news2025/2/21 21:03:06

inobitec dicom高级 3D 重建,以 OBJ、STL、PLY 格式导出表面,先进的多计划重建,添加标记和标记线,将系列与高级工具相结合,具有多种选择的虚拟内窥镜检查,从视口录制视频(仅限 64 位版本),嵌入式 Inobitec Web DICOM 查看器,能够激活额外的模块,专门模块的定制开发(例如:经椎弓根螺钉安装的术前规划)
About the release of the Inobitec DICOM Viewer 2.9.0 Lite and Pro editions. Released on December 14, 2022.
History of changes:
Legend: [+] Addition, [*] Enhancement, [-] Elimination of a defect.


The main differences between the editions of Lite and Pro of version 2.9.0
are presented in the section "About the product", subsection "Viewer Functionality" of User's Manual

Version 2.9.0
Pro edition upgrades:
[+] Auto-saving mode for segmentation projects (additional Advanced Segmentation Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
[+] A ruler for measuring the length along the shortest path across the volume's surface
[*] Improved vascular detection algorithm (additional Vascular Analysis Module, purchased separately for the Pro edition)
[*] Improved "Vessel tree segmentation" tool
[*] Increased number of studies for ADC mapping
General changes for both editions:
[+] Flat image view with orthogonal projections
[+] Pencil tool
[+] Chinese language support for the program interface
[+] Portuguese language support for the program interface
[*] Default settings for DICOM printing
[-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.8.0
Pro edition upgrades:
[+] Polygonal rendering and mesh transparency for Metal (macOS v10.15 onwards)
[+] Improved perfusion calculation algorithm
[+] Display of several maps simultaneously in perfusion mode
[+] Multislice mode support for blood flow analysis
[+] New modes of curvilinear reconstruction display
General changes for both editions:
[+] Improved the speed of loading DICOM-studies from the directory
[+] Ability to set up the dedicated volume of buffer memory
[+] Standard plane orientation on 3D view window in MPR mode
[*] The number of supported video players has been increased
[-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.7.1
[+] Study search by "Date of Birth" has been restored
[-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.7.0
[+] Assessment of the blood circulation parameters on the basis of phase-contrast images (only in Pro edition)
[+] Voxel rendering support on Metal for macOS (since version 10.15)
[+] Synchronizing series while viewing flat images
[+] Interactive customization of WL parameters on the histogram panel
[+] Auto update of the study list and the series downloaded via a network
[+] Displaying the point value under the cursor
[+] Inclusion of the patient's age in the abstract
[+] Expanding windows by double-clicking
[+] Distributing software on Linux with AppImage
[+] An opportunity to save the study search parameters has been added
[*] The Search Panel design has been changed: filtering parameters have been added
[*] The interface color palette has been changed
[*] Cancelling the contouring procedures (only in Pro edition)
[*] Minimum supported version of macOS 10.13
[-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.6.1
[+] Calling the downloadAndOpenStudy http command without server parameters
[-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
Version 2.6.0
[+] Contour based segmentation
[+] Opening DICOM studies from ZIP archives
[+] Displaying the boundaries of the segmented structure mask in MPR
[+] A tool for dilated structure subtraction
[+] A welcome panel with the settings displayed when the program is launched for the first time
[*] Windows installer updated
[*] Saving the model orientation and projection in spj-projects
[*] Working with a histogram has been improved, including ROI visual display
[*] Automated morphological opening/closing while building a surface
[*] Optimization of the surface building process
[*] Modification of the logic of the non-interactive tool for removing bone tissue
[*] Ability to perform measurements and build graphic objects by pressing and releasing the mouse button
[-] Several minor and critical bugs have been fixed
[-] Windows XP is no longer supported





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