01 题目
02 代码说明
findgen(3, 4, start=2): 定义3列4行的索引数组(先列后行),第一个数组元素值默认为0,这里start为2,故从2开始;
b = 3s:定义整型变量,s可不写;
c = [3]:定义仅有一个元素的数组,该元素值为3;
d = [9, 3, 1]:定义含多个元素的数组;
string(a[3, 4], format='(f5.2)'):格式化输出,输出的变量转为浮点型,总宽度为5(小数点也算一个宽度),小数位宽度为2.string(a[3, 4], format='%.2f'):格式化输出,或许已经发现了,前面的format实际上是fortran语言的格式化输出样式,但是我不太了解该语言所以用不顺手,我更倾向于C语言的格式化的输出(Yeah,IDL支持C语言和Fortran两种的语言的格式化输出<绝大部分一致>)。这里的含义与上一致,具体百度C语言格式化输出即可;
a = [[3, 9, 10], [2, 7, 5], [4, 1, 6]]: 这是自定义一个二维数组,注意,数组的定义均是使用中括号[],高维亦是如此;
dims = size(arr, /dimensions):获取数组arr的维度信息(以数组形式返回);
gt, ge, lt, le, ne, eq:这些很简单,就是大于(greater than, gt),大于等于(greater than or equal, ge),小于(less than,lt),小于等于(less than or equal, le),等于(equal,eq)。比较运算符。
+,-,*,/,^, mod:^是次方数,例如2的8次方就是2 ^ 8,mod是取余运算,例如9 mod 2 等于1.
write_tiff,'D:\Objects\JuniorFallTerm\IDLProgram\Project\ExperimentsMe\Week1\Data\temp.tif', img, /float:第一个参数传入路径名称(\和/都行,但是后面的HDF读取内部数据集的路径只允许/因此建议都用/会更好)。第二个参数传入需要写入的数组。另外如果不传入参数/float那么write_tiff函数默认以整型写入(尽管数组的数据类型为浮点型)。
; @Author: ChaoQiezi
; @Email: chaoqiezi.one@qq.com
; @Time: 2023-09-11
; This script is used to basic practice
; This function is used to print array
function printArray, arr, prefix=prefix, format=format
dims = size(arr, /dimensions)
if n_elements(prefix) then print, prefix
if ~n_elements(format) then format='%.2f'
for row = 0, dims[1] - 1 do begin
arr_row = arr[*, row]
formatted_row = strcompress(string(arr_row, format=format))
output = ' '
for col = 0, dims[0] - 1 do begin
output += formatted_row[col]
if col ne dims[0] - 1 then output += ', '
print, output
pro basic_pracitce
; question-1
a = findgen(4, 6) ; define the index array(float)
b = 3s ; define the int var
c = [3] ; define the array
d = [9, 3, 1]
print, 'the value for col 3 and row 4 is: ' + string(a[3, 4], format='%.2f')
print, 'the value with index 15: ' + string(a[15], format='%.2f')
printArray, a + b, PREFIX='a plus b is equal to: '
print, 'a[1, 1] plus b is equal to: ' + string(a[1, 1] + b, format='%.2f')
print, 'a plus b is equal to: ', a + c & help, a + c
print, 'a plus c is equal to: ', a + d & help, a + d
; question2
a = [[3, 9, 10], [2, 7, 5], [4, 1, 6]]
b = [[7, 10, 2], [5, 8, 9], [3, 1, 6]]
printArray, a + b, prefix='a plus b is equal: '
printArray, a * b, prefix='a times b is equal to: '
; question3
a = [[0, 5, 3], [4, 0, 2], [0, 7, 8]]
b = [[0, 0, 1], [9, 7, 4], [1, 0, 2]]
printArray, (a gt 3) * a, prefix='keep the result greater than 3 in a, and set all the rest to 0: '
printArray, (b le 4) * b + (b gt 4) * 9, prefix='keep the result less than or equal to 3 in ' + $
'a, and set all the rest to 9: ', format='%i'
printArray, (a + b) / 2.0, prefix='calculate the mean of a and b: '
printArray, ((a ne 0) and (b ne 0)) * ((a + b) / 2.0)+ (a eq 0) * b + (b eq 0) * a, $
prefix='calculate the mean of a and b, and 0 values are not included in the calculation: '
print, (a + b) / float((a ne 0) + (b ne 0)) ; equal above and simple
; question4
img = findgen(1024, 1024)
; image(img, /order)
write_tiff, 'D:\Objects\JuniorFallTerm\IDLProgram\Project\ExperimentsMe\Week1\Data\temp.tif', img, /float
03 其它
pro printArray, arr, prefix=prefix, format=format
dims = size(arr, /dimensions)
if n_elements(prefix) then print, prefix
if ~n_elements(format) then format='%.2f'
for row = 0, dims[1] - 1 do begin
arr_row = arr[*, row]
formatted_row = strcompress(string(arr_row, format=format))
output = ' '
for col = 0, dims[0] - 1 do begin
output += formatted_row[col]
if col ne dims[0] - 1 then output += ', '
print, output
另外,ENVI IDL支持python代码的运行,例如:
04 Python代码实现
# @Author : ChaoQiezi
# @Time : 2023-09-12 23:20
# @Email : chaoqiezi.one@qq.com
This script is used to learn basic grammar of python.
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
# 第一问
def question1():
a = np.arange(24, dtype=np.float32).reshape(6, 4)
b = 3
c = np.array([3])
d = np.array([9, 3, 1])
print(a[4, 3]) # 取第3列第4行的数值
print(a.flatten()[15]) # 取第15个索引的数值
print(a + b)
print(a[1, 1] + b) # 8.0
print(a + c) # 与IDL结果不一致, 这是因为c是一维数组, 会自动广播
# print(a + d) # 直接报错, 维度不一致
# 第二问
def question2():
a = np.array([[3, 9, 10], [2, 7, 5], [4, 1, 6]])
b = np.array([[7, 10, 2], [5, 8, 9], [3, 1, 6]])
print(a + b)
print(a * b)
# 第三问
def question3():
a = np.array([[0, 5, 3], [4, 0, 2], [0, 7, 8]])
b = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [9, 7, 4], [1, 0, 2]])
# 取a大于3的结果,其余为0
print((a > 3) * a) # or this
print(np.where(a > 3, a, 0))
# 取b中小于等于4的结果,其余为9
print((a <= 4) * a + (a > 4) * 9)
print(np.where(a <= 4, a, 9))
# 计算A和B的均值
print((a + b) / 2)
print(np.mean(a + b)) # or this
# 计算A和B的均值, 0不纳入计算
print((a + b) / ((a > 0) + (b > 0)))
def write_tiff(out_path: str, data: np.ndarray):
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
out_ds = driver.Create(out_path, data.shape[1], data.shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32) # col, row
del out_ds
def question4():
a = np.arange(1024*1024, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1024, 1024)
write_tiff(r'D:\Objects\JuniorFallTerm\IDLProgram\Project\PyExperiments\Experiments\week1\temp.tiff', a)
if __name__ == '__main__':