
news2025/1/13 15:56:32


创建一个新表,想让他的字符集是 gbk,怎么弄?



set names gbk; 等价于:

set character_set_client = gbk;
set character_set_connection = gbk;
set character_set_results = gbk;



charactor_set_server 控制的是创建的 database 字符集。
建表字符集受控于 character_set_database。

改用下面的方式就可以:控制 db 的字符集,间接实现控制表的字符集。


原因:character_set_database 能改变当前数据库的字符集,影响建表字符集。



set character_set_client = gbk;
set character_set_connection = gbk;
set character_set_results = gbk;

表示:客户端使用的字符集、server 使用的字符集、结果集使用的字符集。

如果三者都是一样,可以用 set names gbk 来简写。

疑问:character_set_client 和 character_set_results 可以不一样?

client 是utf8(表示它发来的query字符串的字符集是utf8)
result 是 gbk (表示query执行结果的字符集会转成 gbk)
client 发 utf8,收 gbk,实际有这种场景?

**回答:**有!比如你要写一个 transfer data as it is 的程序,你就不会去转换字符集。PHP 程序里,character_set_client 设置成 UTF8,去查数据库里不同表,不同表的字符集不同,character_set_results 可以设置为 NULL,这样可以把不同表的数据“原汁原味”地返回给客户端。至于外面的客户端如何用,他们自有办法(比如,原样存入文件给客户下载)。 参考这篇文章(要梯子)


允许直接设置数字!(是 collation 的值,不是 charset!)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 48;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value  |
| character_set_client | latin2 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 48;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value  |
| character_set_client | latin1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 45;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value   |
| character_set_client | utf8mb4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 90;
ERROR 1231 (42000): Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of '90'
mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 0;
ERROR 1115 (42000): Unknown character set: '0'
| Collation                | Charset  | Id  | Default | Compiled | Sortlen |
| big5_chinese_ci          | big5     |   1 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| big5_bin                 | big5     |  84 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| dec8_swedish_ci          | dec8     |   3 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| dec8_bin                 | dec8     |  69 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp850_general_ci         | cp850    |   4 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp850_bin                | cp850    |  80 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| hp8_english_ci           | hp8      |   6 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| hp8_bin                  | hp8      |  72 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8r_general_ci         | koi8r    |   7 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8r_bin                | koi8r    |  74 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_german1_ci        | latin1   |   5 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_swedish_ci        | latin1   |   8 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_danish_ci         | latin1   |  15 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_german2_ci        | latin1   |  31 |         | Yes      |       2 |
| latin1_bin               | latin1   |  47 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_general_ci        | latin1   |  48 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_general_cs        | latin1   |  49 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin1_spanish_ci        | latin1   |  94 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_czech_cs          | latin2   |   2 |         | Yes      |       4 |
| latin2_general_ci        | latin2   |   9 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_hungarian_ci      | latin2   |  21 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_croatian_ci       | latin2   |  27 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin2_bin               | latin2   |  77 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| swe7_swedish_ci          | swe7     |  10 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| swe7_bin                 | swe7     |  82 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ascii_general_ci         | ascii    |  11 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| ascii_bin                | ascii    |  65 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ujis_japanese_ci         | ujis     |  12 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| ujis_bin                 | ujis     |  91 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| sjis_japanese_ci         | sjis     |  13 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| sjis_bin                 | sjis     |  88 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| hebrew_general_ci        | hebrew   |  16 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| hebrew_bin               | hebrew   |  71 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| tis620_thai_ci           | tis620   |  18 | Yes     | Yes      |       4 |
| tis620_bin               | tis620   |  89 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| euckr_korean_ci          | euckr    |  19 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| euckr_bin                | euckr    |  85 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8u_general_ci         | koi8u    |  22 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| koi8u_bin                | koi8u    |  75 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| gb2312_chinese_ci        | gb2312   |  24 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| gb2312_bin               | gb2312   |  86 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| greek_general_ci         | greek    |  25 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| greek_bin                | greek    |  70 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_general_ci        | cp1250   |  26 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_czech_cs          | cp1250   |  34 |         | Yes      |       2 |
| cp1250_croatian_ci       | cp1250   |  44 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_bin               | cp1250   |  66 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1250_polish_ci         | cp1250   |  99 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| gbk_chinese_ci           | gbk      |  28 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| gbk_bin                  | gbk      |  87 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin5_turkish_ci        | latin5   |  30 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin5_bin               | latin5   |  78 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| armscii8_general_ci      | armscii8 |  32 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| armscii8_bin             | armscii8 |  64 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8_general_ci          | utf8     |  33 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8_bin                 | utf8     |  83 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8_unicode_ci          | utf8     | 192 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_icelandic_ci        | utf8     | 193 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_latvian_ci          | utf8     | 194 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_romanian_ci         | utf8     | 195 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_slovenian_ci        | utf8     | 196 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_polish_ci           | utf8     | 197 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_estonian_ci         | utf8     | 198 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_spanish_ci          | utf8     | 199 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_swedish_ci          | utf8     | 200 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_turkish_ci          | utf8     | 201 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_czech_ci            | utf8     | 202 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_danish_ci           | utf8     | 203 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_lithuanian_ci       | utf8     | 204 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_slovak_ci           | utf8     | 205 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_spanish2_ci         | utf8     | 206 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_roman_ci            | utf8     | 207 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_persian_ci          | utf8     | 208 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_esperanto_ci        | utf8     | 209 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_hungarian_ci        | utf8     | 210 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_sinhala_ci          | utf8     | 211 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8_general_mysql500_ci | utf8     | 223 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ucs2_general_ci          | ucs2     |  35 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| ucs2_bin                 | ucs2     |  90 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| ucs2_unicode_ci          | ucs2     | 128 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_icelandic_ci        | ucs2     | 129 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_latvian_ci          | ucs2     | 130 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_romanian_ci         | ucs2     | 131 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_slovenian_ci        | ucs2     | 132 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_polish_ci           | ucs2     | 133 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_estonian_ci         | ucs2     | 134 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_spanish_ci          | ucs2     | 135 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_swedish_ci          | ucs2     | 136 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_turkish_ci          | ucs2     | 137 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_czech_ci            | ucs2     | 138 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_danish_ci           | ucs2     | 139 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_lithuanian_ci       | ucs2     | 140 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_slovak_ci           | ucs2     | 141 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_spanish2_ci         | ucs2     | 142 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_roman_ci            | ucs2     | 143 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_persian_ci          | ucs2     | 144 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_esperanto_ci        | ucs2     | 145 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_hungarian_ci        | ucs2     | 146 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_sinhala_ci          | ucs2     | 147 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| ucs2_general_mysql500_ci | ucs2     | 159 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp866_general_ci         | cp866    |  36 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp866_bin                | cp866    |  68 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| keybcs2_general_ci       | keybcs2  |  37 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| keybcs2_bin              | keybcs2  |  73 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| macce_general_ci         | macce    |  38 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| macce_bin                | macce    |  43 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| macroman_general_ci      | macroman |  39 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| macroman_bin             | macroman |  53 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp852_general_ci         | cp852    |  40 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp852_bin                | cp852    |  81 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_estonian_cs       | latin7   |  20 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_general_ci        | latin7   |  41 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_general_cs        | latin7   |  42 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| latin7_bin               | latin7   |  79 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8mb4_general_ci       | utf8mb4  |  45 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8mb4_bin              | utf8mb4  |  46 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf8mb4_unicode_ci       | utf8mb4  | 224 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_icelandic_ci     | utf8mb4  | 225 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_latvian_ci       | utf8mb4  | 226 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_romanian_ci      | utf8mb4  | 227 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_slovenian_ci     | utf8mb4  | 228 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_polish_ci        | utf8mb4  | 229 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_estonian_ci      | utf8mb4  | 230 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_spanish_ci       | utf8mb4  | 231 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_swedish_ci       | utf8mb4  | 232 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_turkish_ci       | utf8mb4  | 233 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_czech_ci         | utf8mb4  | 234 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_danish_ci        | utf8mb4  | 235 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci    | utf8mb4  | 236 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_slovak_ci        | utf8mb4  | 237 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_spanish2_ci      | utf8mb4  | 238 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_roman_ci         | utf8mb4  | 239 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_persian_ci       | utf8mb4  | 240 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_esperanto_ci     | utf8mb4  | 241 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_hungarian_ci     | utf8mb4  | 242 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf8mb4_sinhala_ci       | utf8mb4  | 243 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| cp1251_bulgarian_ci      | cp1251   |  14 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_ukrainian_ci      | cp1251   |  23 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_bin               | cp1251   |  50 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_general_ci        | cp1251   |  51 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1251_general_cs        | cp1251   |  52 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf16_general_ci         | utf16    |  54 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf16_bin                | utf16    |  55 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf16_unicode_ci         | utf16    | 101 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_icelandic_ci       | utf16    | 102 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_latvian_ci         | utf16    | 103 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_romanian_ci        | utf16    | 104 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_slovenian_ci       | utf16    | 105 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_polish_ci          | utf16    | 106 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_estonian_ci        | utf16    | 107 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_spanish_ci         | utf16    | 108 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_swedish_ci         | utf16    | 109 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_turkish_ci         | utf16    | 110 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_czech_ci           | utf16    | 111 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_danish_ci          | utf16    | 112 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_lithuanian_ci      | utf16    | 113 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_slovak_ci          | utf16    | 114 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_spanish2_ci        | utf16    | 115 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_roman_ci           | utf16    | 116 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_persian_ci         | utf16    | 117 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_esperanto_ci       | utf16    | 118 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_hungarian_ci       | utf16    | 119 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf16_sinhala_ci         | utf16    | 120 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| cp1256_general_ci        | cp1256   |  57 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1256_bin               | cp1256   |  67 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1257_lithuanian_ci     | cp1257   |  29 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1257_bin               | cp1257   |  58 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp1257_general_ci        | cp1257   |  59 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf32_general_ci         | utf32    |  60 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| utf32_bin                | utf32    |  61 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| utf32_unicode_ci         | utf32    | 160 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_icelandic_ci       | utf32    | 161 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_latvian_ci         | utf32    | 162 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_romanian_ci        | utf32    | 163 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_slovenian_ci       | utf32    | 164 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_polish_ci          | utf32    | 165 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_estonian_ci        | utf32    | 166 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_spanish_ci         | utf32    | 167 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_swedish_ci         | utf32    | 168 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_turkish_ci         | utf32    | 169 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_czech_ci           | utf32    | 170 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_danish_ci          | utf32    | 171 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_lithuanian_ci      | utf32    | 172 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_slovak_ci          | utf32    | 173 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_spanish2_ci        | utf32    | 174 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_roman_ci           | utf32    | 175 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_persian_ci         | utf32    | 176 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_esperanto_ci       | utf32    | 177 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_hungarian_ci       | utf32    | 178 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| utf32_sinhala_ci         | utf32    | 179 |         | Yes      |       8 |
| binary                   | binary   |  63 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| geostd8_general_ci       | geostd8  |  92 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| geostd8_bin              | geostd8  |  93 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| cp932_japanese_ci        | cp932    |  95 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| cp932_bin                | cp932    |  96 |         | Yes      |       1 |
| eucjpms_japanese_ci      | eucjpms  |  97 | Yes     | Yes      |       1 |
| eucjpms_bin              | eucjpms  |  98 |         | Yes      |       1 |
197 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 3;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| character_set_client | dec8  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SET @@character_set_client = 96;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'character_set_client';
| Variable_name        | Value |
| character_set_client | cp932 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


讲明白了 character_set_client 和 character_set_connection 的用途:



character_set_server and collation_server

  • The character_set_server and collation_server system variables indicate the server character set and collation. See Section 10.3.2, “Server Character Set and Collation”.
  • The character_set_database and collation_database system variables indicate the character set and collation of the default database. See Section 10.3.3, “Database Character Set and Collation”.

These session system variable values are initialized at connect time, but can be changed within the session. The server takes the character_set_client system variable to be the character set in which statements are sent by the client.Some character sets cannot be used as the client character set. See Impermissible Client Character Sets.

What character set should the server translate statements to after receiving them?

  • To determine this, the server uses the character_set_connection and collation_connection system variables:
    • The server converts statements sent by the client from character_set_client to character_set_connection. Exception: For string literals that have an introducer such as _utf8mb4 or _latin2, the introducer determines the character set. See Section 10.3.8, “Character Set Introducers”.
  • collation_connection is important for comparisons of literal strings. For comparisons of strings with column values, collation_connection does not matter because columns have their own collation, which has a higher collation precedence (see Section 10.8.4, “Collation Coercibility in Expressions”).

What character set should the server translate query results to before shipping them back to the client?

The character_set_results system variable indicates the character set in which the server returns query results to the client. This includes result data such as column values, result metadata such as column names, and error messages.
To tell the server to perform no conversion of result sets or error messages, set character_set_results to NULL or binary:

OceanBase(admin@test)>SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'character\_set\_%';
| Variable_name            | Value   |
| character_set_client     | utf8mb4 | <=== 客户端字符集
| character_set_connection | utf8mb4 | <=== observer 收到连接上的请求后,应该把请求转换成什么字符集来处理(observer 字符集)
| character_set_results    | utf8mb4 | <=== 结果应该转成什么字符集
| character_set_server     | utf8mb4 | <=== 
| character_set_database   | utf8mb4 | <=== 
| character_set_filesystem | binary  |
| character_set_system     | utf8mb4 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

OceanBase(admin@test)>SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'collation\_%';
| Variable_name        | Value              |
| collation_connection | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== 连接上的排序方式
| collation_database   | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== database 排序方式?
| collation_server     | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== observer 排序方式?
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

* mysql test --default-character-set=latin1

mysql> show variables like 'chara%';
| Variable_name            | Value                            |
| character_set_client     | latin1                           |
| character_set_connection | latin1                           |
| character_set_database   | latin1                           |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                           |
| character_set_results    | latin1                           |
| character_set_server     | utf8mb4                          |
| character_set_system     | utf8                             |
| character_sets_dir       | /usr/local/mysql/share/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'coll%';
| Variable_name        | Value              |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| collation_server     | utf8mb4_general_ci | <=== server 的 collation 还是很坚定的
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

* mysql test ----default-character-set=utf8  (默认也是 utf8)

mysql> show variables like 'chara%';
| Variable_name            | Value                            |
| character_set_client     | utf8                             |
| character_set_connection | utf8                             |
| character_set_database   | latin1                           |
| character_set_filesystem | binary                           |
| character_set_results    | utf8                             |
| character_set_server     | utf8mb4                          |
| character_set_system     | utf8                             |
| character_sets_dir       | /usr/local/mysql/share/charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'coll%';
| Variable_name        | Value              |
| collation_connection | utf8_general_ci    |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci  |
| collation_server     | utf8mb4_general_ci |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)




latex 方括号编号

最近在做简历&#xff0c;需要列出发表的论文。 论文编号一般是采用[1]这种样式&#xff0c;但是找了几个简历模板里头没有直接包含这种编号样式。 我只好求助网络。 在CSDN上找了一圈&#xff0c;这篇博客给了一个思路&#xff1a;在\begin{enumerate}后面添加对应的样式即…


Golang发送邮件的认证流程&#xff1f;怎么设置smtp服务器发信&#xff1f; Golang作为一种高效的编程语言&#xff0c;自然也被广泛应用于发送邮件的场景。然而&#xff0c;如何优化Golang发送邮件的性能成为了一个关键问题。AokSend将探讨一些优化方法&#xff0c;以提高Gol…

Day 21:2807. 在链表中插入最大公约数

Leetcode 2807. 在链表中插入最大公约数 给你一个链表的头 head &#xff0c;每个结点包含一个整数值。 在相邻结点之间&#xff0c;请你插入一个新的结点&#xff0c;结点值为这两个相邻结点值的 最大公约数 。 请你返回插入之后的链表。 两个数的 最大公约数 是可以被两个数字…

TikTok Ads广告综合指南:竞价策略及效果建议

作为全球最受欢迎的应用程序之一&#xff0c;TikTok不仅为用户提供了记录分享生活中美好时刻、交流全球创意的平台&#xff0c;也给全球的企业提供了一个直接触达用户的平台。随着Z时代用户人群的购买力不断上升&#xff0c;出海广告主们也逐渐将目光放在TikTok方面的营销。 上…

Whisper语音识别 -- 自回归解码分析

前言 Whisper 是由 OpenAI 开发的一种先进语音识别系统。它采用深度学习技术&#xff0c;能够高效、准确地将语音转换为文本。Whisper 支持多种语言和口音&#xff0c;并且在处理背景噪音和语音变异方面表现出色。其广泛应用于语音助手、翻译服务、字幕生成等领域&#xff0c;为…

【深度学习基础】激活函数:Tanh、Sigmoid 和 Softmax

激活函数是深度学习模型中不可或缺的一部分&#xff0c;它们赋予神经网络强大的非线性变换能力&#xff0c;使其能够拟合复杂的函数关系。在这篇博文中&#xff0c;我们将探讨三种常见的激活函数&#xff1a;Tanh、Sigmoid 和 Softmax&#xff0c;并提供一些记忆它们的技巧。 1…

4.0 Python 数字类型常用操作

文章目录 1. Numbers数字型1.1 int整型1.2 float浮点型1. 浮点型2. 尾数问题3. 溢出问题4. 高精度计算模块5. 无穷大 1.3 complex复数1.4 bool布尔值 2. 运算符2.1 算术运算符2.2 增值运算符 3. 类型转换3.1 转换为整型3.2 转为浮点型 4. 进制转换4.1 十进制转二进制4.2 十进制…


EdgeOne架构图 普通CDN架构图 ​​​​​​​ 腾讯云EdgeOne对比普通CDN的不同点 服务范围和集成度 腾讯云EdgeOne是一体化的综合平台&#xff0c;不仅提供内容分发功能&#xff0c;还包括安全防护、性能优化和边缘计算等服务。EdgeOne提供了DDoS防护、WAF&#xff08;Web应…

洛谷B3642 二叉树的遍历(前序、中序、后序)

题目描述 有一个 &#x1d45b;(&#x1d45b;≤10^6) 个结点的二叉树。给出每个结点的两个子结点编号&#xff08;均不超过 &#x1d45b;&#xff09;&#xff0c;建立一棵二叉树&#xff08;根节点的编号为 1&#xff09;&#xff0c;如果是叶子结点&#xff0c;则输入 0。…


目录 基本使用 channel 数据结构 阻塞的协程队列 协程节点 构建 channel 写流程 读流程 非阻塞与阻塞 closechan(关闭) 基本使用 创建无缓存 channel c : make(chan int) //创建无缓冲的通道 cc : make(chan int,0) //创建无缓冲的通道 c 创建有缓存 channel c : m…


目录 概念vuex的核心概念State&#xff08;状态&#xff09;Getters&#xff08;获取器&#xff09;Mutations&#xff08;突变&#xff09;Actions&#xff08;动作&#xff09; 搭建vuex环境基本使用getters的使用 上一篇&#xff1a;&#xff08;三十八&#xff09;Vue之插槽…


目录 一、关于接口的新特性1.1 jdk1.8之前的接口重要特性1.2 JDK8以后代码演示 1.3 总结通过代码演示发现作用 二、Lambda表达式[重点]2.1 将匿名内部类写法改写为lambda写法2.2 语法特点能够写成lambda形式的的前提语法特征代码演示深入理解lambda 2.3 总结 三、函数式接口3.1…


社区疫情管理系统 java web源码 增删改查 适合新手有导入视频 java项目 ssm疫情防控登记管理社区疫情管理源码jsp项目 技术 ssm 源码➕数据库文件➕eclipse导入视频


点击返回目录-> 基于C#开发web网页管理系统模板流程-总集篇-CSDN博客 前言 本系列中&#xff0c;作为开发者我们通过ASP.net Web模板设计网页&#xff0c;网页的任何设计、源代码都是直接可见的&#xff0c;在实际应用开发中&#xff0c;显然这些都是商业、公司机密 通过打包…


要先了解异步dom更新是什么就必须先了解&#xff0c;什么是同步&#xff1f;什么是异步&#xff1f; 1.什么是同步&#xff1f;什么是异步&#xff1f; 同步&#xff08;Synchronous&#xff09;&#xff1a; 同步操作是按照代码的顺序执行的&#xff0c;每个操作都必须等待上…

SAP OB52 财务账期月结月底月初开关

公告&#xff1a;周一至周五每日一更&#xff0c;周六日存稿&#xff0c;请您点“关注”和“在看”&#xff0c;后续推送的时候不至于看不到每日更新内容&#xff0c;感谢。 这是一条刮刮乐&#xff0c;按住全部选中&#xff1a;点关注的人最帅最美&#xff0c;欢迎&#xff1…


重点是open方法里使用$nextTick拿到最新的dom&#xff0c;在里面加载echarts //html <el-button click.stop"getIfStorage"></el-button><el-dialog title"图表数据" :visible.sync"ifStorageShowOpen" open"open()" …


第一&#xff1a;大小端基本分析 程序判断计算机是大端的还是小端的&#xff0c;判断的思路是确定一个多字节的值(下面使用的是4字节的整数)&#xff0c;将其写入内存(即赋值给一个变量)&#xff0c;然后用指针取其首地址所对应的字节(即低地址的一个字节)&#xff0c;判断该字…


Photoshop中颜色与色调的调整 Photoshop中的颜色模式RGB模式灰度模式位图模式索引模式CMYK模式Lab模式 Photoshop中的颜色/色调调整命令颜色/色调调整命令的分类亮度/对比度调整命令色阶命令曲线命令曝光度命令自然饱和度命令色相/饱和度命令色彩平衡命令照片滤镜调整命令通道混…


. - 力扣&#xff08;LeetCode&#xff09; class Solution { public:ListNode* swapPairs(ListNode* head) {ListNode* dummyHead new ListNode(0);dummyHead->next head;ListNode* temp dummyHead;while (temp->next ! nullptr && temp->next->next !…