
news2024/10/5 23:31:08

今天我们来看看一个类似的概念 enums 。

  • Enums: We saw that in Rust, enums are data types that list possible values, giving a simple and type-safe mechanism to describe alternatives. We looked at how to create enums and use them to represent similar possibilities, such as days of the week.
  • Methods in Enums: Similar to structs, we saw that we can implement methods on enums using an impl block. We demonstrated this by creating methods to calculate the area of different geometric shapes represented by an enum.
    枚举中的方法:与结构类似,我们看到可以使用 impl 块在枚举上实现方法。我们通过创建方法来计算枚举表示的不同几何形状的面积来证明这一点。
  • Option Enum: We discussed the Option enum, which is commonly used to handle scenarios where a value may be present or absent. We explored how Some represents a value being present, while None indicates the absence of a value. Additionally, we learned how to use the unwrap_or method to handle situations where we need to extract a value from an Option or provide a default value if it's absent.
    Option Enum:我们讨论了 Option enum,它通常用于处理值可能存在或不存在的情况。我们探讨了 Some 如何表示存在的值,而 None 表示不存在的值。此外,我们还学习了如何使用 unwrap_or 方法来处理需要从 Option 中提取值或提供默认值(如果没有)的情况。
  • Pattern Matching: Finally, we explored pattern matching using the match keyword, which allows us to check for multiple cases and execute specific code based on the matched pattern. We demonstrated how to use match to handle various cases and execute corresponding code blocks.
    模式匹配:最后,我们使用 match 关键字探索了模式匹配,它允许我们检查多个案例并基于匹配的模式执行特定代码。我们演示了如何使用 match 来处理各种情况并执行相应的代码块。

Introduction 介绍

Enums in Rust are data types that allow you to define a type by enumerating its possible values, providing a concise and type-safe way to represent alternatives.

enum Day{

fn main(){
  let today = Day::Monday;

This is what enums basically are…
这就是 enums 基本上是...

If we had to store each day with the programming language we were going to study in Rust. We would do something like this with structs
如果我们不得不用Rust中将要学习的编程语言来存储每一天。我们会用 structs 做这样的事情

enum Day{

Struct TimeTable{
  day: Day,
  language: String,

fn main(){
  let day1 = TimeTable{
    day: Day::Monday,
    language: String::from("Rust"),

An alternative way would be to store values inside enums .
另一种方法是将值存储在 enums 中。

enum Day{

Struct TimeTable{
  day: Day,
  language: String,

fn main(){
  let day1 = Day::Monday(String::from("Rust"));

Methods in Enums 枚举中的方法

Just like we did for structs, we can create an impl block to implement methods in enums .
就像我们对 structs 所做的那样,我们可以创建一个 impl 块来实现 enums 中的方法。

// Define an enum called Shape to represent different geometric shapes
enum Shape {
    Circle(f64), // Variant Circle takes a radius
    Square(f64), // Variant Square takes a side length

// Implement methods on the Shape enum
impl Shape {
    // Method to calculate the area of a shape
    fn area(&self) -> f64 {
        match *self {
            Shape::Circle(radius) => 3.14 * radius * radius,
            Shape::Square(side_length) => side_length * side_length,

fn main() {
    // Create instances of different shapes
    let circle = Shape::Circle(2.0);
    let square = Shape::Square(3.0);

    // Calculate and print the areas of different shapes
    println!("Area of the circle: {:.2}", circle.area());
    println!("Area of the square: {:.2}", square.area());

Output: 输出量:

Area of the circle: 12.57
Area of the square: 9.00

Explanation 解释

  • We define an enum named Shape that represents geometric shapes.
  • Shape has two variations: Circle(f64), which represents a circle with a radius, and Square(f64), which represents a square with a side length.
  • The Shape enum is implemented with a method called area().
    Shape 枚举是用一个名为 area() 的方法实现的。
  • The area() method takes a reference to self (the enum instance) and returns a f64 representing the area of the shape.
    area() 方法引用 self (枚举实例)并返回表示形状区域的 f64 。
  • The match keyword in Rust allows for pattern matching against different values and executing code based on the matched pattern, providing a concise and powerful way to handle various cases or variants within enums, structs, or other types.
    Rust中的 match 关键字允许对不同的值进行模式匹配,并基于匹配的模式执行代码,提供了一种简洁而强大的方式来处理枚举,结构或其他类型中的各种情况或变体。
  • For Shape::Circle, it calculates the area using the formula π * radius^2.
    对于 Shape::Circle ,它使用公式π * 半径^2计算面积。
  • For Shape::Square, it calculates the area using the formula side_length^2.
    对于 Shape::Square ,它使用公式side_length^2计算面积。
  • In the main() function: 在 main() 函数中:
  • Instances of different shapes (circle and square) are created.
    将创建不同形状的图形( circle 和 square )。
  • The area() method is called on each shape instance to calculate and print their respective areas.
    在每个形状实例上调用 area() 方法来计算和打印它们各自的面积。
  • Finally, the areas of the circle and square are printed with two decimal places using println!() statements.
    最后,使用 println!() 语句将圆形和正方形的面积打印为两位小数。

Option Enum Option枚举

The Option enum in Rust represents the presence or absence of a value, providing a concise and type-safe way to handle scenarios where a value may be present or missing.
Rust中的 Option enum 表示值的存在或不存在,提供了一种简洁和类型安全的方式来处理值可能存在或缺失的场景。

If we have a value that’s null, or can potentially not exist we use a null value but Rust does not have a null type, We can use Option enums for these situations.
如果我们有一个null值,或者可能不存在,我们使用 null 值,但Rust没有null类型,我们可以使用Option枚举来处理这些情况。

This enforces the type system that we have to handle the null case leading to a safer code.

  • Some is used when a value is present
    Some 在存在值时使用
  • none is used when when a value is absent
    none 在缺少值时使用
  • From here we can use match operations to enumerate cases for both.
    从这里我们可以使用 match 操作来枚举两者的情况。
fn get_first_element(numbers: &[i32]) -> Option<i32> {
    if let Some(&first) = numbers.first() {
        Some(first) // Return the first element wrapped in Some if it exists
    } else {
        None // Return None if the slice is empty

Explanation 解释

  • The get_first_element function takes a slice of integers numbers as its parameter.
    get_first_element 函数接受一个整数切片 numbers 作为其参数。
  • It uses the .first() method on the slice to retrieve an Option containing a reference to the first element of the slice.
    它使用切片上的 .first() 方法来检索包含对切片第一个元素的引用的Option。
  • If the slice is not empty, .first() returns Some(&first), where first is a reference to the first element.
    如果切片不为空,则 .first() 返回 Some(&first) ,其中 first 是对第一个元素的引用。

The function pattern matches on the Option:

  • If the Option is Some, it extracts the value of first and wraps it in another Some, effectively unwrapping the reference.
    如果Option是 Some ,它提取 first 的值并将其包装在另一个 Some 中,有效地展开引用。
  • If the Option is None, indicating an empty slice, it returns None.
    如果Option是 None ,表示一个空切片,则返回 None 。

Using Option enums with primitive data types

fn main(){
  let x: i8 = 10;
  let y: Option<i8> = Some(14);
  let sum = x + y;

This code will result in an error, because we cannot add i8 to Option<i8> because they are different data types.
这段代码将导致错误,因为我们不能将 i8 添加到 Option<i8> ,因为它们是不同的数据类型。

To complete this operation we can use the unwrap_or() method.
要完成此操作,我们可以使用 unwrap_or() 方法。

unwrap_or(data) returns the value of the Option enum if it exits, if it does not exist it returns data.
unwrap_or(data) 如果存在,则返回 Option enum 的值,如果不存在,则返回 data 。

fn main(){
  let x: i8 = 10;
  let y: Option<i8> = Some(14);
  let sum = x + y.unwrap_or(0);

Output: 输出量:


Pattern matching 模式匹配

We have used match in the guessing game, It is used to check for multiple cases and run a specific block of code for each value.
我们在猜谜游戏中使用了 match ,它用于检查多个情况并为每个值运行特定的代码块。

Here is a simple example:

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    match number {
        1 => println!("It's one!"),
        2 => println!("It's two!"),
        3 | 4 => println!("It's three or four!"),
        8 => {
          println!("This is a multi-line function in a match expression");
        _ => println!("It's something else!"),
  • The match keyword is used to perform pattern matching on the value of number.
    match 关键字用于对 number 的值执行模式匹配。
  • Each pattern in the match expression is followed by =>, indicating the code to execute if the pattern matches.
    match 表达式中的每个模式后面都跟有 => ,表示如果模式匹配则执行的代码。
  • If number matches the pattern 1, the message "It's one!" is printed.
    如果 number 匹配模式 1 ,则消息“It's one!”是印刷的。
  • If number matches the pattern 2, the message "It's two!" is printed.
    如果 number 匹配模式 2 ,则消息“It's two!”是印刷的。
  • If number matches the patterns 3 or 4, the message "It's three or four!" is printed.
    如果 number 匹配模式 3 或 4 ,则消息“是三或四!”是印刷的。
  • If number matches the pattern 8, the code inside the curly braces is executed, printing "This is a multi-line function in a match expression".
    如果 number 匹配模式 8 ,则执行花括号内的代码,打印“This is a multi-line function in a match expression”。
  • The _ pattern acts as a wildcard and matches any value not explicitly listed. If number doesn't match any of the specified patterns, the message "It's something else!" is printed.
    _ 模式作为一个前缀,匹配任何没有显式列出的值。如果 number 不匹配任何指定的模式,则消息“It's something else!”是印刷的。
  • In this specific example, since number is 5, it doesn't match any of the specific patterns, so the wildcard pattern _ is used, and the message "It's something else!" is printed.
    在这个特定的例子中,由于 number 是 5 ,它不匹配任何特定的模式,所以使用了重复模式 _ ,并且消息“It's something else!”是印刷的。





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