【Call for papers】DSN-2023(CCF-B/软件工程/2022年12月7日截稿)

news2024/10/7 12:20:27



  • 1.会议信息
  • 2.时间节点
  • 3.论文主题

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend you a warm welcome to the 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2023), organized by the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Over the years DSN has become a forum to present the best world research in the fusion between dependability and security research, understanding the need to simultaneously fight against accidental faults, intentional cyber-attacks, design errors, and unexpected operating conditions. We are looking forward to a conference filled with ideas from industry and academia.


会议介绍: 第53届IEEE/IFIP可靠性系统与网络国际会议(IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2023)将在葡萄牙举行。多年来,DSN已经成为一个论坛,展示世界上最好的研究,融合可靠性和安全研究,理解需要同时对抗意外故障,蓄意的网络攻击,设计错误和意外的操作条件。

会议全称: International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks

会议网址: https://dsn2023.dei.uc.pt/index.html

会议地点: Porto, Portugal

CCF分类: B类

Core分类: A类

H5指数: 32

影响力值: 4.29

录取率: DSN’22 18.7% (49/262)


Abstract submission deadlineDec. 1, 2022
Paper submission deadlineDec. 7, 2022
Early reject notificationJan. 28, 2023
Author rebuttal & revision periodFeb. 15 - 28, 2023
Notification to authorsMar. 17, 2023


  • Hardware (e.g., microprocessors, memory systems, systems on chip, I/O devices, storage systems,Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), edge and mobile devices, data center infrastructure, hardware accelerators, emerging technologies, emerging paradigms like processing in memory & quantum computing)

  • Software (e.g., applications, middleware, distributed algorithms, operating systems, software security, dependable software design)

  • Networked systems and clouds (e.g., wireless networks, mobility, software-defined networking, edge computing, cloud computing/storage, networks on chip, network security)

  • Autonomous systems (e.g., self-driving vehicles, autonomous robots, assured autonomy, explainable decision making, acceptability, privacy issues)

  • Cyber-physical systems (e.g., embedded systems, real-time control of critical systems, internet of things, smart grid, automotive, aerospace, railway, medical systems)

  • Distributed ledgers/Blockchain (e.g., BFT/consensus algorithms, cryptocurrencies, decentralized storage, zero knowledge proofs)

  • AI/Machine Learning for resilient systems (e.g., robust, resilient, secure, and explainable AI/Machine Learning techniques; applications of AI/ML techniques for dependability and security, robustness issues in ML/AI systems)

  • Models and methodologies for programming, evaluating, verifying, and assessing robust (dependable and secure) systems (e.g., performance and dependability evaluation, analytical and numerical methods, simulation, experimentation, benchmarking, verification, field data analysis)

  • Emerging technologies and computing paradigms (e.g., robustness, security, dependability issues of emerging memory and storage systems, emerging computing paradigms like quantum computing, processing in memory/sensors/storage/network, 3-dimensional architectures, new hardware/software cooperative paradigms, emerging programming and system paradigms)




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