MNN createSession 之创建流水线后端(四)

news2025/1/16 7:46:47



MNN createFromBuffer(一)
MNN createRuntime(二)
MNN createSession 之 Schedule(三)
MNN createSession 之创建流水线后端(四)
MNN Session::resize 之流水线编码(五)
MNN Session 创建执行器(六)


  • 系列文章目录
  • 1、createSession
    • 1.1 createMultiPathSession
    • 1.1.1 Session 类 ModeGroup
    • 1.1.2 Session::Session
    • _createPipelineBackend
    • VulkanRuntime::onCreate
    • VulkanBackend::VulkanBackend
    • CPURuntime::onCreate
    • CPUBackend::CPUBackend
    • Pipeline 类 TuningAttr、UnitInfo
    • Pipeline::Pipeline
    • GeometryComputer::Context



    依据 ScheduleConfig 和 RuntimeInfo 创建会话。

// source/core/Interpreter.cpp
Session* Interpreter::createSession(const ScheduleConfig& config, const RuntimeInfo& runtime) {
    return createMultiPathSession({config}, runtime);

1.1 createMultiPathSession

// source/core/Interpreter.cpp
Session* Interpreter::createMultiPathSession(const std::vector<ScheduleConfig>& configs, const RuntimeInfo& runtime) {
    // ...
    auto newSession =
        std::unique_ptr<Session>(new Session(std::move(info), mNet->modes, std::move(rt)));
    if (!newSession->valid()) {
        MNN_PRINT("Invalide Session!!\n");
        return nullptr;
    auto result = newSession.get();
    auto validForResize = info.validForResize;
    if (validForResize && mNet->modes.inputMode == Session_Input_Inside && mNet->modes.resizeMode == Session_Resize_Direct) {

    if ((!mNet->cacheFile.empty()) && (!valid) && mNet->modes.backendMode == Session_Backend_Fix) {
        // Try to save extra cache
        auto buffer = result->getCache();
        if (buffer.first != nullptr && buffer.second > 0) {
            MNN_PRINT("Write cache to %s, size = %zu\n", mNet->cacheFile.c_str(), buffer.second);
            writeCacheFile(mNet, buffer);
            mNet->lastCacheSize = buffer.second;
            // Write Cache
            cacheMode = cacheMode | 2;
    // Reset cache
    result->loadCache(nullptr, 0);


    int precision = BackendConfig::Precision_Normal;
    if (nullptr != configs[0].backendConfig) {
        precision = configs[0].backendConfig->precision;
    int mode = configs[0].mode;
    mNet->sessionInfo.insert(std::make_pair(result, std::make_tuple(precision, mode)));
    if (shouldLog(FREQ_HIGH)) {
        std::map<std::string, std::string> metrics = mNet->basicLogginData;
        metrics.emplace("UUID", mNet->uuid);
        metrics.emplace("Time", std::to_string((float)_timer.durationInUs() / 1024.0f));
        metrics.emplace("Backend", std::to_string(configs[0].type));
        metrics.emplace("Precision", std::to_string(precision));
        metrics.emplace("Mode", std::to_string(mode));
        metrics.emplace("Cache", std::to_string(cacheMode));
        metrics.emplace("CacheSize", std::to_string((float)(mNet->lastCacheSize / 1024.0f)));
        metrics.emplace("ModelSize", std::to_string ((float)mNet->buffer.size() / 1024.0f / 1024.0f));
        metrics.emplace("Usage", std::to_string((int) mNet->net->usage()));
        metrics.emplace("API", "Interpreter::createMultiPathSession");

    return result;

1.1.1 Session 类 ModeGroup

// source/core/Session.hpp
class MNN_PUBLIC Session {
    struct ModeGroup {
        Interpreter::SessionMode callBackMode = Interpreter::Session_Debug;
        Interpreter::SessionMode inputMode = Interpreter::Session_Input_Inside;
        Interpreter::SessionMode outputMode = Interpreter::Session_Output_Inside;
        Interpreter::SessionMode backendMode = Interpreter::Session_Backend_Fix;
        Interpreter::SessionMode resizeMode = Interpreter::Session_Resize_Direct;
        Interpreter::SessionMode memoryUsageMode = Interpreter::Session_Memory_Collect;
        Interpreter::SessionMode codegenMode = Interpreter::Session_Codegen_Disable;
        int memoryAllocatorType = 0;
        int maxTuningNumber = MNN_DEFAULT_TUNING_NUMBER;
    Session(Schedule::ScheduleInfo&& info, const ModeGroup& mode,
            RuntimeInfo&& runtime);

    Session* clone(RuntimeInfo&& runtime, std::shared_ptr<Schedule::ScheduleInfo> sharedConst);
     * @brief infer.
     * @return result code.
    ErrorCode run() const;
     * @brief infer with callbacks and sync option.
     * @param enterCallback callback before each op.
     * @param exitCallback  callback after each op.
     * @param sync          wait until all ops done before return or not.
     * @return result code.
    ErrorCode runWithCallBack(const TensorCallBackWithInfo& enterCallback, const TensorCallBackWithInfo& exitCallback,
                              bool sync = false) const;

    bool getInfo(Interpreter::SessionInfoCode code, void* ptr) const;

     * @brief resize tensors and buffers responding to input changes.
     * @return result code.
    ErrorCode resize();

     * @brief set if needs resize.
     * @param flag  needs resize or not.
    void setNeedResize(bool flag = true) {
        mNeedResize = flag;

    void setNeedMalloc(bool flag = true) {
        mNeedMalloc = flag;

    Runtime* getCPURuntime() {
        return mRuntime.second.get();

     * @brief get backend that create the tensor.
     * @param tensor    given tensor.
     * @return backend that create the tensor, NULL if the tensor is created by default backend (CPU backend).
    const Backend* getBackEnd(const Tensor* tensor) const;

     * @brief get input tensor for given op name.
     * @param name given op name. if NULL, return first input tensor.
     * @return input tensor if found, NULL otherwise.
    Tensor* getInput(const char* name) const;

     * @brief get output tensor for given op name.
     * @param name given op name. if NULL, return first output tensor.
     * @return output tensor if found, NULL otherwise.
    Tensor* getOutput(const char* name) const;

     * @brief get output tensors map.
     * @return get output tensors map.
    const std::map<std::string, Tensor*>& getOutputAll() const;
    const std::map<std::string, Tensor*>& getInputAll() const;

     * @brief check session is valid or not.
     * @return session is valid or not.
    inline bool valid() const {
        return mValid;

     * @brief update the session's const value to origin model's const blob.
     * @return errorcode
    ErrorCode updateToModel(Net* net) const;

    void waitAsyncResize();
    bool hasAsyncWork();
    bool loadCache(const void* buffer, size_t size);
    std::pair<const void*, size_t> getCache();

    Tensor* getTensor(int index) const;
    Schedule::PipelineInfo& getPipelineInfo(int index) const;
    const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Pipeline>>& getPipelines() const {
        return this->mPipelines;

    void _clearCache();
    void _setUpTensorInfo(const Schedule::ScheduleInfo& info);

    RuntimeInfo mRuntime;
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Pipeline>> mPipelines;
    bool mNeedResize = true;
    bool mValid      = true;
    bool mNeedMalloc = true;
    Interpreter::SessionMode mCallBackMode;
    Interpreter::SessionMode mMemoryUsageMode;
    Interpreter::SessionMode mCodegenMode;
    Schedule::ScheduleInfo mInfo;
    ModeGroup mMode;

1.1.2 Session::Session

// source/core/Session.cpp
Session::Session(Schedule::ScheduleInfo&& info, const ModeGroup& mode, RuntimeInfo&& runtime) {
    mMode = mode;
    mRuntime = std::move(runtime);
    if (info.pipelineInfo.empty()) {
        mValid = false;
    mInfo = std::move(info);
    for (auto& iter : mInfo.pipelineInfo) {
        _createPipelineBackend(iter, mRuntime);
        Pipeline::TuningAttr attr;
        attr.maxTuningNumber = mode.maxTuningNumber;
        attr.autoSetOpType = mode.backendMode == Interpreter::Session_Backend_Auto;
        auto rt    = mRuntime.first.find(>second.get();
        auto cpuRuntime = mRuntime.second;
        std::shared_ptr<Pipeline> newPipeline(new Pipeline(std::move(iter), mode.inputMode == Interpreter::Session_Input_Inside, mode.outputMode == Interpreter::Session_Output_User, attr, rt, cpuRuntime.get()));
    mCallBackMode = mode.callBackMode;
    mMemoryUsageMode = mode.memoryUsageMode;
    mCodegenMode = mode.codegenMode;
} _createPipelineBackend


// source/core/Session.cpp
// typedef std::pair<BackendCache, std::vector<OpCacheInfo>> PipelineInfo;
//   struct BackendCache {
//      Backend::Info info;
//      BackendConfig config;
//      std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Backend>, std::shared_ptr<Backend>> cache;
//      bool needComputeShape = true;
//      bool needComputeGeometry = true;
//      bool reportError = true;
//      std::map<Tensor*, TENSORCACHE> inputTensorCopyCache;
//  };
// typedef std::pair< std::map<MNNForwardType, std::shared_ptr<Runtime>>,  \
//						std::shared_ptr<Runtime>> RuntimeInfo;
static void _createPipelineBackend(Schedule::PipelineInfo& iter, RuntimeInfo& runtime) {
	// iter.first 类型为 struct BackendCache 
    if (iter.first.cache.first != nullptr) {
    // runtime.first 类型为 std::map<MNNForwardType, std::shared_ptr<Runtime>>
    // 根据 MNNForwardType(MNN_FORWARD_VULKAN) 获取对应的 Runtime(VulkanRuntime)
    auto rt    = runtime.first.find(>second.get();
    // runtime.second 为默认 Runtime(CPURuntime)
    auto cpuRuntime = runtime.second;
    bool specialUsage = false;
    if ( != nullptr) {
        specialUsage =>flags > 0;
    // 此处运行 VulkanRuntime::onCreate,创建对应的 Backend(VulkanBackend)
    // iter.first.cache 类型为 std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Backend>, std::shared_ptr<Backend>>
    std::shared_ptr<Backend> second;
    if (iter.first.cache.first->type() == MNN_FORWARD_CPU && (!specialUsage)) {
        iter.first.cache.second = iter.first.cache.first;
    } else {
        // Const Backend shouldn't be used as default backend
        // The session may be schedule multi-thread but const backend is the same
        // We need create a new backend to do size compute / not support op compute
        // 创建默认的 Backend(CPUBackend)
        BackendConfig defaultConfig;
        defaultConfig.flags = 4;
} VulkanRuntime::onCreate

// source/backend/vulkan/runtime/VulkanRuntime.cpp
Backend* VulkanRuntime::onCreate(const BackendConfig* config) const {
    // FIXME: Use config
    return new VulkanBackend(this, mInfo);
} VulkanBackend::VulkanBackend

// source/backend/vulkan/image/backend/VulkanBackend.cpp
VulkanBackend::VulkanBackend(const VulkanRuntime* runtime, const Backend::Info& info) : Backend(MNN_FORWARD_VULKAN) {
    mRuntime = runtime;
    mDirect = Backend::Info::INDIRECT != info.mode;
    mDynamicMemoryPool.reset(new VulkanMemoryPool(runtime->mMemoryPool.get()));

    auto& dev              = device();
    mFence                 = std::make_shared<VulkanFence>(dev);
    if (!mDirect) {
} CPURuntime::onCreate

// source/backend/cpu/CPUBackend.cpp
Backend* CPURuntime::onCreate(const BackendConfig* config) const {
    auto precision = mPrecision;
    auto memory = mMemory;
    size_t flags = mFlags;
    if (nullptr != config) {
        precision = config->precision;
        flags = config->flags;
        memory = config->memory;
    MNN_PRINT("cpu backend was created by runtime:%p\n", this);

#ifdef MNN_USE_ARMV82
    auto core = MNNGetCoreFunctions();
    if (core->supportFp16arith && precision == BackendConfig::Precision_Low) {
        return new Arm82Backend(this, memory);
    if (precision == BackendConfig::Precision_Low_BF16 && BF16Functions::get()) {
        return new BF16Backend(this);
    if (flags == MNN_CPU_USE_DEFAULT_BACKEND) {
        return new CPUBackend(this, precision, memory, MNN_FORWARD_CPU, 0);
#ifdef MNN_USE_SSE
    if (AVX2Backend::isValid()) {
        return new AVX2Backend(this, memory, flags);

    return new CPUBackend(this, precision, memory, MNN_FORWARD_CPU, flags);
} CPUBackend::CPUBackend

// source/backend/cpu/CPUBackend.cpp
CPUBackend::CPUBackend(const CPURuntime* runtime, BackendConfig::PrecisionMode precision, BackendConfig::MemoryMode memory, MNNForwardType type, size_t flags) : Backend(type) {
    MNN_PRINT("cpu backend create\n");
    mMemory = memory;
    mRuntime = const_cast<CPURuntime*>(runtime);
    std::shared_ptr<BufferAllocator::Allocator> defaultAlloc(BufferAllocator::Allocator::createRecurse(runtime->mStaticAllocator.get()));
    if (mRuntime->getAllocatorType() == Runtime::Allocator_Defer) {
        mDynamicAllocator.reset(new DeferBufferAllocator(defaultAlloc));
    } else {
        mDynamicAllocator.reset(new EagerBufferAllocator(defaultAlloc));
    mStaticAllocator = runtime->mStaticAllocator;
    mPrecisionMode = precision;
    mCoreFunctions = MNNGetCoreFunctions();
    mInt8CoreFunctions = MNNGetInt8CoreFunctions();
    mCache = new CPUResizeCache;
} Pipeline 类 TuningAttr、UnitInfo

// source/core/Pipeline.hpp
/** pipeline. one session may contains multiple pipeline, and one pipeline may contains more than one unit. */
class Pipeline : public NonCopyable {
    struct TuningAttr {
        bool autoSetOpType;
        int maxTuningNumber;
    Pipeline(Schedule::PipelineInfo&& info, bool allocInput, bool outputStatic, const TuningAttr& tune, const Runtime* rt, const Runtime* cpuRt);
    class UnitInfo : public OperatorInfo {
        UnitInfo()          = default;
        virtual ~UnitInfo() = default;
        void setUp(const Command& cmd, int index, const Op* originOp, int totalIndex);
    /** encode :
       1. compute shape for every op's inputs and outputs;
       2. geometry transform;
       3. copy op, inputs and outputs tensor info to mBuffer
       static_model:  3; dynamic_model: 1,2,3
    ErrorCode encode(bool supportDebug = false, bool permitCodegen = false);
    /** allocMemory: create Execution and alloc memory for every op */
    ErrorCode allocMemory(bool firstMalloc, bool permitCodegen);
    /** execute this pipline */
    ErrorCode execute();
    ErrorCode executeCallBack(const TensorCallBackWithInfo& before, const TensorCallBackWithInfo& after);
    Schedule::PipelineInfo& getPipelineInfo() {
        return mInfo;

    float flops() const {
        return mFlops;
    friend class Session;
    MNNForwardType getMainForwardType() const  {
        return mInfo.first.cache.first->type();
    void _copyInputs();
    void _pushTuningTask(std::vector<Schedule::OpCacheInfo>&& initInfos);
    void _recycleDynamicMemory(Command* command);
    Schedule::PipelineInfo mInfo;
    bool mAllocInput;
    bool mOutputStatic;
    TuningAttr mTuneAttr;
    float mFlops = 0.0f;
    bool mIsQuantModel = false;

    // For gpu or other backend
    std::map<Tensor*, std::shared_ptr<Tensor>> mCacheConstTensors;
    std::map<Tensor*, std::shared_ptr<Tensor>> mShapeFixConstCache;
    GeometryComputer::Context mContext;
    Runtime::CompilerType mUseGeometry;
    const Runtime* mRuntime;
    const Runtime* mCpuRuntime;
}; Pipeline::Pipeline


// source/core/Pipeline.cpp
// typedef std::pair<BackendCache, std::vector<OpCacheInfo>> PipelineInfo;
//    /** pipeline info */
//    struct OpCacheInfo {
//        /** op */
//        const Op* op;
//        /** input tensors */
//        std::vector<Tensor*> inputs;
//        /** output tensors */
//        std::vector<Tensor*> outputs;
//        /** schedule type*/
//        Schedule::Type type = Schedule::Type::SEPARATE;
//        /**Command buffer for cache*/
//        CommandBuffer cacheBuffer;
//        /**Command buffer for execute*/
//        CommandBuffer executeBuffer;
//        std::map<const Op*, std::shared_ptr<Execution>> executionCache;
//    };
Pipeline::Pipeline(Schedule::PipelineInfo&& info, bool allocInput, bool outputStatic, const TuningAttr& tune, const Runtime* rt, const Runtime* cpuRt)
	// mContext 类型为 GeometryComputer::Context
    : mContext(info.first.cache.second, info.first.cache.first->type(), ?>precision :  BackendConfig::Precision_Normal), mUseGeometry(rt->onGetCompilerType()) {
    mRuntime = rt;
    mCpuRuntime = cpuRt;
    mTuneAttr = tune;
    mAllocInput    = allocInput;
    mOutputStatic  = outputStatic;
    mInfo          = std::move(info);
    mIsQuantModel = false;
    // mInfo.second 类型为 std::vector<OpCacheInfo>
    for (auto& iter : mInfo.second) {
        for (auto t : iter.outputs) {
            if (TensorUtils::getDescribe(t)->quantAttr.get() != nullptr) {
            	// 是否是量化模型
                mIsQuantModel = true;
        for (auto t : iter.inputs) {
            if (TensorUtils::getDescribe(t)->quantAttr.get() != nullptr) {
                mIsQuantModel = true;
        if (mIsQuantModel) {

} GeometryComputer::Context

class GeometryComputer {
    virtual ~GeometryComputer() {
        // Do nothing
    class MNN_PUBLIC Context {
        Context(std::shared_ptr<Backend> allocBackend, MNNForwardType type = MNN_FORWARD_CPU, BackendConfig::PrecisionMode precision = BackendConfig::Precision_Normal);

        void clear();
        void setBackend(Backend* backend);
        void getRasterCacheCreateRecursive(Tensor* src, CommandBuffer& cmd);

        // If has cache, return. Otherwise create cache
        const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>>& searchConst(const Op* op);
        std::shared_ptr<Tensor> allocConst(const Op* key, const std::vector<int>& shape, halide_type_t type,
                                           Tensor::DimensionType dimType = Tensor::TENSORFLOW);
        bool allocTensor(Tensor* tenosr);
        inline MNNForwardType forwardType() const {
            return mForwardType;
        inline BackendConfig::PrecisionMode precisionType() const {
            return mPrecision;
        void pushCache(const CommandBuffer& buffer);
        std::shared_ptr<BufferStorage> mRasterOp;
        void getRasterCacheCreate(Tensor* src, CommandBuffer& cmd);
        std::map<const Op*, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>>> mConstTensors;
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>> mEmpty;
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>> mTempConstTensors;
        std::shared_ptr<Backend> mBackend;
        MNNForwardType mForwardType;
        BackendConfig::PrecisionMode mPrecision;
        std::vector<SharedPtr<Command>> mRasterCmdCache;
    static void init();
    MNN_PUBLIC static const GeometryComputer* search(int opType, Runtime::CompilerType compType);
    static void registerGeometryComputer(std::shared_ptr<GeometryComputer> comp, std::vector<int> type, Runtime::CompilerType compType = Runtime::Compiler_Geometry);

    virtual bool onCompute(const Op* op, const std::vector<Tensor*>& inputs, const std::vector<Tensor*>& outputs,
                           Context& context, CommandBuffer& cmd) const = 0;
    virtual bool onRecompute(const Op* op, const std::vector<Tensor*>& inputs, const std::vector<Tensor*>& outputs,
                             Context& context, CommandBuffer& cmd) const {
        return false;






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数据分析-Pandas序列滑动窗口配置参数 数据分析和处理中&#xff0c;难免会遇到各种数据&#xff0c;那么数据呈现怎样的规律呢&#xff1f;不管金融数据&#xff0c;风控数据&#xff0c;营销数据等等&#xff0c;莫不如此。如何通过图示展示数据的规律&#xff1f; 数据表&…

【保姆级】VsCode 安装GitHub Copilot实操教程

0. 前言 GitHub Copilot&#xff0c;俗称“副驾驶”&#xff0c;是GitHub携手OpenAI共同打造的一款革命性的人工智能代码辅助工具。通过将其插件化集成至编辑器&#xff08;如VS Code&#xff09;&#xff0c;Copilot能够为用户提供强大的代码自动补全功能&#xff0c;并根据用…


图神经网络实战&#xff08;5&#xff09;——常用图数据集 0. 前言0. 图数据集介绍2. Cora 数据集3. Facebook Page-Page 数据集小结系列链接 0. 前言 图数据集往往比单纯的连接集合更丰富&#xff0c;节点和边也可以具有表示分数、颜色、单词等的特征。在输入数据中包含这些…


批处理脚本&#xff0c;用于在Windows命令提示符下获取本地计算机的IPv4地址。 echo off ipconfig | findstr IPv4 pause - echo off&#xff1a;这会关闭命令提示符窗口中的命令回显&#xff0c;使得在运行脚本时不会显示每条命令的执行结果。 - ipconfig&#xff1a;这是一…

IDEA 配置阿里规范检测

IDEA中安装插件 配置代码风格检查规范 使用代码风格检测 在代码类中&#xff0c;右键 然后会给出一些不符合规范的修改建议&#xff1a; 保存代码时自动格式化代码 安装插件&#xff1a; 配置插件&#xff1a;