; asc SD2206232AD1;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312a3; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd7; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 7 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e83; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef527db; asc "  n ' ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533323034; asc CYL20220605853204;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363735; asc SEYL2022062300530675;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2a4; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a24; asc   / $;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a3; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333393939; asc S2206233999;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313534302c31313031353431; asc 1101540,1101541;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d324142365041303435393031; asc LSFAM2AB6PA045901;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a4; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414236; asc SD2206232AB6;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312a5; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd8; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 8 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e84; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52894; asc "  n ( ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533323235; asc CYL20220605853225;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363736; asc SEYL2022062300530676;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2a6; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a25; asc   / %;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a5; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333353337; asc S2206233537;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313534322c31313031353433; asc 1101542,1101543;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142355041303434393431; asc LSFAM3AB5PA044941;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a5; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332384445; asc SD22062328DE;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312a6; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dd9; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 9 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e85; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef5294d; asc "  n )M;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533323436; asc CYL20220605853246;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363737; asc SEYL2022062300530677;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2a8; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a27; asc   / ';;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a7; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334313033; asc S2206234103;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313534342c31313031353435; asc 1101544,1101545;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142395041303436313132; asc LSFAM3AB9PA046112;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a7; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332423346; asc SD2206232B3F;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312a8; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dda; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 10 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e86; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52a06; asc "  n * ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533323637; asc CYL20220605853267;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363738; asc SEYL2022062300530678;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2b5; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a29; asc   / );;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a8; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333393938; asc S2206233998;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313534362c31313031353437; asc 1101546,1101547;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d324142345041303435393030; asc LSFAM2AB4PA045900;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12a9; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414235; asc SD2206232AB5;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312b6; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080ddb; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 11 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e87; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52abf; asc "  n * ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533323838; asc CYL20220605853288;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363739; asc SEYL2022062300530679;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2ab; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a2a; asc   / *;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12aa; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303235; asc S2206234025;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313534382c31313031353439; asc 1101548,1101549;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142335041303435393630; asc LSFAM3AB3PA045960;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12aa; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414430; asc SD2206232AD0;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312ab; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080ddc; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 12 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e88; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52b78; asc "  n +x;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533333039; asc CYL20220605853309;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363830; asc SEYL2022062300530680;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2ad; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a2d; asc   / -;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12ad; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303534; asc S2206234054;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313535302c31313031353531; asc 1101550,1101551;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142385041303435393939; asc LSFAM3AB8PA045999;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12ad; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414646; asc SD2206232AFF;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312ad; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080ddd; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 13 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e89; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52c31; asc "  n ,1;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533333330; asc CYL20220605853330;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363831; asc SEYL2022062300530681;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2ba; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a2f; asc   / /;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12ae; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333353336; asc S2206233536;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313535322c31313031353533; asc 1101552,1101553;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142335041303434393430; asc LSFAM3AB3PA044940;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12ae; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332384444; asc SD22062328DD;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312bb; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080dde; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 14 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8a; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52cea; asc "  n , ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533333531; asc CYL20220605853351;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363832; asc SEYL2022062300530682;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2bb; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a30; asc   / 0;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12af; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303234; asc S2206234024;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313535342c31313031353535; asc 1101554,1101555;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142355041303435393538; asc LSFAM3AB5PA045958;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b0; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414346; asc SD2206232ACF;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312c0; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080ddf; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 15 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8b; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52da3; asc "  n - ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533333732; asc CYL20220605853372;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363833; asc SEYL2022062300530683;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2b1; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a31; asc   / 1;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b1; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333393937; asc S2206233997;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313535362c31313031353537; asc 1101556,1101557;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d324142585041303435383938; asc LSFAM2ABXPA045898;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b1; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414234; asc SD2206232AB4;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312b2; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de0; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 16 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8c; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52e5c; asc "  n .\;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533333933; asc CYL20220605853393;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363834; asc SEYL2022062300530684;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: SQL NULL;
 11: SQL NULL;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad2ed000; asc   .  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a33; asc   / 3;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b2; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303533; asc S2206234053;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313535382c31313031353539; asc 1101558,1101559;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142365041303435393938; asc LSFAM3AB6PA045998;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b2; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414644; asc SD2206232AFD;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: SQL NULL;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: SQL NULL;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de1; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 17 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8d; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52f11; asc "  n / ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343134; asc CYL20220605853414;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363835; asc SEYL2022062300530685;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: SQL NULL;
 11: SQL NULL;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad2ed000; asc   .  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a34; asc   / 4;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b4; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333393936; asc S2206233996;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536302c31313031353631; asc 1101560,1101561;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d324142385041303435383937; asc LSFAM2AB8PA045897;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b4; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414233; asc SD2206232AB3;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: SQL NULL;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: SQL NULL;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de2; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 18 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8e; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52fc6; asc "  n / ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343335; asc CYL20220605853435;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363836; asc SEYL2022062300530686;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2b5; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a35; asc   / 5;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b5; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303233; asc S2206234023;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536322c31313031353633; asc 1101562,1101563;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142335041303435393537; asc LSFAM3AB3PA045957;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b5; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414345; asc SD2206232ACE;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312b6; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de3; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 19 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8f; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef5307f; asc "  n 0 ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343536; asc CYL20220605853456;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363837; asc SEYL2022062300530687;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2b7; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a37; asc   / 7;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b6; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333353335; asc S2206233535;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536342c31313031353635; asc 1101564,1101565;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142375041303434393339; asc LSFAM3AB7PA044939;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b7; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332384443; asc SD22062328DC;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312b7; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de4; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 20 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e90; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef53138; asc "  n 18;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343737; asc CYL20220605853477;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363838; asc SEYL2022062300530688;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2b8; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a38; asc   / 8;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b8; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334313032; asc S2206234102;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536362c31313031353637; asc 1101566,1101567;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334142375041303436313131; asc LSFAM3AB7PA046111;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b8; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332423345; asc SD2206232B3E;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312b9; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de5; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 21 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e91; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef531f1; asc "  n 1 ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343938; asc CYL20220605853498;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363839; asc SEYL2022062300530689;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: SQL NULL;
 11: SQL NULL;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad2ed000; asc   .  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a3a; asc   / :;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b9; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333343337; asc S2206233437;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536382c31313031353639; asc 1101568,1101569;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334141365041303434373238; asc LSFAM3AA6PA044728;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12ba; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332383739; asc SD2206232879;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: SQL NULL;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: SQL NULL;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de6; asc         ;;

Record lock, heap no 22 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e92; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef532a6; asc "  n 2 ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533353139; asc CYL20220605853519;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363930; asc SEYL2022062300530690;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: len 8; hex 800009184e72a5e4; asc     Nr  ;;
 11: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad30f2bb; asc   0  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a3b; asc   / ;;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12bb; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323334303931; asc S2206234091;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313537302c31313031353731; asc 1101570,1101571;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d334141325041303436303639; asc LSFAM3AA2PA046069;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12bb; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332423333; asc SD2206232B33;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: len 5; hex 3238313135; asc 28115;;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: len 5; hex 99ad3312c0; asc   3  ;;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de7; asc         ;;

RECORD LOCKS space id 1233 page no 40677 n bits 96 index PRIMARY of table `yl-task-jghc`.`tt_task` trx id 1090267856 lock_mode X waiting
Record lock, heap no 17 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 111; compact format; info bits 0
 0: len 8; hex 8000000000080e8d; asc         ;;
 1: len 6; hex 000040fc2ad0; asc   @ * ;;
 2: len 7; hex 2200006ef52f11; asc "  n / ;;
 3: len 17; hex 43594c3230323230363035383533343134; asc CYL20220605853414;;
 4: len 20; hex 5345594c32303232303632333030353330363835; asc SEYL2022062300530685;;
 5: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 67 bytes);
 6: len 8; hex 800000000050ee07; asc      P  ;;
 7: len 19; hex e4b88ae6b1bde5a4a7e9809a2de7a6bbe59cb0; asc             -      ;;
 10: SQL NULL;
 11: SQL NULL;
 12: SQL NULL;
 13: SQL NULL;
 14: len 5; hex 99ad2ed000; asc   .  ;;
 15: SQL NULL;
 16: SQL NULL;
 17: SQL NULL;
 18: len 5; hex 99ad2f1a34; asc   / 4;;
 19: len 8; hex 3531303031303034; asc 51001004;;
 20: len 8; hex 3531303131303031; asc 51011001;;
 21: SQL NULL;
 22: SQL NULL;
 23: SQL NULL;
 24: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 25: SQL NULL;
 26: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 27: SQL NULL;
 28: SQL NULL;
 29: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 30: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 31: len 30; hex e697a0e994a1e5b882e683a0e5b1b1e7bb8fe6b58ee5bc80e58f91e58cba; asc                               ; (total 45 bytes);
 32: len 19; hex e6b19fe88b8fe79c8120e697a0e994a1e5b882; asc                    ;;
 33: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 34: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 35: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 36: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 37: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 38: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 39: SQL NULL;
 40: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 41: SQL NULL;
 42: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 43: SQL NULL;
 44: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 45: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 46: SQL NULL;
 47: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 48: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b4; asc   /  ;;
 49: SQL NULL;
 50: len 5; hex 99ad2f12c0; asc   /  ;;
 51: SQL NULL;
 52: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 53: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 54: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 55: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 56: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 57: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 58: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 59: len 5; hex 8000000000; asc      ;;
 60: SQL NULL;
 61: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 62: SQL NULL;
 63: SQL NULL;
 64: SQL NULL;
 65: len 30; hex 326430356432313364303266343832616165323130633462383863373431; asc 2d05d213d02f482aae210c4b88c741; (total 32 bytes);
 66: len 11; hex 3136383132333431323334; asc 16812341234;;
 67: len 6; hex 333230303030; asc 320000;;
 68: SQL NULL;
 69: SQL NULL;
 70: SQL NULL;
 71: SQL NULL;
 72: SQL NULL;
 73: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 74: len 20; hex 7879782d64697370617463682d73657276696365; asc xyx-dispatch-service;;
 75: SQL NULL;
 76: len 11; hex 5332323036323333393936; asc S2206233996;;
 77: SQL NULL;
 78: len 15; hex 313130313536302c31313031353631; asc 1101560,1101561;;
 79: len 17; hex 4c5346414d324142385041303435383937; asc LSFAM2AB8PA045897;;
 80: len 4; hex 80000001; asc     ;;
 81: len 2; hex 5a41; asc ZA;;
 82: SQL NULL;
 83: SQL NULL;
 84: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 85: SQL NULL;
 86: len 8; hex 0000000000000000; asc         ;;
 87: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 88: SQL NULL;
 89: len 1; hex 31; asc 1;;
 90: len 5; hex 99ad2f12b4; asc   /  ;;
 91: len 1; hex 80; asc  ;;
 92: SQL NULL;
 93: len 12; hex 534432323036323332414233; asc SD2206232AB3;;
 94: SQL NULL;
 95: SQL NULL;
 96: SQL NULL;
 97: SQL NULL;
 98: SQL NULL;
 99: SQL NULL;
 100: SQL NULL;
 101: SQL NULL;
 102: SQL NULL;
 103: SQL NULL;
 104: SQL NULL;
 105: len 4; hex 80000000; asc     ;;
 106: len 8; hex 3739353031303130; asc 79501010;;
 107: SQL NULL;
 108: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 109: len 1; hex 30; asc 0;;
 110: len 8; hex 0000000000080de2; asc         ;;

Trx id counter 1092483382
Purge done for trx's n:o < 1092483382 undo n:o < 0 state: running but idle
History list length 18
---TRANSACTION 421533593930688, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593937072, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593925216, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593901504, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593895120, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593882352, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593853168, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593833104, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593822160, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593970816, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593969904, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593967168, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593964432, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593963520, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593962608, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593961696, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593958960, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593953488, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593932512, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593860464, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593826720, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593920656, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593917008, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593949840, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593913360, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593824896, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593937984, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593933424, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593924304, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593854080, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593846784, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593841312, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593912448, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593908800, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593879616, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593869584, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593867760, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593861376, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593893296, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593886912, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593884176, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593871408, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593857728, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593819424, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593988144, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593843136, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593918832, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594015504, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594014592, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594013680, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594010944, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594011856, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594010032, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594008208, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594005472, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594004560, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594003648, not started estimating records in index range
mysql tables in use 1, locked 0
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
MySQL thread id 1957392, OS thread handle 140018326370048, query id 6878853639 service-2eoui9 Sending data
SELECT count(0) FROM tt_task t WHERE t.is_del = 0 AND t.task_status IN ('51011002', '51011003') AND t.appoint_user_id = 10000000015440 AND t.task_type IN ('51001004')
---TRANSACTION 421533594002736, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593958048, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594000000, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593999088, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593996352, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593993616, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593939808, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593934336, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593976288, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593971728, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593966256, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593922480, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593868672, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593844048, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593820336, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593968992, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593929776, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593910624, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593894208, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593832192, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593959872, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593915184, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593885088, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593955312, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593950752, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593921568, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593844960, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593834928, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593904240, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593855904, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593880528, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593865024, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593851344, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593849520, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593859552, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593948928, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593945280, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593838576, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593998176, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593997264, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593957136, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593862288, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593991792, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593979936, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593975376, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593931600, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593881440, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593898768, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593990880, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593906976, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593987232, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593982672, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593828544, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593944368, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593927952, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593902416, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593974464, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593873232, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593927040, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593835840, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593875056, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593919744, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593891472, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593914272, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593909712, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593940720, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593936160, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593928864, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593926128, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593972640, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593923392, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593911536, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593872320, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593905152, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593837664, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593883264, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593850432, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593818512, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593986320, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593980848, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593973552, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593968080, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593917920, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593897856, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593823984, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593858640, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593954400, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593877792, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593890560, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593821248, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593906064, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593896032, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593830368, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593896944, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593848608, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593907888, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593866848, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593965344, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593956224, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593903328, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593946192, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593854992, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593831280, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593827632, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593816688, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593840400, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593952576, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593951664, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593888736, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593900592, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593889648, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593874144, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593892384, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593878704, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593977200, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593984496, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593856816, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593886000, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593978112, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593960784, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593935248, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593825808, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593834016, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593864112, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593943456, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593899680, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593845872, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593942544, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593941632, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593938896, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593852256, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593870496, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593887824, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593876880, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593863200, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593836752, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593842224, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593829456, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593916096, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593823072, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593847696, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593815776, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593814864, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593817600, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533594001824, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593947104, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
---TRANSACTION 421533593865936, not started
0 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 0 row lock(s)
I/O thread 0 state: waiting for completed aio requests (insert buffer thread)
I/O thread 1 state: waiting for completed aio requests (log thread)
I/O thread 2 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 3 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 4 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 5 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 6 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 7 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 8 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 9 state: waiting for completed aio requests (read thread)
I/O thread 10 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 11 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 12 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 13 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 14 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 15 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 16 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
I/O thread 17 state: waiting for completed aio requests (write thread)
Pending normal aio reads: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] , aio writes: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ,
 ibuf aio reads:, log i/o's:, sync i/o's:
Pending flushes (fsync) log: 0; buffer pool: 0
727720527 OS file reads, 621688418 OS file writes, 476996550 OS fsyncs
0.54 reads/s, 16384 avg bytes/read, 18.26 writes/s, 15.84 fsyncs/s
Ibuf: size 1, free list len 89, seg size 91, 7082836 merges
merged operations:
 insert 8489562, delete mark 73144243, delete 10196757
discarded operations:
 insert 0, delete mark 0, delete 0
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 17122 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 18 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 3600 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 9597 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 185 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 9951 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 1716 buffer(s)
Hash table size 4730347, node heap has 194 buffer(s)
3524.01 hash searches/s, 294.38 non-hash searches/s
Log sequence number 971682265033
Log flushed up to   971682264923
Pages flushed up to 971634430048
Last checkpoint at  971634430048
0 pending log flushes, 0 pending chkp writes
366920158 log i/o's done, 11.81 log i/o's/second
Total large memory allocated 17590910976
Dictionary memory allocated 3377900
Buffer pool size   1048448
Free buffers       8317
Database pages     997748
Old database pages 368151
Modified db pages  68818
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 3171017477, not young 11186688993
95.95 youngs/s, 3.42 non-youngs/s
Pages read 727723483, created 42916057, written 210789297
0.54 reads/s, 0.19 creates/s, 5.12 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 997748, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[2200]:cur[8], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1040
Database pages     124727
Old database pages 46022
Modified db pages  8370
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 397714883, not young 1340875690
8.28 youngs/s, 0.47 non-youngs/s
Pages read 91664773, created 5413513, written 26485409
0.09 reads/s, 0.02 creates/s, 0.67 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124727, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1040
Database pages     124718
Old database pages 46019
Modified db pages  8441
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 393939610, not young 1367567706
3.37 youngs/s, 0.54 non-youngs/s
Pages read 91008598, created 5235248, written 26313066
0.05 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.65 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124718, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1040
Database pages     124701
Old database pages 46012
Modified db pages  8852
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 370515795, not young 1453146363
3.49 youngs/s, 0.58 non-youngs/s
Pages read 86986178, created 5376841, written 26405044
0.07 reads/s, 0.02 creates/s, 0.63 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124701, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1040
Database pages     124716
Old database pages 46017
Modified db pages  9242
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 400668640, not young 1281292049
4.70 youngs/s, 0.18 non-youngs/s
Pages read 90943979, created 5372536, written 26518979
0.11 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.65 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124716, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1039
Database pages     124722
Old database pages 46019
Modified db pages  8754
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 401872766, not young 1491552133
3.19 youngs/s, 0.05 non-youngs/s
Pages read 90428318, created 5361088, written 26173864
0.04 reads/s, 0.02 creates/s, 0.63 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124722, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1040
Database pages     124718
Old database pages 46019
Modified db pages  8908
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 399228917, not young 1482049952
43.24 youngs/s, 0.63 non-youngs/s
Pages read 91474837, created 5372340, written 26321949
0.05 reads/s, 0.05 creates/s, 0.61 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 2 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124718, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1037
Database pages     124711
Old database pages 46019
Modified db pages  8195
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 399604212, not young 1353275541
0.98 youngs/s, 0.88 non-youngs/s
Pages read 91369834, created 5401888, written 26397063
0.11 reads/s, 0.09 creates/s, 0.65 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124711, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
Buffer pool size   131056
Free buffers       1041
Database pages     124735
Old database pages 46024
Modified db pages  8056
Pending reads      0
Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0
Pages made young 407472654, not young 1416929559
28.68 youngs/s, 0.09 non-youngs/s
Pages read 93846966, created 5382603, written 26173923
0.04 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.63 writes/s
Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 1 / 1000 not 0 / 1000
Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s
LRU len: 124735, unzip_LRU len: 0
I/O sum[275]:cur[1], unzip sum[0]:cur[0]
0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue
2 read views open inside InnoDB
Process ID=356756, Main thread ID=140040526628608, state: sleeping
Number of rows inserted 14614838733, updated 184340030, deleted 99014981, read 6502687195368
804.02 inserts/s, 8.44 updates/s, 0.72 deletes/s, 366012.05 reads/s





为什么id3和c4.5采用多叉树而cart采用二叉树&#xff1f; ID3 和 C4.5 采用的多叉树虽然在对训练样本集的学习中可以尽可能多地挖掘信息&#xff0c;但是其生成的决策树分支、规模都比较大&#xff0c;训练特别慢&#xff0c;CART 算法的二分法可以简化决策树的规模&#xff0…


1 Spring框架整合Mybatis示例 1.1 创建演示项目 1.2 项目目录结构 1.3 依赖配置pom.xml文件 <?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?><project xmlns"http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi"http://www.w3.org/2001/XML…


着重讲解一下机器翻译数据集的文件处理&#xff0c;以及最终返回了什么 目录 1.载入文件 2.文本预处理 3.词表 4.集成封装 5.总结返回值 1.载入文件 #save d2l.DATA_HUB[fra-eng] (d2l.DATA_URL fra-eng.zip,94646ad1522d915e7b0f9296181140edcf86a4f5) #save def read…


AJAX-第一天入门 学习目标 掌握 axios 相关参数&#xff0c;从服务器获取并解析展示数据掌握接口文档的查看和使用掌握在浏览器的 network 面板中查看请求和响应的内容了解请求和响应报文的组成部分 01.AJAX 概念和 axios 使用 目标 了解 AJAX 概念并掌握 axios 库基本使用…

生信刷题之ROSALIND——Part 2

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目录 1. 交错字符串 &#x1f31f;&#x1f31f; 2. 最短回文串 &#x1f31f;&#x1f31f; 3. 分段函数计算 ※ &#x1f31f; 每日一练刷题专栏 &#x1f31f; Golang每日一练 专栏 Python每日一练 专栏 C/C每日一练 专栏 Java每日一练 专栏 1. 交错字符串 给定…


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Flutter 中线程简要介绍&#xff1a; 主 UI 线程&#xff1a; Flutter 的主 UI 线程通常称为 “UI Isolate”&#xff0c;它是单线程的&#xff0c;负责处理用户界面的渲染和响应用户输入。在主 UI 线程中运行的代码主要包括 Flutter 应用的 UI 组件构建、布局、绘制等操作&a…


板级电源分配网络的分析与仿真在硬件电路设计中&#xff0c;电源系统的设计是关键步骤之一&#xff0c;良好的电源系统为电路板 上各种信号的传输提供了保障。本章将研究电源完整性的相关问题&#xff0c;并提出一系列改 进电源质量的措施。 3.1 电源完整性 电源完整性&#xf…

7.思维题(0x3f:从周赛中学算法 2022下)

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【Linux】进程间通信 -- System V共享内存

前言 本篇博客介绍第二种进程间通信的方式 – System V System V 有三种方式&#xff1a; 共享内存 消息队列 信号量 本篇博客对于系统调用的函数&#xff0c;会进行一定的封装 文章目录 前言一. System V 共享内存二. 共享内存的原理三. 共享内存的创建四. 共享内存的查看和删…

MinGW MinGW-W64介绍

Table of content 0 Preface/Foreword 1 MinGW-w64 1.1 使用MinGW-w64的原因 1.2 MinGW-w64使用场景 1.3 官网 2 GCC & LLVM 2.1 编译器构成 2.2 GCC 2.3 LLVM 2.3.1 Clang 0 Preface/Foreword MInGW全称为&#xff1a;Minimalist GNU on Windows.将经典的开源C…

Unity VFX -- (4)创建burst粒子效果

如果用户成功达成某个目标&#xff0c;我们可以使用一个爆裂的礼花来激励用户。如果角色挥舞刀剑&#xff0c;我们可以做出剑气来增加气势。如果角色落到地面上&#xff0c;我们可以在脚部做出飞舞的灰尘来增加表现力。这些都可以视为burst粒子效果。 下面是一些burst粒子效果&…


目录 〇、前言 一、类加载子系统 1.1 内存结构概述 1.2 类加载器及类加载过程概述 1.2.1 类加载器 1.2.2 类加载过程 1.3 类加载过程一&#xff1a;Loading 1.3.1 加载过程 1.3.2 加载类的方式 1.4 类加载过程二&#xff1a;Linking 1.4.1 验证(Verify) 1.4.…


&#x1f973;&#x1f973;&#x1f973; 茫茫人海千千万万&#xff0c;感谢这一刻你看到了我的文章&#xff0c;感谢观赏&#xff0c;大家好呀&#xff0c;我是最爱吃鱼罐头&#xff0c;大家可以叫鱼罐头呦~&#x1f973;&#x1f973;&#x1f973; 从今天开始&#xff0c;将…


作者&#xff1a;朱金灿 来源&#xff1a;clever101的专栏 为什么大多数人学不会人工智能编程&#xff1f;>>> 下载源码并创建build文件夹 系统环境为操作系统为&#xff1a;UnionTech OS Server 20 Enterprise&#xff0c;处理器为: 华为鲲鹏处理器&#xff08;ar…


目录 1&#xff1a;列表初始化 2&#xff1a;std::initializer_list 3:变量类型推导 3.1:auto推导类型 3.2:decltype 3.3:nullptr 4:范围for 5:STL新增容器和容器新增接口 5.1:array 6:左值引用和右值引用 6.1:左值 6.2:右值 6.3:左值引用 6.4:右值引用 6.5:左值…


目录 一、前言time库中的常用函数 二、time()函数三、localtime()和gmtime()函数四、strftime() 、asctime()、mktime()函数&#xff08;一&#xff09;strftime()函数&#xff08;二&#xff09;asctime()函数&#xff08;三&#xff09;mktime()函数 五、ctime()函数六、stri…


上文回顾&#xff0c;我们已经完成了一个应用的真机调试&#xff0c;本章我们来了解一下如何引入YonBuilder移动开发的&#xff08;原生&#xff09;移动插件, 并利用移动插件完成一个简单的视频播放器。 8. 「移动插件」的使用 8.1 什么是 「移动插件」&#xff1f; 用通俗…

TensorFlow Lite,ML Kit 和 Flutter 移动深度学习:1~5

原文&#xff1a;Mobile Deep Learning with TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit and Flutter 协议&#xff1a;CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 译者&#xff1a;飞龙 本文来自【ApacheCN 深度学习 译文集】&#xff0c;采用译后编辑&#xff08;MTPE&#xff09;流程来尽可能提升效率。 不要担心自己的…