npm i vuetrend -S
import Vue from "vue"
import Trend from "vuetrend"
:data="[0, 2, 5, 9, 5, 10, 3, 5, 0, 0, 1, 8, 2, 9, 0]"
:gradient="['#6fa8dc', '#42b983', '#2c3e50']"
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
data | Number|Object | undefined | The data accepted by Vue Trend is incredibly simple: An array of y-axis values to graph. | [120, 149, 193.4, 200, 92] or [{ value: 4 }, { value: 6 }, { value: 8 }] |
gradient | String | ['#000'] | Colour can be specified as any SVG-supported format (named, rgb, hex, etc). | ['#0FF', '#F0F', '#FF0'] |
gradientDirection | String | top | Top, Bottom, Left or Right. | |
width | Number | auto | Set an explicit width for your SVG. | - |
height | Number | auto | Set an explicit height for your SVG. | - |
padding | Number | 8 | If you set a very large strokeWidth on your line, you may notice that it gets "cropped" towards the edges. | - |
smooth | Boolean | false | Smooth allows the peaks to be 'rounded' out so that the line has no jagged edges. | - |
radius | Number | 10 | When using smoothing, you may wish to control the amount of curve around each point. This prop has no effect if smooth isn't set to true . | - |
autoDraw | Boolean | false | Allow the line to draw itself on mount. Set to true to enable, and customize using autoDrawDuration and autoDrawEasing . | - |
autoDrawDuration | Number | 2000 | The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the autoDraw animation should span. This prop has no effect if autoDraw isn't set to true . | - |
autoDrawEasing | String | ease | The easing function to use for the autoDraw animation. Accepts any transition timing function within the CSS spec (eg. linear , ease , ease-in , cubic-bezier ...). | - |
max | Number | -Infinity | Specify max value | - |
min | Number | Infinity | Specify min value, This is useful if you have multiple lines. See #8 | - |
组件来自于:GitHub - QingWei-Li/vue-trend: 🌈 Simple, elegant spark lines for Vue.js