
news2025/2/22 8:28:51


The goal of networks is to transmit data from one host to another.


Encapsulation 封装

To achieve this goal, each layer adds its own header to the data. A header contains information specific for that layer, and it precedes the data itself.
Consider a case where we have a lookup service, used in order to find a person’s phone number, given the person’s name. The data consists of the person’s first and last name.

Before the packet is sent, the fifth layer might add its own header, describing that this is a REQUEST packet. The header might also specify that this is a request to map from a person’s name to a phone number, and not vice versa.
在发送数据包之前,第五层可能会添加自己的标头,描述这是一个 REQUEST 数据包。标头还可以指定这是从人员姓名映射到电话号码的请求,反之亦然。


Header of the 5th layer, with data

Then, the fifth layer passes the data to the fourth layer. Note, that the fourth layer regards everything as data – ones and zeroes. It doesn’t care if the fifth layer added a header, or what is written inside that header.
然后,第五层将数据传递到第四层。请注意,第四层将所有内容视为数据——1 和 0。它不在乎第五层是否添加了标题,也不在乎该标题中写了什么。

The fourth layer then adds its own header. For instance, it might specify that the requested service is the names-and-phones service. It may also include a sequential number for the packet, so it can be identified later.


Header of the 4th layer, with data which includes the 5th layer’s header

Afterwards, the fourth layer will pass the packet to the third layer. Again, the third layer will regard everything it has received – including the data itself, the header added by the fifth layer, and the header added by the fourth layer – simply as a chunk of data.

Then, the third layer will add its own header. For instance, it may include the source address and destination address of the packet.


Header of the 4th layer, with data which includes the 4th layer’s header and data

This process goes on. So, each layer adds its own header to the packet*. This process is called encapsulation.*

On the other end, the receiver gets the packet and needs to read and remove the headers.

* The second layer may also include a trailer – an additional chunk of bits following the data, with some information.
* 第二层也可包括一个“尾部” —— 一组附加在数据后面的比特块,包含一些信息。

Putting it All Together 把它们放在一起

Now that we have covered the five layers, let’s have one example using all of them together.


Let’s say we would like to send a video file to our friend who lives in France, while we are enjoying a trip in Argentina. For that, we are using an email service.

The fifth layer defines how the email will be transmitted. For example, it includes the email address of the sender, as well as the receiver. It contains a title, and the body of the message. It requires that we follow a specific template of an email address, that will be included in the header of this layer.


The five layers model, with an example of sending an email

Then, the fifth layer uses the fourth layer in order to split the email into chunks. Of course, each chunk will also carry the fourth layer’s header. It is also used in order to specify that we are currently using an email service.

In this case, we definitely want the connection to be reliable – so the receiver will be able to play our video file correctly. Thus, the fourth layer will also handle reliability. On the receiver’s end, it might send an acknowledgment packet for every packet it receives.

The third layer will define the best route for every packet to be sent. It might choose different routes for different packets. Among other things, its header will contain the source and destination addresses for the packet.

The second layer will be responsible for every link between two directly connected devices. Its header will include the MAC addresses for each device.
第二层将负责两个直接连接的设备之间的每个链接。其标头将包括每个设备的 MAC 地址。

The first layer is responsible for encoding all the ones and zeros, and to pass them over the line. And then, decoding and reading those ones and zeroes on the other end. On this layer, we don’t really have a header, as it consists of single bits only.
第一层负责对所有 1 和 0 进行编码,并将它们传递到行上。然后,解码并读取另一端的 1 和 0。在这个层上,我们实际上没有标头,因为它只由单个位组成。

Summary 总结

This way, every layer uses the services provided by the lower layers, and the huge problem of transmitting data over the network becomes doable. How amazing is that?

via: Omer Rosenbaum OCTOBER, 2022




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