
news2025/1/8 4:08:32




  • 文件操作:读取大型文件或执行复杂的文件操作时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程。
  • 网络请求:当需要进行网络请求并等待响应时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程,从而提高应用程序的响应性能。
  • 数据库操作:当需要执行复杂的数据库查询或写入操作时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程,从而提高应用程序的并发性能。
  • 图形处理:当需要对大型图像进行处理或执行复杂的图像算法时,可以使用异步工作项来避免阻塞主线程,从而提高应用程序的实时性能。

        2、 异步方式与同步方式的区别



  • 在Native接口函数中,创建一个异步工作项,并置入libuv调度队列中,然后立即返回一个临时结果给ArkTS调用者;
  • 通过libuv线程池创建并调度work子线程完成异步业务逻辑的执行;
  • 通过Callback回调或者Promise延时对象返回真正的处理结果,并用于应用侧UI刷新。





NAPI_EXTERN napi_status napi_create_async_work(napi_env env,
                                               napi_value async_resource,
                                               napi_value async_resource_name,
                                               napi_async_execute_callback execute,
                                               napi_async_complete_callback complete,
                                               void* data,
                                               napi_async_work* result);
[in] env:传入接口调用者的环境,包含方舟引擎等。由框架提供,默认情况下直接传入即可。
[in] async_resource:可选项,关联async_hooks。
[in] async_resource_name:异步资源标识符,主要用于async_hooks API暴露断言诊断信息。
[in] execute:执行业务逻辑计算函数,由libuv线程池调度执行。在该函数中执行IO、CPU密集型任务,不阻塞主线程。
[in] complete:execute回调函数执行完成或取消后,触发执行该函数。此函数在EventLoop子线程中执行。
[in] data:用户提供的上下文数据,用于传递数据。
[out] result:napi_async_work*指针,用于返回当前此处函数调用创建的异步工作项。 返回值:返回napi_ok表示转换成功,其他值失败。


  • execute函数用于执行工作项的业务逻辑,异步工作项被调度后,该函数从上下文数据中获取输入数据,在work子线程中完成业务逻辑计算(不阻塞主线程)并将结果写入上下文数据。
  • 因为execute函数不在ArkTS线程中,所以不允许execute函数调用napi的接口。业务逻辑的返回值可以返回到complete回调中处理。


  • 业务逻辑处理execute函数执行完成或被取消后,通过事件通知EventLoop执行complete函数,complete函数从上下文数据中获取结果,转换为napi_value类型,调用ArkTS回调函数或通过Promise resolve()返回结果。
  • 该函数运行在ArkTS主线程下,因此可以调用napi的接口,将execute中的返回值封装成ArkTS对象返回。




  • 用户在调用Native接口的时候,Native接口将异步执行任务,并临时返回空值给ArkTS应用侧。
  • 异步任务执行结果以参数的形式提供给用户注册的ArkTS回调函数,并通过napi_call_function将ArkTS回调函数进行调用执行以反馈结果到ArkTS应用侧。


  • 用户在调用Native接口的时候,Native接口将异步执行任务,并返回一个Promise对象给ArkTS应用侧。
  • Promise对象提供了API使得异步执行可以按照同步的流程表示出来,避免了层层嵌套的回调引用。
  • 异步任务执行结果以参数的形式提供给与ArkTS应用侧Promise对象关联的deferred对象,并通过napi_resolve_deferred将计算结果反馈到ArkTS应用侧。
















import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';

struct Index {
  @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  imageName: string = '';

  build() {
    Column() {
      // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
      Column() {
        // multi-threads callback async button
          .onClick(() => {
            this.imageName = Constants.CALLBACK_BUTTON_IMAGE;
            testNapi.getImagePathAsyncCallBack(this.imageName, (result: string) => {
              this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + result;



// index.d.ts文件
export const getImagePathAsyncCallBack: (imageName: string, callBack: (result: string) => void) => void;


// MultiThreads.cpp文件

static void ExecuteFunc([[maybe_unused]] napi_env env, void *data) {
    // create producer thread
    thread producer(ProductElement, data);
    // the producer and consumer threads must be synchronized
    // otherwise, the complete operation is triggered to communicate with the ArkTS after the executeFunc is complete
    // the result is unpredictable
    // create consumer thread
    thread consumer(ConsumeElement, data);


// MultiThreads.cpp文件

static void CompleteFuncCallBack(napi_env env, [[maybe_unused]] napi_status status, void *data) {
    // parse context data
    ContextData *contextData = static_cast<ContextData *>(data);
    napi_value callBack = nullptr;
    napi_status operStatus = napi_get_reference_value(env, contextData->callbackRef, &callBack);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
    // define the undefined variable, which is used in napi_call_function
    // because no other data is transferred, the variable is defined as undefined
    napi_value undefined = nullptr;
    operStatus = napi_get_undefined(env, &undefined);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
    // convert the calculation result of C++ sub-thread to the napi_value type
    napi_value callBackArgs = nullptr;
    operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, contextData->result.c_str(),
        contextData->result.length(), &callBackArgs);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
    // call the JS callback and send the async calculation result on the Native to ArkTS application
    napi_value callBackResult = nullptr;
    (void)napi_call_function(env, undefined, callBack, 1, &callBackArgs, &callBackResult);
    // destroy data and release memory
    DeleteContext(env, contextData);


// MultiThreads.cpp文件

// callback async interface
static napi_value GetImagePathAsyncCallBack(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
    size_t paraNum = 2;
    napi_value paraArray[2] = {nullptr};
    // parse parameters
    napi_status operStatus = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &paraNum, paraArray, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        return nullptr;
    napi_valuetype paraDataType = napi_undefined;
    operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[0], &paraDataType);
    if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_string)) {
        return nullptr;
    operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[1], &paraDataType);
    if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_function)) {
        return nullptr;
    // napi_value convert to char *
    constexpr size_t buffSize = 100;
    char strBuff[buffSize]{}; // char buffer for imageName string
    size_t strLength = 0;
    operStatus = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, paraArray[0], strBuff, buffSize, &strLength);
    if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (strLength == 0)) {
        return nullptr;
    // defines context data. the memory will be released in CompleteFunc
    auto contextData = new ContextData;
    contextData->args = strBuff;
    operStatus = napi_create_reference(env, paraArray[1], 1, &contextData->callbackRef);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    // async resource
    napi_value asyncName = nullptr;
    string asyncStr = "async callback";
    operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, asyncStr.c_str(), asyncStr.length(), &asyncName);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    // create async work
    operStatus = napi_create_async_work(env, nullptr, asyncName, ExecuteFunc, CompleteFuncCallBack,
                                        static_cast<void *>(contextData), &contextData->asyncWork);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    // add the async work to the queue and wait for scheduling
    operStatus = napi_queue_async_work(env, contextData->asyncWork);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
    return nullptr;



// index.d.ts文件

import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';

struct Index {
  @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  imageName: string = '';

  build() {
    Column() {
      // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
      Column() {
        // multi-threads promise async button
          .onClick(() => {
            this.imageName = Constants.PROMISE_BUTTON_IMAGE;
            let promiseObj = testNapi.getImagePathAsyncPromise(this.imageName);
            promiseObj.then((result: string) => {
              this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + result;
}import testNapi from 'libentry.so';
import Constants from '../../common/constants/CommonConstants';

struct Index {
  @State imagePath: string = Constants.INIT_IMAGE_PATH;
  imageName: string = '';

  build() {
    Column() {
      // button list, prompting the user to click the button to select the target image.
      Column() {
        // multi-threads promise async button
          .onClick(() => {
            this.imageName = Constants.PROMISE_BUTTON_IMAGE;
            let promiseObj = testNapi.getImagePathAsyncPromise(this.imageName);
            promiseObj.then((result: string) => {
              this.imagePath = Constants.IMAGE_ROOT_PATH + result;



// index.d.ts文件
export const getImagePathAsyncPromise: (imageName: string) => Promise<string>;


// MultiThreads.cpp文件

static void ExecuteFunc([[maybe_unused]] napi_env env, void *data) {
    // create producer thread
    thread producer(ProductElement, data);
    // the producer and consumer threads must be synchronized
    // otherwise, the complete operation is triggered to communicate with the ArkTS after the executeFunc is complete
    // the result is unpredictable
    // create consumer thread
    thread consumer(ConsumeElement, data);


// MultiThreads.cpp文件

static void CompleteFuncPromise(napi_env env, [[maybe_unused]] napi_status status, void *data) {
    // parse context data
    ContextData *contextData = static_cast<ContextData *>(data);
    // convert the calculation result of C++ sub-thread to the napi_value type
    napi_value promiseArgs = nullptr;
    napi_status operStatus =
        napi_create_string_utf8(env, contextData->result.c_str(), contextData->result.length(), &promiseArgs);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
    // the deferred and promise object are associated. the result is sent to ArkTS application through this interface
    operStatus = napi_resolve_deferred(env, contextData->deferred, promiseArgs);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
    // destroy data and release memory
    DeleteContext(env, contextData);


// MultiThreads.cpp文件

// promise async interface
static napi_value GetImagePathAsyncPromise(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) {
    size_t paraNum = 1;
    napi_value paraArray[1] = {nullptr};
    // parse parameters
    napi_status operStatus = napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &paraNum, paraArray, nullptr, nullptr);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        return nullptr;
    napi_valuetype paraDataType = napi_undefined;
    operStatus = napi_typeof(env, paraArray[0], &paraDataType);
    if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (paraDataType != napi_string)) {
        return nullptr;
    // napi_value convert to char *
    constexpr size_t buffSize = 100;
    char strBuff[buffSize]{}; // char buffer for imageName string
    size_t strLength = 0;
    operStatus = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, paraArray[0], strBuff, buffSize, &strLength);
    if ((operStatus != napi_ok) || (strLength == 0)) {
        return nullptr;
    // defines context data. the memory will be released in CompleteFunc
    auto contextData = new ContextData;
    contextData->args = strBuff;
    // async resource
    napi_value asyncName = nullptr;
    string asyncStr = "async promise";
    operStatus = napi_create_string_utf8(env, asyncStr.c_str(), asyncStr.length(), &asyncName);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    // create async work
    operStatus = napi_create_async_work(env, nullptr, asyncName, ExecuteFunc, CompleteFuncPromise,
                                        static_cast<void *>(contextData), &contextData->asyncWork);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    // add the async work to the queue and wait for scheduling
    operStatus = napi_queue_async_work(env, contextData->asyncWork);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    // create promise object
    napi_value promiseObj = nullptr;
    operStatus = napi_create_promise(env, &contextData->deferred, &promiseObj);
    if (operStatus != napi_ok) {
        DeleteContext(env, contextData);
        return nullptr;
    return promiseObj;





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