
news2024/9/30 13:25:48

1. 实践场景



2. 代码实践


2.1 准备环境

llm_config = {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}

2.2 明确任务

task = '''
        Write a concise but engaging blogpost about
       DeepLearning.AI. Make sure the blogpost is
       within 100 words.

2.3 创建一个writer代理

import autogen

writer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    system_message="You are a writer. You write engaging and concise " 
        "blogpost (with title) on given topics. You must polish your "
        "writing based on the feedback you receive and give a refined "
        "version. Only return your final work without additional comments.",

reply = writer.generate_reply(messages=[{"content": task, "role": "user"}])


Title: Unveiling the Power of DeepLearning.AI

Step into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. Founded by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this platform offers top-notch courses to master deep learning. From computer vision to natural language processing, DeepLearning.AI covers it all. Gain valuable skills through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, and join a thriving community of learners worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, DeepLearning.AI equips you with the knowledge to excel in the AI field. Elevate your career and unleash the potential of AI with DeepLearning.AI today.

2.4 创建一个critic代理

critic = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    is_termination_msg=lambda x: x.get("content", "").find("TERMINATE") >= 0,
    system_message="You are a critic. You review the work of "
                "the writer and provide constructive "
                "feedback to help improve the quality of the content.",
res = critic.initiate_chat(


Critic (to Writer):

        Write a concise but engaging blogpost about
       DeepLearning.AI. Make sure the blogpost is
       within 100 words.

Writer (to Critic):

Title: Unveiling the Power of DeepLearning.AI

Step into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. Founded by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this platform offers top-notch courses to master deep learning. From computer vision to natural language processing, DeepLearning.AI covers it all. Gain valuable skills through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, and join a thriving community of learners worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, DeepLearning.AI equips you with the knowledge to excel in the AI field. Elevate your career and unleash the potential of AI with DeepLearning.AI today.

Critic (to Writer):

This blogpost effectively conveys the key features of DeepLearning.AI in a concise and engaging manner. The title is attention-grabbing and sets the tone for the content. The content provides a brief overview of the platform, mentioning the founder, courses offered, interactive learning experience, and community aspect. To enhance the blogpost, you could consider adding specific examples of the courses available or success stories from learners who have benefited from DeepLearning.AI. This would make the content more relatable and compelling to readers. Additionally, including a call to action at the end encouraging readers to explore the platform further would help drive engagement. Great job overall!

Writer (to Critic):

Title: Unleash Your Potential with DeepLearning.AI

Embark on an AI journey with DeepLearning.AI, founded by AI expert Andrew Ng. Master computer vision, NLP, and more through interactive courses and projects. Join a global community of learners and professionals to enhance your skills. From beginners to experts, DeepLearning.AI offers a path to excel in AI. Explore courses like "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" or dive into "Sequence Models." Hear success stories and take your AI skills to the next level today. Don't miss out—join DeepLearning.AI and pave the way to a successful AI career.



2.5 对其他细节进行堆叠


2.5.1 嵌套聊天


SEO_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="SEO Reviewer",
    system_message="You are an SEO reviewer, known for "
        "your ability to optimize content for search engines, "
        "ensuring that it ranks well and attracts organic traffic. " 
        "Make sure your suggestion is concise (within 3 bullet points), "
        "concrete and to the point. "
        "Begin the review by stating your role.",


legal_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="Legal Reviewer",
    system_message="You are a legal reviewer, known for "
        "your ability to ensure that content is legally compliant "
        "and free from any potential legal issues. "
        "Make sure your suggestion is concise (within 3 bullet points), "
        "concrete and to the point. "
        "Begin the review by stating your role.",


ethics_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="Ethics Reviewer",
    system_message="You are an ethics reviewer, known for "
        "your ability to ensure that content is ethically sound "
        "and free from any potential ethical issues. " 
        "Make sure your suggestion is concise (within 3 bullet points), "
        "concrete and to the point. "
        "Begin the review by stating your role. ",

创建meta reviewer整合建议Agent

meta_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="Meta Reviewer",
    system_message="You are a meta reviewer, you aggragate and review "
    "the work of other reviewers and give a final suggestion on the content.",

2.5.2 协调嵌套对话以解决任务

def reflection_message(recipient, messages, sender, config):
    return f'''Review the following content. 
            \n\n {recipient.chat_messages_for_summary(sender)[-1]['content']}'''

review_chats = [
     "recipient": SEO_reviewer, 
     "message": reflection_message, 
     "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
     "summary_args": {"summary_prompt" : 
        "Return review into as JSON object only:"
        "{'Reviewer': '', 'Review': ''}. Here Reviewer should be your role",},
     "max_turns": 1},
    "recipient": legal_reviewer, "message": reflection_message, 
     "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
     "summary_args": {"summary_prompt" : 
        "Return review into as JSON object only:"
        "{'Reviewer': '', 'Review': ''}.",},
     "max_turns": 1},
    {"recipient": ethics_reviewer, "message": reflection_message, 
     "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
     "summary_args": {"summary_prompt" : 
        "Return review into as JSON object only:"
        "{'reviewer': '', 'review': ''}",},
     "max_turns": 1},
     {"recipient": meta_reviewer, 
      "message": "Aggregrate feedback from all reviewers and give final suggestions on the writing.", 
     "max_turns": 1},

2.5.3 将子任务整合并设置初始对话

res = critic.initiate_chat(


Critic (to Writer):

        Write a concise but engaging blogpost about
       DeepLearning.AI. Make sure the blogpost is
       within 100 words.

Writer (to Critic):

Title: Unveiling the Power of DeepLearning.AI

Step into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. Founded by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this platform offers top-notch courses to master deep learning. From computer vision to natural language processing, DeepLearning.AI covers it all. Gain valuable skills through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, and join a thriving community of learners worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, DeepLearning.AI equips you with the knowledge to excel in the AI field. Elevate your career and unleash the potential of AI with DeepLearning.AI today.


Starting a new chat....

Critic (to SEO Reviewer):

Review the following content. 

 Title: Unveiling the Power of DeepLearning.AI

Step into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. Founded by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this platform offers top-notch courses to master deep learning. From computer vision to natural language processing, DeepLearning.AI covers it all. Gain valuable skills through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, and join a thriving community of learners worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, DeepLearning.AI equips you with the knowledge to excel in the AI field. Elevate your career and unleash the potential of AI with DeepLearning.AI today.

SEO Reviewer (to Critic):

As an SEO reviewer:

- Include target keywords like "DeepLearning.AI courses," "Andrew Ng AI courses," "deep learning online classes" to improve search engine visibility.
- Add structured data markup for course details, instructor information, and reviews to enhance search results appearance with rich snippets.
- Encourage users to engage by adding a clear call-to-action like "Enroll now" or "Start learning today" to improve user interaction and potentially increase click-through rates.


Starting a new chat....

Critic (to Legal Reviewer):

Review the following content. 

 Title: Unveiling the Power of DeepLearning.AI

Step into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. Founded by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this platform offers top-notch courses to master deep learning. From computer vision to natural language processing, DeepLearning.AI covers it all. Gain valuable skills through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, and join a thriving community of learners worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, DeepLearning.AI equips you with the knowledge to excel in the AI field. Elevate your career and unleash the potential of AI with DeepLearning.AI today.
{'Reviewer': 'SEO Specialist', 'Review': '- Include target keywords like "DeepLearning.AI courses," "Andrew Ng AI courses," "deep learning online classes" to improve search engine visibility. - Add structured data markup for course details, instructor information, and reviews to enhance search results appearance with rich snippets. - Encourage users to engage by adding a clear call-to-action like "Enroll now" or "Start learning today" to improve user interaction and potentially increase click-through rates.'}

Legal Reviewer (to Critic):

As a Legal Reviewer:

- Ensure compliance with intellectual property rights by verifying that all content related to courses, instructors, and platform details does not infringe on any trademarks or copyrights.
- Confirm that any testimonials or reviews included are authentic and not fabricated to avoid potential false advertising claims.
- Review the disclaimer regarding the outcomes of the courses to prevent any misleading claims about guaranteed career advancements.


Starting a new chat....

Critic (to Ethics Reviewer):

Review the following content. 

 Title: Unveiling the Power of DeepLearning.AI

Step into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. Founded by renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, this platform offers top-notch courses to master deep learning. From computer vision to natural language processing, DeepLearning.AI covers it all. Gain valuable skills through interactive lessons and hands-on projects, and join a thriving community of learners worldwide. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned professional, DeepLearning.AI equips you with the knowledge to excel in the AI field. Elevate your career and unleash the potential of AI with DeepLearning.AI today.
{'Reviewer': 'SEO Specialist', 'Review': '- Include target keywords like "DeepLearning.AI courses," "Andrew Ng AI courses," "deep learning online classes" to improve search engine visibility. - Add structured data markup for course details, instructor information, and reviews to enhance search results appearance with rich snippets. - Encourage users to engage by adding a clear call-to-action like "Enroll now" or "Start learning today" to improve user interaction and potentially increase click-through rates.'}
{'Reviewer': 'Legal Reviewer', 'Review': '- Ensure compliance with intellectual property rights by verifying that all content related to courses, instructors, and platform details does not infringe on any trademarks or copyrights. - Confirm that any testimonials or reviews included are authentic and not fabricated to avoid potential false advertising claims. - Review the disclaimer regarding the outcomes of the courses to prevent any misleading claims about guaranteed career advancements.'}

Ethics Reviewer (to Critic):

**Ethics Reviewer**

- Ensure that any claims made about the effectiveness of DeepLearning.AI courses are evidence-based and avoid exaggeration to prevent misleading learners.
- Verify that the platform accurately represents the qualifications and expertise of the instructors to maintain transparency and trust with the learners.
- Review the data privacy and security measures in place to protect the personal information of users and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.


Starting a new chat....

Critic (to Meta Reviewer):

Aggregrate feedback from all reviewers and give final suggestions on the writing.
{'Reviewer': 'SEO Specialist', 'Review': '- Include target keywords like "DeepLearning.AI courses," "Andrew Ng AI courses," "deep learning online classes" to improve search engine visibility. - Add structured data markup for course details, instructor information, and reviews to enhance search results appearance with rich snippets. - Encourage users to engage by adding a clear call-to-action like "Enroll now" or "Start learning today" to improve user interaction and potentially increase click-through rates.'}
{'Reviewer': 'Legal Reviewer', 'Review': '- Ensure compliance with intellectual property rights by verifying that all content related to courses, instructors, and platform details does not infringe on any trademarks or copyrights. - Confirm that any testimonials or reviews included are authentic and not fabricated to avoid potential false advertising claims. - Review the disclaimer regarding the outcomes of the courses to prevent any misleading claims about guaranteed career advancements.'}
{'reviewer': 'Ethics Reviewer', 'review': '- Ensure that any claims made about the effectiveness of DeepLearning.AI courses are evidence-based and avoid exaggeration to prevent misleading learners. - Verify that the platform accurately represents the qualifications and expertise of the instructors to maintain transparency and trust with the learners. - Review the data privacy and security measures in place to protect the personal information of users and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.'}

Meta Reviewer (to Critic):

After aggregating the feedback from the SEO Specialist, Legal Reviewer, and Ethics Reviewer, here are the key points to consider:

1. SEO: Incorporate target keywords and structured data markup to enhance search engine visibility and user engagement. Include clear call-to-action phrases to improve interaction and click-through rates.

2. Legal: Ensure compliance with intellectual property rights, authenticity of testimonials, and avoid misleading claims in the disclaimer regarding course outcomes to prevent legal issues related to false advertising.

3. Ethics: Base claims about course effectiveness on evidence, accurately represent instructor qualifications, and prioritize data privacy and security to maintain transparency and trust with learners.

Final Suggestions:
- Implement SEO recommendations to boost visibility and engagement.
- Double-check all content for intellectual property compliance and authenticity.
- Focus on evidence-based claims and transparent representation of instructors.
- Prioritize data privacy and security measures.

Overall, the writing should prioritize transparency, accuracy, and user trust. By addressing the suggestions of all reviewers, the content can be enhanced to meet both regulatory requirements and user expectations.

Critic (to Writer):

After aggregating the feedback from the SEO Specialist, Legal Reviewer, and Ethics Reviewer, here are the key points to consider:

1. SEO: Incorporate target keywords and structured data markup to enhance search engine visibility and user engagement. Include clear call-to-action phrases to improve interaction and click-through rates.

2. Legal: Ensure compliance with intellectual property rights, authenticity of testimonials, and avoid misleading claims in the disclaimer regarding course outcomes to prevent legal issues related to false advertising.

3. Ethics: Base claims about course effectiveness on evidence, accurately represent instructor qualifications, and prioritize data privacy and security to maintain transparency and trust with learners.

Final Suggestions:
- Implement SEO recommendations to boost visibility and engagement.
- Double-check all content for intellectual property compliance and authenticity.
- Focus on evidence-based claims and transparent representation of instructors.
- Prioritize data privacy and security measures.

Overall, the writing should prioritize transparency, accuracy, and user trust. By addressing the suggestions of all reviewers, the content can be enhanced to meet both regulatory requirements and user expectations.

Writer (to Critic):

Title: Unleashing the Potential of DeepLearning.AI Responsibly

Dive into the realm of AI education with DeepLearning.AI, led by AI pioneer Andrew Ng. Master cutting-edge deep learning skills in computer vision, NLP, and more through interactive courses and projects. Join a global community of learners and propel your AI career forward. Incorporating expert feedback, we ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards. Discover the power of AI responsibly – with clear CTAs, evidence-based claims, and a commitment to data privacy. Elevate your skills with confidence and transparency, and let DeepLearning.AI be your gateway to success in the world of AI.


2.6 获取摘要



Title: Unleashing the Potential of DeepLearning.AI Responsibly

Dive into the realm of AI education with DeepLearning.AI, led by AI pioneer Andrew Ng. Master cutting-edge deep learning skills in computer vision, NLP, and more through interactive courses and projects. Join a global community of learners and propel your AI career forward. Incorporating expert feedback, we ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards. Discover the power of AI responsibly – with clear CTAs, evidence-based claims, and a commitment to data privacy. Elevate your skills with confidence and transparency, and let DeepLearning.AI be your gateway to success in the world of AI.

3. 总结






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