Leetcode—187.重复的DNA序列 实现代码
class Solution {
public:const int L 10;vector<string> findRepeatedDnaSequences(string s) {unordered_map<string, int> str;vector<string> ans;int len s.size()…
A 找到冠军 I 枚举求强于其他所有队的队 class Solution {
public:int findChampion(vector<vector<int>> &grid) {int n grid.size();int res 0;for (int i 0; i < n; i) {int t 0;for (int j 0; j < n; j)if (j ! i)t grid[i][j];if (t n - 1) …
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c - Difference between r and w in fopen() - Stack Overflow;
需要注意里面的a和 a, 区别在于 a 不可以读而 a可以读. c - Difference between r and w in fopen() - Stack Overflow; ModeReadWriteCreate New Fil…