文章目录 The End of File重定向 redirection输入重定向输出重定向组合重定向 A file is an area of memory in which information is stored. Normally, a file is kept in some sort of permanent memory, such as a hard disk, USB flash drive, or optical disc, such as a…
验证码的历史与发展 验证码,全称为 “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”,即全自动区分计算机和人类的图灵测试,Captcha。早在上个世纪 90 年代,为了防止恶意的网络机器人行为&#x…
1 基本画法
N 1000
x np.random.randn(N)
y np.random.randn(N)
plt.hist2d(x, y) 2 修改bin的…