
news2025/2/23 10:08:46


  • 前言
  • 一、图像锐化
  • 二、Python robert锐化
  • 三、Python sobel锐化
  • 四、Python laplacian锐化
  • 五、FPGA sobel锐化
  • 总结





  图像f(x, y)在像素(x, y)梯度的定义为
G = ∂ f ∂ x + ∂ f ∂ y G = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} G=xf+yf
∂ f ∂ x = f ( i + 1 , j ) − f ( i , j ) \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = f(i + 1, j) - f(i, j) xf=f(i+1,j)f(i,j)
∂ f ∂ y = f ( i , j + 1 ) − f ( i , j ) \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} = f(i, j + 1) - f(i, j) yf=f(i,j+1)f(i,j)
∣ G ∣ = ( ∂ f ∂ x ) 2 + ( ∂ f ∂ y ) 2 = [ f ( i + 1 , j ) − f ( i , j ) ] 2 + [ f ( i , j ) − f ( i , j ) ] 2 |G| = \sqrt{(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x})^2 + (\frac{\partial f}{\partial y})^2} = \sqrt{[f(i + 1, j) - f(i, j)]^2 + [f(i, j ) - f(i, j)]^2} G=(xf)2+(yf)2 =[f(i+1,j)f(i,j)]2+[f(i,j)f(i,j)]2
θ = a r c t a n ( ∂ f ∂ y / ∂ f ∂ x ) = a r c t a n [ f ( i , j + 1 ) − f ( i , j ) f ( i + 1 , j ) − f ( i , j ) ] \theta = arctan(\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}/\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}) = arctan[\frac{f(i, j + 1) - f(i, j)}{f(i + 1, j) - f(i, j)}] θ=arctan(yf/xf)=arctan[f(i+1,j)f(i,j)f(i,j+1)f(i,j)]
图像f(i, j)处的梯度g为
g ( i , j ) = G [ f ( i , j ) ] g(i, j) = G[f(i, j)] g(i,j)=G[f(i,j)]
使用 g ( i , j ) g(i, j) g(i,j)去替代原来的像素。
1. Roberts算子
G x = [ 1 0 0 − 1 ] G y = [ 0 − 1 1 0 ] G_x = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix} \quad\quad\quad G_y = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} Gx=[1001]Gy=[0110]
2. Prewitt算子
G x = [ − 1 0 1 − 1 0 1 − 1 0 1 ] G y = [ − 1 − 1 − 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 ] G_x = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 0 & 1\\ -1 & 0 & 1\\ -1 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \quad\quad\quad G_y = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & -1 & -1\\ 0 & 0 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 1 \end{bmatrix} Gx=111000111Gy=101101101
3. Sobel算子
G x = [ − 1 0 + 1 − 2 0 + 2 − 1 0 + 1 ] G y = [ + 1 + 2 + 1 0 0 0 − 1 − 2 1 ] G_x = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & 0 & +1\\ -2 & 0 & +2\\ -1 & 0 & +1 \end{bmatrix} \quad\quad\quad G_y = \begin{bmatrix} +1 & +2 & +1\\ 0 & 0 & 0\\ -1 & -2 & 1 \end{bmatrix} Gx=121000+1+2+1Gy=+101+202+101

∂ 2 f ∂ x 2 = 2 f ( x , y ) − f ( x − 1 , y ) − f ( x + 1 , y ) \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}=2f(x,y)-f(x-1,y)-f(x+1, y) x22f=2f(x,y)f(x1,y)f(x+1,y)
∂ 2 f ∂ y 2 = 2 f ( x , y ) − f ( x , y − 1 ) − f ( x , y + 1 ) \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}=2f(x,y)-f(x,y-1)-f(x, y+1) y22f=2f(x,y)f(x,y1)f(x,y+1)
▽ 2 f = 4 f ( x , y ) − [ f ( x − 1 , y ) + f ( x , y − 1 ) + f ( x , y + 1 ) + f ( x + 1 , y ) ] \triangledown^2f=4f(x,y)-[f(x-1,y)+f(x,y-1)+f(x,y+1)+f(x+1,y)] 2f=4f(x,y)[f(x1,y)+f(x,y1)+f(x,y+1)+f(x+1,y)]

G x = [ 0 − 1 0 − 1 4 − 1 0 − 1 0 ] G y = [ − 1 − 1 − 1 − 1 8 − 1 − 1 − 1 − 1 ] G_x = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 & 0\\ -1 & 4 & -1\\ 0 & -1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \quad\quad\quad G_y = \begin{bmatrix} -1 & -1 & -1\\ -1 & 8 & -1\\ -1 & -1 & -1 \end{bmatrix} Gx=010141010Gy=111181111

二、Python robert锐化

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def image_gray(image):
    gray =[:, :, ...], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])#等同0.299 * image[:, :, 0] + 0.587 * image[:, :, 1] + 0.114 * image[:, :, 2]
    return gray.astype(np.uint8)
def robert_sharpen(image, gx, gy):
    h, w = image.shape
    n, n = gx.shape
    filtered_image = np.zeros((h, w))
    m = int(n / 2)
    for i in range(m, h - m):
        for j in range(m, w - m):   
            gx_value = np.sum(np.multiply(gx, image[i - m: i + m, j - m: j + m]))
            gy_value = np.sum(np.multiply(gy, image[i - m: i + m, j - m: j + m]))
            gxy_value = np.sqrt(gx_value ** 2 + gy_value ** 2)
            filtered_image[i, j] = gxy_value
    return filtered_image.astype(np.uint8)
img = plt.imread("lenna.png")
img = img * 255#图像是[0-1]--->[0-255],确认一下自己的图像是[0-1]还是[0-255]
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
gx = np.array([[1, 0],
               [0, -1]])
gy = np.array([[0, 1],
               [-1, 0]])
gray = image_gray(img)
robert_image = robert_sharpen(gray, gx, gy)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("raw image")
plt.imshow(gray, cmap="gray")
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("robert image")
plt.imshow(robert_image, cmap="gray")


三、Python sobel锐化

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def image_gray(image):
    gray =[:, :, ...], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])#等同0.299 * image[:, :, 0] + 0.587 * image[:, :, 1] + 0.114 * image[:, :, 2]
    return gray.astype(np.uint8)
def sobel_sharpen(image, gx, gy):
    h, w = image.shape
    n, n = gx.shape
    filtered_image = np.zeros((h, w))
    m = int((n-1) / 2)
    for i in range(m, h - m):
        for j in range(m, w - m):   
            gx_value = np.sum(np.multiply(gx, image[i - m: i + m + 1, j - m: j + m + 1]))
            gy_value = np.sum(np.multiply(gy, image[i - m: i + m + 1, j - m: j + m + 1]))
            gxy_value = np.sqrt(gx_value ** 2 + gy_value ** 2)
            filtered_image[i, j] = gxy_value
    return filtered_image.astype(np.uint8)
img = plt.imread("lenna.png")
img = img * 255#图像是[0-1]--->[0-255],确认一下自己的图像是[0-1]还是[0-255]
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
gx = np.array([[-1, 0, 1],
               [-2, 0, 2],
               [-1, 0, 1]])
gy = np.array([[-1, -2, -1],
               [0, 0, 0],
               [1, 2, 1]])
gray = image_gray(img)
sobel_image = sobel_sharpen(gray, gx, gy)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("raw image")
plt.imshow(gray, cmap="gray")
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("sobel image")
plt.imshow(sobel_image, cmap="gray")


四、Python laplacian锐化

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def image_gray(image):
    gray =[:, :, ...], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])#等同0.299 * image[:, :, 0] + 0.587 * image[:, :, 1] + 0.114 * image[:, :, 2]
    return gray.astype(np.uint8)
def laplacian_sharpen(image, gx, gy):
    h, w = image.shape
    n, n = gx.shape
    filtered_image = np.zeros((h, w))
    m = int((n-1) / 2)
    for i in range(m, h - m):
        for j in range(m, w - m):   
            gx_value = np.sum(np.multiply(gx, image[i - m: i + m + 1, j - m: j + m + 1]))
            gy_value = np.sum(np.multiply(gy, image[i - m: i + m + 1, j - m: j + m + 1]))
            gxy_value = np.sqrt(gx_value ** 2 + gy_value ** 2)
            filtered_image[i, j] = gxy_value
    return filtered_image.astype(np.uint8)
img = plt.imread("lenna.png")
img = img * 255#图像是[0-1]--->[0-255],确认一下自己的图像是[0-1]还是[0-255]
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
gx = np.array([[0, -1, 0],
               [-1, 4, -1],
               [0, -1, 0]])
gy = np.array([[-1, -1, -1],
               [-1, 8, -1],
               [-1, -1, -1]])
gray = image_gray(img)
sobel_image = sobel_sharpen(gray, gx, gy)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
ax.set_title("raw image")
plt.imshow(gray, cmap="gray")
ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
ax.set_title("sobel image")
plt.imshow(sobel_image, cmap="gray")


五、FPGA sobel锐化

//P11   P12   P13
//P21   P22   P23
//P31   P32   P33

//-1     0     1
//-2     0     2
//-1     0     1
//Gx = -P11 + P13 - 2*P21 + 2*P23 - P31 + P33
//Gx = (P13 - P11) + 2*(P23 - P21) + (P33 - P31)

//1      2     1
//0      0     0
//-1     -2    -1
//Gy = P11 + 2*P12 + P13 - P31 - 2*P32 - P33
//Gy = (P11 - P31) + 2*(P12 - P32) + (P13 - P33)
module  ycbcr_sobel_sharpen
	input	wire			sys_clk		,	//系统时钟,频率为50MHZ
	input	wire			sys_rst_n	,	//系统复位,低电平有效
	input	wire			rgb_valid	,	//RGB565图像显示有效信号
	input	wire	[7:0]	y_data		,	//Y分量
	input	wire	[11:0]	pixel_x		,	//有效显示区域横坐标
	input	wire	[11:0]	pixel_y		,	//有效显示区域纵坐标
	output	reg		[15:0]	sobel_data		//Sobel算法处理后的图像数据

reg				y_valid		;	//Y分量有效信号
//shift ram
wire	[7:0]	data_row1	;	//移位寄存器第一行数据
wire	[7:0]	data_row2	;	//移位寄存器第二行数据
wire	[7:0]	data_row3	;	//移位寄存器第三行数据
reg		[7:0]	p11			;	//3*3第1个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p12			;	//3*3第2个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p13			;	//3*3第3个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p21			;	//3*3第4个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p22			;	//3*3第5个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p23			;	//3*3第6个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p31			;	//3*3第7个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p32			;	//3*3第8个像素数据
reg		[7:0]	p33			;	//3*3第9个像素数据
wire	[15:0]	Gx			;	//水平梯度值
wire	[15:0]	Gy			;	//数值梯度值
wire	[7:0]	Gxy			;	//总体梯度值

assign  data_row3 = y_data  ;
assign  Gx = (p13 - p11) + 2*(p23 - p21) + (p33 - p31)  ;
assign  Gy = (p11 - p31) + 2*(p12 - p32) + (p13 - p33)  ;

	if((pixel_y == 12'd0)||(pixel_y == 12'd1)||(pixel_x == 12'd2)||(pixel_x == 12'd3))
		sobel_data = 16'hffff  ;
		sobel_data = {Gxy[7:3],Gxy[7:2],Gxy[7:3]}  ;//锐化核心代码

always@(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
	if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
		y_valid  <=  1'b0  ;
		y_valid  <=  rgb_valid  ;

always@(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
	if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
			{p11,p12,p13}  <=  24'd0  ;
			{p21,p22,p23}  <=  24'd0  ;
			{p31,p32,p33}  <=  24'd0  ;
	else  if(y_valid == 1'b1)
			{p11,p12,p13}  <= {p12,p13,data_row1}  ;
			{p21,p22,p23}  <= {p22,p23,data_row2}  ;
			{p31,p32,p33}  <= {p32,p33,data_row3}  ;
			{p11,p12,p13}  <=  24'd0  ;
			{p21,p22,p23}  <=  24'd0  ;
			{p31,p32,p33}  <=  24'd0  ;

shift_ram_gen  shift_ram_gen_inst
	.clock 		(sys_clk	),
	.shiftin	(data_row3	),
	.shiftout 	(			),
	.taps0x 	(data_row2	),
	.taps1x 	(data_row1	)

sqrt_gen  sqrt_gen_inst 
	.radical	(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy),
	.q 			(Gxy	),
	.remainder 	()









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