# Project created by QtCreator 2023-03-11T16:52:53
QT += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = MultiCamera
# The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
# any feature of Qt which has been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings
# depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
# deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
# You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
# In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
CONFIG += c++11
main.cpp \
FORMS += \
# Default rules for deployment.
qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
!isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target
/* 以C++接口为基础,对常用函数进行二次封装,方便用户使用 */
#ifndef _MV_CAMERA_H_
#define _MV_CAMERA_H_
#include "MvCameraControl.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifndef MV_NULL
#define MV_NULL 0
class CMvCamera
// ch:获取SDK版本号 | en:Get SDK Version
static int GetSDKVersion();
// ch:枚举设备 | en:Enumerate Device
static int EnumDevices(unsigned int nTLayerType, MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST* pstDevList);
// ch:判断设备是否可达 | en:Is the device accessible
static bool IsDeviceAccessible(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstDevInfo, unsigned int nAccessMode);
// ch:打开设备 | en:Open Device
int Open(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstDeviceInfo);
// ch:关闭设备 | en:Close Device
int Close();
// ch:判断相机是否处于连接状态 | en:Is The Device Connected
bool IsDeviceConnected();
// ch:注册图像数据回调 | en:Register Image Data CallBack
int RegisterImageCallBack(void(__stdcall* cbOutput)(unsigned char * pData, MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX* pFrameInfo, void* pUser), void* pUser);
// ch:开启抓图 | en:Start Grabbing
int StartGrabbing();
// ch:停止抓图 | en:Stop Grabbing
int StopGrabbing();
// ch:主动获取一帧图像数据 | en:Get one frame initiatively
int GetImageBuffer(MV_FRAME_OUT* pFrame, int nMsec);
// ch:释放图像缓存 | en:Free image buffer
int FreeImageBuffer(MV_FRAME_OUT* pFrame);
// ch:显示一帧图像 | en:Display one frame image
int DisplayOneFrame(MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO* pDisplayInfo);
// ch:设置SDK内部图像缓存节点个数 | en:Set the number of the internal image cache nodes in SDK
int SetImageNodeNum(unsigned int nNum);
// ch:获取设备信息 | en:Get device information
int GetDeviceInfo(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstDevInfo);
// ch:获取GEV相机的统计信息 | en:Get detect info of GEV camera
int GetGevAllMatchInfo(MV_MATCH_INFO_NET_DETECT* pMatchInfoNetDetect);
// ch:获取U3V相机的统计信息 | en:Get detect info of U3V camera
int GetU3VAllMatchInfo(MV_MATCH_INFO_USB_DETECT* pMatchInfoUSBDetect);
// ch:获取和设置Int型参数,如 Width和Height,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Int type parameters, such as Width and Height, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int GetIntValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT MVCC_INTVALUE_EX *pIntValue);
int SetIntValue(IN const char* strKey, IN int64_t nValue);
// ch:获取和设置Enum型参数,如 PixelFormat,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Enum type parameters, such as PixelFormat, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int GetEnumValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT MVCC_ENUMVALUE *pEnumValue);
int SetEnumValue(IN const char* strKey, IN unsigned int nValue);
int SetEnumValueByString(IN const char* strKey, IN const char* sValue);
// ch:获取和设置Float型参数,如 ExposureTime和Gain,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Float type parameters, such as ExposureTime and Gain, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int GetFloatValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT MVCC_FLOATVALUE *pFloatValue);
int SetFloatValue(IN const char* strKey, IN float fValue);
// ch:获取和设置Bool型参数,如 ReverseX,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Bool type parameters, such as ReverseX, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int GetBoolValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT bool *pbValue);
int SetBoolValue(IN const char* strKey, IN bool bValue);
// ch:获取和设置String型参数,如 DeviceUserID,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件UserSetSave
// en:Get String type parameters, such as DeviceUserID, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int GetStringValue(IN const char* strKey, MVCC_STRINGVALUE *pStringValue);
int SetStringValue(IN const char* strKey, IN const char * strValue);
// ch:执行一次Command型命令,如 UserSetSave,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Execute Command once, such as UserSetSave, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CommandExecute(IN const char* strKey);
// ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera)
int GetOptimalPacketSize(unsigned int* pOptimalPacketSize);
// ch:注册消息异常回调 | en:Register Message Exception CallBack
int RegisterExceptionCallBack(void(__stdcall* cbException)(unsigned int nMsgType, void* pUser), void* pUser);
// ch:注册单个事件回调 | en:Register Event CallBack
int RegisterEventCallBack(const char* pEventName, void(__stdcall* cbEvent)(MV_EVENT_OUT_INFO * pEventInfo, void* pUser), void* pUser);
// ch:强制IP | en:Force IP
int ForceIp(unsigned int nIP, unsigned int nSubNetMask, unsigned int nDefaultGateWay);
// ch:配置IP方式 | en:IP configuration method
int SetIpConfig(unsigned int nType);
// ch:设置网络传输模式 | en:Set Net Transfer Mode
int SetNetTransMode(unsigned int nType);
// ch:像素格式转换 | en:Pixel format conversion
int ConvertPixelType(MV_CC_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM* pstCvtParam);
// ch:保存图片 | en:save image
int SaveImage(MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM_EX* pstParam);
int SaveImageToFile(MV_SAVE_IMG_TO_FILE_PARAM* pstSaveFileParam);
void* m_hDevHandle;
MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO m_stDeviceInfo;
#include "MvCamera.h"
m_hDevHandle = MV_NULL;
if (m_hDevHandle)
m_hDevHandle = MV_NULL;
// ch:获取SDK版本号 | en:Get SDK Version
int CMvCamera::GetSDKVersion()
return MV_CC_GetSDKVersion();
// ch:枚举设备 | en:Enumerate Device
int CMvCamera::EnumDevices(unsigned int nTLayerType, MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST* pstDevList)
return MV_CC_EnumDevices(nTLayerType, pstDevList);
// ch:判断设备是否可达 | en:Is the device accessible
bool CMvCamera::IsDeviceAccessible(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstDevInfo, unsigned int nAccessMode)
return MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible(pstDevInfo, nAccessMode);
// ch:打开设备 | en:Open Device
int CMvCamera::Open(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstDeviceInfo)
if (MV_NULL == pstDeviceInfo)
if (m_hDevHandle)
int nRet = MV_CC_CreateHandle(&m_hDevHandle, pstDeviceInfo);
if (MV_OK != nRet)
return nRet;
nRet = MV_CC_OpenDevice(m_hDevHandle);
if (MV_OK != nRet)
m_hDevHandle = MV_NULL;
memcpy(&m_stDeviceInfo, pstDeviceInfo, sizeof(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO));
return nRet;
// ch:关闭设备 | en:Close Device
int CMvCamera::Close()
if (MV_NULL == m_hDevHandle)
return MV_E_HANDLE;
int nRet = MV_CC_DestroyHandle(m_hDevHandle);
m_hDevHandle = MV_NULL;
return nRet;
// ch:判断相机是否处于连接状态 | en:Is The Device Connected
bool CMvCamera::IsDeviceConnected()
return MV_CC_IsDeviceConnected(m_hDevHandle);
// ch:注册图像数据回调 | en:Register Image Data CallBack
int CMvCamera::RegisterImageCallBack(void(__stdcall* cbOutput)(unsigned char * pData, MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX* pFrameInfo, void* pUser), void* pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx(m_hDevHandle, cbOutput, pUser);
// ch:开启抓图 | en:Start Grabbing
int CMvCamera::StartGrabbing()
return MV_CC_StartGrabbing(m_hDevHandle);
// ch:停止抓图 | en:Stop Grabbing
int CMvCamera::StopGrabbing()
return MV_CC_StopGrabbing(m_hDevHandle);
// ch:主动获取一帧图像数据 | en:Get one frame initiatively
int CMvCamera::GetImageBuffer(MV_FRAME_OUT* pFrame, int nMsec)
return MV_CC_GetImageBuffer(m_hDevHandle, pFrame, nMsec);
// ch:释放图像缓存 | en:Free image buffer
int CMvCamera::FreeImageBuffer(MV_FRAME_OUT* pFrame)
return MV_CC_FreeImageBuffer(m_hDevHandle, pFrame);
// ch:设置显示窗口句柄 | en:Set Display Window Handle
int CMvCamera::DisplayOneFrame(MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO* pDisplayInfo)
return MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame(m_hDevHandle, pDisplayInfo);
// ch:设置SDK内部图像缓存节点个数 | en:Set the number of the internal image cache nodes in SDK
int CMvCamera::SetImageNodeNum(unsigned int nNum)
return MV_CC_SetImageNodeNum(m_hDevHandle, nNum);
// ch:获取设备信息 | en:Get device information
int CMvCamera::GetDeviceInfo(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO* pstDevInfo)
if (pstDevInfo)
memcpy(pstDevInfo, &m_stDeviceInfo, sizeof(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO));
return MV_OK;
// ch:获取GEV相机的统计信息 | en:Get detect info of GEV camera
int CMvCamera::GetGevAllMatchInfo(MV_MATCH_INFO_NET_DETECT* pMatchInfoNetDetect)
if (MV_NULL == pMatchInfoNetDetect)
MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo = {0};
if (stDevInfo.nTLayerType != MV_GIGE_DEVICE)
return MV_E_SUPPORT;
MV_ALL_MATCH_INFO struMatchInfo = {0};
struMatchInfo.nType = MV_MATCH_TYPE_NET_DETECT;
struMatchInfo.pInfo = pMatchInfoNetDetect;
struMatchInfo.nInfoSize = sizeof(MV_MATCH_INFO_NET_DETECT);
memset(struMatchInfo.pInfo, 0, sizeof(MV_MATCH_INFO_NET_DETECT));
return MV_CC_GetAllMatchInfo(m_hDevHandle, &struMatchInfo);
// ch:获取U3V相机的统计信息 | en:Get detect info of U3V camera
int CMvCamera::GetU3VAllMatchInfo(MV_MATCH_INFO_USB_DETECT* pMatchInfoUSBDetect)
if (MV_NULL == pMatchInfoUSBDetect)
MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo = {0};
if (stDevInfo.nTLayerType != MV_USB_DEVICE)
return MV_E_SUPPORT;
MV_ALL_MATCH_INFO struMatchInfo = {0};
struMatchInfo.nType = MV_MATCH_TYPE_USB_DETECT;
struMatchInfo.pInfo = pMatchInfoUSBDetect;
struMatchInfo.nInfoSize = sizeof(MV_MATCH_INFO_USB_DETECT);
memset(struMatchInfo.pInfo, 0, sizeof(MV_MATCH_INFO_USB_DETECT));
return MV_CC_GetAllMatchInfo(m_hDevHandle, &struMatchInfo);
// ch:获取和设置Int型参数,如 Width和Height,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Int type parameters, such as Width and Height, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CMvCamera::GetIntValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT MVCC_INTVALUE_EX *pIntValue)
return MV_CC_GetIntValueEx(m_hDevHandle, strKey, pIntValue);
int CMvCamera::SetIntValue(IN const char* strKey, IN int64_t nValue)
return MV_CC_SetIntValueEx(m_hDevHandle, strKey, nValue);
// ch:获取和设置Enum型参数,如 PixelFormat,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Enum type parameters, such as PixelFormat, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CMvCamera::GetEnumValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT MVCC_ENUMVALUE *pEnumValue)
return MV_CC_GetEnumValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, pEnumValue);
int CMvCamera::SetEnumValue(IN const char* strKey, IN unsigned int nValue)
return MV_CC_SetEnumValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, nValue);
int CMvCamera::SetEnumValueByString(IN const char* strKey, IN const char* sValue)
return MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString(m_hDevHandle, strKey, sValue);
// ch:获取和设置Float型参数,如 ExposureTime和Gain,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Float type parameters, such as ExposureTime and Gain, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CMvCamera::GetFloatValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT MVCC_FLOATVALUE *pFloatValue)
return MV_CC_GetFloatValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, pFloatValue);
int CMvCamera::SetFloatValue(IN const char* strKey, IN float fValue)
return MV_CC_SetFloatValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, fValue);
// ch:获取和设置Bool型参数,如 ReverseX,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Get Bool type parameters, such as ReverseX, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CMvCamera::GetBoolValue(IN const char* strKey, OUT bool *pbValue)
return MV_CC_GetBoolValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, pbValue);
int CMvCamera::SetBoolValue(IN const char* strKey, IN bool bValue)
return MV_CC_SetBoolValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, bValue);
// ch:获取和设置String型参数,如 DeviceUserID,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件UserSetSave
// en:Get String type parameters, such as DeviceUserID, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CMvCamera::GetStringValue(IN const char* strKey, MVCC_STRINGVALUE *pStringValue)
return MV_CC_GetStringValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, pStringValue);
int CMvCamera::SetStringValue(IN const char* strKey, IN const char* strValue)
return MV_CC_SetStringValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey, strValue);
// ch:执行一次Command型命令,如 UserSetSave,详细内容参考SDK安装目录下的 MvCameraNode.xlsx 文件
// en:Execute Command once, such as UserSetSave, for details please refer to MvCameraNode.xlsx file under SDK installation directory
int CMvCamera::CommandExecute(IN const char* strKey)
return MV_CC_SetCommandValue(m_hDevHandle, strKey);
// ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera)
int CMvCamera::GetOptimalPacketSize(unsigned int* pOptimalPacketSize)
if (MV_NULL == pOptimalPacketSize)
int nRet = MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize(m_hDevHandle);
if (nRet < MV_OK)
return nRet;
*pOptimalPacketSize = (unsigned int)nRet;
return MV_OK;
// ch:注册消息异常回调 | en:Register Message Exception CallBack
int CMvCamera::RegisterExceptionCallBack(void(__stdcall* cbException)(unsigned int nMsgType, void* pUser),void* pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterExceptionCallBack(m_hDevHandle, cbException, pUser);
// ch:注册单个事件回调 | en:Register Event CallBack
int CMvCamera::RegisterEventCallBack(const char* pEventName, void(__stdcall* cbEvent)(MV_EVENT_OUT_INFO * pEventInfo, void* pUser), void* pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBackEx(m_hDevHandle, pEventName, cbEvent, pUser);
// ch:强制IP | en:Force IP
int CMvCamera::ForceIp(unsigned int nIP, unsigned int nSubNetMask, unsigned int nDefaultGateWay)
return MV_GIGE_ForceIpEx(m_hDevHandle, nIP, nSubNetMask, nDefaultGateWay);
// ch:配置IP方式 | en:IP configuration method
int CMvCamera::SetIpConfig(unsigned int nType)
return MV_GIGE_SetIpConfig(m_hDevHandle, nType);
// ch:设置网络传输模式 | en:Set Net Transfer Mode
int CMvCamera::SetNetTransMode(unsigned int nType)
return MV_GIGE_SetNetTransMode(m_hDevHandle, nType);
// ch:像素格式转换 | en:Pixel format conversion
int CMvCamera::ConvertPixelType(MV_CC_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM* pstCvtParam)
return MV_CC_ConvertPixelType(m_hDevHandle, pstCvtParam);
// ch:保存图片 | en:save image
int CMvCamera::SaveImage(MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM_EX* pstParam)
return MV_CC_SaveImageEx2(m_hDevHandle, pstParam);
int CMvCamera::SaveImageToFile(MV_SAVE_IMG_TO_FILE_PARAM* pstSaveFileParam)
return MV_CC_SaveImageToFile(m_hDevHandle, pstSaveFileParam);

win32: LIBS += -L$$PWD/SDK/Libraries/win64/ -lMvCameraControl
win32:!win32-g++: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/SDK/Libraries/win64/MvCameraControl.lib
else:win32-g++: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/SDK/Libraries/win64/libMvCameraControl.a

win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -LC:/opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/ -lopencv_world453
else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -LC:/opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib/ -lopencv_world453d
INCLUDEPATH += C:/opencv/build/include
DEPENDPATH += C:/opencv/build/include
