Spire.Office 8.2.2 for NET 开年之喜

news2024/10/2 22:26:23

Spire.Office for .NET对文档的操作包括打开,创建,修改,转换,打印,浏览 Word、Excel、PowerPoint® 和 PDF 文档,以及将数据从数据源导出为常用的文档格式,如:Word,Excel,RTF,Access,PowerPoint,PDF,XPS,HTML,XML,Text,CSV,DBF 和剪贴版等格式


release of Spire.Office 8.2.2. In this version, Spire.PDF adds TextCompressionOptions to support setting compression type and supports setting the text alignment type for PdfFreeTextAnnotation; Spire.Doc supports the FLOOR.MATH formula and "what if analysis" goal seek; Spire.Presentation enhances the conversion from PowerPoint to images. Besides, a lot of known issues are successfully fixed in this update. More details are listed below. 

Spire.Office for .NET用于创建、编辑、转换和打印 Microsoft Word 文档的Word控件。支持 Word97-2003,Word2007,Word2010 以及 Word2013。能在 Word 97/2003/2007/2010/2013 和 XML、RTF、TXT、XPS、EPUB、EMF、HTML、ODT 等格式文件之间进行双向转换,还能将 Word 文件转换为 PDF 和 SVG 文件格式。其运行系统(服务器端或客户端)均无需安装 Microsoft Word,即可将Microsoft Word文档的操作功能集成到任何开发人员的 .NET 应用程序

Here is a list of changes made in this release
New featureSPIREPDF-5132Supports setting the color space of PdfSeparationColor as RGB.
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
 PdfPageBase page = pdf.Pages.Add();
 PdfRGBColor c = Color.Purple;
 //color space RGB
 PdfSeparationColorSpace cs = new PdfSeparationColorSpace("MySpotColor", new PdfRGBColor(c.R, c.G, c.B));
 //color space CMYK
 PdfSeparationColorSpace cs = new PdfSeparationColorSpace("MySpotColor", new PdfRGBColor(c.C, c.M, c.Y, c.K));
 //color space Grayscale
 PdfSeparationColorSpace cs = new PdfSeparationColorSpace("MySpotColor", new PdfRGBColor(c.Gray));
 PdfSeparationColor color = new PdfSeparationColor(cs, 1f);
 PdfSolidBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(color);
 page.Canvas.DrawPie(brush, 10, 30, 60, 60, 360, 360);
 page.Canvas.DrawString("Tint=1.0", new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 10f), brush, new PointF(22, 100));
 color = new PdfSeparationColor(cs, 0.5f);
 brush = new PdfSolidBrush(color);
 page.Canvas.DrawPie(brush, 80, 30, 60, 60, 360, 360);
 page.Canvas.DrawString("Tint=0.5", new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 10f), brush, new PointF(92, 100));
 color = new PdfSeparationColor(cs, 0.25f);
 brush = new PdfSolidBrush(color);
 page.Canvas.DrawPie(brush, 150, 30, 60, 60, 360, 360);
 page.Canvas.DrawString("Tint=0.25", new PdfFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 10f), brush, new PointF(162, 100));
New featureSPIREPDF-5705Adds TextCompressionOptions to support setting compression type.
PdfCompressor compressor = new PdfCompressor(fileName);
compressor.Options.TextCompressionOptions.UnembedFonts = true;
New featureSPIREPDF-5733Supports setting the text alignment type for PdfFreeTextAnnotation.
RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(x, y, 100, 15);
PdfFreeTextAnnotation textAnnotation = new PdfFreeTextAnnotation(rect);
textAnnotation.TextAlignment = PdfAnnotationTextAlignment.Right;
New featureSPIREPDF-5735Supports saving to stream after compressing the PDF file.
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create))
    PdfCompressor compressor = new PdfCompressor(inputFile);
BugSPIREPDF-5713Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after printing a PDF file.
BugSPIREPDF-5740Fixes the issue that the content was an offset to the bottom right after printing a PDF file.
BugSPIREPDF-5741Fixes the issue that the checkbox checked value didn't display when opening the output PDF with PDF-XChange.
BugSPIREPDF-5745Fixes the issue that the RadioButton field value lost after flattening the PDF forms.
BugSPIREPDF-5754Fixes the issue that the RadioButton field value was incorrect after flattening the PDF forms.
BugSPIREPDF-5386Optimizes the time consumption when converting PDF to Excel.
BugSPIREPDF-5511Fixes the issue that it failed to display the added text annotation in WPS software.
BugSPIREPDF-5659Fixes the issue that the time consumption of converting two pages with same content to image differs a lot.
BugSPIREPDF-5660Fixes the issue that the invisible lines became visible after converting XPS to PDF.
BugSPIREPDF-5677Fixes the issue that caused incorrect format after extracting text from PDF pages.
BugSPIREPDF-5697Fixes the issue that getting the Destination of bookmark returned incorrect data.
BugSPIREPDF-5726Fixes the issue that the application threw the "ArgumentException" when converting Pdf to image.
New featureSPIREXLS-4405Supports setting the Boolean value of addQuotationForStringValue to make the result strings have quotation marks after converting Excel to CSV.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
//The last parameter " true" makes the result strings have quotation marks
sheet.SaveToFile(@"ToCSV.csv", ",",true);
New featureSPIREXLS-4422Supports running "what if analysis" goal seek.
Workbook book = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[0];
CellRange targetCell = sheet.Range["E2"];
CellRange gussCell = sheet.Range["B4"];
GoalSeek goalSeek = new GoalSeek();
GoalSeekResult result= goalSeek.TryCalculate (targetCell, 2000, gussCell);
New featureSPIREXLS-4386Supports the FLOOR.MATH formula.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.Worksheets[0].Range["A1"].Formula = "FLOOR.MATH(12.758,2,-1)";
BugSPIREXLS-3469Fixes the issue that the fonts changed after converting an Excel file to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4367Fixes the issue that the values were incorrect after referencing the external data source.
BugSPIREXLS-4402Fixes the issue that the content format was incorrect after converting an Excel file to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4403Fixes the issue that the content format was incorrect after converting Excel files to images with netstandard dlls.
BugSPIREXLS-4407Fixes the issue that the Conditional Format range was incorrect after invoking DeleteRange() method.
BugSPIREXLS-4412Fixes the issue that it didn't take effect to set IsTextWrapped for chart data label.
BugSPIREXLS-4420Fixes the issue that the application threw "OutOfMemoryError" when converting an Excel file to PDF.
BugSPIREXLS-4424Fixes the issue that the obtained background color of the cell range was incorrect.
BugSPIREXLS-4413Fixes the issue that it didn't take effect to invoke workbook.IsSaved.
BugSPIREPPT-2153Fixes the issue that the memory failed to release when the PowerPoint to image conversion program ended.
BugSPIREBARCODE-235Fixes the issue that the QR code position is incorrect when setting UseHttpHandlerMode="True" in an ASP web application.




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