Arduino 旋转编码器

news2025/2/23 2:19:43

Arduino 旋转编码器

Arduino - Rotary Encoder

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use the incremental encoder with Arduino. In detail, we will learn:

  • How a rotary encoder works
  • Rotary encoder vs potentiometer
  • How to connect the rotary encoder to Arduino
  • How to program Arduino to read the direction and position from the rotary encoder WITHOUT interrupt
  • How to program Arduino to read the direction and position from the rotary encoder WITH interrupt

About Rotary Encoder 关于旋转编码器

A rotary encoder is an electromechanical device that converts rotational movement into an electrical signal. It measures the rotation and position of a shaft or knob. There are two main types:

  • Incremental encoder: which generates pulses to measure relative change
  • Absolute encoder: which provides a unique digital code for each position, making them ideal for precise positioning even after power loss.

This guide is about the incremental encoder.

Rotary Encoder Module Pinout 旋转编码器模块引脚排列


A rotary encoder module has 4 pins:
旋转编码器模块有 4 个引脚:

  • CLK pin (Output A): is the main pulse that tells us how much rotation has occurred. Whenever you turn the knob by one detent (click) in either direction, the CLK pin outputs a signal that is a completes a full cycle (LOWHIGHLOW).
    CLK 引脚(输出 A):是告诉我们发生了多少旋转的主脉冲。每当您在任一方向上转动旋钮(咔嗒一声)时,CLK 引脚都会输出一个完整的周期(低→高→低)的信号。
  • DT pin (Output B): acts like the CLK pin but outputs a signal lags behind CLK signal by 90 degrees. It helps us figure out the direction of rotation (clockwise or anticlockwise).
    DT 引脚(输出 B):其作用类似于 CLK 引脚,但输出的信号比 CLK 信号滞后 90 度。它可以帮助我们确定旋转方向(顺时针或逆时针)。
  • SW pin: is the output from the pushbutton inside the encoder. It’s normally open. If we use a pull-up resistor in this pin, the SW pin will be HIGH when the knob is not pressed, and LOW when it is pressed.
    SW引脚:是编码器内部按钮的输出。它通常开放。如果我们在此引脚中使用上拉电阻,则未按下旋钮时 SW 引脚将为高电平,按下旋钮时将为低电平。
  • VCC pin (+): needs to be connected to VCC (between 3.3 and 5 volts)
    VCC 引脚 (+):需要连接到 VCC(3.3 到 5 伏之间)
  • GND pin: needs to be connected to GND (0V)

Rotary Encoder vs Potentiometer 旋转编码器与电位计区别

You may confuse the rotary encoder with the potentiometer. but they are distinct components. Here’s a comparison between them:

  • Rotary encoder is like the modern version of potentiometer, but they can do more things.
  • Rotary encoder can spin around in a full circle without stopping, while potentiometer can only turn about three-quarters of the circle.
  • Rotary encoder outputs pulses, while potentiometer outputs the analog voltage.
  • Rotary encoder is handy when you just need to figure out how much the knob has moved, not exactly where it is. Potentiometer is useful when you really need to know exactly where a knob is.

How Rotary Encoder Works 旋转编码器的工作原理


Inside the encoder, there’s a disc with slots connected to a pin called C, which is like a shared ground. There are two more pins, A and B.
在编码器内部,有一个圆盘,其插槽连接到一个名为 C 的引脚,就像一个共享接地。还有两个引脚,A 和 B。

  • When you twist the knob, pins A and B touch the shared ground pin C, but in a certain order depending on which way you turn the knob (clockwise or counter-clockwise).
    扭动旋钮时,A 针和 B 针会接触到共用接地针 C,但顺序有所不同,这取决于旋钮的旋转方向(顺时针或逆时针)。
  • These touches create two signals. They’re a bit different in timing because one pin touches the ground before the other. Two signals are 90 degrees out of sync with each other. This is called quadrature encoding.
    这些接触会产生两个信号。它们在时间上有点不同,因为一个引脚比另一个引脚先接地。两个信号相互不同步 90 度。这就是正交编码。
  • When you turn the knob in clockwise direction, pin A touches the ground before pin B. When you turn the knob to the counterclockwise direction, pin B touches the ground before pin A.
    当您顺时针方向转动旋钮时,引脚 A 在引脚 B 之前接触GND。当您将旋钮向逆时针方向转动时,引脚 B 在引脚 A 之前接触GND。
  • By monitoring when each pin touches or leaves the ground, we can figure out which way the knob is turning. We do this by checking what happens to pin B when pin A changes.
    通过监测每个引脚触地或离地的时间,我们就能知道旋钮在朝哪个方向转动。为此,我们要检查 A 引脚发生变化时 B 引脚的情况。


When A changes states from LOW to HIGH:
当 A 将状态从 LOW 更改为 HIGH 时:

If B is LOW, the knob is turned clockwise.
如果 B 为低电平,则顺时针转动旋钮。

  • If B is HIGH, the knob is turned counter-clockwise.
    如果 B 为 HIGH,则逆时针转动旋钮。

※ NOTE THAT: ※ 注意事项:

Pin A and B are connected to CLK and DT pins. However, depending on the manufacturers, the order may be different. The codes provided below are tested with the rotary encoder from DIYables
引脚 A 和 B 连接到 CLK 和 DT 引脚。但是,根据制造商的不同,顺序可能会有所不同。下面提供的代码是用DIYables的旋转编码器测试的

How To Program For Rotary Encoder 如何对旋转编码器进行编程

  • Check the signal from CLK pin
    检查来自 CLK 引脚的信号
  • If the state changes from LOW to HIGH, check the state of the DT pin.
    • If the state of the DT pin is HIGH, the knob is turned in the counter-clockwise direction, increase the counter by 1
      如果 DT 引脚状态为 HIGH,则旋钮逆时针方向转动,将计数器增加 1
    • If the state of the DT pin is LOW, the knob is turned in the clockwise direction, decrease the counter by 1
      如果 DT 引脚的状态为 LOW,则旋钮顺时针方向转动,将计数器减少 1

Wiring Diagram 接线图


This image is created using Fritzing. Click to enlarge image
此图像是使用 Fritzing 创建的。点击放大图片

Arduino Code – Rotary Encoder without Interrupt Arduino代码 – 无中断旋转编码器

The below Arduino code does:

  • Detects the direction and amount of rotation of the encoder.
    • If detecting the knob turned by one detent (click) in clockwise direction, increase the counter by one.
    • If detecting the knob turned by one detent (click) in anticlockwise direction, decrease the counter by one.
  • Detects if the button is pressed.

 * Created by
 * This example code is in the public domain
 * Tutorial page:

#include <ezButton.h>  // the library to use for SW pin

#define CLK_PIN 2
#define DT_PIN 3
#define SW_PIN 4

#define DIRECTION_CW 0   // clockwise direction
#define DIRECTION_CCW 1  // counter-clockwise direction

int counter = 0;
int direction = DIRECTION_CW;
int CLK_state;
int prev_CLK_state;

ezButton button(SW_PIN);  // create ezButton object that attach to pin 4

void setup() {

  // configure encoder pins as inputs
  pinMode(CLK_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(DT_PIN, INPUT);
  button.setDebounceTime(50);  // set debounce time to 50 milliseconds

  // read the initial state of the rotary encoder's CLK pin
  prev_CLK_state = digitalRead(CLK_PIN);

void loop() {
  button.loop();  // MUST call the loop() function first

  // read the current state of the rotary encoder's CLK pin
  CLK_state = digitalRead(CLK_PIN);

  // If the state of CLK is changed, then pulse occurred
  // React to only the rising edge (from LOW to HIGH) to avoid double count
  if (CLK_state != prev_CLK_state && CLK_state == HIGH) {
    // if the DT state is HIGH
    // the encoder is rotating in counter-clockwise direction => decrease the counter
    if (digitalRead(DT_PIN) == HIGH) {
      direction = DIRECTION_CCW;
    } else {
      // the encoder is rotating in clockwise direction => increase the counter
      direction = DIRECTION_CW;

​    Serial.print("DIRECTION: ");
​    if (direction == DIRECTION_CW)
​      Serial.print("Clockwise");
​    else
​      Serial.print("Counter-clockwise");

​    Serial.print(" | COUNTER: ");
​    Serial.println(counter);

  // save last CLK state
  prev_CLK_state = CLK_state;

  if (button.isPressed()) {
    Serial.println("The button is pressed");

To simplify the code for button debouncing, the ezButton library is used.
为了简化按钮去抖动的代码,使用了 ezButton 库。

Quick Steps 快速步骤
  • Install ezButton library on Arduino IDE. See How To
    在Arduino IDE上安装ezButton库。了解操作方法
  • Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE
    复制上面的代码并使用Arduino IDE打开
  • Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino
    单击Arduino IDE上的“上传”按钮,将代码上传到Arduino
  • Turn the knob in clockwise, then anticlockwise
  • Press the knob 按下旋钮
  • See the result on Serial Monitor.

Arduino Code – Rotary Encoder with Interrupt Arduino代码 – 带中断的旋转编码器

In the previous example code, we use the polling method, which continuously check the pin’s state. This has two disadvantages:

  • Waste Arduino resource 浪费Arduino资源
  • Some counter may be missed if another code takes long time to excecute.

One approach to handle this is by using interrupts. Interrupts eliminate the need for constant checking of a particular event. This allows the Arduino to carry out other tasks without overlooking an event.

Here’s an example of how to read a rotary encoder with interrupts.


 * Created by
 * This example code is in the public domain
 * Tutorial page:

#include <ezButton.h>  // the library to use for SW pin

#define CLK_PIN 2
#define DT_PIN 3
#define SW_PIN 4

#define DIRECTION_CW 0   // clockwise direction
#define DIRECTION_CCW 1  // counter-clockwise direction

volatile int counter = 0;
volatile int direction = DIRECTION_CW;
volatile unsigned long last_time;  // for debouncing
int prev_counter;

ezButton button(SW_PIN);  // create ezButton object that attach to pin 4

void setup() {

  // configure encoder pins as inputs
  pinMode(CLK_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(DT_PIN, INPUT);
  button.setDebounceTime(50);  // set debounce time to 50 milliseconds

  // use interrupt for CLK pin is enough
  // call ISR_encoderChange() when CLK pin changes from LOW to HIGH
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(CLK_PIN), ISR_encoderChange, RISING);

void loop() {
  button.loop();  // MUST call the loop() function first

  if (prev_counter != counter) {
    Serial.print("DIRECTION: ");
    if (direction == DIRECTION_CW)

​    Serial.print(" | COUNTER: ");
​    Serial.println(counter);

​    prev_counter = counter;

  if (button.isPressed()) {
    Serial.println("The button is pressed");

  // TO DO: your other work here

void ISR_encoderChange() {
  if ((millis() - last_time) < 50)  // debounce time is 50ms

  if (digitalRead(DT_PIN) == HIGH) {
    // the encoder is rotating in counter-clockwise direction => decrease the counter
    direction = DIRECTION_CCW;
  } else {
    // the encoder is rotating in clockwise direction => increase the counter
    direction = DIRECTION_CW;

  last_time = millis();

Now, As you twist the knob, you’ll notice information appearing on the Serial Monitor, much like what you saw in the earlier code.

※ NOTE THAT: ※ 注意事项:

  • If you use the interrupt, you need to connect the encoder’s CLK pin to an Arduino pin that can handle interrupts. But remember, not all Arduino pins can do this. For example, on the Arduino Uno, only pins 2 and 3 can work with interrupts.
    如果使用中断,则需要将编码器的 CLK 引脚连接到可以处理中断的 Arduino 引脚。但请记住,并非所有Arduino引脚都可以做到这一点。例如,在 Arduino Uno 上,只有引脚 2 和 3 可以使用中断。
  • You might come across tutorials on other websites that use two interrupts for a single encoder, but this is unnecessary and wasteful. Just one interrupt is sufficient.
  • It’s important to use the volatile keyword for global variables used in the interrupt. Neglecting this could lead to unexpected issues.
    对中断中使用的全局变量使用 volatile 关键字非常重要。忽视这一点可能会导致意想不到的问题
  • Keep the code within the interrupt as straightforward as you can. Avoid using Serial.print() or Serial.println() inside the interrupt.
    在中断中保持代码尽可能简单明了。避免在中断中使用 Serial.print() 或 Serial.println()

Arduino Rotary Encoder Application Arduino旋转编码器应用

With Rotary Encoder, we can do the following applications but not limit:

  • Arduino - Rotary Encoder controls Position of Sevo Motor
    Arduino - 旋转编码器控制 Sevo 电机的位置
  • Arduino - Rotary Encoder controls Brightness of LED
    Arduino - 旋转编码器控制 LED 亮度
  • Arduino - Rotary Encoder controls Speed of Stepper Motor
    Arduino - 旋转编码器控制步进电机的速度



 * Created by
 * This example code is in the public domain
 * Tutorial page:

#include <Servo.h>

#define CLK_PIN 2
#define DT_PIN 3
#define SW_PIN 4
#define LED_PIN 9

#define DIRECTION_CW 0   // clockwise direction
#define DIRECTION_CCW 1  // counter-clockwise direction

int counter = 0;
int direction = DIRECTION_CW;
int CLK_state;
int prev_CLK_state;
int brightness = 125;  // middle value

void setup() {

  // configure encoder pins as inputs
  pinMode(CLK_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(DT_PIN, INPUT);

  // read the initial state of the rotary encoder's CLK pin
  prev_CLK_state = digitalRead(CLK_PIN);
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

  // read the current state of the rotary encoder's CLK pin
  CLK_state = digitalRead(CLK_PIN);

  // If the state of CLK is changed, then pulse occurred
  // React to only the rising edge (from LOW to HIGH) to avoid double count
  if (CLK_state != prev_CLK_state && CLK_state == HIGH) {
    // if the DT state is HIGH
    // the encoder is rotating in counter-clockwise direction => decrease the counter
    if (digitalRead(DT_PIN) == HIGH) {
      direction = DIRECTION_CCW;
      brightness -= 10;  // you can change this value
    } else {
      // the encoder is rotating in clockwise direction => increase the counter
      direction = DIRECTION_CW;
      brightness += 10;  // you can change this value

    if (brightness < 0)
      brightness = 0;
    else if (brightness > 255)
      brightness = 255;

    // sets the brightness of LED according to the counter
    analogWrite(LED_PIN, brightness);

    Serial.print("COUNTER: ");
    Serial.print(" | BRIGHTNESS: ");

  // save last CLK state
  prev_CLK_state = CLK_state;



 * Created by
 * This example code is in the public domain
 * Tutorial page:

#include <Servo.h>

#define CLK_PIN 2
#define DT_PIN 3
#define SW_PIN 4
#define SERVO_PIN 9

#define DIRECTION_CW 0   // clockwise direction
#define DIRECTION_CCW 1  // counter-clockwise direction

int counter = 0;
int direction = DIRECTION_CW;
int CLK_state;
int prev_CLK_state;

Servo servo;  // create servo object to control a servo

void setup() {

  // configure encoder pins as inputs
  pinMode(CLK_PIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(DT_PIN, INPUT);

  // read the initial state of the rotary encoder's CLK pin
  prev_CLK_state = digitalRead(CLK_PIN);
  servo.attach(SERVO_PIN);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

void loop() {

  // read the current state of the rotary encoder's CLK pin
  CLK_state = digitalRead(CLK_PIN);

  // If the state of CLK is changed, then pulse occurred
  // React to only the rising edge (from LOW to HIGH) to avoid double count
  if (CLK_state != prev_CLK_state && CLK_state == HIGH) {
    // if the DT state is HIGH
    // the encoder is rotating in counter-clockwise direction => decrease the counter
    if (digitalRead(DT_PIN) == HIGH) {
      direction = DIRECTION_CCW;
    } else {
      // the encoder is rotating in clockwise direction => increase the counter
      direction = DIRECTION_CW;

    Serial.print("DIRECTION: ");
    if (direction == DIRECTION_CW)

    Serial.print(" | COUNTER: ");

    if (counter < 0)
      counter = 0;
    else if (counter > 180)
      counter = 180;

    // sets the servo angle according to the counter

  // save last CLK state
  prev_CLK_state = CLK_state;

Video Tutorial 视频教程

We are considering to make the video tutorials. If you think the video tutorials are essential, please subscribe to our YouTube channel to give us motivation for making the videos.
我们正在考虑制作视频教程。如果您认为视频教程是必不可少的,请订阅我们的 YouTube 频道,为我们制作视频提供动力。

Function References

  • pinMode()

  • digitalRead()

  • Serial

See Also

  • Arduino - Rotary Encoder LED
  • Arduino - Rotary Encoder - Servo Motor





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背包模型——AcWing 423. 采药

背包模型 定义 背包模型是一种常见的算法问题模型&#xff0c;它主要涉及将一些物品放入一个容量有限的背包中&#xff0c;以达到某种最优目标&#xff0c;如最大化价值或最小化重量等。 运用情况 常用于资源分配、项目选择、货物装载等实际问题中。例如&#xff0c;在选择…


又到一年毕业季&#xff0c;选择就业的同学&#xff0c;如果还没拿到offer&#xff0c;就要开始准备秋招了。 如果想找webgis相关的岗位&#xff0c;可以通过招聘信息&#xff0c;了解到企业的具体要求。其中&#xff0c;openlayers和cesium有多重要就不用我多说了。 掌握这两…


普通人离AI还有几年缓冲区&#xff0c;但早点做准备总是好的 AI淘汰的始终是跟不上时代的人。 现在很多公司都有AI培训&#xff0c;不仅GPT&#xff0c;还有Midjourney、Stable DIffusion等一系列AI工具。 像我们公司虽然今年招的少&#xff0c;但也会对新招的应届生统一进行…


背景&#xff1a; 通过VSCode运行前端本地项目&#xff0c;运行成功后打开本地链接&#xff1a; &#xff0c;发现打开的页面重定向到404&#xff1a;http//; 并且控制台出现&#xff1a;Failed to load resource: …


邮件自动推送怎么设置&#xff1f;如何评估邮件自动推送的效果&#xff1f; 邮件自动推送是一种高效的电子邮件营销和通信技术&#xff0c;它能够根据预设条件自动发送邮件给特定的收件人。AokSend将深入探讨邮件自动推送技术的实现原理和注意事项。 邮件自动推送&#xff1a…