This is a bit complex, and I greatly appreciate any help! I am trying to randomly sample rows from a .csv file. Essentially, I want a resulting file of unique locations (Locations are specified by Easting and Northing columns of the data file, below). I want to randomly pull 1 location per 12 hour period per SessionDate in this file (12 hour periods divided into: between 0631 and 1829 hours and between 1830 and 0630 hours; Given as Start: and End: in Data File, below); BUT if any 2 locations are within 6 hours of each other (based on their Start: time), for that location to be tossed, and a new location to be randomly drawn, and for this sampling to continue until no new locations are drawn (i.e., sampling WITHOUT replacement). I have been trying to do this with python, but my experience is very limited. I tried first putting each row into a dictionary, and recently each row into a list, as follows:
import random
import csv
f = open('file.csv', "U")
list = []
for line in f:
I'm unsure where to go from here - how to sample from these lists the way I need to, then write them to an output file with my'unique' locations.
Here is the top few lines of my data file:
SessionDate Start: End: Easting Northing
27-04-07 18:00 21:45 174739 9785206
28-04-07 18:00 21:30 171984 9784738
28-04-07 18:00 21:30 171984 9784738
28-04-07 18:00 21:30 171984 9784738
28-04-07 18:00 21:30 171984 9784738
It gets a bit complicated as some of the observations span midnight, so they may be on different dates, but can be within 6 hours of each other (which is why I have this criterion), for example:
SessionDate Start: End: Easting Northing
27-04-07 22:30 23:25 171984 9784738
28-04-07 0:25 1:30 174739 9785206
| A | B | C | D |
1 | =file("D:\\source.txt").import@t(SessionDate: date:"dd-MM-yy",Start:time:"HH:mm",End:time:"HH:mm",Easting,Northing).derive(datetime(SessionDate,Start):DateStart) | |||
2 | for A1.group(Easting,Northing) | =null | =A2.sort(DateStart).group@o(between(Start,time("6:30","HH:mm"):time("18:30","HH:mm"))) | |
3 | for C2 | =if(B2,B3.select(interval@s(B3.DateStart,DateStart)>60*60*6),B3) | ||
4 | if C3!=[] | =@|(B2=C3(rand(C3.len())+1)) | ||
5 | =file("D:\\result.txt").export@t(D4) |