jeecg导入excel 含图片(嵌入式,浮动式)

news2024/12/23 7:17:30

jeecgboot的excel导入 含图片(嵌入式,浮动式)

  • 一、啰嗦
  • 二、准备
  • 三、 代码
    • 1、代码(修改覆写的ExcelImportServer)
    • 2、代码(修改覆写的PoiPublicUtil)
    • 3、代码(新增类SAXParserHandler)
    • 4、代码(PoiPublicUtil文件中加入convertPackagePartToPictureData方法)
  • 四、总结
    • 1、ExcelImportServer代码
    • 2、PoiPublicUtil代码
    • 3、SAXParserHandler代码



然而项目支持浮动式,可是当我使用浮动式插入图片时(没对比没伤害),他直接撑开了,下面这个还好,我还有一个直接占满我整个屏幕跟我壁纸一样了都,要是插入多了。光调节大小就得烦死了。 在这里插入图片描述


目前excel的版本有两种Excel 2003 的.xlsExcel 2007 .xls.xlsx,也不知道说的标准不标准
这里使用的就是Excel 2007这个版本的,因为03版的还没有方法访问内置文件,07的可以进行访问(能访问也就能获取到其中的图片,也可能是我技术不到,反正我得问AI,还是简单来)

三、 代码




List<T> list = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel(file.getInputStream(), clazz, params);


 * Excel 导入 数据源IO流,不返回校验结果 导入 字段类型 Integer,Long,Double,Date,String,Boolean
 * @param file
 * @param pojoClass
 * @param params
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public static <T> List<T> importExcel(InputStream inputstream, Class<?> pojoClass, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
	return new ExcelImportServer().importExcelByIs(inputstream, pojoClass, params).getList();


 * Excel 导入 field 字段类型 Integer,Long,Double,Date,String,Boolean
 * @param inputstream
 * @param pojoClass
 * @param params
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public ExcelImportResult importExcelByIs(InputStream inputstream, Class<?> pojoClass, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
	if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
		LOGGER.debug("Excel import start ,class is {}", pojoClass);
	List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
	Workbook book = null;
	boolean isXSSFWorkbook = false;
	if (!(inputstream.markSupported())) {
		inputstream = new PushbackInputStream(inputstream, 8);
	//------poi4.x begin----
//		FileMagic fm = FileMagic.valueOf(FileMagic.prepareToCheckMagic(inputstream));
//		if(FileMagic.OLE2 == fm){
//			isXSSFWorkbook=false;
//		}
	book = WorkbookFactory.create(inputstream);
	if(book instanceof XSSFWorkbook){
	}"  >>>  poi3升级到4.0兼容改造工作, isXSSFWorkbook = " +isXSSFWorkbook);

	//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20211210 for: 导入空白sheet报错
		int sheetNum = book.getNumberOfSheets();
	//update-end-author:taoyan date:20211210 for: 导入空白sheet报错
	Map<String, PictureData> pictures;

	//update-begin-author:liusq date:20220609 for:issues/I57UPC excel导入 ImportParams 中没有startSheetIndex参数
	for (int i = params.getStartSheetIndex(); i < params.getStartSheetIndex()
			+ params.getSheetNum(); i++) {
	//update-end-author:liusq date:20220609 for:issues/I57UPC excel导入 ImportParams 中没有startSheetIndex参数
		if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
			LOGGER.debug(" start to read excel by is ,startTime is {}", System.currentTimeMillis());
		if (isXSSFWorkbook) {
			pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues07((XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
		} else {
			pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues03((HSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (HSSFWorkbook) book);
		if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
			LOGGER.debug(" end to read excel by is ,endTime is {}", new Date().getTime());
		result.addAll(importExcel(result, book.getSheetAt(i), pojoClass, params, pictures));
		if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
			LOGGER.debug(" end to read excel list by pos ,endTime is {}", new Date().getTime());
	if (params.isNeedSave()) {
		saveThisExcel(params, pojoClass, isXSSFWorkbook, book);
	return new ExcelImportResult(result, verfiyFail, book);


包名为package org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports;下的ExcelImportServer文件

然后修改的代码如下(有可以导入嵌入式图片 又不能影响之前导入使用)
1、加入了OPCPackage 进行读取07版的excel的包
2、之前运行完book = WorkbookFactory.create(inputstream);会把输入流进行关闭,这里将输入流复制到字节数组ByteArrayOutputStream,然后在获取到OPCPackage 之后手动关闭流

     * Excel 导入 field 字段类型 Integer,Long,Double,Date,String,Boolean
     * @param inputstream
     * @param pojoClass
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public ExcelImportResult importExcelByIs(InputStream inputstream, Class<?> pojoClass, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Excel import start ,class is {}", pojoClass);
        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
        Workbook book = null;
        OPCPackage opc = null;
        boolean isXSSFWorkbook = false;
        if (!(inputstream.markSupported())) {
            inputstream = new PushbackInputStream(inputstream, 8);
        //------poi4.x begin----
//		FileMagic fm = FileMagic.valueOf(FileMagic.prepareToCheckMagic(inputstream));
//		if(FileMagic.OLE2 == fm){
//			isXSSFWorkbook=false;
//		}
        // 将输入流内容复制到字节数组
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
            byteArrayOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        byte[] workbookData = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();

        try (ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(workbookData)) {
            // 创建Workbook,不会直接关闭原始输入流
            book = WorkbookFactory.create(byteArrayInputStream);
            if (book instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
                isXSSFWorkbook = true;
                opc = ByteArrayInputStream(workbookData));
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
      "Error closing input stream: " + e.getMessage());
//        book = WorkbookFactory.create(nonClosingInputStream);
//        if (book instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
//            isXSSFWorkbook = true;
//            opc =;
//        }"  >>>  poi3升级到4.0兼容改造工作, isXSSFWorkbook = " + isXSSFWorkbook);

        //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20211210 for: 导入空白sheet报错
        if (params.getSheetNum() == 0) {
            int sheetNum = book.getNumberOfSheets();
            if (sheetNum > 0) {
        //update-end-author:taoyan date:20211210 for: 导入空白sheet报错
        Map<String, PictureData> pictures;

        //update-begin-author:liusq date:20220609 for:issues/I57UPC excel导入 ImportParams 中没有startSheetIndex参数
        for (int i = params.getStartSheetIndex(); i < params.getStartSheetIndex()
                + params.getSheetNum(); i++) {
            //update-end-author:liusq date:20220609 for:issues/I57UPC excel导入 ImportParams 中没有startSheetIndex参数
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(" start to read excel by is ,startTime is {}", System.currentTimeMillis());
            //07版xlsx 此处以进行适配内嵌图片,内嵌和浮动自动识别返回
            if (isXSSFWorkbook) {
                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getAllPictures(opc,(XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
//                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues07((XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
            } else {
                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues03((HSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (HSSFWorkbook) book);
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(" end to read excel by is ,endTime is {}", new Date().getTime());
            result.addAll(importExcel(result, book.getSheetAt(i), pojoClass, params, pictures));
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(" end to read excel list by pos ,endTime is {}", new Date().getTime());
        if (params.isNeedSave()) {
            saveThisExcel(params, pojoClass, isXSSFWorkbook, book);
        return new ExcelImportResult(result, verfiyFail, book);


上述代码在这里使用方法进行识别图片,具体加入的方法是getAllPictures(OPCPackage opc, XSSFSheet sheet, XSSFWorkbook workbook)

            //07版xlsx 此处以进行适配内嵌图片,内嵌和浮动自动识别返回
            if (isXSSFWorkbook) {
                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getAllPictures(opc,(XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
//                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues07((XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
            } else {
                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues03((HSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (HSSFWorkbook) book);

包名package org.jeecgframework.poi.util;下的PoiPublicUtil文件


public static Map<String, PictureData> getAllPictures(OPCPackage opc, XSSFSheet sheet, XSSFWorkbook workbook) throws Exception {
		Map<String, PictureData> sheetIndexPicMap = new HashMap<>();
		// 处理嵌入式图片
		List<PackagePart> parts = opc.getParts();
		// 处理浮动式图片
		sheetIndexPicMap.putAll(getSheetPictrues07(sheet, workbook));
		return sheetIndexPicMap;


	 * 获取嵌入式图片
	 * @param parts
	 * @return
	 * @throws JDOMException
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ParserConfigurationException
	private static Map<String, PictureData> getEmbedPictures(List<PackagePart> parts) throws JDOMException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
		Map<String, Set<String>> mapImg = new HashMap<>();
		Map<String, String> mapImgPath = new HashMap<>();
		Map<Integer, List<String>> dataMap = new HashMap<>();

		for (PackagePart part : parts) {
//            System.out.println(part.getPartName());
			PackagePartName partName = part.getPartName();
			String name = partName.getName();
			if ("/xl/cellimages.xml".equals(name)) {
				SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
				// 获取文档
				Document doc =;
				// 获取根节点
				Element root = doc.getRootElement();
				List<Element> cellImageList = root.getChildren();
				for (Element imgEle : cellImageList) {
					Element xdrPic = imgEle.getChildren().get(0);
					Element xdrNvPicPr = xdrPic.getChildren().get(0);
					Element xdrBlipFill = xdrPic.getChildren().get(1);
					Element aBlip = xdrBlipFill.getChildren().get(0);
					Attribute attr = aBlip.getAttributes().get(0);
					String imgId = xdrNvPicPr.getChildren().get(0).getAttributeValue("name");
					String id = attr.getValue();
					if (mapImg.containsKey(id)) {
					} else {
						Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
						mapImg.put(id, set);

			if ("/xl/_rels/cellimages.xml.rels".equals(name)) {
				SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
				// 获取文档
				Document doc =;
				// 获取根节点
				Element root = doc.getRootElement();
				List<Element> relationshipList = root.getChildren();
				for (Element relationship : relationshipList) {
					String id = relationship.getAttributeValue("Id");
					String target = relationship.getAttributeValue("Target");
					mapImgPath.put(id, target);

			if (name.contains("/xl/worksheets/sheet")) {
				// 获取文档
				String sheetNoStr = name.replace("/xl/worksheets/sheet", "").replace(".xml", "");
				Integer sheetNo = Integer.valueOf(sheetNoStr) - 1;
				// 步骤1:创建SAXParserFactory实例
				SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
				// 步骤2:创建SAXParser实例
				SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
				SAXParserHandler saxParserHandler = new SAXParserHandler();
				saxParser.parse(part.getInputStream(), saxParserHandler);

				List<String> rows = saxParserHandler.getRows();

				dataMap.put(sheetNo, rows);


		Map<String, String> imgMap = new HashMap<>();
		for (String id : mapImg.keySet()) {
			Set<String> imgIds = mapImg.get(id);
			String path = mapImgPath.get(id);
			for (String imgId : imgIds) {
				imgMap.put(imgId, path);
		for (Integer key : dataMap.keySet()) {
			List<String> rows = dataMap.get(key);
			for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
				String imgId = rows.get(i);
				String imgId_index = imgId.substring(0, imgId.indexOf(":"));
				String imgId_url = imgId.substring(imgId.indexOf(":")+1);
				if (imgMap.containsKey(imgId_url)) {
					rows.set(i, imgId_index+":"+imgMap.get(imgId_url));

		Map<String, PictureData> map = new HashMap<>();
		for (Integer key : dataMap.keySet()) {
			List<String> pathList = dataMap.get(key);
			for (int i = 0; i < pathList.size(); i++) {
				String path = pathList.get(i);
				String path_index = path.substring(0, path.indexOf(":"));
				String path_url = path.substring(path.indexOf(":")+1);
				if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path_url)) {
					for (PackagePart part : parts) {
						PackagePartName partName = part.getPartName();
						String name = partName.getName();
						if (name.contains(path_url)) {
							PictureData pictureData = convertPackagePartToPictureData(part,new XSSFWorkbook());
							map.put(path_index, pictureData);
		return map;




package org.jeecgframework.poi.xml;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class SAXParserHandler extends DefaultHandler {

    String value = null;

    List<String> rows = new ArrayList<>();

    int rowIndex = 0;

    int currentColumn = 0;

    public List<String> getRows() {
        return rows;

    public void startDocument() throws SAXException {

    public void endDocument() throws SAXException {

    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
        super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);
        if (qName.equals("row")) {
            value = "";
            // 遇到新的行时,重置列号为0
            currentColumn = 0;
        } else if (qName.equals("c")) {
            // 获取列号
            String columnRef = attributes.getValue("r");
            if (columnRef != null) {
                currentColumn = parseColumnIndex(columnRef.replaceAll("[^A-Z]", ""));


    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
        super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
        if (qName.equals("c")) {
            if (value != null && value.contains("DISPIMG")) {
                value = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf("DISPIMG(")).replace("DISPIMG(\"", "");
                value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf("\""));
//                rows.add(rowIndex, value);
                rows.add(rowIndex + "_" + currentColumn + ":" + value);
            } else {
//                rows.add(rowIndex, null);
                rows.add(rowIndex + "_" + currentColumn + ":null");
            value = "";
        }else if (qName.equals("row")) {

    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
        super.characters(ch, start, length);
        value += new String(ch, start, length);

    // 解析列号
    private int parseColumnIndex(String columnRef) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < columnRef.length(); i++) {
            result = result * 26 + (columnRef.charAt(i) - 'A' + 1);
        return result - 1;



	 * 将PackagePart转换为PictureData
	 * @param packagePart
	 * @param workbook
	 * @return
	public static PictureData convertPackagePartToPictureData(PackagePart packagePart, XSSFWorkbook workbook) {
		if (packagePart == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("PackagePart cannot be null");
		if (workbook == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workbook cannot be null");

		try (InputStream inputStream = packagePart.getInputStream()) {
			// 从PackagePart读取数据
			byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);

			// 确定内容,创建PictureType
			String contentType = packagePart.getContentType();
			// 默认PNG
			int pictureType = XSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;
			if (contentType.equals("image/jpeg")) {
				pictureType = XSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG;
			} else if (contentType.equals("image/png")) {
				pictureType = XSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;

			// 将图片数据添加到工作簿
			int pictureIndex = workbook.addPicture(data, pictureType);
			return workbook.getAllPictures().get(pictureIndex);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			return null;




 * Copyright 2013-2015 JEECG (
 * <p>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.util.PackageHelper;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.jeecgframework.core.util.ApplicationContextUtil;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.ExcelTarget;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.ImportParams;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.params.ExcelCollectionParams;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.params.ExcelImportEntity;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.result.ExcelImportResult;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.result.ExcelVerifyHanlderResult;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports.base.ImportBaseService;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports.base.ImportFileServiceI;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.imports.verifys.VerifyHandlerServer;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.exception.excel.ExcelImportException;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.exception.excel.enums.ExcelImportEnum;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.util.ExcelUtil;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.util.PoiPublicUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;

 * Excel 导入服务
 * @author JEECG
 * @date 2014年6月26日 下午9:20:51
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked", "hiding"})
public class ExcelImportServer extends ImportBaseService {

    private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExcelImportServer.class);

    private CellValueServer cellValueServer;

    private VerifyHandlerServer verifyHandlerServer;

    private boolean verfiyFail = false;
     * 异常数据styler
    private CellStyle errorCellStyle;

    public ExcelImportServer() {
        this.cellValueServer = new CellValueServer();
        this.verifyHandlerServer = new VerifyHandlerServer();

     * 向List里面继续添加元素
     * @param object
     * @param param
     * @param row
     * @param titlemap
     * @param targetId
     * @param pictures
     * @param params
    private void addListContinue(Object object, ExcelCollectionParams param, Row row, Map<Integer, String> titlemap, String targetId, Map<String, PictureData> pictures, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
        Collection collection = (Collection) PoiPublicUtil.getMethod(param.getName(), object.getClass()).invoke(object, new Object[]{});
        Object entity = PoiPublicUtil.createObject(param.getType(), targetId);
        String picId;
        boolean isUsed = false;// 是否需要加上这个对象
        for (int i = row.getFirstCellNum(); i < row.getLastCellNum(); i++) {
            Cell cell = row.getCell(i);
            String titleString = (String) titlemap.get(i);
            if (param.getExcelParams().containsKey(titleString)) {
                if (param.getExcelParams().get(titleString).getType() == 2) {
                    picId = row.getRowNum() + "_" + i;
                    saveImage(object, picId, param.getExcelParams(), titleString, pictures, params);
                } else {
                    saveFieldValue(params, entity, cell, param.getExcelParams(), titleString, row);
                isUsed = true;
        if (isUsed) {

     * 获取key的值,针对不同类型获取不同的值
     * @Author JEECG
     * @date 2013-11-21
     * @param cell
     * @return
    private String getKeyValue(Cell cell) {
        if (cell == null) {
            return null;
        Object obj = null;
        switch (cell.getCellTypeEnum()) {
            case STRING:
                obj = cell.getStringCellValue();
            case BOOLEAN:
                obj = cell.getBooleanCellValue();
            case NUMERIC:
                obj = cell.getNumericCellValue();
            case FORMULA:
                obj = cell.getCellFormula();
        return obj == null ? null : obj.toString().trim();

     * 获取保存的真实路径
     * @param excelImportEntity
     * @param object
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private String getSaveUrl(ExcelImportEntity excelImportEntity, Object object) throws Exception {
        String url = "";
        if (excelImportEntity.getSaveUrl().equals("upload")) {
            if (excelImportEntity.getMethods() != null && excelImportEntity.getMethods().size() > 0) {
                object = getFieldBySomeMethod(excelImportEntity.getMethods(), object);
            url = object.getClass().getName().split("\\.")[object.getClass().getName().split("\\.").length - 1];
            return excelImportEntity.getSaveUrl() + "/" + url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("Entity"));
        return excelImportEntity.getSaveUrl();

    //update-begin--Author:xuelin  Date:20171205 for:TASK #2098 【excel问题】 Online 一对多导入失败--------------------
    private <T> List<T> importExcel(Collection<T> result, Sheet sheet, Class<?> pojoClass, ImportParams params, Map<String, PictureData> pictures) throws Exception {
        List collection = new ArrayList();
        Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams = new HashMap<String, ExcelImportEntity>();
        List<ExcelCollectionParams> excelCollection = new ArrayList<ExcelCollectionParams>();
        String targetId = null;
        if (!Map.class.equals(pojoClass)) {
            Field fileds[] = PoiPublicUtil.getClassFields(pojoClass);
            ExcelTarget etarget = pojoClass.getAnnotation(ExcelTarget.class);
            if (etarget != null) {
                targetId = etarget.value();
            getAllExcelField(targetId, fileds, excelParams, excelCollection, pojoClass, null);
        ignoreHeaderHandler(excelParams, params);
        Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.rowIterator();
        Map<Integer, String> titlemap = getTitleMap(sheet, rows, params, excelCollection);
        //update-begin-author:liusq date:20220310 for:[issues/I4PU45]@excel里面新增属性fixedIndex
        Set<String> keys = excelParams.keySet();
        for (String key : keys) {
            if (key.startsWith("FIXED_")) {
                String[] arr = key.split("_");
                titlemap.put(Integer.parseInt(arr[1]), key);
        //update-end-author:liusq date:20220310 for:[issues/I4PU45]@excel里面新增属性fixedIndex
        Set<Integer> columnIndexSet = titlemap.keySet();
        Integer maxColumnIndex = Collections.max(columnIndexSet);
        Integer minColumnIndex = Collections.min(columnIndexSet);
        Row row = null;
        for (int j = 0; j < params.getTitleRows() + params.getHeadRows(); j++) {
            row =;
        Object object = null;
        String picId;
        while (rows.hasNext() && (row == null || sheet.getLastRowNum() - row.getRowNum() > params.getLastOfInvalidRow())) {
            row =;
            //update-begin--Author:xuelin  Date:20171017 for:TASK #2373 【bug】表改造问题,导致 3.7.1批量导入用户bug-导入不成功--------------------
            // 判断是集合元素还是不是集合元素,如果是就继续加入这个集合,不是就创建新的对象
            //update-begin--Author:xuelin  Date:20171206 for:TASK #2451 【excel导出bug】online 一对多导入成功, 但是现在代码生成后的一对多online导入有问题了
            Cell keyIndexCell = row.getCell(params.getKeyIndex());
            if (excelCollection.size() > 0 && StringUtils.isEmpty(getKeyValue(keyIndexCell)) && object != null && !Map.class.equals(pojoClass)) {
                //update-end--Author:xuelin  Date:20171206 for:TASK #2451 【excel导出bug】online 一对多导入成功, 但是现在代码生成后的一对多online导入有问题了
                for (ExcelCollectionParams param : excelCollection) {
                    addListContinue(object, param, row, titlemap, targetId, pictures, params);

            } else {
                object = PoiPublicUtil.createObject(pojoClass, targetId);
                try {
                    //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20200303 for:导入图片
                    int firstCellNum = row.getFirstCellNum();
                    if (firstCellNum > minColumnIndex) {
                        firstCellNum = minColumnIndex;
                    int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
                    if (lastCellNum < maxColumnIndex + 1) {
                        lastCellNum = maxColumnIndex + 1;
                    for (int i = firstCellNum, le = lastCellNum; i < le; i++) {
                        Cell cell = row.getCell(i);
                        String titleString = (String) titlemap.get(i);
                        if (excelParams.containsKey(titleString) || Map.class.equals(pojoClass)) {
                            if (excelParams.get(titleString) != null && excelParams.get(titleString).getType() == 2) {
                                picId = row.getRowNum() + "_" + i;
                                saveImage(object, picId, excelParams, titleString, pictures, params);
                            } else {
                                if (params.getImageList() != null && params.getImageList().contains(titleString)) {
                                    if (pictures != null) {
                                        picId = row.getRowNum() + "_" + i;
                                        PictureData image = pictures.get(picId);
                                        if (image != null) {
                                            byte[] data = image.getData();
                                            params.getDataHanlder().setMapValue((Map) object, titleString, data);
                                } else {
                                    saveFieldValue(params, object, cell, excelParams, titleString, row);
                                //update-end-author:taoyan date:20200303 for:导入图片

                    for (ExcelCollectionParams param : excelCollection) {
                        addListContinue(object, param, row, titlemap, targetId, pictures, params);
                    //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20210526 for:autopoi导入excel 如果单元格被设置边框,即使没有内容也会被当做是一条数据导入 #2484
                    if (isNotNullObject(pojoClass, object)) {
                    //update-end-author:taoyan date:20210526 for:autopoi导入excel 如果单元格被设置边框,即使没有内容也会被当做是一条数据导入 #2484
                } catch (ExcelImportException e) {
                    if (!e.getType().equals(ExcelImportEnum.VERIFY_ERROR)) {
                        throw new ExcelImportException(e.getType(), e);
            //update-end--Author:xuelin  Date:20171017 for:TASK #2373 【bug】表改造问题,导致 3.7.1批量导入用户bug-导入不成功--------------------
        return collection;

     * 判断当前对象不是空
     * @param pojoClass
     * @param object
     * @return
    private boolean isNotNullObject(Class pojoClass, Object object) {
        try {
            Method method = pojoClass.getMethod("isNullObject");
            if (method != null) {
                Object flag = method.invoke(object);
                if (flag != null && true == Boolean.parseBoolean(flag.toString())) {
                    return false;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("未定义方法 isNullObject");
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("没有权限访问该方法 isNullObject");
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("方法调用失败 isNullObject");
        return true;

     * 获取忽略的表头信息
     * @param excelParams
     * @param params
    private void ignoreHeaderHandler(Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams, ImportParams params) {
        List<String> ignoreList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String key : excelParams.keySet()) {
            String temp = excelParams.get(key).getGroupName();
            if (temp != null && temp.length() > 0) {

     * 获取表格字段列名对应信息
     * @param rows
     * @param params
     * @param excelCollection
     * @return
    private Map<Integer, String> getTitleMap(Sheet sheet, Iterator<Row> rows, ImportParams params, List<ExcelCollectionParams> excelCollection) throws Exception {
        Map<Integer, String> titlemap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
        Iterator<Cell> cellTitle = null;
        String collectionName = null;
        ExcelCollectionParams collectionParams = null;
        Row headRow = null;
        int headBegin = params.getTitleRows();
        //update_begin-author:taoyan date:2020622 for:当文件行数小于代码里设置的TitleRows时headRow一直为空就会出现死循环
        int allRowNum = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows();
        while (headRow == null && headBegin < allRowNum) {
            headRow = sheet.getRow(headBegin++);
        if (headRow == null) {
            throw new Exception("不识别该文件");
        //update-end-author:taoyan date:2020622 for:当文件行数小于代码里设置的TitleRows时headRow一直为空就会出现死循环

        if (ExcelUtil.isMergedRegion(sheet, headRow.getRowNum(), 0)) {
        } else {
        cellTitle = headRow.cellIterator();
        while (cellTitle.hasNext()) {
            Cell cell =;
            String value = getKeyValue(cell);
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
                titlemap.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), value);//加入表头列表

        for (int j = headBegin; j < headBegin + params.getHeadRows() - 1; j++) {
            headRow = sheet.getRow(j);
            cellTitle = headRow.cellIterator();
            while (cellTitle.hasNext()) {
                Cell cell =;
                String value = getKeyValue(cell);
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) {
                    int columnIndex = cell.getColumnIndex();
                    if (ExcelUtil.isMergedRegion(sheet, cell.getRowIndex() - 1, columnIndex)) {
                        collectionName = ExcelUtil.getMergedRegionValue(sheet, cell.getRowIndex() - 1, columnIndex);
                        if (params.isIgnoreHeader(collectionName)) {
                            titlemap.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), value);
                        } else {
                            titlemap.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), collectionName + "_" + value);
                    } else {
                        //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20220112 for: JT640 【online】导入 无论一对一还是一对多 如果子表只有一个字段 则子表无数据
                        // 上一行不是合并的情况下另有一种特殊的场景: 如果当前单元格和上面的单元格同一列 即子表字段只有一个 所以标题没有出现跨列
                        String prefixTitle = titlemap.get(cell.getColumnIndex());
                        if (prefixTitle != null && !"".equals(prefixTitle)) {
                            titlemap.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), prefixTitle + "_" + value);
                        } else {
                            titlemap.put(cell.getColumnIndex(), value);
                        //update-end-author:taoyan date:20220112 for: JT640 【online】导入 无论一对一还是一对多 如果子表只有一个字段 则子表无数据
					/*int i = cell.getColumnIndex();
					// 用以支持重名导入
					if (titlemap.containsKey(i)) {
						collectionName = titlemap.get(i);
						collectionParams = getCollectionParams(excelCollection, collectionName);
						titlemap.put(i, collectionName + "_" + value);
					} else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(collectionName) && collectionParams.getExcelParams().containsKey(collectionName + "_" + value)) {
						titlemap.put(i, collectionName + "_" + value);
					} else {
						collectionName = null;
						collectionParams = null;
					if (StringUtils.isEmpty(collectionName)) {
						titlemap.put(i, value);
        return titlemap;
    //update-end--Author:xuelin  Date:20171205 for:TASK #2098 【excel问题】 Online 一对多导入失败--------------------

     * 获取这个名称对应的集合信息
     * @param excelCollection
     * @param collectionName
     * @return
    private ExcelCollectionParams getCollectionParams(List<ExcelCollectionParams> excelCollection, String collectionName) {
        for (ExcelCollectionParams excelCollectionParams : excelCollection) {
            if (collectionName.equals(excelCollectionParams.getExcelName())) {
                return excelCollectionParams;
        return null;

     * Excel 导入 field 字段类型 Integer,Long,Double,Date,String,Boolean
     * @param inputstream
     * @param pojoClass
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public ExcelImportResult importExcelByIs(InputStream inputstream, Class<?> pojoClass, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Excel import start ,class is {}", pojoClass);
        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
        Workbook book = null;
        OPCPackage opc = null;
        boolean isXSSFWorkbook = false;
        if (!(inputstream.markSupported())) {
            inputstream = new PushbackInputStream(inputstream, 8);
        //------poi4.x begin----
//		FileMagic fm = FileMagic.valueOf(FileMagic.prepareToCheckMagic(inputstream));
//		if(FileMagic.OLE2 == fm){
//			isXSSFWorkbook=false;
//		}
        // 将输入流内容复制到字节数组
        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
            byteArrayOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        byte[] workbookData = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();

        try (ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(workbookData)) {
            // 创建Workbook,不会直接关闭原始输入流
            book = WorkbookFactory.create(byteArrayInputStream);
            if (book instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
                isXSSFWorkbook = true;
                opc = ByteArrayInputStream(workbookData));
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
      "Error closing input stream: " + e.getMessage());
//        book = WorkbookFactory.create(nonClosingInputStream);
//        if (book instanceof XSSFWorkbook) {
//            isXSSFWorkbook = true;
//            opc =;
//        }"  >>>  poi3升级到4.0兼容改造工作, isXSSFWorkbook = " + isXSSFWorkbook);

        //update-begin-author:taoyan date:20211210 for: 导入空白sheet报错
        if (params.getSheetNum() == 0) {
            int sheetNum = book.getNumberOfSheets();
            if (sheetNum > 0) {
        //update-end-author:taoyan date:20211210 for: 导入空白sheet报错
        Map<String, PictureData> pictures;

        //update-begin-author:liusq date:20220609 for:issues/I57UPC excel导入 ImportParams 中没有startSheetIndex参数
        for (int i = params.getStartSheetIndex(); i < params.getStartSheetIndex()
                + params.getSheetNum(); i++) {
            //update-end-author:liusq date:20220609 for:issues/I57UPC excel导入 ImportParams 中没有startSheetIndex参数
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(" start to read excel by is ,startTime is {}", System.currentTimeMillis());
            //07版xlsx 此处以进行适配内嵌图片,内嵌和浮动自动识别返回
            if (isXSSFWorkbook) {
                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getAllPictures(opc,(XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
//                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues07((XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
            } else {
                pictures = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues03((HSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(i), (HSSFWorkbook) book);
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(" end to read excel by is ,endTime is {}", new Date().getTime());
            result.addAll(importExcel(result, book.getSheetAt(i), pojoClass, params, pictures));
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug(" end to read excel list by pos ,endTime is {}", new Date().getTime());
        if (params.isNeedSave()) {
            saveThisExcel(params, pojoClass, isXSSFWorkbook, book);
        return new ExcelImportResult(result, verfiyFail, book);

     * @param is
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
    public static byte[] getBytes(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        int len;
        byte[] data = new byte[100000];
        while ((len =, 0, data.length)) != -1) {
            buffer.write(data, 0, len);

        return buffer.toByteArray();

     * 保存字段值(获取值,校验值,追加错误信息)
     * @param params
     * @param object
     * @param cell
     * @param excelParams
     * @param titleString
     * @param row
     * @throws Exception
    private void saveFieldValue(ImportParams params, Object object, Cell cell, Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams, String titleString, Row row) throws Exception {
        Object value = cellValueServer.getValue(params.getDataHanlder(), object, cell, excelParams, titleString);
        if (object instanceof Map) {
            if (params.getDataHanlder() != null) {
                params.getDataHanlder().setMapValue((Map) object, titleString, value);
            } else {
                ((Map) object).put(titleString, value);
        } else {
            ExcelVerifyHanlderResult verifyResult = verifyHandlerServer.verifyData(object, value, titleString, excelParams.get(titleString).getVerify(), params.getVerifyHanlder());
            if (verifyResult.isSuccess()) {
                setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object, value);
            } else {
                Cell errorCell = row.createCell(row.getLastCellNum());
                verfiyFail = true;
                throw new ExcelImportException(ExcelImportEnum.VERIFY_ERROR);

     * @param object
     * @param picId
     * @param excelParams
     * @param titleString
     * @param pictures
     * @param params
     * @throws Exception
    private void saveImage(Object object, String picId, Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams, String titleString, Map<String, PictureData> pictures, ImportParams params) throws Exception {
        if (pictures == null || pictures.get(picId) == null) {
        PictureData image = pictures.get(picId);
        byte[] data = image.getData();
        String fileName = "pic" + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000000L);
        fileName += "." + PoiPublicUtil.getFileExtendName(data);
        //update-beign-author:taoyan date:20200302 for:【多任务】online 专项集中问题 LOWCOD-159
        int saveType = excelParams.get(titleString).getSaveType();
        if (saveType == 1) {
            String path = PoiPublicUtil.getWebRootPath(getSaveUrl(excelParams.get(titleString), object));
            File savefile = new File(path);
            if (!savefile.exists()) {
            savefile = new File(path + "/" + fileName);
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(savefile);
            setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object, getSaveUrl(excelParams.get(titleString), object) + "/" + fileName);
        } else if (saveType == 2) {
            setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object, data);
        } else {
            ImportFileServiceI importFileService = null;
            try {
                importFileService = ApplicationContextUtil.getContext().getBean(ImportFileServiceI.class);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (importFileService != null) {
                String dbPath = importFileService.doUpload(data);
                setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object, dbPath);
        //update-end-author:taoyan date:20200302 for:【多任务】online 专项集中问题 LOWCOD-159

    private void createErrorCellStyle(Workbook workbook) {
        errorCellStyle = workbook.createCellStyle();
        Font font = workbook.createFont();



 * Copyright 2013-2015 JEECG (
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jeecgframework.poi.util;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFClientAnchor;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPicture;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPictureData;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFShape;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocumentPart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagePart;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackagePartName;
import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFClientAnchor;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFDrawing;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFPicture;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFShape;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument;
import org.jdom2.Attribute;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.ExcelCollection;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.ExcelEntity;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.ExcelIgnore;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.vo.PoiBaseConstants;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.word.entity.WordImageEntity;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.word.entity.params.ExcelListEntity;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.xml.SAXParserHandler;
import org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.spreadsheetDrawing.CTMarker;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

 * AutoPoi 的公共基础类
 * @author JEECG
 * @date 2015年4月5日 上午12:59:22
public final class PoiPublicUtil {

	private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PoiPublicUtil.class);

	private PoiPublicUtil() {


	@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
	public static <K, V> Map<K, V> mapFor(Object... mapping) {
		Map<K, V> map = new HashMap<K, V>();
		for (int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i += 2) {
			map.put((K) mapping[i], (V) mapping[i + 1]);
		return map;

	 * 彻底创建一个对象
	 * @param clazz
	 * @return
	public static Object createObject(Class<?> clazz, String targetId) {
		Object obj = null;
		Method setMethod;
		try {
			if (clazz.equals(Map.class)) {
				return new HashMap<String, Object>();
			obj = clazz.newInstance();
			Field[] fields = getClassFields(clazz);
			for (Field field : fields) {
				if (isNotUserExcelUserThis(null, field, targetId)) {
				if (isCollection(field.getType())) {
					ExcelCollection collection = field.getAnnotation(ExcelCollection.class);
					setMethod = getMethod(field.getName(), clazz, field.getType());
					setMethod.invoke(obj, collection.type().newInstance());
				} else if (!isJavaClass(field)) {
					setMethod = getMethod(field.getName(), clazz, field.getType());
					setMethod.invoke(obj, createObject(field.getType(), targetId));

		} catch (Exception e) {
			LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
			throw new RuntimeException("创建对象异常");
		return obj;


	 * 获取class的 包括父类的
	 * @param clazz
	 * @return
	public static Field[] getClassFields(Class<?> clazz) {
		List<Field> list = new ArrayList<Field>();
		Field[] fields;
		do {
			fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
			for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
			clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
		} while (clazz != Object.class && clazz != null);
		return list.toArray(fields);

	 * @param photoByte
	 * @return
	public static String getFileExtendName(byte[] photoByte) {
		String strFileExtendName = "JPG";
		if ((photoByte[0] == 71) && (photoByte[1] == 73) && (photoByte[2] == 70) && (photoByte[3] == 56) && ((photoByte[4] == 55) || (photoByte[4] == 57)) && (photoByte[5] == 97)) {
			strFileExtendName = "GIF";
		} else if ((photoByte[6] == 74) && (photoByte[7] == 70) && (photoByte[8] == 73) && (photoByte[9] == 70)) {
			strFileExtendName = "JPG";
		} else if ((photoByte[0] == 66) && (photoByte[1] == 77)) {
			strFileExtendName = "BMP";
		} else if ((photoByte[1] == 80) && (photoByte[2] == 78) && (photoByte[3] == 71)) {
			strFileExtendName = "PNG";
		return strFileExtendName;

	 * 获取GET方法
	 * @param name
	 * @param pojoClass
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public static Method getMethod(String name, Class<?> pojoClass) throws Exception {
		StringBuffer getMethodName = new StringBuffer(PoiBaseConstants.GET);
		getMethodName.append(name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
		Method method = null;
		try {
			method = pojoClass.getMethod(getMethodName.toString(), new Class[] {});
		} catch (Exception e) {
			method = pojoClass.getMethod(getMethodName.toString().replace(PoiBaseConstants.GET, PoiBaseConstants.IS), new Class[] {});
		return method;

	 * 获取SET方法
	 * @param name
	 * @param pojoClass
	 * @param type
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public static Method getMethod(String name, Class<?> pojoClass, Class<?> type) throws Exception {
		StringBuffer getMethodName = new StringBuffer(PoiBaseConstants.SET);
		getMethodName.append(name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
		return pojoClass.getMethod(getMethodName.toString(), new Class[] { type });

	//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20180615 for:TASK #2798 导入扩展方法,支持自定义导入字段转换规则
	 * 获取get方法 通过EXCEL注解exportConvert判断是否支持值的转换
	 * @param name
	 * @param pojoClass
	 * @param convert
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public static Method getMethod(String name, Class<?> pojoClass,boolean convert) throws Exception {
		StringBuffer getMethodName = new StringBuffer();
		getMethodName.append(name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
		Method method = null;
		try {
			method = pojoClass.getMethod(getMethodName.toString(), new Class[] {});
		} catch (Exception e) {
			method = pojoClass.getMethod(getMethodName.toString().replace(PoiBaseConstants.GET, PoiBaseConstants.IS), new Class[] {});
		return method;

	 * 获取set方法  通过EXCEL注解importConvert判断是否支持值的转换
	 * @param name
	 * @param pojoClass
	 * @param type
	 * @param convert
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public static Method getMethod(String name, Class<?> pojoClass, Class<?> type,boolean convert) throws Exception {
		StringBuffer setMethodName = new StringBuffer();
		setMethodName.append(name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
		return pojoClass.getMethod(setMethodName.toString(), new Class[] { type });
	//update-end-author:taoyan date:20180615 for:TASK #2798 导入扩展方法,支持自定义导入字段转换规则

	 * 获取Excel2003图片
	 * @param sheet
	 *            当前sheet对象
	 * @param workbook
	 *            工作簿对象
	 * @return Map key:图片单元格索引(1_1)String,value:图片流PictureData
	public static Map<String, PictureData> getSheetPictrues03(HSSFSheet sheet, HSSFWorkbook workbook) {
		Map<String, PictureData> sheetIndexPicMap = new HashMap<String, PictureData>();
		List<HSSFPictureData> pictures = workbook.getAllPictures();
		if (!pictures.isEmpty()) {
			for (HSSFShape shape : sheet.getDrawingPatriarch().getChildren()) {
				HSSFClientAnchor anchor = (HSSFClientAnchor) shape.getAnchor();
				if (shape instanceof HSSFPicture) {
					HSSFPicture pic = (HSSFPicture) shape;
					int pictureIndex = pic.getPictureIndex() - 1;
					HSSFPictureData picData = pictures.get(pictureIndex);
					String picIndex = String.valueOf(anchor.getRow1()) + "_" + String.valueOf(anchor.getCol1());
					sheetIndexPicMap.put(picIndex, picData);
			return sheetIndexPicMap;
		} else {
			return null;

	 * 获取Excel2007图片
	 * @param sheet
	 *            当前sheet对象
	 * @param workbook
	 *            工作簿对象
	 * @return Map key:图片单元格索引(1_1)String,value:图片流PictureData
	public static Map<String, PictureData> getSheetPictrues07(XSSFSheet sheet, XSSFWorkbook workbook) {
		Map<String, PictureData> sheetIndexPicMap = new HashMap<String, PictureData>();
		for (POIXMLDocumentPart dr : sheet.getRelations()) {
			if (dr instanceof XSSFDrawing) {
				XSSFDrawing drawing = (XSSFDrawing) dr;
				List<XSSFShape> shapes = drawing.getShapes();
				for (XSSFShape shape : shapes) {
					XSSFPicture pic = (XSSFPicture) shape;
					XSSFClientAnchor anchor = pic.getPreferredSize();
					CTMarker ctMarker = anchor.getFrom();
					String picIndex = ctMarker.getRow() + "_" + ctMarker.getCol();
					sheetIndexPicMap.put(picIndex, pic.getPictureData());
		return sheetIndexPicMap;

	public static Map<String, PictureData> getAllPictures(OPCPackage opc, XSSFSheet sheet, XSSFWorkbook workbook) throws Exception {
		Map<String, PictureData> sheetIndexPicMap = new HashMap<>();
		// 处理嵌入式图片
		List<PackagePart> parts = opc.getParts();
		// 处理浮动式图片
		sheetIndexPicMap.putAll(getSheetPictrues07(sheet, workbook));
		return sheetIndexPicMap;

	public static String getWebRootPath(String filePath) {
		try {
			String path = null;
			try {
				path = PoiPublicUtil.class.getClassLoader().getResource("").toURI().getPath();
			} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
			//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20211116 for: JAR包分离 发布出空指针
			}catch (NullPointerException e) {
				path =  PoiPublicUtil.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
			//update-end-author:taoyan date:20211116 for: JAR包分离 发布出空指针
			//update-begin--Author:zhangdaihao  Date:20190424 for:解决springboot 启动模式,上传路径获取为空问题---------------------
			if (path == null || path == "") {
				//解决springboot 启动模式,上传路径获取为空问题
				path = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader().getResource("").getPath();
			//update-end--Author:zhangdaihao  Date:20190424 for:解决springboot 启动模式,上传路径获取为空问题----------------------
			LOGGER.debug("--- getWebRootPath ----filePath--- " + path);
			path = path.replace("WEB-INF/classes/", "");
			path = path.replace("file:/", "");
			LOGGER.debug("--- path---  " + path);
			LOGGER.debug("--- filePath---  " + filePath);
			return path + filePath;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e);

	 * 判断是不是集合的实现类
	 * @param clazz
	 * @return
	public static boolean isCollection(Class<?> clazz) {
		return Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

	 * 是不是java基础类
	 * @param field
	 * @return
	public static boolean isJavaClass(Field field) {
		Class<?> fieldType = field.getType();
		boolean isBaseClass = false;
		if (fieldType.isArray()) {
			isBaseClass = false;
		} else if (fieldType.isPrimitive() || fieldType.getPackage() == null || fieldType.getPackage().getName().equals("java.lang") || fieldType.getPackage().getName().equals("java.math") || fieldType.getPackage().getName().equals("java.sql") || fieldType.getPackage().getName().equals("java.util")) {
			isBaseClass = true;
		return isBaseClass;

	 * 判断是否不要在这个excel操作中
	 * @param
	 * @param field
	 * @param targetId
	 * @return
	public static boolean isNotUserExcelUserThis(List<String> exclusionsList, Field field, String targetId) {
		boolean boo = true;
		if (field.getAnnotation(ExcelIgnore.class) != null) {
			boo = true;
		} else if (boo && field.getAnnotation(ExcelCollection.class) != null && isUseInThis(field.getAnnotation(ExcelCollection.class).name(), targetId) && (exclusionsList == null || !exclusionsList.contains(field.getAnnotation(ExcelCollection.class).name()))) {
			boo = false;
		} else if (boo && field.getAnnotation(Excel.class) != null && isUseInThis(field.getAnnotation(Excel.class).name(), targetId) && (exclusionsList == null || !exclusionsList.contains(field.getAnnotation(Excel.class).name()))) {
			boo = false;
		} else if (boo && field.getAnnotation(ExcelEntity.class) != null && isUseInThis(field.getAnnotation(ExcelEntity.class).name(), targetId) && (exclusionsList == null || !exclusionsList.contains(field.getAnnotation(ExcelEntity.class).name()))) {
			boo = false;
		return boo;

	 * 判断是不是使用
	 * @param exportName
	 * @param targetId
	 * @return
	private static boolean isUseInThis(String exportName, String targetId) {
		return targetId == null || exportName.equals("") || exportName.indexOf("_") < 0 || exportName.indexOf(targetId) != -1;

	private static Integer getImageType(String type) {
		if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("JPG") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("JPEG")) {
			return XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG;
		if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("GIF")) {
			return XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_GIF;
		if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("BMP")) {
			return XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_GIF;
		if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("PNG")) {
			return XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;
		return XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG;

	 * 返回流和图片类型
	 * @Author JEECG
	 * @date 2013-11-20
	 * @param entity
	 * @return (byte[]) isAndType[0],(Integer)isAndType[1]
	 * @throws Exception
	public static Object[] getIsAndType(WordImageEntity entity) throws Exception {
		Object[] result = new Object[2];
		String type;
		if (entity.getType().equals(WordImageEntity.URL)) {
			ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
			BufferedImage bufferImg;
			String path = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("").toURI().getPath() + entity.getUrl();
			path = path.replace("WEB-INF/classes/", "");
			path = path.replace("file:/", "");
			bufferImg = File(path));
			//update-begin-author:taoYan date:20211203 for: Excel 导出图片的文件带小数点符号 导出报错
			ImageIO.write(bufferImg, entity.getUrl().substring(entity.getUrl().lastIndexOf(".") + 1, entity.getUrl().length()), byteArrayOut);
			//update-end-author:taoYan date:20211203 for: Excel 导出图片的文件带小数点符号 导出报错
			result[0] = byteArrayOut.toByteArray();
			type = entity.getUrl().split("/.")[entity.getUrl().split("/.").length - 1];
		} else {
			result[0] = entity.getData();
			type = PoiPublicUtil.getFileExtendName(entity.getData());
		result[1] = getImageType(type);
		return result;

	 * 获取参数值
	 * @param params
	 * @param map
	 * @return
	public static Object getParamsValue(String params, Object object) throws Exception {
		if (params.indexOf(".") != -1) {
			String[] paramsArr = params.split("\\.");
			return getValueDoWhile(object, paramsArr, 0);
		if (object instanceof Map) {
			return ((Map) object).get(params);
		return getMethod(params, object.getClass()).invoke(object, new Object[] {});

	 * 解析数据
	 * @Author JEECG
	 * @date 2013-11-16
	 * @return
	public static Object getRealValue(String currentText, Map<String, Object> map) throws Exception {
		String params = "";
		while (currentText.indexOf("{{") != -1) {
			params = currentText.substring(currentText.indexOf("{{") + 2, currentText.indexOf("}}"));
			Object obj = getParamsValue(params.trim(), map);
			// 判断图片或者是集合
			// update-begin-author:taoyan date:20210914 for:autopoi模板导出,赋值的方法建议增加空判断或抛出异常说明。 /issues/3005
				obj = "";
			// update-end-author:taoyan date:20210914 for:autopoi模板导出,赋值的方法建议增加空判断或抛出异常说明。/issues/3005
			if (obj instanceof WordImageEntity || obj instanceof List || obj instanceof ExcelListEntity) {
				return obj;
			} else {
				currentText = currentText.replace("{{" + params + "}}", obj.toString());
		return currentText;

	 * 通过遍历过去对象值
	 * @param object
	 * @param paramsArr
	 * @param index
	 * @return
	 * @throws Exception
	public static Object getValueDoWhile(Object object, String[] paramsArr, int index) throws Exception {
		if (object == null) {
			return "";
		if (object instanceof WordImageEntity) {
			return object;
		if (object instanceof Map) {
			object = ((Map) object).get(paramsArr[index]);
		} else {
			object = getMethod(paramsArr[index], object.getClass()).invoke(object, new Object[] {});
		return (index == paramsArr.length - 1) ? (object == null ? "" : object) : getValueDoWhile(object, paramsArr, ++index);

	 * double to String 防止科学计数法
	 * @param value
	 * @return
	public static String doubleToString(Double value) {
		String temp = value.toString();
		if (temp.contains("E")) {
			BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(temp);
			temp = bigDecimal.toPlainString();
		return ExcelUtil.remove0Suffix(temp);

	 * 判断是否是数值类型
	 * @param xclass
	 * @return
	public static boolean isNumber(String xclass){
			return false;
		String temp = xclass.toLowerCase();
		if(temp.indexOf("int")>=0 || temp.indexOf("double")>=0 || temp.indexOf("decimal")>=0){
			return true;
		return false;
	//update-begin---author:liusq  Date:20211217  for:[LOWCOD-2521]【autopoi】大数据导出方法【全局】----
	 * 统一 key的获取规则
	 * @param key
	 * @param targetId
	 * @date  2022年1月4号
	 * @return
	public static String getValueByTargetId(String key, String targetId, String defalut) {
		if (StringUtils.isEmpty(targetId) || key.indexOf("_") < 0) {
			return key;
		String[] arr = key.split(",");
		String[] tempArr;
		for (String str : arr) {
			tempArr = str.split("_");
			if (tempArr == null || tempArr.length < 2) {
				return defalut;
			if (targetId.equals(tempArr[1])) {
				return tempArr[0];
		return defalut;
	//update-end---author:liusq  Date:20211217  for:[LOWCOD-2521]【autopoi】大数据导出方法【全局】----

	 * 将PackagePart转换为PictureData
	 * @param packagePart
	 * @param workbook
	 * @return
	public static PictureData convertPackagePartToPictureData(PackagePart packagePart, XSSFWorkbook workbook) {
		if (packagePart == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("PackagePart cannot be null");
		if (workbook == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Workbook cannot be null");

		try (InputStream inputStream = packagePart.getInputStream()) {
			// 从PackagePart读取数据
			byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);

			// 确定内容,创建PictureType
			String contentType = packagePart.getContentType();
			// 默认PNG
			int pictureType = XSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;
			if (contentType.equals("image/jpeg")) {
				pictureType = XSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG;
			} else if (contentType.equals("image/png")) {
				pictureType = XSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;

			// 将图片数据添加到工作簿
			int pictureIndex = workbook.addPicture(data, pictureType);
			return workbook.getAllPictures().get(pictureIndex);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			return null;

	 * 获取嵌入式图片
	 * @param parts
	 * @return
	 * @throws JDOMException
	 * @throws IOException
	 * @throws ParserConfigurationException
	private static Map<String, PictureData> getEmbedPictures(List<PackagePart> parts) throws JDOMException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
		Map<String, Set<String>> mapImg = new HashMap<>();
		Map<String, String> mapImgPath = new HashMap<>();
		Map<Integer, List<String>> dataMap = new HashMap<>();

		for (PackagePart part : parts) {
//            System.out.println(part.getPartName());
			PackagePartName partName = part.getPartName();
			String name = partName.getName();
			if ("/xl/cellimages.xml".equals(name)) {
				SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
				// 获取文档
				Document doc =;
				// 获取根节点
				Element root = doc.getRootElement();
				List<Element> cellImageList = root.getChildren();
				for (Element imgEle : cellImageList) {
					Element xdrPic = imgEle.getChildren().get(0);
					Element xdrNvPicPr = xdrPic.getChildren().get(0);
					Element xdrBlipFill = xdrPic.getChildren().get(1);
					Element aBlip = xdrBlipFill.getChildren().get(0);
					Attribute attr = aBlip.getAttributes().get(0);
					String imgId = xdrNvPicPr.getChildren().get(0).getAttributeValue("name");
					String id = attr.getValue();
					if (mapImg.containsKey(id)) {
					} else {
						Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
						mapImg.put(id, set);

			if ("/xl/_rels/cellimages.xml.rels".equals(name)) {
				SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
				// 获取文档
				Document doc =;
				// 获取根节点
				Element root = doc.getRootElement();
				List<Element> relationshipList = root.getChildren();
				for (Element relationship : relationshipList) {
					String id = relationship.getAttributeValue("Id");
					String target = relationship.getAttributeValue("Target");
					mapImgPath.put(id, target);

			if (name.contains("/xl/worksheets/sheet")) {
				// 获取文档
				String sheetNoStr = name.replace("/xl/worksheets/sheet", "").replace(".xml", "");
				Integer sheetNo = Integer.valueOf(sheetNoStr) - 1;
				// 步骤1:创建SAXParserFactory实例
				SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
				// 步骤2:创建SAXParser实例
				SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
				SAXParserHandler saxParserHandler = new SAXParserHandler();
				saxParser.parse(part.getInputStream(), saxParserHandler);

				List<String> rows = saxParserHandler.getRows();

				dataMap.put(sheetNo, rows);


		Map<String, String> imgMap = new HashMap<>();
		for (String id : mapImg.keySet()) {
			Set<String> imgIds = mapImg.get(id);
			String path = mapImgPath.get(id);
			for (String imgId : imgIds) {
				imgMap.put(imgId, path);
		for (Integer key : dataMap.keySet()) {
			List<String> rows = dataMap.get(key);
			for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
				String imgId = rows.get(i);
				String imgId_index = imgId.substring(0, imgId.indexOf(":"));
				String imgId_url = imgId.substring(imgId.indexOf(":")+1);
				if (imgMap.containsKey(imgId_url)) {
					rows.set(i, imgId_index+":"+imgMap.get(imgId_url));

		Map<String, PictureData> map = new HashMap<>();
		for (Integer key : dataMap.keySet()) {
			List<String> pathList = dataMap.get(key);
			for (int i = 0; i < pathList.size(); i++) {
				String path = pathList.get(i);
				String path_index = path.substring(0, path.indexOf(":"));
				String path_url = path.substring(path.indexOf(":")+1);
				if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(path_url)) {
					for (PackagePart part : parts) {
						PackagePartName partName = part.getPartName();
						String name = partName.getName();
						if (name.contains(path_url)) {
							PictureData pictureData = convertPackagePartToPictureData(part,new XSSFWorkbook());
							map.put(path_index, pictureData);
		return map;



package org.jeecgframework.poi.xml;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class SAXParserHandler extends DefaultHandler {

    String value = null;

    List<String> rows = new ArrayList<>();

    int rowIndex = 0;

    int currentColumn = 0;

    public List<String> getRows() {
        return rows;

    public void startDocument() throws SAXException {

    public void endDocument() throws SAXException {

    public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
        super.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);
        if (qName.equals("row")) {
            value = "";
            // 遇到新的行时,重置列号为0
            currentColumn = 0;
        } else if (qName.equals("c")) {
            // 获取列号
            String columnRef = attributes.getValue("r");
            if (columnRef != null) {
                currentColumn = parseColumnIndex(columnRef.replaceAll("[^A-Z]", ""));


    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
        super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
        if (qName.equals("c")) {
            if (value != null && value.contains("DISPIMG")) {
                value = value.substring(value.lastIndexOf("DISPIMG(")).replace("DISPIMG(\"", "");
                value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf("\""));
//                rows.add(rowIndex, value);
                rows.add(rowIndex + "_" + currentColumn + ":" + value);
            } else {
//                rows.add(rowIndex, null);
                rows.add(rowIndex + "_" + currentColumn + ":null");
            value = "";
        }else if (qName.equals("row")) {

    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
        super.characters(ch, start, length);
        value += new String(ch, start, length);

    // 解析列号
    private int parseColumnIndex(String columnRef) {
        int result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < columnRef.length(); i++) {
            result = result * 26 + (columnRef.charAt(i) - 'A' + 1);
        return result - 1;





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文章目录 前言一、主要流程二、Linux网络设备驱动架构1.概述2.读入数据 总结 前言 Linux中的Ethernet驱动框架涉及到网络设备驱动程序的多个方面&#xff0c;包括初始化、注册、数据传输以及与物理层&#xff08;PHY&#xff09;的交互。以下是网络设备驱动架构的概述&#xf…


Centos 7 安装 1 镜像下载1.1 官网下载1.2 阿里云镜像下载 2 环境的安装2.1 打开我们的虚拟机&#xff0c;点击文件进行新建2.2 选择典型之后&#xff0c;下一步2.3 选择稍会安装操作系统2.4 勾选Linux&#xff0c;并且选择CentOS 7的版本2.5 设定我们虚拟机的名称和安装位置2.…


VOSviewer简介 VOSviewer 是一款用于构建和可视化科学文献计量网络的软件工具。它能够帮助用户分析和可视化期刊、研究人员或单个出版物之间的关系&#xff0c;这些关系可以基于引用、共引、共著或术语共现关系来构建。VOSviewer 还提供了文本挖掘功能&#xff0c;可以用来构建…

Python 爬虫从入门到入狱之路一

实际上爬虫一共就四个主要步骤&#xff1a; 明确目标 (要知道你准备在哪个范围或者网站去搜索)爬 (将所有的网站的内容全部爬下来)取 (去掉对我们没用处的数据)处理数据&#xff08;按照我们想要的方式存储和使用&#xff09; 我们在之前写的爬虫程序中&#xff0c;都只是获取…


前言 工作在使用fidder抓包时&#xff0c;经常需要找到一个请求携带的cookie中&#xff0c;真正校验了那些cookie&#xff0c;从而在代码中实现写入这些cookie的请求。这个过程除了根据经验快速过滤&#xff0c;就只能一个一个删除测试了。 所以我写了这个脚本&#xff0c;自动…


一、容器化基础知识 华为云免费试用服务器&#xff1a; 阿里云docker容器教程&#xff1a; 查询ip地址&#xff1a; 二、容器化搭建企业应用实战 2…


长尾关键词是关键&#xff0c;长尾关键词是指由三个或更多词组成的更具体、更详细的搜索词组。与单个关键词相比&#xff0c;长尾关键词虽然搜索量较低&#xff0c;但往往能带来更高的转化率&#xff0c;因为它们更能精准地反映用户的搜索意图和需求 使用长尾关键词有几个优势…




蒋yj老师yyds&#xff01; 答案自制&#xff0c;仅供参考&#xff0c;欢迎质疑讨论 问题一览 传输层思考题P2P和E2E的区别使用socket的c/s模式通信&#xff0c;流控如何反映到编程模型三次握手解决什么问题举一个两次握手失败的例子为什么链路层是两次握手而非三次&#xff1f;…


过渡 作用&#xff1a;可以为一个元素在不同的状态之间切换的时候添加过渡效果 属性名&#xff1a;transition(复合属性) 属性值&#xff1a;过渡的属性 花费时间(s) 提示&#xff1a; 过渡的属性可以是具体的CSS属性也可以为all&#xff08;两个状态属性值不同的所有属性…