从零开始学习Diffusion Models: Sharon Zhou

news2024/10/5 11:10:10

How Diffusion Models Work

本文是 https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/how-diffusion-models-work/ 这门课程的学习笔记。


  • How Diffusion Models Work
    • What you’ll learn in this course
  • [1] Intuition
  • [2] Sampling
    • Setting Things Up
    • Sampling
        • Demonstrate incorrectly sample without adding the 'extra noise'
    • Acknowledgments
  • [3] Neural Network
  • [4] Training
    • Setting Things Up
    • Training
    • Sampling
        • View Epoch 0
        • View Epoch 4
        • View Epoch 8
        • View Epoch 31
  • [5] Controlling
    • Setting Things Up
    • Context
    • Sampling with context
  • [6] Speeding up
    • Setting Things Up
    • Fast Sampling
        • Compare DDPM, DDIM speed
  • 后记

How Diffusion Models Work:Sharon Zhou

What you’ll learn in this course

In How Diffusion Models Work, you will gain a deep familiarity with the diffusion process and the models which carry it out. More than simply pulling in a pre-built model or using an API, this course will teach you to build a diffusion model from scratch.

In this course you will:

  • Explore the cutting-edge world of diffusion-based generative AI and create your own diffusion model from scratch.
  • Gain deep familiarity with the diffusion process and the models driving it, going beyond pre-built models and APIs.
  • Acquire practical coding skills by working through labs on sampling, training diffusion models, building neural networks for noise prediction, and adding context for personalized image generation.

At the end of the course, you will have a model that can serve as a starting point for your own exploration of diffusion models for your applications.

This one-hour course, taught by Sharon Zhou will expand your generative AI capabilities to include building, training, and optimizing diffusion models.

Hands-on examples make the concepts easy to understand and build upon. Built-in Jupyter notebooks allow you to seamlessly experiment with the code and labs presented in the course.

[1] Intuition




[2] Sampling




from typing import Dict, Tuple
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision import models, transforms
from torchvision.utils import save_image, make_grid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML
from diffusion_utilities import *

Setting Things Up

class ContextUnet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, n_feat=256, n_cfeat=10, height=28):  # cfeat - context features
        super(ContextUnet, self).__init__()

        # number of input channels, number of intermediate feature maps and number of classes
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.n_feat = n_feat
        self.n_cfeat = n_cfeat
        self.h = height  #assume h == w. must be divisible by 4, so 28,24,20,16...

        # Initialize the initial convolutional layer
        self.init_conv = ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, n_feat, is_res=True)

        # Initialize the down-sampling path of the U-Net with two levels
        self.down1 = UnetDown(n_feat, n_feat)        # down1 #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        self.down2 = UnetDown(n_feat, 2 * n_feat)    # down2 #[10, 256, 4,  4]
         # original: self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d(7), nn.GELU())
        self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d((4)), nn.GELU())

        # Embed the timestep and context labels with a one-layer fully connected neural network
        self.timeembed1 = EmbedFC(1, 2*n_feat)
        self.timeembed2 = EmbedFC(1, 1*n_feat)
        self.contextembed1 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 2*n_feat)
        self.contextembed2 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 1*n_feat)

        # Initialize the up-sampling path of the U-Net with three levels
        self.up0 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(2 * n_feat, 2 * n_feat, self.h//4, self.h//4), # up-sample  
            nn.GroupNorm(8, 2 * n_feat), # normalize                       
        self.up1 = UnetUp(4 * n_feat, n_feat)
        self.up2 = UnetUp(2 * n_feat, n_feat)

        # Initialize the final convolutional layers to map to the same number of channels as the input image
        self.out = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(2 * n_feat, n_feat, 3, 1, 1), # reduce number of feature maps   #in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0
            nn.GroupNorm(8, n_feat), # normalize
            nn.Conv2d(n_feat, self.in_channels, 3, 1, 1), # map to same number of channels as input

    def forward(self, x, t, c=None):
        x : (batch, n_feat, h, w) : input image
        t : (batch, n_cfeat)      : time step
        c : (batch, n_classes)    : context label
        # x is the input image, c is the context label, t is the timestep, context_mask says which samples to block the context on

        # pass the input image through the initial convolutional layer
        x = self.init_conv(x)
        # pass the result through the down-sampling path
        down1 = self.down1(x)       #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        down2 = self.down2(down1)   #[10, 256, 4, 4]
        # convert the feature maps to a vector and apply an activation
        hiddenvec = self.to_vec(down2) # hiddenvec 的维度应该为 [10, 256, 1, 1]
        # AvgPool2d((4)) 操作:
		#这个操作是一个平均池化(Average Pooling)层,将特征图的每个 4x4 区域的值取平均。由于特征图 down2 的维度为 [10, 256, 4, 4],经过 				#AvgPool2d((4)) 操作后,每个特征图将被降采样为一个单一的值。因此,输出的形状将变为 [10, 256, 1, 1]。
        # mask out context if context_mask == 1
        if c is None:
            c = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], self.n_cfeat).to(x)
        # embed context and timestep
        cemb1 = self.contextembed1(c).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)     # (batch, 2*n_feat, 1,1)
        temb1 = self.timeembed1(t).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)
        cemb2 = self.contextembed2(c).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        temb2 = self.timeembed2(t).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        print(f"uunet forward: cemb1 {cemb1.shape}. temb1 {temb1.shape}, cemb2 {cemb2.shape}. temb2 {temb2.shape}")
        # uunet forward: cemb1 torch.Size([32, 128, 1, 1]). 
        # temb1 torch.Size([1, 128, 1, 1]), 
        # cemb2 torch.Size([32, 64, 1, 1]). 
        # temb2 torch.Size([1, 64, 1, 1])

        up1 = self.up0(hiddenvec) # hiddenvec 的维度应该为 [10, 256, 1, 1]
        up2 = self.up1(cemb1*up1 + temb1, down2)  # add and multiply embeddings
        up3 = self.up2(cemb2*up2 + temb2, down1)
        out = self.out(torch.cat((up3, x), 1))
        return out

根据代码和已知信息,我们可以推断 up1, up2, up3out 的输出维度如下:

  1. 对于 up1

    • 输入是 hiddenvec,其形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, 1, 1)
    • up0 中的转置卷积操作会将输入进行上采样,输出的形状将与 down2 的特征图相同,即 (batch_size, 2*n_feat, h/4, w/4)
  2. 对于 up2

    • 输入是 cemb1 * up1 + temb1,其中 cemb1 的形状为 (batch_size, 2*n_feat, 1, 1)up1 的形状为 (batch_size, 2*n_feat, h/4, w/4)temb1 的形状为 (batch_size, 2*n_feat, 1, 1)
    • 这些张量相加后,其形状应该仍然是 (batch_size, 2*n_feat, h/4, w/4)
    • up1 中的上采样操作将输出的特征图大小恢复为原来的一半,因此,up2 的输出形状将是 (batch_size, n_feat, h/2, w/2)
  3. 对于 up3

    • 输入是 cemb2 * up2 + temb2,其中 cemb2 的形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, 1, 1)up2 的形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, h/2, w/2)temb2 的形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, 1, 1)
    • 这些张量相加后,其形状应该仍然是 (batch_size, n_feat, h/2, w/2)
    • up2 中的上采样操作将输出的特征图大小恢复为原来的一半,因此,up3 的输出形状将是 (batch_size, n_feat, h, w)
  4. 对于 out

    • 输入是将 up3 和原始输入 x 拼接在一起,up3 的形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, h, w)x 的形状为 (batch_size, in_channels, h, w)
    • 因此,拼接后输入通道的数量为 n_feat + in_channels
    • out 的输出形状应该是 (batch_size, in_channels, h, w),与原始输入的图像大小相同。

综上所述,up1 的输出形状为 (batch_size, 2*n_feat, h/4, w/4)up2 的输出形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, h/2, w/2)up3 的输出形状为 (batch_size, n_feat, h, w),而 out 的输出形状应该是 (batch_size, in_channels, h, w)


import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from torchvision.utils import save_image, make_grid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter
import os
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from PIL import Image

class ResidualConvBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, is_res: bool = False
    ) -> None:

        # Check if input and output channels are the same for the residual connection
        self.same_channels = in_channels == out_channels

        # Flag for whether or not to use residual connection
        self.is_res = is_res

        # First convolutional layer
        self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1),   # 3x3 kernel with stride 1 and padding 1
            nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels),   # Batch normalization
            nn.GELU(),   # GELU activation function

        # Second convolutional layer
        self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, 3, 1, 1),   # 3x3 kernel with stride 1 and padding 1
            nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels),   # Batch normalization
            nn.GELU(),   # GELU activation function

    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:

        # If using residual connection
        if self.is_res:
            # Apply first convolutional layer
            x1 = self.conv1(x)

            # Apply second convolutional layer
            x2 = self.conv2(x1)

            # If input and output channels are the same, add residual connection directly
            if self.same_channels:
                out = x + x2
                # If not, apply a 1x1 convolutional layer to match dimensions before adding residual connection
                shortcut = nn.Conv2d(x.shape[1], x2.shape[1], kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0).to(x.device)
                out = shortcut(x) + x2
            #print(f"resconv forward: x {x.shape}, x1 {x1.shape}, x2 {x2.shape}, out {out.shape}")

            # Normalize output tensor
            return out / 1.414

        # If not using residual connection, return output of second convolutional layer
            x1 = self.conv1(x)
            x2 = self.conv2(x1)
            return x2

    # Method to get the number of output channels for this block
    def get_out_channels(self):
        return self.conv2[0].out_channels

    # Method to set the number of output channels for this block
    def set_out_channels(self, out_channels):
        self.conv1[0].out_channels = out_channels
        self.conv2[0].in_channels = out_channels
        self.conv2[0].out_channels = out_channels


class UnetUp(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
        super(UnetUp, self).__init__()
        # Create a list of layers for the upsampling block
        # The block consists of a ConvTranspose2d layer for upsampling, followed by two ResidualConvBlock layers
        layers = [
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, 2, 2),
            ResidualConvBlock(out_channels, out_channels),
            ResidualConvBlock(out_channels, out_channels),
        # Use the layers to create a sequential model
        self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, x, skip):
        # Concatenate the input tensor x with the skip connection tensor along the channel dimension
        x = torch.cat((x, skip), 1)
        # Pass the concatenated tensor through the sequential model and return the output
        x = self.model(x)
        return x

class UnetDown(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
        super(UnetDown, self).__init__()
        # Create a list of layers for the downsampling block
        # Each block consists of two ResidualConvBlock layers, followed by a MaxPool2d layer for downsampling
        layers = [ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, out_channels), ResidualConvBlock(out_channels, out_channels), nn.MaxPool2d(2)]
        # Use the layers to create a sequential model
        self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Pass the input through the sequential model and return the output
        return self.model(x)

class EmbedFC(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, emb_dim):
        super(EmbedFC, self).__init__()
        This class defines a generic one layer feed-forward neural network for embedding input data of
        dimensionality input_dim to an embedding space of dimensionality emb_dim.
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        # define the layers for the network
        layers = [
            nn.Linear(input_dim, emb_dim),
            nn.Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim),
        # create a PyTorch sequential model consisting of the defined layers
        self.model = nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, x):
        # flatten the input tensor
        x = x.view(-1, self.input_dim)
        # apply the model layers to the flattened tensor
        return self.model(x)


import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# 创建一个ResidualConvBlock实例
residual_block = ResidualConvBlock(in_channels=3, out_channels=3, is_res=True)

# 创建一个测试输入张量
x = torch.randn(1, 3, 32, 32)  # 假设输入张量的形状为(batch_size, in_channels, height, width)

# 使用ResidualConvBlock进行前向传播
output = residual_block(x)


这个例子假设输入张量的形状是 (1, 3, 32, 32),即一个 3 通道、高度和宽度均为 32 像素的图像。在这个例子中,我们使用了残差连接,并且输入和输出通道数量相同。我们预期输出应该与输入张量的形状相同 (1, 3, 32, 32)

# hyperparameters

# diffusion hyperparameters
timesteps = 500
beta1 = 1e-4
beta2 = 0.02

# network hyperparameters
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu'))
n_feat = 64 # 64 hidden dimension feature
n_cfeat = 5 # context vector is of size 5
height = 16 # 16x16 image
save_dir = './weights/'
# construct DDPM noise schedule
b_t = (beta2 - beta1) * torch.linspace(0, 1, timesteps + 1, device=device) + beta1
a_t = 1 - b_t
ab_t = torch.cumsum(a_t.log(), dim=0).exp()    
ab_t[0] = 1
# construct model
nn_model = ContextUnet(in_channels=3, n_feat=n_feat, n_cfeat=n_cfeat, height=height).to(device)


# helper function; removes the predicted noise (but adds some noise back in to avoid collapse)
def denoise_add_noise(x, t, pred_noise, z=None):
    if z is None:
        z = torch.randn_like(x)
    noise = b_t.sqrt()[t] * z
    mean = (x - pred_noise * ((1 - a_t[t]) / (1 - ab_t[t]).sqrt())) / a_t[t].sqrt()
    return mean + noise
# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/model_trained.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Model")
# sample using standard algorithm
def sample_ddpm(n_sample, save_rate=20):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -1):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        # sample some random noise to inject back in. For i = 1, don't add back in noise
        z = torch.randn_like(samples) if i > 1 else 0

        eps = nn_model(samples, t)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t)
        samples = denoise_add_noise(samples, i, eps, z)
        if i % save_rate ==0 or i==timesteps or i<8:

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
# visualize samples
samples, intermediate_ddpm = sample_ddpm(32)
animation_ddpm = plot_sample(intermediate_ddpm,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



Demonstrate incorrectly sample without adding the ‘extra noise’
# incorrectly sample without adding in noise
def sample_ddpm_incorrect(n_sample):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -1):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        # [:, None, None, None] 是一种广播操作,用于在 PyTorch 中扩展张量的维度。
        # 这段代码的作用是创建一个时间张量 t,该张量的形状为 (1, 1, 1, 1)
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        # don't add back in noise
        z = 0

        eps = nn_model(samples, t)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t)
        samples = denoise_add_noise(samples, i, eps, z)
        if i%20==0 or i==timesteps or i<8:

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
# visualize samples
samples, intermediate = sample_ddpm_incorrect(32)
animation = plot_sample(intermediate,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)




Sprites by ElvGames, FrootsnVeggies and kyrise
This code is modified from, https://github.com/cloneofsimo/minDiffusion
Diffusion model is based on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models and Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models

[3] Neural Network



[4] Training




from typing import Dict, Tuple
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision import models, transforms
from torchvision.utils import save_image, make_grid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML
from diffusion_utilities import *

Setting Things Up

class ContextUnet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, n_feat=256, n_cfeat=10, height=28):  # cfeat - context features
        super(ContextUnet, self).__init__()

        # number of input channels, number of intermediate feature maps and number of classes
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.n_feat = n_feat
        self.n_cfeat = n_cfeat
        self.h = height  #assume h == w. must be divisible by 4, so 28,24,20,16...

        # Initialize the initial convolutional layer
        self.init_conv = ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, n_feat, is_res=True)

        # Initialize the down-sampling path of the U-Net with two levels
        self.down1 = UnetDown(n_feat, n_feat)        # down1 #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        self.down2 = UnetDown(n_feat, 2 * n_feat)    # down2 #[10, 256, 4,  4]
         # original: self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d(7), nn.GELU())
        self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d((4)), nn.GELU())

        # Embed the timestep and context labels with a one-layer fully connected neural network
        self.timeembed1 = EmbedFC(1, 2*n_feat)
        self.timeembed2 = EmbedFC(1, 1*n_feat)
        self.contextembed1 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 2*n_feat)
        self.contextembed2 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 1*n_feat)

        # Initialize the up-sampling path of the U-Net with three levels
        self.up0 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(2 * n_feat, 2 * n_feat, self.h//4, self.h//4), # up-sample 
            nn.GroupNorm(8, 2 * n_feat), # normalize                        
        self.up1 = UnetUp(4 * n_feat, n_feat)
        self.up2 = UnetUp(2 * n_feat, n_feat)

        # Initialize the final convolutional layers to map to the same number of channels as the input image
        self.out = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(2 * n_feat, n_feat, 3, 1, 1), # reduce number of feature maps   #in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0
            nn.GroupNorm(8, n_feat), # normalize
            nn.Conv2d(n_feat, self.in_channels, 3, 1, 1), # map to same number of channels as input

    def forward(self, x, t, c=None):
        x : (batch, n_feat, h, w) : input image
        t : (batch, n_cfeat)      : time step
        c : (batch, n_classes)    : context label
        # x is the input image, c is the context label, t is the timestep, context_mask says which samples to block the context on

        # pass the input image through the initial convolutional layer
        x = self.init_conv(x)
        # pass the result through the down-sampling path
        down1 = self.down1(x)       #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        down2 = self.down2(down1)   #[10, 256, 4, 4]
        # convert the feature maps to a vector and apply an activation
        hiddenvec = self.to_vec(down2)
        # mask out context if context_mask == 1
        if c is None:
            c = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], self.n_cfeat).to(x)
        # embed context and timestep
        cemb1 = self.contextembed1(c).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)     # (batch, 2*n_feat, 1,1)
        temb1 = self.timeembed1(t).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)
        cemb2 = self.contextembed2(c).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        temb2 = self.timeembed2(t).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        #print(f"uunet forward: cemb1 {cemb1.shape}. temb1 {temb1.shape}, cemb2 {cemb2.shape}. temb2 {temb2.shape}")

        up1 = self.up0(hiddenvec)
        up2 = self.up1(cemb1*up1 + temb1, down2)  # add and multiply embeddings
        up3 = self.up2(cemb2*up2 + temb2, down1)
        out = self.out(torch.cat((up3, x), 1))
        return out

# hyperparameters

# diffusion hyperparameters
timesteps = 500
beta1 = 1e-4
beta2 = 0.02

# network hyperparameters
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu'))
n_feat = 64 # 64 hidden dimension feature
n_cfeat = 5 # context vector is of size 5
height = 16 # 16x16 image
save_dir = './weights/'

# training hyperparameters
batch_size = 100
n_epoch = 32
# construct DDPM noise schedule
b_t = (beta2 - beta1) * torch.linspace(0, 1, timesteps + 1, device=device) + beta1
a_t = 1 - b_t
ab_t = torch.cumsum(a_t.log(), dim=0).exp()    
ab_t[0] = 1

# construct model
nn_model = ContextUnet(in_channels=3, n_feat=n_feat, n_cfeat=n_cfeat, height=height).to(device)


# load dataset and construct optimizer
dataset = CustomDataset("./sprites_1788_16x16.npy", "./sprite_labels_nc_1788_16x16.npy", transform, null_context=False)
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=1)
optim = torch.optim.Adam(nn_model.parameters(), lr=lrate)


sprite shape: (89400, 16, 16, 3)
labels shape: (89400, 5)
# helper function: perturbs an image to a specified noise level
def perturb_input(x, t, noise):
    return ab_t.sqrt()[t, None, None, None] * x + (1 - ab_t[t, None, None, None]) * noise

This code will take hours to run on a CPU. We recommend you skip this step here and check the intermediate results below.

If you decide to try it, you could download to your own machine. Be sure to change the cell type.
Note, the CPU run time in the course is limited so you will not be able to fully train the network using the class platform.

# training without context code

# set into train mode

for ep in range(n_epoch):
    print(f'epoch {ep}')
    # linearly decay learning rate
    optim.param_groups[0]['lr'] = lrate*(1-ep/n_epoch)
    pbar = tqdm(dataloader, mininterval=2 )
    for x, _ in pbar:   # x: images
        x = x.to(device)
        # perturb data
        noise = torch.randn_like(x)
        t = torch.randint(1, timesteps + 1, (x.shape[0],)).to(device) 
        x_pert = perturb_input(x, t, noise)
        # use network to recover noise
        pred_noise = nn_model(x_pert, t / timesteps)
        # loss is mean squared error between the predicted and true noise
        loss = F.mse_loss(pred_noise, noise)

    # save model periodically
    if ep%4==0 or ep == int(n_epoch-1):
        if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
        torch.save(nn_model.state_dict(), save_dir + f"model_{ep}.pth")
        print('saved model at ' + save_dir + f"model_{ep}.pth")


# helper function; removes the predicted noise (but adds some noise back in to avoid collapse)
def denoise_add_noise(x, t, pred_noise, z=None):
    if z is None:
        z = torch.randn_like(x)
    noise = b_t.sqrt()[t] * z
    mean = (x - pred_noise * ((1 - a_t[t]) / (1 - ab_t[t]).sqrt())) / a_t[t].sqrt()
    return mean + noise
# sample using standard algorithm
def sample_ddpm(n_sample, save_rate=20):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -1):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        # sample some random noise to inject back in. For i = 1, don't add back in noise
        z = torch.randn_like(samples) if i > 1 else 0

        eps = nn_model(samples, t)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t)
        samples = denoise_add_noise(samples, i, eps, z)
        if i % save_rate ==0 or i==timesteps or i<8:

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
View Epoch 0
# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/model_0.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Model")
# visualize samples
samples, intermediate_ddpm = sample_ddpm(32)
animation_ddpm = plot_sample(intermediate_ddpm,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



View Epoch 4
# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/model_4.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Model")

# visualize samples
samples, intermediate_ddpm = sample_ddpm(32)
animation_ddpm = plot_sample(intermediate_ddpm,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



View Epoch 8
# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/model_8.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Model")

# visualize samples
samples, intermediate_ddpm = sample_ddpm(32)
animation_ddpm = plot_sample(intermediate_ddpm,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



View Epoch 31
# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/model_31.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Model")

# visualize samples
samples, intermediate_ddpm = sample_ddpm(32)
animation_ddpm = plot_sample(intermediate_ddpm,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



[5] Controlling




from typing import Dict, Tuple
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision import models, transforms
from torchvision.utils import save_image, make_grid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML
from diffusion_utilities import *

Setting Things Up

class ContextUnet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, n_feat=256, n_cfeat=10, height=28):  # cfeat - context features
        super(ContextUnet, self).__init__()

        # number of input channels, number of intermediate feature maps and number of classes
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.n_feat = n_feat
        self.n_cfeat = n_cfeat
        self.h = height  #assume h == w. must be divisible by 4, so 28,24,20,16...

        # Initialize the initial convolutional layer
        self.init_conv = ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, n_feat, is_res=True)

        # Initialize the down-sampling path of the U-Net with two levels
        self.down1 = UnetDown(n_feat, n_feat)        # down1 #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        self.down2 = UnetDown(n_feat, 2 * n_feat)    # down2 #[10, 256, 4,  4]
         # original: self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d(7), nn.GELU())
        self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d((4)), nn.GELU())

        # Embed the timestep and context labels with a one-layer fully connected neural network
        self.timeembed1 = EmbedFC(1, 2*n_feat)
        self.timeembed2 = EmbedFC(1, 1*n_feat)
        self.contextembed1 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 2*n_feat)
        self.contextembed2 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 1*n_feat)

        # Initialize the up-sampling path of the U-Net with three levels
        self.up0 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(2 * n_feat, 2 * n_feat, self.h//4, self.h//4), # up-sample  
            nn.GroupNorm(8, 2 * n_feat), # normalize                        
        self.up1 = UnetUp(4 * n_feat, n_feat)
        self.up2 = UnetUp(2 * n_feat, n_feat)

        # Initialize the final convolutional layers to map to the same number of channels as the input image
        self.out = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(2 * n_feat, n_feat, 3, 1, 1), # reduce number of feature maps   #in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0
            nn.GroupNorm(8, n_feat), # normalize
            nn.Conv2d(n_feat, self.in_channels, 3, 1, 1), # map to same number of channels as input

    def forward(self, x, t, c=None):
        x : (batch, n_feat, h, w) : input image
        t : (batch, n_cfeat)      : time step
        c : (batch, n_classes)    : context label
        # x is the input image, c is the context label, t is the timestep, context_mask says which samples to block the context on

        # pass the input image through the initial convolutional layer
        x = self.init_conv(x)
        # pass the result through the down-sampling path
        down1 = self.down1(x)       #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        down2 = self.down2(down1)   #[10, 256, 4, 4]
        # convert the feature maps to a vector and apply an activation
        hiddenvec = self.to_vec(down2)
        # mask out context if context_mask == 1
        if c is None:
            c = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], self.n_cfeat).to(x)
        # embed context and timestep
        cemb1 = self.contextembed1(c).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)     # (batch, 2*n_feat, 1,1)
        temb1 = self.timeembed1(t).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)
        cemb2 = self.contextembed2(c).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        temb2 = self.timeembed2(t).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        #print(f"uunet forward: cemb1 {cemb1.shape}. temb1 {temb1.shape}, cemb2 {cemb2.shape}. temb2 {temb2.shape}")

        up1 = self.up0(hiddenvec)
        up2 = self.up1(cemb1*up1 + temb1, down2)  # add and multiply embeddings
        up3 = self.up2(cemb2*up2 + temb2, down1)
        out = self.out(torch.cat((up3, x), 1))
        return out

# hyperparameters

# diffusion hyperparameters
timesteps = 500
beta1 = 1e-4
beta2 = 0.02

# network hyperparameters
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu'))
n_feat = 64 # 64 hidden dimension feature
n_cfeat = 5 # context vector is of size 5
height = 16 # 16x16 image
save_dir = './weights/'

# training hyperparameters
batch_size = 100
n_epoch = 32
# construct DDPM noise schedule
b_t = (beta2 - beta1) * torch.linspace(0, 1, timesteps + 1, device=device) + beta1
a_t = 1 - b_t
ab_t = torch.cumsum(a_t.log(), dim=0).exp()    
ab_t[0] = 1

# construct model
nn_model = ContextUnet(in_channels=3, n_feat=n_feat, n_cfeat=n_cfeat, height=height).to(device)


# reset neural network
nn_model = ContextUnet(in_channels=3, n_feat=n_feat, n_cfeat=n_cfeat, height=height).to(device)

# re setup optimizer
optim = torch.optim.Adam(nn_model.parameters(), lr=lrate)
# training with context code
# set into train mode

for ep in range(n_epoch):
    print(f'epoch {ep}')
    # linearly decay learning rate
    optim.param_groups[0]['lr'] = lrate*(1-ep/n_epoch)
    pbar = tqdm(dataloader, mininterval=2 )
    for x, c in pbar:   # x: images  c: context
        x = x.to(device)
        c = c.to(x)
        # randomly mask out c
        context_mask = torch.bernoulli(torch.zeros(c.shape[0]) + 0.9).to(device)
        c = c * context_mask.unsqueeze(-1)
        # perturb data
        noise = torch.randn_like(x)
        t = torch.randint(1, timesteps + 1, (x.shape[0],)).to(device) 
        x_pert = perturb_input(x, t, noise)
        # use network to recover noise
        pred_noise = nn_model(x_pert, t / timesteps, c=c)
        # loss is mean squared error between the predicted and true noise
        loss = F.mse_loss(pred_noise, noise)

    # save model periodically
    if ep%4==0 or ep == int(n_epoch-1):
        if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
        torch.save(nn_model.state_dict(), save_dir + f"context_model_{ep}.pth")
        print('saved model at ' + save_dir + f"context_model_{ep}.pth")
# load in pretrain model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/context_model_trained.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Context Model")

Sampling with context

# helper function; removes the predicted noise (but adds some noise back in to avoid collapse)
def denoise_add_noise(x, t, pred_noise, z=None):
    if z is None:
        z = torch.randn_like(x)
    noise = b_t.sqrt()[t] * z
    mean = (x - pred_noise * ((1 - a_t[t]) / (1 - ab_t[t]).sqrt())) / a_t[t].sqrt()
    return mean + noise
# sample with context using standard algorithm
def sample_ddpm_context(n_sample, context, save_rate=20):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -1):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        # sample some random noise to inject back in. For i = 1, don't add back in noise
        z = torch.randn_like(samples) if i > 1 else 0

        eps = nn_model(samples, t, c=context)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t, ctx)
        samples = denoise_add_noise(samples, i, eps, z)
        if i % save_rate==0 or i==timesteps or i<8:

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
# visualize samples with randomly selected context
ctx = F.one_hot(torch.randint(0, 5, (32,)), 5).to(device=device).float()
samples, intermediate = sample_ddpm_context(32, ctx)
animation_ddpm_context = plot_sample(intermediate,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



def show_images(imgs, nrow=2):
    _, axs = plt.subplots(nrow, imgs.shape[0] // nrow, figsize=(4,2 ))
    axs = axs.flatten()
    for img, ax in zip(imgs, axs):
        img = (img.permute(1, 2, 0).clip(-1, 1).detach().cpu().numpy() + 1) / 2
# user defined context
ctx = torch.tensor([
    # hero, non-hero, food, spell, side-facing
samples, _ = sample_ddpm_context(ctx.shape[0], ctx)



# mix of defined context
ctx = torch.tensor([
    # hero, non-hero, food, spell, side-facing
    [1,0,0,0,0],      #human
samples, _ = sample_ddpm_context(ctx.shape[0], ctx)



[6] Speeding up


DDIM: Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models


from typing import Dict, Tuple
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision import models, transforms
from torchvision.utils import save_image, make_grid
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML
from diffusion_utilities import *

Setting Things Up

class ContextUnet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, n_feat=256, n_cfeat=10, height=28):  # cfeat - context features
        super(ContextUnet, self).__init__()

        # number of input channels, number of intermediate feature maps and number of classes
        self.in_channels = in_channels
        self.n_feat = n_feat
        self.n_cfeat = n_cfeat
        self.h = height  #assume h == w. must be divisible by 4, so 28,24,20,16...

        # Initialize the initial convolutional layer
        self.init_conv = ResidualConvBlock(in_channels, n_feat, is_res=True)

        # Initialize the down-sampling path of the U-Net with two levels
        self.down1 = UnetDown(n_feat, n_feat)        # down1 #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        self.down2 = UnetDown(n_feat, 2 * n_feat)    # down2 #[10, 256, 4,  4]
         # original: self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d(7), nn.GELU())
        self.to_vec = nn.Sequential(nn.AvgPool2d((4)), nn.GELU())

        # Embed the timestep and context labels with a one-layer fully connected neural network
        self.timeembed1 = EmbedFC(1, 2*n_feat)
        self.timeembed2 = EmbedFC(1, 1*n_feat)
        self.contextembed1 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 2*n_feat)
        self.contextembed2 = EmbedFC(n_cfeat, 1*n_feat)

        # Initialize the up-sampling path of the U-Net with three levels
        self.up0 = nn.Sequential(
            nn.ConvTranspose2d(2 * n_feat, 2 * n_feat, self.h//4, self.h//4), 
            nn.GroupNorm(8, 2 * n_feat), # normalize                       
        self.up1 = UnetUp(4 * n_feat, n_feat)
        self.up2 = UnetUp(2 * n_feat, n_feat)

        # Initialize the final convolutional layers to map to the same number of channels as the input image
        self.out = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(2 * n_feat, n_feat, 3, 1, 1), # reduce number of feature maps   #in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0
            nn.GroupNorm(8, n_feat), # normalize
            nn.Conv2d(n_feat, self.in_channels, 3, 1, 1), # map to same number of channels as input

    def forward(self, x, t, c=None):
        x : (batch, n_feat, h, w) : input image
        t : (batch, n_cfeat)      : time step
        c : (batch, n_classes)    : context label
        # x is the input image, c is the context label, t is the timestep, context_mask says which samples to block the context on

        # pass the input image through the initial convolutional layer
        x = self.init_conv(x)
        # pass the result through the down-sampling path
        down1 = self.down1(x)       #[10, 256, 8, 8]
        down2 = self.down2(down1)   #[10, 256, 4, 4]
        # convert the feature maps to a vector and apply an activation
        hiddenvec = self.to_vec(down2)
        # mask out context if context_mask == 1
        if c is None:
            c = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], self.n_cfeat).to(x)
        # embed context and timestep
        cemb1 = self.contextembed1(c).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)     # (batch, 2*n_feat, 1,1)
        temb1 = self.timeembed1(t).view(-1, self.n_feat * 2, 1, 1)
        cemb2 = self.contextembed2(c).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        temb2 = self.timeembed2(t).view(-1, self.n_feat, 1, 1)
        #print(f"uunet forward: cemb1 {cemb1.shape}. temb1 {temb1.shape}, cemb2 {cemb2.shape}. temb2 {temb2.shape}")

        up1 = self.up0(hiddenvec)
        up2 = self.up1(cemb1*up1 + temb1, down2)  # add and multiply embeddings
        up3 = self.up2(cemb2*up2 + temb2, down1)
        out = self.out(torch.cat((up3, x), 1))
        return out

# hyperparameters

# diffusion hyperparameters
timesteps = 500
beta1 = 1e-4
beta2 = 0.02

# network hyperparameters
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu'))
n_feat = 64 # 64 hidden dimension feature
n_cfeat = 5 # context vector is of size 5
height = 16 # 16x16 image
save_dir = './weights/'

# training hyperparameters
batch_size = 100
n_epoch = 32
# construct DDPM noise schedule
b_t = (beta2 - beta1) * torch.linspace(0, 1, timesteps + 1, device=device) + beta1
a_t = 1 - b_t
ab_t = torch.cumsum(a_t.log(), dim=0).exp()    
ab_t[0] = 1
# construct model
nn_model = ContextUnet(in_channels=3, n_feat=n_feat, n_cfeat=n_cfeat, height=height).to(device)

Fast Sampling

# define sampling function for DDIM   
# removes the noise using ddim
def denoise_ddim(x, t, t_prev, pred_noise):
    ab = ab_t[t]
    ab_prev = ab_t[t_prev]
    x0_pred = ab_prev.sqrt() / ab.sqrt() * (x - (1 - ab).sqrt() * pred_noise)
    dir_xt = (1 - ab_prev).sqrt() * pred_noise

    return x0_pred + dir_xt
# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/model_31.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Model without context")
# sample quickly using DDIM
def sample_ddim(n_sample, n=20):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    step_size = timesteps // n
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -step_size):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        eps = nn_model(samples, t)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t)
        samples = denoise_ddim(samples, i, i - step_size, eps)

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
# visualize samples
samples, intermediate = sample_ddim(32, n=25)
animation_ddim = plot_sample(intermediate,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



# load in model weights and set to eval mode
nn_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(f"{save_dir}/context_model_31.pth", map_location=device))
print("Loaded in Context Model")
# fast sampling algorithm with context
def sample_ddim_context(n_sample, context, n=20):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    step_size = timesteps // n
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -step_size):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        eps = nn_model(samples, t, c=context)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t)
        samples = denoise_ddim(samples, i, i - step_size, eps)

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
# visualize samples
ctx = F.one_hot(torch.randint(0, 5, (32,)), 5).to(device=device).float()
samples, intermediate = sample_ddim_context(32, ctx)
animation_ddpm_context = plot_sample(intermediate,32,4,save_dir, "ani_run", None, save=False)



Compare DDPM, DDIM speed
# helper function; removes the predicted noise (but adds some noise back in to avoid collapse)
def denoise_add_noise(x, t, pred_noise, z=None):
    if z is None:
        z = torch.randn_like(x)
    noise = b_t.sqrt()[t] * z
    mean = (x - pred_noise * ((1 - a_t[t]) / (1 - ab_t[t]).sqrt())) / a_t[t].sqrt()
    return mean + noise
# sample using standard algorithm
def sample_ddpm(n_sample, save_rate=20):
    # x_T ~ N(0, 1), sample initial noise
    samples = torch.randn(n_sample, 3, height, height).to(device)  

    # array to keep track of generated steps for plotting
    intermediate = [] 
    for i in range(timesteps, 0, -1):
        print(f'sampling timestep {i:3d}', end='\r')

        # reshape time tensor
        t = torch.tensor([i / timesteps])[:, None, None, None].to(device)

        # sample some random noise to inject back in. For i = 1, don't add back in noise
        z = torch.randn_like(samples) if i > 1 else 0

        eps = nn_model(samples, t)    # predict noise e_(x_t,t)
        samples = denoise_add_noise(samples, i, eps, z)
        if i % save_rate ==0 or i==timesteps or i<8:

    intermediate = np.stack(intermediate)
    return samples, intermediate
%timeit -r 1 sample_ddim(32, n=25)
%timeit -r 1 sample_ddpm(32, )









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分享7款非常不错的项目动画特效 其中有jQuery特效、canvas特效、CSS动画等等 下方效果图可能不是特别的生动 那么你可以点击在线预览进行查看相应的动画特效 同时也是可以下载该资源的 图片分割组合特效 首先会把图片分割成均匀的小块 之后又会将这些小块拼接组合起来 以下效…


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栈 前言一、栈1.1栈的概念及结构1.2栈的实现1.3栈的面试题 二、栈的具体实现代码栈的初始化栈的销毁入栈出栈返回栈顶元素返回栈中的元素个数检测是否为空Stack.hStack.ctest.c 前言 栈&#xff0c;作为一种后进先出&#xff08;LIFO&#xff09;的数据结构&#xff0c;在计算…

力扣大厂热门面试算法题 6-8

6. Z 字形变换&#xff0c;7. 整数反转&#xff0c;8. 字符串转换整数 (atoi)&#xff0c;每题做详细思路梳理&#xff0c;配套Python&Java双语代码&#xff0c; 2024.03.08 可通过leetcode所有测试用例。 目录 6. Z 字形变换 解题思路 边界条件 完整代码 Python Ja…


李想的微博已经5天没更新了。 理想MEGA发布之后的第二天&#xff0c;李想在微博转发了一条某汽车自媒体和理想MEGA设计师BenBaum的访谈视频&#xff0c;并配文表示&#xff0c;Ben的访谈非常好。 不过&#xff0c;在之后的5天时间里&#xff0c;李想的微博便悄无声息了。这与“…


解决方案&#xff1a;在local.conf中添加 BB_NO_NETWORK "1"禁用网络&#xff0c;从本地downloads中fetch源码


什么是7Z分卷压缩文件&#xff1f;就是在压缩文件时&#xff0c;将文件压缩成若干个大小一样、以“文件名.7z.序号”格式命名的7Z压缩包&#xff0c;可以方便存储和传输&#xff0c;如下图所示。 一、7Z分卷压缩文件如何打开&#xff1f; 我们只需要按照普通压缩包的打开方式&…


1. 楼栋管理 2. 物业管理 3. 安防管理 4. 门禁管理 5. 停车管理 6. 能源管理 7. 环保管理 8. 园区生活服务 9. 招商管理 10. 收费中心 11. 园区地图 12. 门户网站 智慧园区软件方案&#xff1a;智慧园区软件解决方案&#xff0c;园区运营管理系统&#xff08;源码&#xff09;-…

DiT:Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers

TOC 1 前言2 方法和代码 1 前言 该论文发表之前&#xff0c;市面上几乎都是用卷积网络作为实际意义上的&#xff08;de-facto&#xff09;backbone。于是一个想法就来了&#xff1a;为啥不用transformer作为backbone呢&#xff1f; 文章说本论文的意义就在于揭示模型选择对于…


102. 二叉树的层序遍历 代码实现&#xff1a; /*** Definition for a binary tree node.* struct TreeNode {* int val;* struct TreeNode *left;* struct TreeNode *right;* };*/ /*** Return an array of arrays of size *returnSize.* The sizes of the arrays …


L波段光端机-L波段CATV射频光端机工作机制及行业应用探究 北京海特伟业任洪卓发布于2023年3月8日 一、何为L波段光端机 L波段光端机是一种用于光通信的设备&#xff0c;其主要工作波长位于L波段&#xff0c;即40~860MHz和950~2600MHz的带宽&#xff0c;可选独立工作于950~260…


1.首先开发谷歌chrome扩展插件&#xff0c;没有严格的项目结构目录&#xff0c;但是需要保证里面有一个mainfest.json文件 (必不可少的文件)。在这个文件里有三个属性必不可少&#xff1a;name、version、mainfest_version&#xff1b; // 清单文件的版本&#xff0c;这个必须写…


消费分区 资料来源于网络 消费者订阅的入口&#xff1a;KafkaConsumer#subscribe 消费者消费的入口&#xff1a;KafkaConsumer#poll 处理流程&#xff1a; 对元数据重平衡处理&#xff1a;KafkaConsumer#updateAssignmentMetadataIfNeeded 协调器的拉取处理&#xff1a;onsum…


前言&#xff1a; 开始接触算法了&#xff0c;记录下心得。打好基础&#xff0c;daydayup! 算法 算法是指解决某个实际问题的过程和方法 排序算法 排序算法指给混乱数组排序的算法。常见的有&#xff1a;冒泡排序&#xff0c;选择排序 冒泡排序&#xff1a; 冒泡排序指在数组…


当代码出现异常后底下代码都不会被执行了&#xff0c;也就是程序崩溃了。当然能避免异常的话尽量避免但是有的时候这个是没有办法避免的。 异常处理 &#xff08;注&#xff1a;异常处理是从上往下处理&#xff0c;所以编写代码时要注意&#xff09; 语法 try:可能出现异常…


在 Spring Boot 应用程序中&#xff0c;可以使用 Spring Cloud Nacos 来实现从 Nacos 服务注册中心和配置中心读取配置信息。以下是如何在 Spring Boot 中读取 Nacos 上的配置文件的步骤&#xff1a; 1. 引入依赖 首先&#xff0c;在 Spring Boot 项目的 pom.xml 文件中添加 …


文章目录 版权声明解决内存溢出的思路诊断 – 内存快照 MAT内存泄漏检测原理基础知识支配树深堆和浅堆string案例分析 MAT内存泄漏检测原理 导出运行中系统内存快照分析超大堆的内存快照 版权声明 本博客的内容基于我个人学习黑马程序员课程的学习笔记整理而成。我特此声明&am…