简阅人体姿态估计深度学习方法-simpread-Human Pose Estimation Deep Learning Approach

news2024/9/23 3:26:10

What is Human Pose Estimation?

Human Pose Estimation (HPE) is a way of identifying and classifying the joints in the human body

Human Pose Estimation(HPR 人体姿态估计)是一个对人体关节进行识别和分类的方法。

Essentially it is a way to capture a set of coordinates for each joint (arm, head, torso, etc.,) which is known as a key point that can describe a pose of a person. The connection between these points is known as a pair.


The connection formed between the points has to be significant, which means not all points can form a pair. From the outset, the aim of HPE is to form a skeleton-like representation of a human body and then process it further for task-specific applications.

点与点之间的连接必须是重要的,即不是所有点都能形成一个"pair"。从一开始,HPE 的目标就是形成类似骨骼的人体表示,然后针对特定任务的应用对其进行进一步处理。


There are three types of approaches to model the human body:

  1. Skeleton-based model(基于骨干)
  2. Contour-based model(基于轮廓)
  3. Volume-based model (基于卷)

Classical vs. Deep Learning-based approaches

HPE approaches are primarily in the area of computer vision, and it is used to understand geometric and motion information of the human body, which can be very intricate.


This section explores the two approaches: the classical approach and the deep learning-based approach to HPE. We will also explain how classical approaches fail to capture the geometric and motion information of the human body, and how deep learning algorithms such as the CNNs excel at it.


Classical approaches to 2D Human Pose Estimation

Classical approaches usually refer to techniques and methods involving swallow machine learning algorithms.


For instance, the earlier work to estimate human pose included the implementation of random forest within a “pictorial structure framework”. This was used to predict joints in the human body.

例如,早期估计人类姿势的工作包括在“图像结构框架”内实施随机森林。 这被用来预测人体的关节。

The pictorial structure framework (PSF) is commonly referred to as one of the traditional methods to estimate human pose. PSF contained two components:

图形结构框架(PSF)通常被称为估计人类姿势的传统方法之一。PSF 包含两个组件:

  1. Discriminator(鉴别器): 它预测某特定位置存在某个身体部位的可能性。
  2. Prior(先验器): 它使用鉴别器的输出对姿势上的概率分布进行建模;建模的姿势应该是逼真的。

In essence, the PSF objective is to represent the human body as a collection of coordinates for each body part in a given input image. PSF uses nonlinear joint regressors, ideally a two-layered random forest regressor.

从本质上讲,PSF的目标是将人体表示为给定输入图像中每个身体部位的坐标集合。PSF 使用非线性联合回归器,理想情况下是两层随机森林回归器。

These models work well when the input image has clear and visible limbs, however, they fail to capture and model limbs that are hidden or not visible from a certain angle.


To overcome these issues, feature building methods like histogram oriented gaussian (HOG), contours, histograms, etc., were used. In spite of using these methods, the classical model lacked accuracy, correlation, and generalization capabilities, so adopting a better approach was just a matter of time.


Deep Learning-based approaches to 2D Human Pose Estimation

Deep learning-based approaches are well defined by their ability to generalize any function (if a sufficient number of nodes are present in the given hidden layer).


When it comes to computer vision tasks, deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) surpass all other algorithms, and this is true in HPE as well.

在计算机视觉任务方面,深度卷积神经网络 (CNN) 超越了所有其他算法,在 HPE 中也是如此。

CNN has the ability to extract patterns and representations from the given input image with more precision and accuracy than any other algorithm; this makes CNN very useful for tasks such as classification, detection, and segmentation.


Unlike the classical approach, where the features were handcrafted; CNN can learn complex features when provided with enough training-validation-testing data.


Toshev et al in 2014 initially used the CNN to estimate human pose, switching from the classical-based approach to the deep learning-based approach, and they named it DeepPose: Human Pose Estimation via Deep Neural Networks.

Toshev 等人在 2014 年最初使用 CNN 来估计人类姿势,从基于经典的方法转向基于深度学习的方法,他们将其命名为 DeepPose:通过深度神经网络估计人类姿势

In the paper that they had released, they defined the whole problem as a CNN-based regression problem towards body joints.


The authors also proposed an additional method where they implemented the cascade of such regressors in order to get more precise and consistent results. They argued that the proposed Deep Neural Network can model the given data in a holistic fashion, i.e. the network has the capability to model hidden poses, which was not true for the classical approach.


With strong and promising results shown by DeepPose, the HPE research naturally gravitated towards the deep learning-based approaches.


Human Pose Estimation using Deep Neural Networks


One of them was to tackle the multi-person pose estimation.


DNNs are very proficient in estimating single human pose but when it comes to estimating multi-human they struggle because:

DNN 在估计单个人类姿态时非常准确,但在估计多人 时,它们会因为:

  1. 一个图片可以包含多个人的不同姿势
  2. 随着人数的增加,之间的相互作用会导致计算复杂性。
  3. 随着计算复杂度的增加,推理时间也会增加。

In order to tackle these problems, the researchers introduced two approaches:


  1. Top-down 自上而下:自顶向下的算法先从图像中检测出所有人,随后利用单人姿态估计的方法对所有人进行姿态估计。自顶向下算法的缺点是算法运行效率随着人数增加而降低,且部分被遮挡的人无法被检测,精度不高。
  2. Bottom-up 自下而上: 自底向上的算法,先检测出所有人的骨点,再将骨点进行连接形成图,最后通过图优化的方法剔除错误的连接,实现多人姿态估计。自底向上算法的优点是运行时间不随人数增加而线性增加,更有利于实时多人姿态估计。

Now, let’s have a look at deep learning models that are used for multi-human pose estimation.



OpenPose was proposed by Zhe Cao et. al. in 2019.

It is a bottom-up approach where the network first detects the body parts or key points in the image, followed by mapping appropriate key points to form pairs.


OpenPose also uses CNN as its main architecture. It consists of a VGG -19 convolutional network that is used to extract patterns and representations from the given input. The output from the VGG-19 goes into two branches of convolutional networks.

OpenPose 也使用CNN作为其主要架构。它由一个 VGG-19 卷积网络组成,用于从给定输入中提取模式和表示。VGG-19 的输出进入卷积网络的两个分支。

The first network predicts a set of the confidence map for each body part while the second branch predicts a Part Affinity Fields (PAFs) which creates a degree of association between parts. It is also useful to prune the weaker links in the bipartite graphs.

第一个网络为每个身体部位预测一组confidence map,而第二个分支预测一个Part Affinity Fields (PAF),会在部件之间创建一定程度的关联。修剪二分图中较弱的链接也很有用。

The image above shows the architecture of OpenPose, which is a multi-stage CNN.


Essentially the predictions from the two branches, along with the features, are concatenated for the next stage to form a human skeleton depending upon the number of humans present in the input. Successive stages of CNNs are used to refine the prediction.

本质上,来自两个分支的预测连同特征一起为下一阶段连接起来,以根据输入中存在的人数形成人体骨架。 CNN 的连续阶段用于优化预测。

The image above describes the overall pipeline of OpenPose.

上图描述了OpenPose的pipeline 。

AlphaPose (RMPE)

Regional Multi-person Pose Estimation (RMPE) or AlphaPose implements a top-down approach to HPE.

The top-down approach to HPE raises a lot of error in localization and inaccuracies during prediction and is, therefore, quite challenging.

区域多人姿势估计 (RMPE) 或 AlphaPose 对HPE使用了自上而下的方法。 HPE 的自上而下方法在定位和预测过程中会产生大量误差和不准确性,因此极具挑战性。

For instance, the image above shows two bounding boxes, the red box represents ground truth while the yellow box represents the predicted bounding box.

例如,上图显示了两个边界框,红色框表示 ground truth,而黄色框表示预测边界框。

Although, when it comes to classification, the yellow bounding box will be considered as a “correct” bounding box to classify a human. However, the human pose can not be estimated even with the “correct” bounding box.


The authors of AlphaPose tackled this issue of imperfect human detection with a two-step framework. In this framework, they introduced two networks:


  1. Symmetric Spatial Transformer Network (SSTN)对称空间转换器网络 : 它有助于裁剪输入中的适当区域,从而简化分类任务,进而提高性能。
  2. Single Person Pose Estimator (SPPE)单人姿势估算器:用于提取和估计人类姿势。

The objective of AlphaPose is to extract a high-quality single-person region from an inaccurate bounding box by attaching SSTN to the SPPE. This method increases classification performances by tackling invariance while providing a stable framework to estimate human pose.

AlphaPose 的目标是通过将 SSTN 附加到 SPPE 从不准确的边界框中提取高质量的单人区域。这种方法通过解决不变性来提高分类性能,同时提供一个稳定的框架来估计人类的姿势。


DeepCut was proposed by Leonid Pishchulin et. al. in 2016 with the objective of jointly solving the tasks of detection and pose estimation simultaneously.

DeepCut 是由 Leonid Pishchulin 等人2016年提出的目标,是共同解决检测和姿态估计任务。

It is a bottom-up approach to estimate human pose.


The idea was to detect all possible body parts in the given image, then label them such as a head, hands, legs, etc., followed by the process of separating the body parts belonging to each person.


The network uses Integral Linear Programming (ILP) modeling to implicitly group all the detected key points in the given input such that the resulting output resembles a skeleton representation of the human.


Mask R-CNN

Mask R-CNN is a very popular algorithm for instance segmentation.

Mask R-CNN是一种非常流行的实例分割算法。

The model has the capability to simultaneously localize and classify objects by creating a bounding box around the object and also by creating a segmentation mask.


The basic architecture can be easily extended for Human Pose Estimation tasks.


Fast R-CNN uses CNN to extract features and representation from the given input.

Fast R-CNN使用CNN从给定输入中提取特征和表示。

The extracted features are then used to propose where the object might be present through a Region Proposal Network (RPN).

然后,提取的特征用于通过区域建议网络 (RPN) 建议对象可能存在的位置。

Since the bounding box can be of various sizes like in the image above, a layer called RoIAlign is used to normalize the extracted features so that they are all of the uniform sizes.

由于边界框可以具有各种大小,如上图所示,因此使用名为 RoIAlign 的图层对提取的特征进行归一化,使它们都具有统一大小。

The extracted features are passed into the parallel branches of the network to refine the proposed region of interest (RoI) to generate bounding boxes and the segmentation masks.


When it comes to human pose estimation, the mask segmentation output yielded by the network can be used to detect humans in the given input. Because mask segmentation is very precise in object detection, in this case—human detection, the human pose can be estimated quite easily.

在人体姿势估计方面,网络产生的掩码分割输出可用于检测给定输入中的人类。由于掩模分割在物体检测中非常精确,在这种情况下 - 人类检测,可以很容易地估计人体姿势。

This method resembles the top-down approach, where the person detection stage is performed in parallel to the part detection stage.


In other words, the keypoint detection stage and person detection stage are independent of each other.


7 Human Pose Estimation applications

Human pose estimation has a variety of real-life applications so let’s have a look now at some of the most common HPE use cases.


AI-powered personal trainers

Maintaining physical well-being has become an integral part of our life these days and having a good trainer can help reach our desired fitness level.


It’s no surprise that the market has become saturated with apps that harness the power of AI to help people work out better.


For instance, Zenia is an AI-powered yoga app that uses HPE to guide you towards achieving a proper posture during your yoga workouts. It uses the camera to detect your pose and estimates how accurate your pose is—if it is correct, then the predicted pose will be represented in green, just like in the image above. If the pose isn’t correct, the red color will replace the green one.

例如,Zenia 是一款由 AI 驱动的瑜伽应用进程,它使用 HPE 指导您在瑜伽锻炼期间保持正确的姿势。它使用摄像头来检测您的姿势并估计您的姿势的准确性 - 如果正确,则预测的姿势将以绿色表示,就像上图一样。如果姿势不正确,红色将取代绿色。

Apart from yoga, HPE has also found application in other forms of exercise.


For example, it is now commonly used in weight lifting, where it can guide app users to perform a proper weight-lift by searching for common mistakes and providing insights on how to fix them to prevent injuries.



Robotics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of development.


While programming a robot to follow a procedure can be tedious and time-consuming, deep learning approaches can come to the rescue.


Techniques such as reinforcement learning use a simulated environment to achieve the accuracy level required to perform a certain task and can be successfully used to train a robot.


Motion capture and augmented reality

Another interesting application of HPE can be CGI.


The entertainment sector, specifically, the cinema business, spends tons of cash to create computer-generated graphics for special effects, mysterious creatures, out-of-the-world sceneries, and a lot more.


CGI is expensive because it requires a lot of effort—like wearing special suits and masks to capture the motions, creating superficial effects in the estimated pose, processing power, and also large time investments on top of that.


HPE can automatically extract key points from 2d input and create 3d rendering of the same, which can then be used to add effects, animations, and whatnot.

HPE可以自动从 2D 输入中提取关键点并创建其 3D 渲染,然后可用于添加效果、动画等。

Athlete pose detection

These days, almost all sports rely heavily on data analysis.

Pose detection can help players to improve their technique and achieve better results. Apart from that, pose detection can be used to analyze and learn about the strength and weaknesses of the opponent, which is invaluable for professional athletes and their trainers.

如今,几乎所有的运动都严重依赖数据分析。 姿势检测可以帮助玩家提高技术并取得更好的效果。除此之外,姿势检测可用于分析和了解对手的强弱,这对专业运动员及其教练来说是无价的。

Motion tracking for gaming

Another interesting application of pose estimation comes down to in-game applications, where players can make use of the motion capturing capabilities of HPE to inject poses into the gaming environment. The goal is to create an interactive gaming experience.


For example, Microsoft’s Kinect uses 3D pose estimation (using IR sensor data) to track the motion of the players and to use it to render the actions of the characters virtually into the gaming environment.


Infant Motion Analysis

HPE can also be used for the analysis of infant motion. This is very helpful for analyzing the behavior of the baby as it grows, especially in assessing the course of its physical development.

HPE 还可用于分析婴儿运动。这对于分析婴儿在成长过程中的行为非常有帮助,尤其是在评估其身体发育过程中。

In some situations, infants are born with serious health issues related to muscles, joints, and nervous system, some of which are caused by cerebral palsy, movement disorders, or traumatic injuries.


Motion analysis can help identify which muscles or joints are not working properly. Pose estimation can pick out subtle anomalies in the movement of the infant, which the doctors can analyze and come up with a suitable treatment. HPE can also be used as a recommendation tool to improve physical abilities so that the child can have the greatest level of independence.

运动分析可以帮助识别哪些肌肉或关节无法正常工作。姿势估计可以挑选出婴儿运动中的细微异常,医生可以分析并提出合适的治疗方法。HPE 还可以用作提高身体能力的推荐工具,使孩子能够拥有最大程度的独立性。

Evaluation metrics for Human Pose Estimation model

Deep learning algorithms need proper evaluation metrics to learn the distribution well during the training and also to perform well during the inference. Evaluation metrics depend upon the tasks at hand.


In this section, we will briefly discuss the four evaluation metrics required for HPE.


Percentage of Correct Parts (PCP)

PCP is used to measure the correct detection of limbs. If the distance between the two predicted joint locations and the true limb joint locations is almost less than half of the limb length then the limb is considered detected. However, sometimes it penalizes shorter limbs, for example, a lower arm.


Percentage of Detected Joints (PDJ)

In order to fix the issue raised by PCP, a new metric was proposed. It measures the distance between the predicted and the true joint within a certain fraction of the torso diameter and it is called the percentage of detected joints (PDJ).

为了解决PCP提出的问题,提出了一个新的指标。 它测量躯干直径一定比例内的预测关节和真实关节之间的距离,称为检测到的关节百分比 (PDJ)。

PDJ helps to achieve localization precision, which alleviates the drawback of PCP since the detection criteria for all joints are based on the same distance threshold.

PDJ 有助于实现定位精度,这减轻了PCP的缺点,因为所有关节的检测标准都基于相同的距离阈值。

Percentage of Correct Key-points (PCK)

PCK is used as an accuracy metric that measures if the predicted keypoint and the true joint are within a certain distance threshold. The PCK is usually set with respect to the scale of the subject, which is enclosed within the bounding box.

PCK 用作精度指标,用于测量预测的关键点和真实关节是否在某个距离阈值内。PCK 通常相对于主体的比例进行设置,该比例包含在边界框中。

The threshold can either be:

  • PCKh@0.5 是当阈值 = 头骨链接的 50% 时
  • PCK@0.2 是预测关节和真实关节之间的距离 < 0.2 * 躯干直径
  • 有时以 150 毫米作为阈值。
  • 它减轻了较短的肢体问题,因为较短的肢体具有较小的躯干和头骨链接。
  • PCK 用于 2D 和 3D (PCK3D)

Object Keypoint Similarity (OKS) based mAP

OKS is commonly used in the COCO keypoint challenge as an evaluation metric. It is defined as:

OKS 在 COCO 关键点挑战中通常用作评估指标。它被定义为:


  • di 是ground truth 和预测关键点之间的欧氏距离
  • s is the square root of the object segment area s 是对象段区域的平方根
  • k is the per-keypoint constant that controls fall off. k 是控件衰减的每个关键点常量。
  • vi is considered to be a visibility flag that can be 0, 1 or 2 for not labeled, labeled but not visible and visible and labeled respectively. vi 被认为是一个可见性标志,可以是 0、1 或 2,分别表示未标记、标记但不可见和可见和标记。

Because OKS is used to calculate the distance (0-1), it shows how close a predicted keypoint is to the true keypoint. 由于 OKS 用于计算距离 (0-1),因此它显示了预测的关键点与真实关键点的接近程度。

Top 10 Research Papers on Human Pose Estimation

Here are some of the most prominent research papers regarding various HPE approaches.


  1. DeepPose: Human Pose Estimation via Deep Neural Networks


  1. Convolutional Pose Machines


  1. RMPE: Regional Multi-Person Pose Estimation


  1. Efficient Object Localization Using Convolutional Networks


  1. DeepCut: Joint Subset Partition and Labeling for Multi-Person Pose Estimation


  1. Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking


  1. OpenPose: Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields


  1. Human Pose Estimation for Real-World Crowded Scenarios


  1. DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation In The Wild


  1. PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model




Human Pose Estimation in a Nutshell

Human Pose Estimation (HPE) is a way of extracting the pose of the human(s), usually in a form of a skeleton, from a given input: an image or a video.

人体姿势估计 (HPE) 是一种从给定输入(图像或视频)中提取人体姿势的方法,通常以骨骼的形式。

It’s a fascinating and a rapidly growing field of research that finds applications in a variety of industries. Some of the most common use cases for HPE include sports coaching, computer games, healthcare, and more.





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Python解题 - CSDN周赛第18期 - 又见背包

卧床一周&#xff0c;一觉醒来&#xff0c;恍如隔世&#xff0c;做什么事都提不起兴趣&#xff0c;也不知道这算不算后遗症。 本期的题目还是比较简单的&#xff0c;也有几道做过的题。最后一道照搬过来的背包题也是比较经典的01背包了&#xff0c;整体感觉没有什么值得说的&am…

linux常用命令(四)- 文件备份解压缩

查看压缩文件信息 - zipinfo zipinfo命令用于列出压缩文件信息。 语法 zipinfo [-12hsvz][压缩文件]-1 只列出文件名称。-2 此参数的效果和指定"-1"参数类似&#xff0c;但可搭配"-h",“-t"和”-z"参数使用。-h 只列出压缩文件的文件名称。-s…

c++11 标准模板(STL)(std::deque)(四)

定义于头文件 <deque> std::deque 元素访问 访问指定的元素&#xff0c;同时进行越界检查 std::deque<T,Allocator>::at reference at( size_type pos ); const_reference at( size_type pos ) const; 返回位于指定位置 pos 的元素的引用&#xff0c;有边…


出处&#xff1a; https://www.928wang.cn/archives/1763.html https://blog.itwk.cc/post/pve_install_openwrt.html 工具准备 WinSCP或者XFTPOpenWrt镜像(自行寻找)安装好PVE的主机一台 安装教程 镜像上传 将下载好的OpenWrt img镜像上传到 PVE主机中(这里使用XFTP工具) 选…


SQL分类 DDL(Data Definition Language)数据定义语言 用来定义数据库对象&#xff1a;数据库&#xff0c;表&#xff0c;列等。关键字&#xff1a;create, drop,alter 等 DML(Data Manipulation Language)数据操作语言 用来对数据库中表的数据进行增删改。关键字&#xff1a;i…

vue-element-表格 Excel 【导入】功能 (2023元旦快乐~~~)

一、页面表格导入功能 我们借鉴vue-element-admin文件来学习表格导入功能,如果你有vue-element-admin的完整文件&#xff0c;可以去这里找 or 用我这里的代码 1. 整体复制到你要用到的页面 <template><div class"app-container"><upload-excel-com…

unreal engine 纹理动态运动的实现

先用ps涉及一张图,发光的地方为白色 下图实际上边缘是相连的白色 split_line.jpgue新建材质 基础色vector3 随便选择一个偏灰的颜色 自发光 TextureCoordirate ->Panner->图片rgb->*发光常量 * 20自发光 预览效果 通过修改纹理协调器的V垂直平铺控制条纹数量 image.pn…


Configuration组成 Mapper映射器 3个部分组成&#xff1a; MappedStatement 保存一个节点(select | insert | update | delete) &#xff0c;包括我们配置的sql&#xff0c;&#xff0c;sql的id&#xff0c;&#xff0c;缓存信息&#xff0c;&#xff0c;resultMap,parameterT…


在很多情况下&#xff0c;你的数据库不支持事务&#xff0c;分布式部署也使得你无法去使用JVM锁&#xff0c;那么这种时候&#xff0c;你可以考虑用分布式锁 文章目录分布式锁1. 实现方式2. 特征3. 操作4. 代码改造5. 测试优化1. 递归改成循环2. 防止死锁3. 防误删4. LUA脚本 保…

Arduino code for RS-365PW 16120

Pictures These pictures are from Baidu Search. Picture 1: Installment Picture 2: Appearance Picture 3: Encoder of Motor Picture 4: Pins location and number Physical Specification Brand: Mabuchi Motor (万宝至电机)Type: RS-365PW 16120 Body length&#xff1…