【RT-DETR有效改进】Google | EfficientNetV1一种超轻量又高效的网络 (附代码 + 添加教程)

news2025/3/9 12:28:50














4.1 修改一

4.2 修改二 

4.3 修改三 

4.4 修改四

4.5 修改五

4.6 修改六

4.7 修改七 

4.8 修改八

4.9 RT-DETR不能打印计算量问题的解决

4.10 可选修改


5.1 yaml文件

5.2 运行文件

5.3 成功训练截图



官方论文地址: 官方论文地址点击即可跳转

官方代码地址: 官方代码地址点击即可跳转





import re
import math
import collections
from functools import partial
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.utils import model_zoo

__all__ = ['efficient']

# Parameters for the entire model (stem, all blocks, and head)
GlobalParams = collections.namedtuple('GlobalParams', [
    'width_coefficient', 'depth_coefficient', 'image_size', 'dropout_rate',
    'num_classes', 'batch_norm_momentum', 'batch_norm_epsilon',
    'drop_connect_rate', 'depth_divisor', 'min_depth', 'include_top'])

# Parameters for an individual model block
BlockArgs = collections.namedtuple('BlockArgs', [
    'num_repeat', 'kernel_size', 'stride', 'expand_ratio',
    'input_filters', 'output_filters', 'se_ratio', 'id_skip'])

# Set GlobalParams and BlockArgs's defaults
GlobalParams.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(GlobalParams._fields)
BlockArgs.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(BlockArgs._fields)

# Swish activation function
if hasattr(nn, 'SiLU'):
    Swish = nn.SiLU
    # For compatibility with old PyTorch versions
    class Swish(nn.Module):
        def forward(self, x):
            return x * torch.sigmoid(x)

# A memory-efficient implementation of Swish function
class SwishImplementation(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, i):
        result = i * torch.sigmoid(i)
        return result

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        i = ctx.saved_tensors[0]
        sigmoid_i = torch.sigmoid(i)
        return grad_output * (sigmoid_i * (1 + i * (1 - sigmoid_i)))

class MemoryEfficientSwish(nn.Module):
    def forward(self, x):
        return SwishImplementation.apply(x)

def round_filters(filters, global_params):
    """Calculate and round number of filters based on width multiplier.
       Use width_coefficient, depth_divisor and min_depth of global_params.

        filters (int): Filters number to be calculated.
        global_params (namedtuple): Global params of the model.

        new_filters: New filters number after calculating.
    multiplier = global_params.width_coefficient
    if not multiplier:
        return filters
    # TODO: modify the params names.
    #       maybe the names (width_divisor,min_width)
    #       are more suitable than (depth_divisor,min_depth).
    divisor = global_params.depth_divisor
    min_depth = global_params.min_depth
    filters *= multiplier
    min_depth = min_depth or divisor  # pay attention to this line when using min_depth
    # follow the formula transferred from official TensorFlow implementation
    new_filters = max(min_depth, int(filters + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor)
    if new_filters < 0.9 * filters:  # prevent rounding by more than 10%
        new_filters += divisor
    return int(new_filters)

def round_repeats(repeats, global_params):
    """Calculate module's repeat number of a block based on depth multiplier.
       Use depth_coefficient of global_params.

        repeats (int): num_repeat to be calculated.
        global_params (namedtuple): Global params of the model.

        new repeat: New repeat number after calculating.
    multiplier = global_params.depth_coefficient
    if not multiplier:
        return repeats
    # follow the formula transferred from official TensorFlow implementation
    return int(math.ceil(multiplier * repeats))

def drop_connect(inputs, p, training):
    """Drop connect.

        input (tensor: BCWH): Input of this structure.
        p (float: 0.0~1.0): Probability of drop connection.
        training (bool): The running mode.

        output: Output after drop connection.
    assert 0 <= p <= 1, 'p must be in range of [0,1]'

    if not training:
        return inputs

    batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
    keep_prob = 1 - p

    # generate binary_tensor mask according to probability (p for 0, 1-p for 1)
    random_tensor = keep_prob
    random_tensor += torch.rand([batch_size, 1, 1, 1], dtype=inputs.dtype, device=inputs.device)
    binary_tensor = torch.floor(random_tensor)

    output = inputs / keep_prob * binary_tensor
    return output

def get_width_and_height_from_size(x):
    """Obtain height and width from x.

        x (int, tuple or list): Data size.

        size: A tuple or list (H,W).
    if isinstance(x, int):
        return x, x
    if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple):
        return x
        raise TypeError()

def calculate_output_image_size(input_image_size, stride):
    """Calculates the output image size when using Conv2dSamePadding with a stride.
       Necessary for static padding. Thanks to mannatsingh for pointing this out.

        input_image_size (int, tuple or list): Size of input image.
        stride (int, tuple or list): Conv2d operation's stride.

        output_image_size: A list [H,W].
    if input_image_size is None:
        return None
    image_height, image_width = get_width_and_height_from_size(input_image_size)
    stride = stride if isinstance(stride, int) else stride[0]
    image_height = int(math.ceil(image_height / stride))
    image_width = int(math.ceil(image_width / stride))
    return [image_height, image_width]

# Note:
# The following 'SamePadding' functions make output size equal ceil(input size/stride).
# Only when stride equals 1, can the output size be the same as input size.
# Don't be confused by their function names ! ! !

def get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=None):
    """Chooses static padding if you have specified an image size, and dynamic padding otherwise.
       Static padding is necessary for ONNX exporting of models.

        image_size (int or tuple): Size of the image.

        Conv2dDynamicSamePadding or Conv2dStaticSamePadding.
    if image_size is None:
        return Conv2dDynamicSamePadding
        return partial(Conv2dStaticSamePadding, image_size=image_size)

class Conv2dDynamicSamePadding(nn.Conv2d):
    """2D Convolutions like TensorFlow, for a dynamic image size.
       The padding is operated in forward function by calculating dynamically.

    # Tips for 'SAME' mode padding.
    #     Given the following:
    #         i: width or height
    #         s: stride
    #         k: kernel size
    #         d: dilation
    #         p: padding
    #     Output after Conv2d:
    #         o = floor((i+p-((k-1)*d+1))/s+1)
    # If o equals i, i = floor((i+p-((k-1)*d+1))/s+1),
    # => p = (i-1)*s+((k-1)*d+1)-i

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, dilation=1, groups=1, bias=True):
        super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, 0, dilation, groups, bias)
        self.stride = self.stride if len(self.stride) == 2 else [self.stride[0]] * 2

    def forward(self, x):
        ih, iw = x.size()[-2:]
        kh, kw = self.weight.size()[-2:]
        sh, sw = self.stride
        oh, ow = math.ceil(ih / sh), math.ceil(iw / sw)  # change the output size according to stride ! ! !
        pad_h = max((oh - 1) * self.stride[0] + (kh - 1) * self.dilation[0] + 1 - ih, 0)
        pad_w = max((ow - 1) * self.stride[1] + (kw - 1) * self.dilation[1] + 1 - iw, 0)
        if pad_h > 0 or pad_w > 0:
            x = F.pad(x, [pad_w // 2, pad_w - pad_w // 2, pad_h // 2, pad_h - pad_h // 2])
        return F.conv2d(x, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)

class Conv2dStaticSamePadding(nn.Conv2d):
    """2D Convolutions like TensorFlow's 'SAME' mode, with the given input image size.
       The padding mudule is calculated in construction function, then used in forward.

    # With the same calculation as Conv2dDynamicSamePadding

    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, image_size=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, **kwargs)
        self.stride = self.stride if len(self.stride) == 2 else [self.stride[0]] * 2

        # Calculate padding based on image size and save it
        assert image_size is not None
        ih, iw = (image_size, image_size) if isinstance(image_size, int) else image_size
        kh, kw = self.weight.size()[-2:]
        sh, sw = self.stride
        oh, ow = math.ceil(ih / sh), math.ceil(iw / sw)
        pad_h = max((oh - 1) * self.stride[0] + (kh - 1) * self.dilation[0] + 1 - ih, 0)
        pad_w = max((ow - 1) * self.stride[1] + (kw - 1) * self.dilation[1] + 1 - iw, 0)
        if pad_h > 0 or pad_w > 0:
            self.static_padding = nn.ZeroPad2d((pad_w // 2, pad_w - pad_w // 2,
                                                pad_h // 2, pad_h - pad_h // 2))
            self.static_padding = nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.static_padding(x)
        x = F.conv2d(x, self.weight, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
        return x

def get_same_padding_maxPool2d(image_size=None):
    """Chooses static padding if you have specified an image size, and dynamic padding otherwise.
       Static padding is necessary for ONNX exporting of models.

        image_size (int or tuple): Size of the image.

        MaxPool2dDynamicSamePadding or MaxPool2dStaticSamePadding.
    if image_size is None:
        return MaxPool2dDynamicSamePadding
        return partial(MaxPool2dStaticSamePadding, image_size=image_size)

class MaxPool2dDynamicSamePadding(nn.MaxPool2d):
    """2D MaxPooling like TensorFlow's 'SAME' mode, with a dynamic image size.
       The padding is operated in forward function by calculating dynamically.

    def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride, padding=0, dilation=1, return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False):
        super().__init__(kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, return_indices, ceil_mode)
        self.stride = [self.stride] * 2 if isinstance(self.stride, int) else self.stride
        self.kernel_size = [self.kernel_size] * 2 if isinstance(self.kernel_size, int) else self.kernel_size
        self.dilation = [self.dilation] * 2 if isinstance(self.dilation, int) else self.dilation

    def forward(self, x):
        ih, iw = x.size()[-2:]
        kh, kw = self.kernel_size
        sh, sw = self.stride
        oh, ow = math.ceil(ih / sh), math.ceil(iw / sw)
        pad_h = max((oh - 1) * self.stride[0] + (kh - 1) * self.dilation[0] + 1 - ih, 0)
        pad_w = max((ow - 1) * self.stride[1] + (kw - 1) * self.dilation[1] + 1 - iw, 0)
        if pad_h > 0 or pad_w > 0:
            x = F.pad(x, [pad_w // 2, pad_w - pad_w // 2, pad_h // 2, pad_h - pad_h // 2])
        return F.max_pool2d(x, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding,
                            self.dilation, self.ceil_mode, self.return_indices)

class MaxPool2dStaticSamePadding(nn.MaxPool2d):
    """2D MaxPooling like TensorFlow's 'SAME' mode, with the given input image size.
       The padding mudule is calculated in construction function, then used in forward.

    def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride, image_size=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(kernel_size, stride, **kwargs)
        self.stride = [self.stride] * 2 if isinstance(self.stride, int) else self.stride
        self.kernel_size = [self.kernel_size] * 2 if isinstance(self.kernel_size, int) else self.kernel_size
        self.dilation = [self.dilation] * 2 if isinstance(self.dilation, int) else self.dilation

        # Calculate padding based on image size and save it
        assert image_size is not None
        ih, iw = (image_size, image_size) if isinstance(image_size, int) else image_size
        kh, kw = self.kernel_size
        sh, sw = self.stride
        oh, ow = math.ceil(ih / sh), math.ceil(iw / sw)
        pad_h = max((oh - 1) * self.stride[0] + (kh - 1) * self.dilation[0] + 1 - ih, 0)
        pad_w = max((ow - 1) * self.stride[1] + (kw - 1) * self.dilation[1] + 1 - iw, 0)
        if pad_h > 0 or pad_w > 0:
            self.static_padding = nn.ZeroPad2d((pad_w // 2, pad_w - pad_w // 2, pad_h // 2, pad_h - pad_h // 2))
            self.static_padding = nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.static_padding(x)
        x = F.max_pool2d(x, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding,
                         self.dilation, self.ceil_mode, self.return_indices)
        return x

# Helper functions for loading model params

# BlockDecoder: A Class for encoding and decoding BlockArgs
# efficientnet_params: A function to query compound coefficient
# get_model_params and efficientnet:
#     Functions to get BlockArgs and GlobalParams for efficientnet
# url_map and url_map_advprop: Dicts of url_map for pretrained weights
# load_pretrained_weights: A function to load pretrained weights

class BlockDecoder(object):
    """Block Decoder for readability,
       straight from the official TensorFlow repository.

    def _decode_block_string(block_string):
        """Get a block through a string notation of arguments.

            block_string (str): A string notation of arguments.
                                Examples: 'r1_k3_s11_e1_i32_o16_se0.25_noskip'.

            BlockArgs: The namedtuple defined at the top of this file.
        assert isinstance(block_string, str)

        ops = block_string.split('_')
        options = {}
        for op in ops:
            splits = re.split(r'(\d.*)', op)
            if len(splits) >= 2:
                key, value = splits[:2]
                options[key] = value

        # Check stride
        assert (('s' in options and len(options['s']) == 1) or
                (len(options['s']) == 2 and options['s'][0] == options['s'][1]))

        return BlockArgs(
            se_ratio=float(options['se']) if 'se' in options else None,
            id_skip=('noskip' not in block_string))

    def _encode_block_string(block):
        """Encode a block to a string.

            block (namedtuple): A BlockArgs type argument.

            block_string: A String form of BlockArgs.
        args = [
            'r%d' % block.num_repeat,
            'k%d' % block.kernel_size,
            's%d%d' % (block.strides[0], block.strides[1]),
            'e%s' % block.expand_ratio,
            'i%d' % block.input_filters,
            'o%d' % block.output_filters
        if 0 < block.se_ratio <= 1:
            args.append('se%s' % block.se_ratio)
        if block.id_skip is False:
        return '_'.join(args)

    def decode(string_list):
        """Decode a list of string notations to specify blocks inside the network.

            string_list (list[str]): A list of strings, each string is a notation of block.

            blocks_args: A list of BlockArgs namedtuples of block args.
        assert isinstance(string_list, list)
        blocks_args = []
        for block_string in string_list:
        return blocks_args

    def encode(blocks_args):
        """Encode a list of BlockArgs to a list of strings.

            blocks_args (list[namedtuples]): A list of BlockArgs namedtuples of block args.

            block_strings: A list of strings, each string is a notation of block.
        block_strings = []
        for block in blocks_args:
        return block_strings

def efficientnet_params(model_name):
    """Map EfficientNet model name to parameter coefficients.

        model_name (str): Model name to be queried.

        params_dict[model_name]: A (width,depth,res,dropout) tuple.
    params_dict = {
        # Coefficients:   width,depth,res,dropout
        'efficientnet-b0': (1.0, 1.0, 224, 0.2),
        'efficientnet-b1': (1.0, 1.1, 240, 0.2),
        'efficientnet-b2': (1.1, 1.2, 260, 0.3),
        'efficientnet-b3': (1.2, 1.4, 300, 0.3),
        'efficientnet-b4': (1.4, 1.8, 380, 0.4),
        'efficientnet-b5': (1.6, 2.2, 456, 0.4),
        'efficientnet-b6': (1.8, 2.6, 528, 0.5),
        'efficientnet-b7': (2.0, 3.1, 600, 0.5),
        'efficientnet-b8': (2.2, 3.6, 672, 0.5),
        'efficientnet-l2': (4.3, 5.3, 800, 0.5),
    return params_dict[model_name]

def efficientnet(width_coefficient=None, depth_coefficient=None, image_size=None,
                 dropout_rate=0.2, drop_connect_rate=0.2, num_classes=1000, include_top=True):
    """Create BlockArgs and GlobalParams for efficientnet model.

        width_coefficient (float)
        depth_coefficient (float)
        image_size (int)
        dropout_rate (float)
        drop_connect_rate (float)
        num_classes (int)

        Meaning as the name suggests.

        blocks_args, global_params.

    # Blocks args for the whole model(efficientnet-b0 by default)
    # It will be modified in the construction of EfficientNet Class according to model
    blocks_args = [
    blocks_args = BlockDecoder.decode(blocks_args)

    global_params = GlobalParams(


    return blocks_args, global_params

def get_model_params(model_name, override_params):
    """Get the block args and global params for a given model name.

        model_name (str): Model's name.
        override_params (dict): A dict to modify global_params.

        blocks_args, global_params
    if model_name.startswith('efficientnet'):
        w, d, s, p = efficientnet_params(model_name)
        # note: all models have drop connect rate = 0.2
        blocks_args, global_params = efficientnet(
            width_coefficient=w, depth_coefficient=d, dropout_rate=p, image_size=s)
        raise NotImplementedError('model name is not pre-defined: {}'.format(model_name))
    if override_params:
        # ValueError will be raised here if override_params has fields not included in global_params.
        global_params = global_params._replace(**override_params)
    return blocks_args, global_params

# train with Standard methods
# check more details in paper(EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks)
url_map = {
    'efficientnet-b0': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b0-355c32eb.pth',
    'efficientnet-b1': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b1-f1951068.pth',
    'efficientnet-b2': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b2-8bb594d6.pth',
    'efficientnet-b3': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b3-5fb5a3c3.pth',
    'efficientnet-b4': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b4-6ed6700e.pth',
    'efficientnet-b5': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b5-b6417697.pth',
    'efficientnet-b6': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b6-c76e70fd.pth',
    'efficientnet-b7': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/efficientnet-b7-dcc49843.pth',

# train with Adversarial Examples(AdvProp)
# check more details in paper(Adversarial Examples Improve Image Recognition)
url_map_advprop = {
    'efficientnet-b0': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b0-b64d5a18.pth',
    'efficientnet-b1': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b1-0f3ce85a.pth',
    'efficientnet-b2': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b2-6e9d97e5.pth',
    'efficientnet-b3': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b3-cdd7c0f4.pth',
    'efficientnet-b4': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b4-44fb3a87.pth',
    'efficientnet-b5': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b5-86493f6b.pth',
    'efficientnet-b6': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b6-ac80338e.pth',
    'efficientnet-b7': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b7-4652b6dd.pth',
    'efficientnet-b8': 'https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/releases/download/1.0/adv-efficientnet-b8-22a8fe65.pth',

# TODO: add the petrained weights url map of 'efficientnet-l2'

def load_pretrained_weights(model, model_name, weights_path=None, load_fc=True, advprop=False, verbose=True):
    """Loads pretrained weights from weights path or download using url.

        model (Module): The whole model of efficientnet.
        model_name (str): Model name of efficientnet.
        weights_path (None or str):
            str: path to pretrained weights file on the local disk.
            None: use pretrained weights downloaded from the Internet.
        load_fc (bool): Whether to load pretrained weights for fc layer at the end of the model.
        advprop (bool): Whether to load pretrained weights
                        trained with advprop (valid when weights_path is None).
    if isinstance(weights_path, str):
        state_dict = torch.load(weights_path)
        # AutoAugment or Advprop (different preprocessing)
        url_map_ = url_map_advprop if advprop else url_map
        state_dict = model_zoo.load_url(url_map_[model_name])

    if load_fc:
        ret = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
        assert not ret.missing_keys, 'Missing keys when loading pretrained weights: {}'.format(ret.missing_keys)
        ret = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
        assert set(ret.missing_keys) == set(
            ['_fc.weight', '_fc.bias']), 'Missing keys when loading pretrained weights: {}'.format(ret.missing_keys)
    assert not ret.unexpected_keys, 'Missing keys when loading pretrained weights: {}'.format(ret.unexpected_keys)

    if verbose:
        print('Loaded pretrained weights for {}'.format(model_name))

    'efficientnet-b0', 'efficientnet-b1', 'efficientnet-b2', 'efficientnet-b3',
    'efficientnet-b4', 'efficientnet-b5', 'efficientnet-b6', 'efficientnet-b7',

    # Support the construction of 'efficientnet-l2' without pretrained weights

class MBConvBlock(nn.Module):
    """Mobile Inverted Residual Bottleneck Block.

        block_args (namedtuple): BlockArgs, defined in utils.py.
        global_params (namedtuple): GlobalParam, defined in utils.py.
        image_size (tuple or list): [image_height, image_width].

        [1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.04861 (MobileNet v1)
        [2] https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.04381 (MobileNet v2)
        [3] https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.02244 (MobileNet v3)

    def __init__(self, block_args, global_params, image_size=None):
        self._block_args = block_args
        self._bn_mom = 1 - global_params.batch_norm_momentum  # pytorch's difference from tensorflow
        self._bn_eps = global_params.batch_norm_epsilon
        self.has_se = (self._block_args.se_ratio is not None) and (0 < self._block_args.se_ratio <= 1)
        self.id_skip = block_args.id_skip  # whether to use skip connection and drop connect

        # Expansion phase (Inverted Bottleneck)
        inp = self._block_args.input_filters  # number of input channels
        oup = self._block_args.input_filters * self._block_args.expand_ratio  # number of output channels
        if self._block_args.expand_ratio != 1:
            Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=image_size)
            self._expand_conv = Conv2d(in_channels=inp, out_channels=oup, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
            self._bn0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=oup, momentum=self._bn_mom, eps=self._bn_eps)
            # image_size = calculate_output_image_size(image_size, 1) <-- this wouldn't modify image_size

        # Depthwise convolution phase
        k = self._block_args.kernel_size
        s = self._block_args.stride
        Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=image_size)
        self._depthwise_conv = Conv2d(
            in_channels=oup, out_channels=oup, groups=oup,  # groups makes it depthwise
            kernel_size=k, stride=s, bias=False)
        self._bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=oup, momentum=self._bn_mom, eps=self._bn_eps)
        image_size = calculate_output_image_size(image_size, s)

        # Squeeze and Excitation layer, if desired
        if self.has_se:
            Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=(1, 1))
            num_squeezed_channels = max(1, int(self._block_args.input_filters * self._block_args.se_ratio))
            self._se_reduce = Conv2d(in_channels=oup, out_channels=num_squeezed_channels, kernel_size=1)
            self._se_expand = Conv2d(in_channels=num_squeezed_channels, out_channels=oup, kernel_size=1)

        # Pointwise convolution phase
        final_oup = self._block_args.output_filters
        Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=image_size)
        self._project_conv = Conv2d(in_channels=oup, out_channels=final_oup, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
        self._bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=final_oup, momentum=self._bn_mom, eps=self._bn_eps)
        self._swish = MemoryEfficientSwish()

    def forward(self, inputs, drop_connect_rate=None):
        """MBConvBlock's forward function.

            inputs (tensor): Input tensor.
            drop_connect_rate (bool): Drop connect rate (float, between 0 and 1).

            Output of this block after processing.

        # Expansion and Depthwise Convolution
        x = inputs
        if self._block_args.expand_ratio != 1:
            x = self._expand_conv(inputs)
            x = self._bn0(x)
            x = self._swish(x)

        x = self._depthwise_conv(x)
        x = self._bn1(x)
        x = self._swish(x)

        # Squeeze and Excitation
        if self.has_se:
            x_squeezed = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, 1)
            x_squeezed = self._se_reduce(x_squeezed)
            x_squeezed = self._swish(x_squeezed)
            x_squeezed = self._se_expand(x_squeezed)
            x = torch.sigmoid(x_squeezed) * x

        # Pointwise Convolution
        x = self._project_conv(x)
        x = self._bn2(x)

        # Skip connection and drop connect
        input_filters, output_filters = self._block_args.input_filters, self._block_args.output_filters
        if self.id_skip and self._block_args.stride == 1 and input_filters == output_filters:
            # The combination of skip connection and drop connect brings about stochastic depth.
            if drop_connect_rate:
                x = drop_connect(x, p=drop_connect_rate, training=self.training)
            x = x + inputs  # skip connection
        return x

    def set_swish(self, memory_efficient=True):
        """Sets swish function as memory efficient (for training) or standard (for export).

            memory_efficient (bool): Whether to use memory-efficient version of swish.
        self._swish = MemoryEfficientSwish() if memory_efficient else Swish()

class EfficientNet(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, blocks_args=None, global_params=None):
        assert isinstance(blocks_args, list), 'blocks_args should be a list'
        assert len(blocks_args) > 0, 'block args must be greater than 0'
        self._global_params = global_params
        self._blocks_args = blocks_args

        # Batch norm parameters
        bn_mom = 1 - self._global_params.batch_norm_momentum
        bn_eps = self._global_params.batch_norm_epsilon

        # Get stem static or dynamic convolution depending on image size
        image_size = global_params.image_size
        Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=image_size)

        # Stem
        in_channels = 3  # rgb
        out_channels = round_filters(32, self._global_params)  # number of output channels
        self._conv_stem = Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2, bias=False)
        self._bn0 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=out_channels, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps)
        image_size = calculate_output_image_size(image_size, 2)

        # Build blocks
        self._blocks = nn.ModuleList([])
        for block_args in self._blocks_args:

            # Update block input and output filters based on depth multiplier.
            block_args = block_args._replace(
                input_filters=round_filters(block_args.input_filters, self._global_params),
                output_filters=round_filters(block_args.output_filters, self._global_params),
                num_repeat=round_repeats(block_args.num_repeat, self._global_params)

            # The first block needs to take care of stride and filter size increase.
            self._blocks.append(MBConvBlock(block_args, self._global_params, image_size=image_size))
            image_size = calculate_output_image_size(image_size, block_args.stride)
            if block_args.num_repeat > 1:  # modify block_args to keep same output size
                block_args = block_args._replace(input_filters=block_args.output_filters, stride=1)
            for _ in range(block_args.num_repeat - 1):
                self._blocks.append(MBConvBlock(block_args, self._global_params, image_size=image_size))
                # image_size = calculate_output_image_size(image_size, block_args.stride)  # stride = 1

        # Head
        in_channels = block_args.output_filters  # output of final block
        out_channels = round_filters(1280, self._global_params)
        Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=image_size)
        self._conv_head = Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
        self._bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_features=out_channels, momentum=bn_mom, eps=bn_eps)

        # Final linear layer
        self._avg_pooling = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
        if self._global_params.include_top:
            self._dropout = nn.Dropout(self._global_params.dropout_rate)
            self._fc = nn.Linear(out_channels, self._global_params.num_classes)

        # set activation to memory efficient swish by default
        self._swish = MemoryEfficientSwish()
        self.width_list = [i.size(1) for i in self.forward(torch.randn(1, 3, 640, 640))]
    def set_swish(self, memory_efficient=True):
        """Sets swish function as memory efficient (for training) or standard (for export).
            memory_efficient (bool): Whether to use memory-efficient version of swish.
        self._swish = MemoryEfficientSwish() if memory_efficient else Swish()
        for block in self._blocks:

    def extract_endpoints(self, inputs):
        # """Use convolution layer to extract features
        # from reduction levels i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
        # Args:
        #     inputs (tensor): Input tensor.
        # Returns:
        #     Dictionary of last intermediate features
        #     with reduction levels i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
        #     Example:
        #         >>> import torch
        #         >>> from efficientnet.model import EfficientNet
        #         >>> inputs = torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224)
        #         >>> model = EfficientNet.from_pretrained('efficientnet-b0')
        #         >>> endpoints = model.extract_endpoints(inputs)
        #         >>> print(endpoints['reduction_1'].shape)  # torch.Size([1, 16, 112, 112])
        #         >>> print(endpoints['reduction_2'].shape)  # torch.Size([1, 24, 56, 56])
        #         >>> print(endpoints['reduction_3'].shape)  # torch.Size([1, 40, 28, 28])
        #         >>> print(endpoints['reduction_4'].shape)  # torch.Size([1, 112, 14, 14])
        #         >>> print(endpoints['reduction_5'].shape)  # torch.Size([1, 320, 7, 7])
        #         >>> print(endpoints['reduction_6'].shape)  # torch.Size([1, 1280, 7, 7])
        # """
        endpoints = dict()

        # Stem
        x = self._swish(self._bn0(self._conv_stem(inputs)))
        prev_x = x

        # Blocks
        for idx, block in enumerate(self._blocks):
            drop_connect_rate = self._global_params.drop_connect_rate
            if drop_connect_rate:
                drop_connect_rate *= float(idx) / len(self._blocks)  # scale drop connect_rate
            x = block(x, drop_connect_rate=drop_connect_rate)
            if prev_x.size(2) > x.size(2):
                endpoints['reduction_{}'.format(len(endpoints) + 1)] = prev_x
            elif idx == len(self._blocks) - 1:
                endpoints['reduction_{}'.format(len(endpoints) + 1)] = x
            prev_x = x

        # Head
        x = self._swish(self._bn1(self._conv_head(x)))
        endpoints['reduction_{}'.format(len(endpoints) + 1)] = x

        return endpoints

    def forward(self, inputs):
        """use convolution layer to extract feature .

            inputs (tensor): Input tensor.

            Output of the final convolution
            layer in the efficientnet model.
        # Stem
        x = self._swish(self._bn0(self._conv_stem(inputs)))
        unique_tensors = {}
        # Blocks
        for idx, block in enumerate(self._blocks):
            drop_connect_rate = self._global_params.drop_connect_rate
            if drop_connect_rate:
                drop_connect_rate *= float(idx) / len(self._blocks)  # scale drop connect_rate
            x = block(x, drop_connect_rate=drop_connect_rate)
            width, height = x.shape[2], x.shape[3]
            unique_tensors[(width, height)] = x
        result_list = list(unique_tensors.values())[-4:]
        # Head
        return result_list

    def from_name(cls, model_name, in_channels=3, **override_params):
        """Create an efficientnet model according to name.

            model_name (str): Name for efficientnet.
            in_channels (int): Input data's channel number.
            override_params (other key word params):
                Params to override model's global_params.
                Optional key:
                    'width_coefficient', 'depth_coefficient',
                    'image_size', 'dropout_rate',
                    'num_classes', 'batch_norm_momentum',
                    'batch_norm_epsilon', 'drop_connect_rate',
                    'depth_divisor', 'min_depth'

            An efficientnet model.
        blocks_args, global_params = get_model_params(model_name, override_params)
        model = cls(blocks_args, global_params)
        return model

    def from_pretrained(cls, model_name, weights_path=None, advprop=False,
                        in_channels=3, num_classes=1000, **override_params):
        """Create an efficientnet model according to name.

            model_name (str): Name for efficientnet.
            weights_path (None or str):
                str: path to pretrained weights file on the local disk.
                None: use pretrained weights downloaded from the Internet.
            advprop (bool):
                Whether to load pretrained weights
                trained with advprop (valid when weights_path is None).
            in_channels (int): Input data's channel number.
            num_classes (int):
                Number of categories for classification.
                It controls the output size for final linear layer.
            override_params (other key word params):
                Params to override model's global_params.
                Optional key:
                    'width_coefficient', 'depth_coefficient',
                    'image_size', 'dropout_rate',
                    'batch_norm_epsilon', 'drop_connect_rate',
                    'depth_divisor', 'min_depth'

            A pretrained efficientnet model.
        model = cls.from_name(model_name, num_classes=num_classes, **override_params)
        load_pretrained_weights(model, model_name, weights_path=weights_path,
                                load_fc=(num_classes == 1000), advprop=advprop)
        return model

    def get_image_size(cls, model_name):
        """Get the input image size for a given efficientnet model.

            model_name (str): Name for efficientnet.

            Input image size (resolution).
        _, _, res, _ = efficientnet_params(model_name)
        return res

    def _check_model_name_is_valid(cls, model_name):
        """Validates model name.

            model_name (str): Name for efficientnet.

            bool: Is a valid name or not.
        if model_name not in VALID_MODELS:
            raise ValueError('model_name should be one of: ' + ', '.join(VALID_MODELS))

    def _change_in_channels(self, in_channels):
        """Adjust model's first convolution layer to in_channels, if in_channels not equals 3.

            in_channels (int): Input data's channel number.
        if in_channels != 3:
            Conv2d = get_same_padding_conv2d(image_size=self._global_params.image_size)
            out_channels = round_filters(32, self._global_params)
            self._conv_stem = Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2, bias=False)

def efficient(model_name='efficientnet-b0', pretrained=False):
    if pretrained:
        model = EfficientNet.from_pretrained('{}'.format(model_name))
        model = EfficientNet.from_name('{}'.format(model_name))
    return model

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # VALID_MODELS = (
    #     'efficientnet-b0', 'efficientnet-b1', 'efficientnet-b2', 'efficientnet-b3',
    #     'efficientnet-b4', 'efficientnet-b5', 'efficientnet-b6', 'efficientnet-b7',
    #     'efficientnet-b8',
    #     # Support the construction of 'efficientnet-l2' without pretrained weights
    #     'efficientnet-l2'
    # )

    # Generating Sample image
    image_size = (1, 3, 640, 640)
    image = torch.rand(*image_size)

    # Model
    model = efficient('efficientnet-b0')

    out = model(image)




4.1 修改一

首先我门中到如下“ultralytics/nn”的目录,我们在这个目录下在创建一个新的目录,名字为'Addmodules'(此文件之后就用于存放我们的所有改进机制),之后我们在创建的目录内创建一个新的py文件复制粘贴进去 ,可以根据文章改进机制来起,这里大家根据自己的习惯命名即可。

4.2 修改二 


4.3 修改三 


4.4 修改四


4.5 修改五


        elif m in {自行添加对应的模型即可,下面都是一样的}:
            m = m(*args)
            c2 = m.width_list  # 返回通道列表
            backbone = True

4.6 修改六


if isinstance(c2, list):
    m_ = m
    m_.backbone = True
    m_ = nn.Sequential(*(m(*args) for _ in range(n))) if n > 1 else m(*args)  # module
    t = str(m)[8:-2].replace('__main__.', '')  # module type
m.np = sum(x.numel() for x in m_.parameters())  # number params
m_.i, m_.f, m_.type = i + 4 if backbone else i, f, t  # attach index, 'from' index, type
if verbose:
    LOGGER.info(f'{i:>3}{str(f):>20}{n_:>3}{m.np:10.0f}  {t:<45}{str(args):<30}')  # print
    x % (i + 4 if backbone else i) for x in ([f] if isinstance(f, int) else f) if x != -1)  # append to savelist
if i == 0:
    ch = []
if isinstance(c2, list):
    if len(c2) != 5:
        ch.insert(0, 0)

4.7 修改七 



 def predict(self, x, profile=False, visualize=False, batch=None, augment=False, embed=None):
        Perform a forward pass through the model.

            x (torch.Tensor): The input tensor.
            profile (bool, optional): If True, profile the computation time for each layer. Defaults to False.
            visualize (bool, optional): If True, save feature maps for visualization. Defaults to False.
            batch (dict, optional): Ground truth data for evaluation. Defaults to None.
            augment (bool, optional): If True, perform data augmentation during inference. Defaults to False.
            embed (list, optional): A list of feature vectors/embeddings to return.

            (torch.Tensor): Model's output tensor.
        y, dt, embeddings = [], [], []  # outputs
        for m in self.model[:-1]:  # except the head part
            if m.f != -1:  # if not from previous layer
                x = y[m.f] if isinstance(m.f, int) else [x if j == -1 else y[j] for j in m.f]  # from earlier layers
            if profile:
                self._profile_one_layer(m, x, dt)
            if hasattr(m, 'backbone'):
                x = m(x)
                if len(x) != 5:  # 0 - 5
                    x.insert(0, None)
                for index, i in enumerate(x):
                    if index in self.save:
                x = x[-1]  # 最后一个输出传给下一层
                x = m(x)  # run
                y.append(x if m.i in self.save else None)  # save output
            if visualize:
                feature_visualization(x, m.type, m.i, save_dir=visualize)
            if embed and m.i in embed:
                embeddings.append(nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, (1, 1)).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1))  # flatten
                if m.i == max(embed):
                    return torch.unbind(torch.cat(embeddings, 1), dim=0)
        head = self.model[-1]
        x = head([y[j] for j in head.f], batch)  # head inference
        return x

4.8 修改八


4.9 RT-DETR不能打印计算量问题的解决

计算的GFLOPs计算异常不打印,所以需要额外修改一处, 我们找到如下文件'ultralytics/utils/torch_utils.py'文件内有如下的代码按照如下的图片进行修改,大家看好函数就行,其中红框的640可能和你的不一样, 然后用我给的代码替换掉整个代码即可。

def get_flops(model, imgsz=640):
    """Return a YOLO model's FLOPs."""
        model = de_parallel(model)
        p = next(model.parameters())
        # stride = max(int(model.stride.max()), 32) if hasattr(model, 'stride') else 32  # max stride
        stride = 640
        im = torch.empty((1, 3, stride, stride), device=p.device)  # input image in BCHW format
        flops = thop.profile(deepcopy(model), inputs=[im], verbose=False)[0] / 1E9 * 2 if thop else 0  # stride GFLOPs
        imgsz = imgsz if isinstance(imgsz, list) else [imgsz, imgsz]  # expand if int/float
        return flops * imgsz[0] / stride * imgsz[1] / stride  # 640x640 GFLOPs
    except Exception:
        return 0

4.10 可选修改

有些读者的数据集部分图片比较特殊,在验证的时候会导致形状不匹配的报错,如果大家在验证的时候报错形状不匹配的错误可以固定验证集的图片尺寸,方法如下 ->

找到下面这个文件ultralytics/models/yolo/detect/train.py然后其中有一个类是DetectionTrainer class中的build_dataset函数中的一个参数rect=mode == 'val'改为rect=False


5.1 yaml文件


# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
# RT-DETR-l object detection model with P3-P5 outputs. For details see https://docs.ultralytics.com/models/rtdetr

# Parameters
nc: 80  # number of classes
scales: # model compound scaling constants, i.e. 'model=yolov8n-cls.yaml' will call yolov8-cls.yaml with scale 'n'
  # [depth, width, max_channels]
  l: [1.00, 1.00, 1024]

  # [from, repeats, module, args]
  - [-1, 1, efficient, []]  # 4

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, False]]  # 5 input_proj.2
  - [-1, 1, AIFI, [1024, 8]] # 6
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]]  # 7, Y5, lateral_convs.0

  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']] # 8
  - [3, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, False]]  # 9 input_proj.1
  - [[-2, -1], 1, Concat, [1]] # 10
  - [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]]  # 11, fpn_blocks.0
  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1]]   # 12, Y4, lateral_convs.1

  - [-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, 'nearest']] # 13
  - [2, 1, Conv, [256, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, False]]  # 14 input_proj.0
  - [[-2, -1], 1, Concat, [1]]  # 15 cat backbone P4
  - [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]]    # X3 (16), fpn_blocks.1

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]]   # 17, downsample_convs.0
  - [[-1, 12], 1, Concat, [1]]  # 18 cat Y4
  - [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]]    # F4 (19), pan_blocks.0

  - [-1, 1, Conv, [256, 3, 2]]   # 20, downsample_convs.1
  - [[-1, 7], 1, Concat, [1]]  # 21 cat Y5
  - [-1, 3, RepC3, [256, 0.5]]    # F5 (22), pan_blocks.1

  - [[16, 19, 22], 1, RTDETRDecoder, [nc, 256, 300, 4, 8, 3]]  # Detect(P3, P4, P5)

5.2 运行文件


import warnings
from ultralytics import RTDETR

if __name__ == '__main__':
    model = RTDETR('替换你想要运行的yaml文件')
    # model.load('') # 可以加载你的版本预训练权重
                # amp=True

5.3 成功训练截图








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基于《游戏-01_2D-开发》&#xff0c; 继续制作游戏&#xff1a; 首先给人物添加一个2D重力效果 在编辑的项目设置中&#xff0c; 可以看出unity默认给的2D重力数值是-9.81&#xff0c;模拟现实社会中的重力效果 下方可以设置帧率 而Gravity Scale代表 这个数值会 * 重力 还…


创建emp表 CREATE TABLE emp( empno INT(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 员工编号, ename VARCHAR(10) COMMENT 员工名字, job VARCHAR(10) COMMENT 职位, mgr INT(4) COMMENT 上司, hiredate DATE COMMENT 入职时间, sal INT(7) COMMENT 基本工资, comm INT(7) COMMENT 补贴, deptno INT…


cluecumber为生成测试报告的第三方插件&#xff0c;可以生成html测报&#xff0c;该测报生成需以本地json测报的生成为基础。 所以需要在测试开始主文件标签CucumberOptions中&#xff0c;写入生成json报告。 2. pom xml文件中加入插件 <!-- 根据 cucumber json文件 美化测…

使用docker配置semantic slam

一.Docker环境配置 1.拉取Docker镜像 sudo docker pull ubuntu:16.04拉取的为ununtu16版本镜像&#xff0c;环境十分干净&#xff0c;可以通过以下命令查看容器列表 sudo docker images 如果想删除多余的docker image&#xff0c;可以使用指令 sudo docker rmi -f <id&g…


使用AI实现洋葱检测对农业具有以下意义&#xff1a; 提高效率&#xff1a;AI技术可以快速、准确地检测出洋葱中的缺陷和问题&#xff0c;从而提高了检测效率&#xff0c;减少了人工检测的时间和人力成本。提高准确性&#xff1a;AI技术通过大量的数据学习和分析&#xff0c;能够…


java并发编程面试题 何为进程?何为线程?JVM拓展为什么程序计数器、虚拟机栈和本地方法栈是线程私有的呢&#xff1f;为什么堆和方法区是线程共享的呢虚拟机栈和本地方法栈为什么是私有的?一句话简单了解堆和方法区单核 CPU 上运行多个线程效率一定会高吗&#xff1f;创建线程…


​&#x1f308;个人主页&#xff1a;Sarapines Programmer&#x1f525; 系列专栏&#xff1a;《机组 | 模块单元实验》⏰诗赋清音&#xff1a;云生高巅梦远游&#xff0c; 星光点缀碧海愁。 山川深邃情难晤&#xff0c; 剑气凌云志自修。 ​目录 &#x1f33a;一、 实验目的 …


文章目录 Arrays.sort()时间复杂度o(n)二分法时间复杂度o(logn) 1.搜索插入位置代码 2. 搜索二维矩阵思路&#xff1a;代码&#xff1a; 34. 在排序数组中查找元素的第一个和最后一个位置思路&#xff1a;代码&#xff1a; 153. 寻找旋转排序数组中的最小值思路&#xff1a;代码…

5.2 基于深度学习和先验状态的实时指纹室内定位

文献来源 Nabati M, Ghorashi S A. A real-time fingerprint-based indoor positioning using deep learning and preceding states[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 213: 118889.&#xff08;5.2_基于指纹的实时室内定位&#xff0c;使用深度学习和前一状态&…


前言 我们可以用一张纹理贴图来表现物体表面的基础反射颜色&#xff0c;也可以用一张镜面反射贴图&#xff0c;来指派表面是否产生高光。除此之外&#xff0c;我们可以用贴图来存储表面的法线信息&#xff0c;以及高度信息&#xff0c;从而让渲染效果更加精细。 法线贴图 我…


linux下USB抓包和分析流程 在windows下抓取usb包时可以通过wireshark安装时安装USBpcap来实现usb抓包&#xff0c;linux下如何操作呢&#xff1f; 是基于usbmon&#xff0c;本博客简单描述基于usbmon在linux系统上对通过usb口进行发送和接收的数据的抓包流程&#xff0c;分别描…