if( column_a != column_b, 1, 0),万万没想到就是这样的sql语句差点要了我的命。
其实对一般的数据,这条校验语句是没有问题的,最后再筛选一下=1的值,就可以把不一样的数据给筛出来了,但是,但是,但是,在遇到null值的时候出现问题了,在我的常识的理解中,或者在我对其他编程语言的理解中,if(null != “xxxx”, 1, 0) 应该是返回1的,但是sql中就是这么奇怪。
This is by design. NULL is not equal (or unequal) to anything.
You can’t use the not equal to operator to compare against NULL. Actually, this may depend on your DBMS and its configuration.
In SQL null is not equal (=) to anything—not even to another null. According to the three-valued logic of SQL, the result of null = null is not true but unknown. SQL has the is [not] null predicate to test if a particular value is null.
这个操作符好像是一种解决方法,对于非null值,其表现和=是一样的,对于null值,null <=> null返回True, 如果只有一个只为null就返回False。
Returns same result with EQUAL(=) operator for non-null operands, but returns TRUE if both are NULL, FALSE if one of the them is NULL. (As of version 0.9.0.)