甲基化系列 4. 基于芯片甲基化数据寻找简单的CpG甲基化标志物 (CimpleG)

news2024/10/6 8:37:42




甲基化系列 1. 甲基化之前世今生(Methylation)

甲基化系列 2. 甲基化芯片数据介绍与下载(GEO)

甲基化系列 3. 甲基化芯片数据分析完整版(ChAMP)



DNA 甲基化特征通常是基于多元的方法,需要数以百计的预测网站。在这里,我们提出了一个计算框架 CimpleG 用于检测 CpG 甲基化特征,用于细胞类型分类功能和反卷积。CimpleG 既具有时间效率,又具有执行能力以及表现最好的血细胞和其他细胞类型分类方法而它的预测是基于每种细胞类型的单个 DNA 甲基化位点。总之,CimpleG 为描述提供了一个完整的计算框架 DNA 特征和细胞反褶积。


(A) 对用于特性选择和下游应用程序的 CimpleG 和统计的概述。体细胞(B)或白细胞(C)的DNAm数据集的主成分分析。训练样本(≥10个阳性样本)和测试数据的粗体突出显示的细胞类型被用作目标类。测试数据中不存在的细胞类型仅用作阴性示例(非靶细胞)。



# Install directly from github:

# Alternatively, downloading from our release page and installing it from a local source:
#  - ie navigating through your system
install.packages(file.choose(), repos = NULL, type = "source")
#  - ie given a path to a local source
install.packages("~/Downloads/CimpleG_0.0.5.XXXX.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
# or



##            cg10456121 cg01954746 cg07580588 cg11857210 cg02674789
## GSM2759107  0.5357843  0.9270407  0.9571794  0.9016588  0.9556690
## GSM2759108  0.5516279  0.9351165  0.9500683  0.8665362  0.9421682
## GSM2759109  0.5154959  0.9054998  0.9538037  0.9327675  0.8824507
## GSM2759110  0.5887189  0.9108159  0.9551378  0.9156878  0.9249404
## GSM2759111  0.4917143  0.9397178  0.9519388  0.8655511  0.8840323
##          gsm         cell_type adipocytes astrocytes blood_cells
## 1 GSM2759107 endothelial_cells          0          0           0
## 2 GSM2759108 endothelial_cells          0          0           0
## 3 GSM2759109 endothelial_cells          0          0           0
## 4 GSM2759110 endothelial_cells          0          0           0
## 5 GSM2759111 endothelial_cells          0          0           0
## 6 GSM2759112 endothelial_cells          0          0           0
##   endothelial_cells epidermal_cells epithelial_cells fibroblasts glia
## 1                 1               0                0           0    0
## 2                 1               0                0           0    0
## 3                 1               0                0           0    0
## 4                 1               0                0           0    0
## 5                 1               0                0           0    0
## 6                 1               0                0           0    0
##   hepatocytes ips_cells msc muscle_cells neurons muscle_sc group_data
## 1           0         0   0            0       0         0      train
## 2           0         0   0            0       0         0      train
## 3           0         0   0            0       0         0      train
## 4           0         0   0            0       0         0      train
## 5           0         0   0            0       0         0      train
## 6           0         0   0            0       0         0      train
##         description
##  [1] "gsm"               "cell_type"         "adipocytes"       
##  [4] "astrocytes"        "blood_cells"       "endothelial_cells"
##  [7] "epidermal_cells"   "epithelial_cells"  "fibroblasts"      
## [10] "glia"              "hepatocytes"       "ips_cells"        
## [13] "msc"               "muscle_cells"      "neurons"          
## [16] "muscle_sc"         "group_data"        "description"
##            cg10456121 cg01954746 cg07580588 cg11857210 cg02674789
## GSM1289142 0.06305196  0.8088967  0.7291303  0.8387920  0.7728405
## GSM1289143 0.09940250  0.8411065  0.7906977  0.8273305  0.7540370
## GSM1289146 0.10658357  0.8103309  0.7638934  0.8142458  0.7384098
## GSM1289144 0.24916585  0.8149448  0.8164471  0.8223350  0.7968497
## GSM1289145 0.11871330  0.8754153  0.8049503  0.7617512  0.7903106

# check the train_targets table to see
# what other columns can be used as targets
# colnames(train_targets)


CimpleG试图找到对给定的训练数据集的细胞类型进行最佳分类的CpG, 还能够在几个简单的步骤中执行细胞型反褶积,可以使用beta值或M值。这里我们展示了生成signature就非常容易了。

运行 CimpleG


# mini example with just 4 target signatures
cimpleg_result <- CimpleG(
  train_data = train_data,
  train_targets = train_targets,
  test_data = test_data,
  test_targets = test_targets,
  method = "CimpleG",
  target_columns = c(
## Training for target 'neurons' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 1.63 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'glia' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.5 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'blood_cells' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.37 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'fibroblasts' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.36 sec elapsed

## $neurons
## $neurons$train_res
## $neurons$train_res$fold_id
## # A tibble: 4,090 × 3
##      Row Data     Fold  
##    <int> <chr>    <chr> 
##  1     1 Analysis Fold02
##  2     1 Analysis Fold03
##  3     1 Analysis Fold04
##  4     1 Analysis Fold05
##  5     1 Analysis Fold06
##  6     1 Analysis Fold07
##  7     1 Analysis Fold08
##  8     1 Analysis Fold09
##  9     1 Analysis Fold10
## 10     2 Analysis Fold01
## # ℹ 4,080 more rows
## $neurons$train_res$train_summary
##             id     stat_origin mean_aupr mean_var_a fold_presence
##  1: cg02124957      train_aupr 1.0000000 0.03121190            10
##  2: cg02124957 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.03121190            10
##  3: cg13700051      train_aupr 1.0000000 0.03278101            10
##  4: cg13700051 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.03278101            10
##  5: cg14356362      train_aupr 0.9787985 0.02450627            10
##  6: cg14356362 validation_aupr 0.9791667 0.02450627            10
##  7: cg21637776      train_aupr 0.9663700 0.04718167             8
##  8: cg21637776 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.04718167             8
##  9: cg24548498      train_aupr 1.0000000 0.02497980            10
## 10: cg24548498 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.02497980            10
## $neurons$train_res$dt_dmsv
##            id diff_means sum_variance pred_type
## 1: cg02124957 -0.5272931  0.008677887     FALSE
## 2: cg13700051 -0.5790852  0.010987231     FALSE
## 3: cg14356362 -0.6419124  0.010098182     FALSE
## 4: cg21637776 -0.3788893  0.006784796     FALSE
## 5: cg24548498  0.5781948  0.008344877      TRUE
## $neurons$train_res$train_results
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg24548498            10  0.5781948  0.008344877      TRUE 0.02497980
## 2: cg14356362            10 -0.6419124  0.010098182     FALSE 0.02450627
## 3: cg02124957            10 -0.5272931  0.008677887     FALSE 0.03121190
## 4: cg13700051            10 -0.5790852  0.010987231     FALSE 0.03278101
## 5: cg21637776             8 -0.3788893  0.006784796     FALSE 0.04718167
##    train_aupr validation_aupr   cpg_score train_rank
## 1:  1.0000000       1.0000000 0.001998384          1
## 2:  0.9787985       0.9791667 0.002380850          2
## 3:  1.0000000       1.0000000 0.002496952          3
## 4:  1.0000000       1.0000000 0.002622481          4
## 5:  0.9663700       1.0000000 0.005138542          5
## $neurons$test_perf
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg24548498            10  0.5781948  0.008344877      TRUE 0.02497980
## 2: cg14356362            10 -0.6419124  0.010098182     FALSE 0.02450627
## 3: cg02124957            10 -0.5272931  0.008677887     FALSE 0.03121190
## 4: cg13700051            10 -0.5790852  0.010987231     FALSE 0.03278101
## 5: cg21637776             8 -0.3788893  0.006784796     FALSE 0.04718167
##    train_mean_aupr validation_mean_aupr   cpg_score train_rank test_aupr
## 1:       1.0000000            1.0000000 0.001998384          1 0.9215653
## 2:       0.9787985            0.9791667 0.002380850          2 1.0000000
## 3:       1.0000000            1.0000000 0.002496952          3 0.8796205
## 4:       1.0000000            1.0000000 0.002622481          4 0.4853427
## 5:       0.9663700            1.0000000 0.005138542          5 0.6187609
## $neurons$elapsed_time
## Time difference of 1.687599 secs
## $glia
## $glia$train_res
## $glia$train_res$fold_id
## # A tibble: 4,090 × 3
##      Row Data     Fold  
##    <int> <chr>    <chr> 
##  1     1 Analysis Fold01
##  2     1 Analysis Fold02
##  3     1 Analysis Fold03
##  4     1 Analysis Fold05
##  5     1 Analysis Fold06
##  6     1 Analysis Fold07
##  7     1 Analysis Fold08
##  8     1 Analysis Fold09
##  9     1 Analysis Fold10
## 10     2 Analysis Fold01
## # ℹ 4,080 more rows
## $glia$train_res$train_summary
##             id     stat_origin mean_aupr mean_var_a fold_presence
##  1: cg02011981      train_aupr 1.0000000 0.03369357            10
##  2: cg02011981 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.03369357            10
##  3: cg07644184      train_aupr 0.5982708 0.03479852            10
##  4: cg07644184 validation_aupr 0.7750000 0.03479852            10
##  5: cg11150667      train_aupr 0.7621032 0.04904385            10
##  6: cg11150667 validation_aupr 0.9250000 0.04904385            10
##  7: cg14501977      train_aupr 1.0000000 0.01745930            10
##  8: cg14501977 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.01745930            10
##  9: cg25737283      train_aupr 0.9556481 0.04227059            10
## 10: cg25737283 validation_aupr 1.0000000 0.04227059            10
## $glia$train_res$dt_dmsv
##            id diff_means sum_variance pred_type
## 1: cg02011981 -0.5970260  0.012028332     FALSE
## 2: cg07644184 -0.4876997  0.008267879     FALSE
## 3: cg11150667 -0.2643837  0.003424957     FALSE
## 4: cg14501977 -0.6653107  0.007728417     FALSE
## 5: cg25737283 -0.4803594  0.009757117     FALSE
## $glia$train_res$train_results
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg14501977            10 -0.6653107  0.007728417     FALSE 0.01745930
## 2: cg02011981            10 -0.5970260  0.012028332     FALSE 0.03369357
## 3: cg25737283            10 -0.4803594  0.009757117     FALSE 0.04227059
## 4: cg11150667            10 -0.2643837  0.003424957     FALSE 0.04904385
## 5: cg07644184            10 -0.4876997  0.008267879     FALSE 0.03479852
##    train_aupr validation_aupr   cpg_score train_rank
## 1:  1.0000000           1.000 0.001396744          1
## 2:  1.0000000           1.000 0.002695486          2
## 3:  0.9556481           1.000 0.003825165          3
## 4:  0.7621032           0.925 0.007052477          4
## 5:  0.5982708           0.775 0.009051174          5
## $glia$test_perf
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg14501977            10 -0.6653107  0.007728417     FALSE 0.01745930
## 2: cg02011981            10 -0.5970260  0.012028332     FALSE 0.03369357
## 3: cg25737283            10 -0.4803594  0.009757117     FALSE 0.04227059
## 4: cg11150667            10 -0.2643837  0.003424957     FALSE 0.04904385
## 5: cg07644184            10 -0.4876997  0.008267879     FALSE 0.03479852
##    train_mean_aupr validation_mean_aupr   cpg_score train_rank test_aupr
## 1:       1.0000000                1.000 0.001396744          1 0.9808673
## 2:       1.0000000                1.000 0.002695486          2 0.8743197
## 3:       0.9556481                1.000 0.003825165          3 1.0000000
## 4:       0.7621032                0.925 0.007052477          4 1.0000000
## 5:       0.5982708                0.775 0.009051174          5 0.6837868
## $glia$elapsed_time
## Time difference of 0.5351162 secs
## $blood_cells
## $blood_cells$train_res
## $blood_cells$train_res$fold_id
## # A tibble: 4,090 × 3
##      Row Data     Fold  
##    <int> <chr>    <chr> 
##  1     1 Analysis Fold01
##  2     1 Analysis Fold02
##  3     1 Analysis Fold03
##  4     1 Analysis Fold04
##  5     1 Analysis Fold05
##  6     1 Analysis Fold06
##  7     1 Analysis Fold08
##  8     1 Analysis Fold09
##  9     1 Analysis Fold10
## 10     2 Analysis Fold01
## # ℹ 4,080 more rows
## $blood_cells$train_res$train_summary
##             id     stat_origin mean_aupr mean_var_a fold_presence
##  1: cg02522196      train_aupr 0.9989550 0.05494539            10
##  2: cg02522196 validation_aupr 0.9994294 0.05494539            10
##  3: cg04785083      train_aupr 0.9996123 0.02253060            10
##  4: cg04785083 validation_aupr 0.9993818 0.02253060            10
##  5: cg05051606      train_aupr 0.9705120 0.07597889            10
##  6: cg05051606 validation_aupr 0.9819607 0.07597889            10
##  7: cg14286208      train_aupr 0.9985731 0.06884537            10
##  8: cg14286208 validation_aupr 0.9979712 0.06884537            10
##  9: cg18993949      train_aupr 0.9982355 0.07246407            10
## 10: cg18993949 validation_aupr 0.9983854 0.07246407            10
## $blood_cells$train_res$dt_dmsv
##            id diff_means sum_variance pred_type
## 1: cg02522196 -0.7380026   0.02991550     FALSE
## 2: cg04785083 -0.8168825   0.01502010     FALSE
## 3: cg05051606  0.6092552   0.02819070      TRUE
## 4: cg14286208  0.6353021   0.02777695      TRUE
## 5: cg18993949  0.4876390   0.01722916      TRUE
## $blood_cells$train_res$train_results
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg04785083            10 -0.8168825   0.01502010     FALSE 0.02253060
## 2: cg02522196            10 -0.7380026   0.02991550     FALSE 0.05494539
## 3: cg14286208            10  0.6353021   0.02777695      TRUE 0.06884537
## 4: cg18993949            10  0.4876390   0.01722916      TRUE 0.07246407
## 5: cg05051606            10  0.6092552   0.02819070      TRUE 0.07597889
##    train_aupr validation_aupr   cpg_score train_rank
## 1:  0.9996123       0.9993818 0.001812508          1
## 2:  0.9989550       0.9994294 0.004411787          2
## 3:  0.9985731       0.9979712 0.005542186          3
## 4:  0.9982355       0.9983854 0.005830916          4
## 5:  0.9705120       0.9819607 0.006553584          5
## $blood_cells$test_perf
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg04785083            10 -0.8168825   0.01502010     FALSE 0.02253060
## 2: cg02522196            10 -0.7380026   0.02991550     FALSE 0.05494539
## 3: cg14286208            10  0.6353021   0.02777695      TRUE 0.06884537
## 4: cg18993949            10  0.4876390   0.01722916      TRUE 0.07246407
## 5: cg05051606            10  0.6092552   0.02819070      TRUE 0.07597889
##    train_mean_aupr validation_mean_aupr   cpg_score train_rank test_aupr
## 1:       0.9996123            0.9993818 0.001812508          1 0.9839162
## 2:       0.9989550            0.9994294 0.004411787          2 0.9596942
## 3:       0.9985731            0.9979712 0.005542186          3 0.7353430
## 4:       0.9982355            0.9983854 0.005830916          4 0.7801676
## 5:       0.9705120            0.9819607 0.006553584          5 0.8978199
## $blood_cells$elapsed_time
## Time difference of 0.412195 secs
## $fibroblasts
## $fibroblasts$train_res
## $fibroblasts$train_res$fold_id
## # A tibble: 4,090 × 3
##      Row Data     Fold  
##    <int> <chr>    <chr> 
##  1     1 Analysis Fold01
##  2     1 Analysis Fold02
##  3     1 Analysis Fold04
##  4     1 Analysis Fold05
##  5     1 Analysis Fold06
##  6     1 Analysis Fold07
##  7     1 Analysis Fold08
##  8     1 Analysis Fold09
##  9     1 Analysis Fold10
## 10     2 Analysis Fold01
## # ℹ 4,080 more rows
## $fibroblasts$train_res$train_summary
##             id     stat_origin mean_aupr mean_var_a fold_presence
##  1: cg02837162      train_aupr 0.6718360  0.3429565             5
##  2: cg02837162 validation_aupr 0.6244753  0.3429565             5
##  3: cg02907837      train_aupr 0.6822593  0.2570682            10
##  4: cg02907837 validation_aupr 0.7013197  0.2570682            10
##  5: cg03369247      train_aupr 0.8324525  0.2781751            10
##  6: cg03369247 validation_aupr 0.8561180  0.2781751            10
##  7: cg03509193      train_aupr 0.6585173  0.3324427             9
##  8: cg03509193 validation_aupr 0.7008693  0.3324427             9
##  9: cg26165286      train_aupr 0.6508256  0.3180929             6
## 10: cg26165286 validation_aupr 0.6143620  0.3180929             6
## $fibroblasts$train_res$dt_dmsv
##            id diff_means sum_variance pred_type
## 1: cg02837162 -0.3433228   0.04093078     FALSE
## 2: cg02907837 -0.4095691   0.04309653     FALSE
## 3: cg03369247 -0.5998845   0.10002811     FALSE
## 4: cg03509193 -0.3343467   0.03717846     FALSE
## 5: cg26165286 -0.5503741   0.10177788     FALSE
## $fibroblasts$train_res$train_results
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg03369247            10 -0.5998845   0.10002811     FALSE  0.2781751
## 2: cg02907837            10 -0.4095691   0.04309653     FALSE  0.2570682
## 3: cg03509193             9 -0.3343467   0.03717846     FALSE  0.3324427
## 4: cg26165286             6 -0.5503741   0.10177788     FALSE  0.3180929
## 5: cg02837162             5 -0.3433228   0.04093078     FALSE  0.3429565
##    train_aupr validation_aupr  cpg_score train_rank
## 1:  0.8324525       0.8561180 0.02536830          1
## 2:  0.6822593       0.7013197 0.02672967          2
## 3:  0.6585173       0.7008693 0.03666839          3
## 4:  0.6508256       0.6143620 0.05465925          4
## 5:  0.6718360       0.6244753 0.06894682          5
## $fibroblasts$test_perf
##            id fold_presence diff_means sum_variance pred_type mean_var_a
## 1: cg03369247            10 -0.5998845   0.10002811     FALSE  0.2781751
## 2: cg02907837            10 -0.4095691   0.04309653     FALSE  0.2570682
## 3: cg03509193             9 -0.3343467   0.03717846     FALSE  0.3324427
## 4: cg26165286             6 -0.5503741   0.10177788     FALSE  0.3180929
## 5: cg02837162             5 -0.3433228   0.04093078     FALSE  0.3429565
##    train_mean_aupr validation_mean_aupr  cpg_score train_rank test_aupr
## 1:       0.8324525            0.8561180 0.02536830          1 0.7548379
## 2:       0.6822593            0.7013197 0.02672967          2 0.7377733
## 3:       0.6585173            0.7008693 0.03666839          3 0.6241444
## 4:       0.6508256            0.6143620 0.05465925          4 0.9547866
## 5:       0.6718360            0.6244753 0.06894682          5 0.4816497
## $fibroblasts$elapsed_time
## Time difference of 0.4029391 secs
# adjust target names to match signature names

绘制 CimpleG CpG signature

# check generated signatures
plt <- signature_plot(
  sample_id_column = "gsm",
  true_label_column = "cell_type"




plt <- diffmeans_sumvariance_plot(
  data = train_data,
  target_vector = train_targets$neurons == 1



df_dmeansvar <- compute_diffmeans_sumvar(
  data = train_data,
  target_vector = train_targets$neurons == 1

parab_param <- .7

df_dmeansvar$is_selected <- select_features(
  x = df_dmeansvar$diff_means,
  y = df_dmeansvar$sum_variance,
  a = parab_param

plt <- diffmeans_sumvariance_plot(
  data = df_dmeansvar,
  label_var1 = "Neurons",
  color_all_points = "purple",
  threshold_func = function(x, a) (a * x) ^ 2,
  is_feature_selected_col = "is_selected",
  func_factor = parab_param



plt <- diffmeans_sumvariance_plot(
  data = df_dmeansvar,
  feats_to_highlight = cimpleg_result$signatures




deconv_result <- run_deconvolution(
  cpg_obj = cimpleg_result,
  new_data = test_data

plt <- deconvolution_barplot(
  deconvoluted_data = deconv_result,
  meta_data = test_targets,
  sample_id = "gsm",
  true_label = "cell_type"




cimpleg_hyper <- CimpleG(
  train_data = train_data,
  train_targets = train_targets,
  test_data = test_data,
  test_targets = test_targets,
  method = "CimpleG",
  pred_type = "hyper",
  target_columns = c(
## Training for target 'neurons' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.48 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'glia' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.28 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'blood_cells' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.33 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'fibroblasts' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.28 sec elapsed

deconv_hyper <- run_deconvolution(
  cpg_obj = cimpleg_hyper,
  new_data = test_data

cimpleg_3sigs <- CimpleG(
  train_data = train_data,
  train_targets = train_targets,
  test_data = test_data,
  test_targets = test_targets,
  method = "CimpleG",
  n_sigs = 3,
  target_columns = c(
## Training for target 'neurons' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.38 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'glia' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.36 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'blood_cells' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.37 sec elapsed
## Training for target 'fibroblasts' with 'CimpleG' has finished.: 0.5 sec elapsed

deconv_3sigs <- run_deconvolution(
  cpg_obj = cimpleg_3sigs,
  new_data = test_data


deconv_3sigs$prop_3sigs <- deconv_3sigs$proportion
deconv_hyper$prop_hyper <- deconv_hyper$proportion
deconv_result$prop_cimpleg <- deconv_result$proportion

dummy_deconvolution_data <-
  deconv_result |> 
  dplyr::mutate(true_vals = proportion + runif(nrow(deconv_result), min=-0.1,max=0.1)) |>
  dplyr::select(cell_type,sample_id,prop_cimpleg,true_vals) |>
  dplyr::left_join(deconv_hyper |> dplyr::select(-proportion), by=c("sample_id","cell_type")) |>
  dplyr::left_join(deconv_3sigs |> dplyr::select(-proportion), by=c("sample_id","cell_type")) |>
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, function(x){ifelse(x<0,0,x)}) |>
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, function(x){ifelse(x>1,1,x)}) |> 


## 程序包'broom'打开成功,MD5和检查也通过
## 下载的二进制程序包在
## 	C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpOonYSV\downloaded_packages里
scatter_plts <- CimpleG:::deconv_pred_obs_plot(
  deconv_df = dummy_deconvolution_data,
  true_values_col = "true_vals",
  predicted_cols = c("prop_cimpleg","prop_hyper","prop_3sigs"),
  sample_id_col = "sample_id",
  group_col= "cell_type"
scatter_panel <- scatter_plts |> patchwork::wrap_plots(ncol=1)




rank_plts <- CimpleG:::deconv_ranking_plot(
  deconv_df = dummy_deconvolution_data,
  true_values_col = "true_vals",
  predicted_cols = c("prop_cimpleg","prop_hyper","prop_3sigs"),
  sample_id_col = "sample_id",
  group_col= "cell_type",
  metrics = "rmse"
rank_panel <- list(rank_plts$perf_boxplt[[1]],rank_plts$nemenyi_plt[[1]]) |> patchwork::wrap_plots()




  1. Maié T, Schmidt M, Erz M, Wagner W, G Costa I. CimpleG: finding simple CpG methylation signatures. Genome Biol. 2023 Jul 10;24(1):161. doi: 10.1186/s13059-023-03000-0. PMID: 37430364; PMCID: PMC10332104.












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