CIMCAI intelligent railway logistics world leading container AI

news2024/9/28 5:23:33
  • 港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军企业CIMCAI,多式联运智能化铁路货运智能化方案,
  • 全自动化集装箱识别+数字化海运铁路运输集装箱管理。
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳是世界应用落地最广,规模最大,最先进的的集装箱人工智能高科技企业。
  • 世界集装箱AI领军企业中集飞瞳,是世界全球第一家完成两百万次人工智能验箱,
  • 上亿箱信息识别,生产环境累计运行时长超过700万小时的AI企业。
  • 世界港航人工智能/集装箱AI领军企业中集飞瞳高度成熟产品全球规模化落地应用,全球前三大船公司及港口码头应用落地。
  • CIMCAI he global leader of port and waterway AI/container AI, the intelligent multimodal transport and railway freight intelligent solution,
  • Fully automated container identification+digital container management for maritime and rail transport.
  • CIMCIAI is the most widely used, largest and advanced container AI high-tech enterprise in the world.
  • CIMCIAI world leading container AI enterprise, is the world's first to complete two million AI container inspections,
  • AI enterprises with hundreds of millions of cases of information identification and production environment running for more than 7 million hours.
  • Among the world's leading container AI enterprises, CIMCAI highly mature products have been launched on a global scale, and the world's top three shipping companies and ports and terminals have been launched.
  • 世界港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军企业中集飞瞳,多式联运智能化铁路货运智能化方案ceaspectusR™,
  • 全自动化集装箱识别+数字化海运铁路运输集装箱管理。
  • ceaspectusR™全自动化完成集装箱残损识别箱况检验及箱号箱型检测,
  • 在装/卸箱各环节过智能验箱+箱信息录入,数智化系统统一管理铁路集装箱,大幅提效降本。
  • In the world's leading enterprise of port and shipping AI/port and shipping AI, the intelligent multimodal transport and intelligent railway freight intelligent solution ceaspectusR ™,
  • Fully automated container identification+digital container management for maritime and rail transport.
  • ceaspectusR ™ Fully automated container damage identification and condition inspection as well as container number and type inspection,
  • Through intelligent container inspection and container information input in each link of loading/unloading, the digital intelligent system manages railway containers uniformly, greatly improving efficiency and reducing costs
  • 世界港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军企业CIMCAI,多式联运智能化方案ceaspectusR™核心优势:
  • 1 高度成熟AI产品生产环境卓越性能,高识别率/准确率,箱况残损检测率99%以上,箱号箱型识别率99.7%以上
  • 2 高度成熟AI产品高实时性50ms完成箱信息识别,12秒返回集装箱箱况残损检结果
  • 3 高度成熟AI产品顶尖人工智能核心技术多维度识别检测
  • CIMCAI, the leading enterprise of global port and waterway AI/port and waterway AI, and ceaspectusR, the intelligent solution of multimodal transport ™ Core advantages:
  • 1. Highly mature AI product production environment has excellent performance, high recognition rate/accuracy rate, more than 99% damage detection rate of container condition, and more than 99.7% identification rate of container number and type
  • 2. Highly mature AI products complete the identification of container information in 50ms with high real-time, and return the results of container damage inspection in 12 seconds
  • 3. Highly mature AI products, top AI core technology, multi-dimensional identification and detection
  • 世界港航人工智能/集装箱人工智能领军企业CIMCAI多式联运智能化方案ceaspectusR™核心优势:
  • 4 高度成熟AI产品生产环境运行超过700万小时,完成全球两百万AI箱况残损检验,上亿箱信息识别
  • 5 高度成熟AI产品模块化设计便于接入,完全基于视频流,高鲁棒性健壮性,不受天气温度环境影响
  • CIMCI, the leading enterprise of artificial intelligence for ports and shipping/container, is the intelligent solution for multimodal transport ™ Core advantages:
  • 4. The highly mature AI product production environment has operated for more than 7 million hours, completed the damage inspection of two million AI cases worldwide, and identified hundreds of millions of cases of information
  • 5. The modular design of highly mature AI products is easy to access, is completely based on video stream, has high robustness and robustness, and is not affected by the weather and temperature environment
  • 世界港航人工智能/港航人工智能领军企业CIMCAI,多式联运智能化方案ceaspectusR™核心优势:
  • 6 世界领先高算力集群技术超级算力,优化加快AI推理速度
  • 7 世界领先高算力集群技术,产品采用统一高算力集群统一部署管理,统一运维监控,维护成本最优化
  • 8 世界领先高算力集群技术,高算力集群可伸缩架构按需分配计算资源,算力资源不浪费
  • 世界港航人工智能/港航人工智能领军企业中集飞瞳,多式联运智能化方案ceaspectusR™核心优势:
  • 9 高度成熟AI产品高稳定性,UPS联动断电关机,
  • 故障告警和转移
  • 10 高度成熟AI产品新型网络架构和5G网络和高度稳定兼容
  • CIMCAI, the leading enterprise of global port and waterway AI/port and waterway AI, and ceaspectusR, the intelligent solution of multimodal transport ™ Core advantages:
  • 6. The world's leading high computing power cluster technology, super computing power, optimizes and accelerates AI reasoning speed
  • 7. The world's leading high computing power cluster technology, the product adopts unified high computing power cluster unified deployment management, unified operation and maintenance monitoring, and maintenance cost optimization
  • 8. The world's leading high computing power cluster technology. The scalable architecture of high computing power cluster allocates computing resources as needed, and computing power resources are not wasted
  • The intelligent solution of multimodal transport in the leading enterprise of global port and waterway AI/port and waterway AI ceaspectusR ™ Core advantages:
  • 9. Highly mature AI products have high stability, and UPS is linked to power off and shut down,
  • Fault alarm and transfer
  • 10 Highly mature AI products, new network architecture and 5G network are highly stable and compatible
  • 中国上海人工智能企业中集飞瞳CIMCAI,全球港航人工智能领军者企业,
  • 顶尖AI科技及工业级成熟人工智能产品,打造高效能智能化港口数字化航运码头数字化。
  • CIMCAI中集飞瞳已完成全球上亿次集装箱信息识别,完成全球超200万次集装箱人工智能箱况残损检验,
  • 生产环境运行超过700万小时。与全球顶尖船公司港口合作,
  • 产品已在全球各港区生产环境规模投产,产品识别率/准确率/实时性各指标在处于国际顶尖水平。
  • 更多内容请您访问中集飞瞳(上海)科技有限公司官网。
  • CIMCAI, a leading AI enterprise in Shanghai, China,
  • Top AI technology and industrial-level mature AI products, to create efficient and intelligent port digital shipping terminal digital.
  • CIMCAI CIMCAI has completed hundreds of millions of container information identification and more than 2 million damage inspections of container AI in the world,
  • The production environment runs more than 7 million hours. Cooperate with the ports of the world's top shipping companies,
  • The product has been put into production in the production environment of various ports in the world, and the product identification rate/accuracy rate/real-time performance indicators are at the top level in the world.
  • For more information, please visit the official website







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