AI Agentic Design Patterns with AutoGen(上):顺序对话、代理反思

news2025/1/11 22:53:18


    • 一、多代理对话:单口喜剧
      • 1.1 Agent的基本功能
      • 1.2 多代理对话示例:单口喜剧
        • 1.2.1 创建Agent
        • 1.2.2 开始对话
        • 1.2.3 查看对话信息,自定义对话摘要
        • 1.2.4 设置对话终止条件
    • 二、顺序对话:客户入职
      • 2.1 创建Agent
      • 2.2 构建顺序对话流程
      • 2.3 查看聊天结果和成本
    • 三、代理反思:博客写作
      • 3.1 创建撰写代理
      • 3.2 创建评论代理进行反思和改进
      • 3.3 创建审阅代理进行嵌套对话,实现复杂反思
        • 3.3.1 创建不同的审阅代理
        • 3.3.2 配置审阅对话
        • 3.3.3 注册嵌套对话,启动聊天

  • 课程主页《AI Agentic Design Patterns with AutoGen》、bilibili中文视频
  • microsoft/autogen、autogen文档


1.1 Agent的基本功能

  在AutoGen中,Agent是一个可以代表人类意图执行操作的实体,发送消息,接收消息,执行操作,生成回复,并与其他代理交互。AutoGen具有一个名为Conversible Agent的内置代理类,它将不同类型的代理统一在同一个编程抽象中。

  Conversible Agent带有许多内置功能,如使用大型语言模型配置生成回复、执行代码或函数、保持人工干预并检查停止响应等。你可以打开或关闭每个组件,并根据应用程序的需求进行定制,通过这些不同的功能,你可以使用相同的接口创建具有不同角色的代理。


  下面先演示agent的基本功能,以下代码,可以直接在《AI Agentic Design Patterns with AutoGen》中成功运行。

  1. 导入OpenAI API密钥,配置LLM
    使用getOpenAI API key函数从环境中导入OpenAI API密钥,并定义一个LLM配置。在本课程中,我们将使用GPT-3.5 Turbo作为模型。
from utils import get_openai_api_key
OPENAI_API_KEY = get_openai_api_key()
llm_config = {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}
  1. 定义一个AutoGen agent
from autogen import ConversableAgent

agent = ConversableAgent(


  1. 使用generate_reply方法生成回复
    调用agent的generateReply函数,并给它一个消息列表,例如“tell me a joke”,角色为用户。运行后,agent将回复一个笑话。
reply = agent.generate_reply(
    messages=[{"content": "Tell me a joke.", "role": "user"}]
Sure! Here's a joke for you: Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.

  如果再次调用generate_reply函数,并将内容更改为“repeat the joke”,代理不会重复笑话,因为每次调用generateReply函数时,它都会生成一个新的回复,而不会记住之前的回复。

reply = agent.generate_reply(
    messages=[{"content": "Repeat the joke.", "role": "user"}]
Of course! Please provide me with the joke you would like me to repeat.

1.2 多代理对话示例:单口喜剧


1.2.1 创建Agent


cathy = ConversableAgent(
    "Your name is Cathy and you are a stand-up comedian.",

joe = ConversableAgent(
    "Your name is Joe and you are a stand-up comedian. "
    "Start the next joke from the punchline of the previous joke.",
1.2.2 开始对话


chat_result = joe.initiate_chat(
    message="I'm Joe. Cathy, let's keep the jokes rolling.",
joe (to cathy):

I'm Joe. Cathy, let's keep the jokes rolling.

cathy (to joe):

Sure thing, Joe! So, did you know that I tried to write a joke about the wind, but it just ended up being too drafty? It was full of holes!

joe (to cathy):

Well, Cathy, that joke might have been breezy, but I like to think of it as a breath of fresh air!

cathy (to joe):

I'm glad you found it refreshing, Joe! But let me ask you this - why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!

1.2.3 查看对话信息,自定义对话摘要


import pprint

[{'content': "I'm Joe. Cathy, let's keep the jokes rolling.",
  'role': 'assistant'},
 {'content': 'Sure thing, Joe! So, did you know that I tried to write a joke '
             'about the wind, but it just ended up being too drafty? It was '
             'full of holes!',
  'role': 'user'},
 {'content': 'Well, Cathy, that joke might have been breezy, but I like to '
             'think of it as a breath of fresh air!',
  'role': 'assistant'},
 {'content': "I'm glad you found it refreshing, Joe! But let me ask you this - "
             'why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many '
  'role': 'user'}]
{'usage_excluding_cached_inference': {'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125': {'completion_tokens': 95,
                                                             'cost': 0.000259,
                                                             'prompt_tokens': 233,
                                                             'total_tokens': 328},
                                      'total_cost': 0.000259},


("I'm glad you found it refreshing, Joe! But let me ask you this - why did the "
 'math book look sad? Because it had too many problems!')

  你也可以设置不同的总结的方式,来获得更准确的摘要结果。比如,你可以设置 summary_methodreflection_with_llm(大模型总结),并给出具体的总结提示summary_prompt,这样大模型将在对话结束后按照提示总结这段对话的内容。

chat_result = joe.initiate_chat(
    message="I'm Joe. Cathy, let's keep the jokes rolling.", 
    summary_prompt="Summarize the conversation",

('The conversation is light-hearted and involves Joe and Cathy exchanging '
 'jokes about wind and math problems.')
1.2.4 设置对话终止条件

  如果你无法预测到哪一轮对话会结束,则可以更改对话终止条件。比如使用布尔函数isTerminationMessage来检测对话中是否包含其设置的终止消息"I gotta go",如果检测到则终止对话。同时,我们更改了cathyjoe的系统消息,告诉它们如果要结束对话,就说"I gotta go"。这样任何一个角色,检测到其接收的消息中包含"I gotta go",就会自动结束这段对话。

cathy = ConversableAgent(
    "Your name is Cathy and you are a stand-up comedian. "
    "When you're ready to end the conversation, say 'I gotta go'.",
    is_termination_msg=lambda msg: "I gotta go" in msg["content"],

joe = ConversableAgent(
    "Your name is Joe and you are a stand-up comedian. "
    "When you're ready to end the conversation, say 'I gotta go'.",
    is_termination_msg=lambda msg: "I gotta go" in msg["content"] or "Goodbye" in msg["content"],
chat_result = joe.initiate_chat(
    message="I'm Joe. Cathy, let's keep the jokes rolling."
joe (to cathy):

I'm Joe. Cathy, let's keep the jokes rolling.

cathy (to joe):

Hey there, Joe! Glad to hear you're ready for some laughs. So, did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space!

joe (to cathy):

Haha, good one! Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!

cathy (to joe):

Haha, that's a classic! How about this one: Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

joe (to cathy):

Haha, that's a good one too! Here's another one: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two tired!

cathy (to joe):

Haha, nice one, Joe! It seems like we're on a roll with these jokes. But hey, I gotta make sure we leave the audience wanting more, so I gotta go. Thanks for the laughs! Talk to you later!


  最后,我们测试一下agent是否记得对话状态。让Cassie发送另一个消息“What’s the last joke we talked about?”,并将接收人设置为Joe。这次,Joe能够记住上次的笑话,并且在相同的终止消息中结束对话。

cathy.send(message="What's last joke we talked about?", recipient=joe)
cathy (to joe):

What's last joke we talked about?

joe (to cathy):

The last joke we talked about was: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two tired!

cathy (to joe):

Thanks, Joe! That was a good one. I gotta go now. Have a great day!





  Customer Onboarding指的是客户入职或新客户导入的过程,通常包括向新客户介绍产品/服务、收集客户信息、完成必要设置等步骤,将新客户成功纳入公司系统中。


2.1 创建Agent


  • 信息收集代理:目标是收集客户个人信息,可以通过设置系统消息来实现这一点。我们告诉代理它是a helpful customer onboarding agent,并给出详细的指令。然后将human_input_mode设置为NEVER,因为这里使用大型语言模型生成响应。
  • 兴趣调查代理:同上,设置系统消息为询问客户的兴趣或偏好,同样将human_input_mode设置为NEVER
  • 客户互动代理:基于收集的用户个人信息和兴趣来进行互动,比如提供有趣的事实、笑话或故事。我们同样通过设置系统消息来实现这一点,并设置对话终止条件。
  • 客户代理:此代理表示真实的客户,human_input_mode设置为ALWAYS,以便此代理始终可以从真实客户那里获取意见。


from autogen import ConversableAgent

llm_config={"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}

onboarding_personal_information_agent = ConversableAgent(
    name="Onboarding Personal Information Agent",
    system_message='''You are a helpful customer onboarding agent,
    you are here to help new customers get started with our product.
    Your job is to gather customer's name and location.
    Do not ask for other information. Return 'TERMINATE' 
    when you have gathered all the information.''',

onboarding_topic_preference_agent = ConversableAgent(
    name="Onboarding Topic preference Agent",
    system_message='''You are a helpful customer onboarding agent,
    you are here to help new customers get started with our product.
    Your job is to gather customer's preferences on news topics.
    Do not ask for other information.
    Return 'TERMINATE' when you have gathered all the information.''',

customer_engagement_agent = ConversableAgent(
    name="Customer Engagement Agent",
    system_message='''You are a helpful customer service agent
    here to provide fun for the customer based on the user's
    personal information and topic preferences.
    This could include fun facts, jokes, or interesting stories.
    Make sure to make it engaging and fun!
    Return 'TERMINATE' when you are done.''',
    is_termination_msg=lambda msg: "terminate" in msg.get("content").lower(),

customer_proxy_agent = ConversableAgent(
    is_termination_msg=lambda msg: "terminate" in msg.get("content").lower(),

2.2 构建顺序对话流程



chats = [
        "sender": onboarding_personal_information_agent,
        "recipient": customer_proxy_agent,
            "Hello, I'm here to help you get started with our product."
            "Could you tell me your name and location?",
        "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
        "summary_args": {
            "summary_prompt" : "Return the customer information "
                             "into as JSON object only: "
                             "{'name': '', 'location': ''}",
        "max_turns": 2,
        "clear_history" : True
        "sender": onboarding_topic_preference_agent,
        "recipient": customer_proxy_agent,
                "Great! Could you tell me what topics you are "
                "interested in reading about?",
        "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
        "max_turns": 1,
        "clear_history" : False
        "sender": customer_proxy_agent,
        "recipient": customer_engagement_agent,
        "message": "Let's find something fun to read.",
        "max_turns": 1,
        "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",


from autogen import initiate_chats

chat_results = initiate_chats(chats)


2.3 查看聊天结果和成本


for chat_result in chat_results:
    "name": "Alex",
    "location": "China"

Alex from China is interested in reading about topics related to dogs.

Alex from China is interested in reading about topics related to dogs. The world's oldest known breed of domesticated dog is the Saluki, dating back to ancient Egypt. The Saluki is known for its speed and endurance, often kept as hunting dogs by pharaohs and nobles.
for chat_result in chat_results:
{'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0.00013250000000000002, 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125': {'cost': 0.00013250000000000002, 'prompt_tokens': 178, 'completion_tokens': 29, 'total_tokens': 207}}
{'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 5.25e-05, 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125': {'cost': 5.25e-05, 'prompt_tokens': 66, 'completion_tokens': 13, 'total_tokens': 79}}
{'usage_including_cached_inference': {'total_cost': 0.000416, 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125': {'cost': 0.000416, 'prompt_tokens': 304, 'completion_tokens': 176, 'total_tokens': 480}}, 



  在这节课中,您将学习代理反思框架(agent reflection framework),学习如何使用嵌套聊天对话模式来实现复杂的反思过程,并利用其强大功能创建高质量的博客文章。您将构建一个系统,其中一组审稿代理(reviewer agents)嵌套在评论代理(critic agent)中,作为内在独白,对撰写代理(writer agent)写的博客文章进行反思。

  具体来说,这句话描述了一个多层次的反思和评审过程,其中critic agent负责整体的反思,在critic agent内部,还有一组reviewer agents,这些reviewer agentscritic agent的内在独白,负责更细致的评审工作,它们的反馈和意见共同构成了critic agent的内在思考过程。


3.1 创建撰写代理


import autogen

llm_config = {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo"}

task = '''
        Write a concise but engaging blogpost about
       DeepLearning.AI. Make sure the blogpost is
       within 100 words.

writer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    system_message="You are a writer. You write engaging and concise " 
        "blogpost (with title) on given topics. You must polish your "
        "writing based on the feedback you receive and give a refined "
        "version. Only return your final work without additional comments.",

reply = writer.generate_reply(messages=[{"content": task, "role": "user"}])
Title: "Unleashing the Power of AI with DeepLearning.AI"

Discover the incredible world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. This innovative platform offers a gateway to mastering deep learning concepts and cutting-edge technology. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, DeepLearning.AI provides comprehensive courses designed to elevate your skills. With engaging content and practical insights, you can delve into the realms of machine learning, neural networks, and much more. Embrace the future of AI and unlock endless possibilities with DeepLearning.AI by your side. Start your journey today and empower yourself with the knowledge to shape tomorrow's technology landscape.

3.2 创建评论代理进行反思和改进


  • 使用AutoGen创建一个评论代理,提示其对撰写代理的写作进行审查并提供反馈。
  • 启动评论代理和撰写代理之间的对话,进行反复交流,撰写代理根据评论代理的反馈不断修改文章。
critic = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    is_termination_msg=lambda x: x.get("content", "").find("TERMINATE") >= 0,
    system_message="You are a critic. You review the work of "
                "the writer and provide constructive "
                "feedback to help improve the quality of the content.",

res = critic.initiate_chat(
Critic (to Writer):

        Write a concise but engaging blogpost about
       DeepLearning.AI. Make sure the blogpost is
       within 100 words.

Writer (to Critic):

Title: "Unleashing the Power of AI with DeepLearning.AI"

Discover the incredible world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI. This innovative platform offers a gateway to mastering deep learning concepts and cutting-edge technology. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, DeepLearning.AI provides comprehensive courses designed to elevate your skills. With engaging content and practical insights, you can delve into the realms of machine learning, neural networks, and much more. Embrace the future of AI and unlock endless possibilities with DeepLearning.AI by your side. Start your journey today and empower yourself with the knowledge to shape tomorrow's technology landscape.

Critic (to Writer):

This blogpost on DeepLearning.AI delivers an engaging and informative introduction to the platform, capturing the essence of its offerings concisely. The use of compelling language and a call-to-action is commendable in drawing readers in. However, to enhance the review, consider briefly mentioning some key features of DeepLearning.AI that set it apart from other platforms in the AI education space. Providing a specific example of a successful outcome or a testimonial from a learner could also add credibility to the post. Overall, solid groundwork, but adding concrete details could elevate the impact of the review further.

Writer (to Critic):

Title: "Unleashing the Power of AI: Explore DeepLearning.AI"

Dive into the world of artificial intelligence with DeepLearning.AI, a transformative platform reshaping AI education. Offering a blend of theory and hands-on experience, it sets itself apart by providing industry insights and real-world applications. From interactive projects to expert-led tutorials, DeepLearning.AI equips learners with practical skills essential in today's AI landscape. Imagine unlocking the potential to innovate, create, and lead in AI through this platform. Join a community of passionate learners and experts shaping the future. Embrace the AI revolution with DeepLearning.AI and chart your path to success in this dynamic field.


3.3 创建审阅代理进行嵌套对话,实现复杂反思


3.3.1 创建不同的审阅代理
  • SEO_reviewer:负责优化内容以提高其在搜索引擎中的排名,吸引流量。我们通过设置系统消息来实现这一点,下同。
  • legal_reviewer:确保内容合法合规。
  • ethics_reviewer:确保内容符合伦理规范,没有潜在的伦理问题。
  • meta_reviewer :汇总所有评论代理的意见,给出最终建议。
SEO_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="SEO Reviewer",
    system_message="You are an SEO reviewer, known for "
        "your ability to optimize content for search engines, "
        "ensuring that it ranks well and attracts organic traffic. " 
        "Make sure your suggestion is concise (within 3 bullet points), "
        "concrete and to the point. "
        "Begin the review by stating your role.",

legal_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="Legal Reviewer",
    system_message="You are a legal reviewer, known for "
        "your ability to ensure that content is legally compliant "
        "and free from any potential legal issues. "
        "Make sure your suggestion is concise (within 3 bullet points), "
        "concrete and to the point. "
        "Begin the review by stating your role.",

ethics_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="Ethics Reviewer",
    system_message="You are an ethics reviewer, known for "
        "your ability to ensure that content is ethically sound "
        "and free from any potential ethical issues. " 
        "Make sure your suggestion is concise (within 3 bullet points), "
        "concrete and to the point. "
        "Begin the review by stating your role. ",

meta_reviewer = autogen.AssistantAgent(
    name="Meta Reviewer",
    system_message="You are a meta reviewer, you aggragate and review "
    "the work of other reviewers and give a final suggestion on the content.",
3.3.2 配置审阅对话
  • 定义反思消息生成函数reflection_message,要求指定的审阅代理审查内容,并根据其角色提供反馈。
  • 设置一个包含各个审阅代理任务配置的列表review_chats。每个审阅代理会收到由reflection_message函数生成的消息,并在一轮对话中提供简短、具体的反馈。每个审阅代理的反馈会以JSON对象的形式返回。
def reflection_message(recipient, messages, sender, config):
    return f'''Review the following content. 
            \n\n {recipient.chat_messages_for_summary(sender)[-1]['content']}'''

review_chats = [
     "recipient": SEO_reviewer, 
     "message": reflection_message, 
     "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
     "summary_args": {"summary_prompt" : 
        "Return review into as JSON object only:"
        "{'Reviewer': '', 'Review': ''}. Here Reviewer should be your role",},
     "max_turns": 1},
    "recipient": legal_reviewer, 
    "message": reflection_message, 
     "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
     "summary_args": {"summary_prompt" : 
        "Return review into as JSON object only:"
        "{'Reviewer': '', 'Review': ''}.",},
     "max_turns": 1},
    {"recipient": ethics_reviewer, 
    "message": reflection_message, 
     "summary_method": "reflection_with_llm",
     "summary_args": {"summary_prompt" : 
        "Return review into as JSON object only:"
        "{'reviewer': '', 'review': ''}",},
     "max_turns": 1},
     {"recipient": meta_reviewer, 
      "message": "Aggregrate feedback from all reviewers and give final suggestions on the writing.", 
     "max_turns": 1},



3.3.3 注册嵌套对话,启动聊天

res = critic.initiate_chat(
  • critic.register_nested_chats: 将定义好的审阅聊天配置注册到评论代理(Critic)中,触发器选择writer。当评论代理收到撰写代理的内容时,它会自动触发这些嵌套的审稿过程。
  • critic.initiate_chat: 启动评论代理与撰写代理的对话,传递写作任务,并设置最多2轮的对话轮次。总结方法为“last_msg”,即最后一条消息的内容。


print(res.summary)  # 返回最后改进的博客文章
Title: "Empower Your Future: Exploring DeepLearning.AI"

Unleash the potential of artificial intelligence through DeepLearning.AI, your gateway to mastering cutting-edge technology. From beginners to experts, discover comprehensive courses on deep learning, machine learning, and more. Shape tomorrow's technology landscape with engaging content and practical insights at your fingertips. Kickstart your journey today with DeepLearning.AI and empower yourself with the knowledge to drive innovation. Optimize your AI skills, enhance user engagement, and stay transparent with disclosed affiliations. Embrace the future with confidence, supported by accurate data and real-world examples. Dive into DeepLearning.AI and unlock endless possibilities for growth.






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[书生·浦语大模型实战营]——LMDeploy 量化部署 LLM 实践

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题目: 注意题目中说明了数据时非递减的,那么这样就存在二分性,能够实现logn的复杂度。二分法每次只能取寻找特定的某一个值,所以我们要分别求左端点和有端点。 分析第一组用例得到结果如下: 成功找到左端点8 由此可知&#xff0…

【SpringBoot + Vue 尚庭公寓实战】标签和配套管理接口实现接口实现(六)

【SpringBoot Vue 尚庭公寓实战】标签和配套管理接口实现接口实现(六) 文章目录 【SpringBoot Vue 尚庭公寓实战】标签和配套管理接口实现接口实现(六)1、保存或更新标签信息2、根据id删除标签信息3、根据类型查询配套列表4、新…

Vite - 开发初体验,以及按需导入配置

目录 开始 创建一个 Vite 项目 项目结构 /src/main.js index.html package.json vite.config.js Vite 项目中使用 vue-router Vite 组件的“按需引入” 传统的方式引入一个组件 传统方式引入带来的问题 解决办法(配置 按需引入 插件) 示例&…


CBoard开源数据可视化工具 文章目录 CBoard开源数据可视化工具介绍资源列表基础环境一、安装JDK二、安装Maven2.1、安装Maven2.2、配置Maven 三、安装Tomcat8四、安装MySQL5版本4.1、安装相关依赖4.2、二进制安装4.3、设定配置文件4.4、配置systemcatl方式启动4.5、访问MySQL数…


一、 虚拟化平台简单介绍 市面上虚拟化工具或者说虚拟机平台是非常多的,比如,openshifit,open stack,华为云的魔改open stack 的HCE,VMware workstation,VMware sphere,VMware esix&#xff0…


博客仍然是在线赚钱的最佳机会之一,因为您可以吸引受众,然后销售产品、服务或赞助。 然而,如果您刚刚开始博客生涯,那么建立一个可以带来数千美元收入的博客的前景可能会让您感到畏惧。 博客领域的竞争比以往更加激烈&#xff0…


数据驱动的世界中,生成模型扮演着至关重要的角色,尤其是在需要创建逼真样本的任务中。扩散模型(Diffusion Models, DM),以其卓越的样本质量和广泛的模式覆盖能力,已经成为众多数据生成任务的首选。然而&…

【图论】Leetcode 130. 被围绕的区域【中等】

被围绕的区域 给你一个 m x n 的矩阵 board ,由若干字符 ‘X’ 和 ‘O’ ,找到所有被 ‘X’ 围绕的区域,并将这些区域里所有的 ‘O’ 用 ‘X’ 填充。 示例 1: 输入: board [[“X”,“X”,“X”,“X”],[“X”,“O…

【PL理论】(12) F#:模块 | 命名空间 | 异常处理 | 内置异常 |:? | 相互递归函数

💭 写在前面:本章我们将介绍 F# 的模块,我们前几章讲的列表、集合和映射都是模块。然后我们将介绍 F# 中的异常,以及内置异常,最后再讲解一下相互递归函数。 目录 0x00 F# 模块(Module) 0x01…


写在前面:本文参考UFS jedec3.1,本文思维导图如下 1. 分层概述 UFS协议分为3层,从上至下分别是:应用层(UAP),传输层(UTP),互联层(UIC),具体结构如下图所示。 2.1 应用层 在应用层(UAP)中,包括:UFS指令集(UCS),设备管理器(Device Manager),任务管理器(Task Manager…



《C++ Primer Plus》第十三章复习题和编程练习

目录 一、复习题**二、编程练习 一、复习题** 1. 派生类从基类那里继承了什么? 答:在类的继承和派生中,C中的派生类能够继承基类的所有数据成员和大部分成员函数。但是基类中不同访问控制权限的成员在派生中的访问权限也不相同。公有成员直…


目录 一、unordered_set的介绍与使用 1.1unordered_set介绍 1.2unordered_set使用 2.2.1构造 2.2.2容量 2.2.3修改 二、unordered_map的介绍与使用 2.1unordered_map介绍 2.2unordered_map使用 2.2.1构造 2.2.2容量 2.2.3修改 三、底层结构(哈希) 3.1哈希概念 3.2哈…


注: 判断两函数是否相同,只看定义域和对应法则。 1. 函数的定义 一般的,在一个变化过程中有两个变量 x,y。如果对于x在某个变化范围内的每一个确定值,按照某个对应法则,都有唯一确定的值y和他对应。那么y就…