tinkerCAD案例:22. Backpack Zipper Pull 背包拉链头

news2025/3/12 23:28:33

tinkerCAD案例:21. Custom Stamp 定制印章


tinkerCAD案例:22. Backpack Zipper Pull 背包拉链头

Lesson Overview: 课程概述:

Now we’re going to make a zipper pull!

Your backpack, however, goes with you everywhere! And how do you close your backpack? Probably zippers!

We’ll get you started on a basic zipper pull, but where you go with it is up to you!


The first function of a zipper pull is to make a comfortable grip for our fingers. We’re going to create a texture that adds traction to the pull, and to easily and quickly do that, we’re going to make a pattern.

First, we’ll create the object to pattern.

Instructions 指示


  1. Drag a sphere from the geometric shapes menu onto the workplane.

  2. Resize the sphere so it is 3 mm wide, 20 mm deep and 7 mm tall.
    调整球体大小,使其宽 3 毫米、深 20 毫米、高 7 毫米。

  3. Continue to the next step.

  4. This step will duplicate the sphere to make the rest of the grip.

    Tinkercad has a Smart Duplicate function that will watch how you are changing your duplicate and then it will repeat that change every time you make a new duplicate. This helps make patterns easy!

    Instructions 指示



  1. Select the sphere, and then, from the Edit menu, click Duplicate to make an exact copy.

  2. Using the arrow keys, nudge the copy 2 mm to the right.
    使用箭头键,将副本向右轻推 2 毫米。

  3. Duplicate this object 7 more times. You’ll notice that Duplicate is now nudging your duplicates for you!
    再复制此对象 7 次。您会注意到重复项现在正在为您轻推您的重复项!

  4. Group your spheres so they are easier to work with.

  5. Continue to the next step.

  6. This object would not print easily on a 3-D printer since it has a round bottom. Your 3D printer really wants a nice flat surface on the first layer to anchor your part as it prints.

    So, let’s make the bottom flat!

    Instructions 指示



  1. Drag out a box to the workplane and resize it so that it is 1 mm tall, 20 mm deep and 20 mm wide.
    将一个框拖到工作平面上并调整其大小,使其高 1 毫米、深 20 毫米、宽 20 毫米。

  2. Turn the box into a hole by clicking the hole button on the inspector.

  3. Slide the spheres on top of the new flat box.

  4. Select everything and click the group button. The box will cut off the bottom of the spheres to make them flat.

  5. Continue to the next step.

  6. This step will create an attachment loop for connecting your zipper to the zipper pull.

    Instructions 指示



  1. Drag a light blue curved roof to the work area.

  2. Rotate it so one of the two flat ends is facing down, then lift it one mm off of the workplane (1mm along the Z axis)
    旋转它,使两个平端中的一个朝下,然后将其抬离工作平面一毫米(沿 Z 轴 1 毫米)

  3. Resize the object so it is 12mm along the Y axis, 20mm along the X axis and 4mm along the Z axis.
    调整对象大小,使其沿 Y 轴为 12mm,沿 X 轴为 20mm,沿 Z 轴为 4mm。

  4. Select the blue spheres and the roof object and center these two objects along the Y and Z axes. Make sure about 5mm of the roof extends past our patterned grip.
    选择蓝色球体和屋顶对象,并沿 Y 轴和 Z 轴将这两个对象居中。确保屋顶的大约 5 毫米延伸到我们的图案手柄。

  5. Select all the items by pressing Command-A on a Mac or Control-A on a Windows machine and then click group in the upper right corner.
    通过在 Mac 上按 Command-A 或在 Windows 计算机上按 Control-A 来选择所有项目,然后单击右上角的组。

  6. Continue to the next step.

  7. This last step cuts a hole in the top of the zipper pull so you can thread a key-ring or a wire through it.

    Instructions 指示



  1. Drag a cylinder to the workplane and resize it to 5 mm tall, and 3 mm in diameter. Turn it into a hole.
    将圆柱体拖动到工作平面上,并将其调整为 5 毫米高、3 毫米直径。把它变成一个洞。

  2. Move it to the center of the round roof.

Build a Spork for Outer Space 为外太空建造叉

Lesson Overview: 课程概述:

Now we’re going to make a spork!

Who decided a fork was a good idea?

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I use one everyday, and you probably do, too.

But not everyone does, and forks have only been in common use through out Europe and the Americas for about 200 years! And forks from thousands of years ago look nothing like the tools of today.
但并不是每个人都这样做,叉子在欧洲和美洲只普遍使用了大约 200 年!几千年前的叉子看起来完全不像今天的工具。

Then we have a relatively new invention, the Spork! Half spoon, half fork! Whoa!

A small change, an appreciable difference.

What change comes next? What would we be designing, today, if the fork wasn’t in wide use? Are we missing the next best thing?

Only one way to find out, design a better utensil!

Instructions 指示



  1. Continue to the next step.

  2. Let’s think about the basic function of a spoon. A spoon is a mouth-sized bowl for moving a small volume liquid food.

    So we need to make a mouth sized bowl. That tells me we want a round shape that is no larger than about 40mm wide (I cheated, I measured an existing spoon, please don’t tell anyone!)
    所以我们需要做一个嘴巴大小的碗。这告诉我我们想要一个不超过 40 毫米宽的圆形(我作弊了,我测量了一个现有的勺子,请不要告诉任何人!

    Let’s make that shape, now.

    Instructions 指示



  1. Drag out a sphere to the workplane and make it 100mm long, 40mm wide, and 20mm tall.
     将球体拖到工作平面上,使其长 100 毫米、宽 40 毫米、高 20 毫米。


  2. Continue to the next step.
  1. Now, a bowl isn’t a full sphere, it’s a hemi-sphere (half a sphere).

    The top part of our spork needs to be flat, so we need to remove the top of our squished oval so that we have a flat surface.

    Why didn’t we start with a hemi-sphere? Because, by trimming a sphere, we can choose where we want the bowl to begin or end. We might need this adjustability when we test our spork!

    Instructions 指示



    1. Drag out a box to the workplane and make it 110mm long, 40mm wide, and 20mm tall.
      将一个盒子拖到工作平面上,使其长 110 毫米、宽 40 毫米、高 20 毫米。

    2. Use the Z Axis translation arrow to pull the box 10mm off of the workplane.
      使用 Z 轴平移箭头将盒子从工作平面上拉出 10 毫米。

    3. Turn the box in to a hole and then use the Align tool to center the box over the oval along the X and Y axis
      将框转为孔,然后使用“对齐”工具沿 X 轴和 Y 轴将框在椭圆上居中

    4. Select both of the objects and group them.

    5. Continue to the next step.

  2. Now, we need to make a hollow for our food.

    We may think of a spoon as a thin piece of metal in a bowl shape, but when we’re designing one, we need to build it out of positive and negative spaces.

    So the bowl is a spherical hollow that intersects with a solid hemi-sphere. I

    t’s a novel thing to think of the world in this way, which is why we’re taking the care to share this with you.

    Instructions 指示


    1. Copy and paste our object to the side of the original so we can work on it.

    2. Drag out a box to the Workplane and make it 50mm long, 50mm wide, and 20mm tall.
      将一个框拖到工作平面上,使其长 50 毫米、宽 50 毫米、高 20 毫米。

    3. Align the box so that it is centered on our copied shape on the Y and Z axes but so it shares the lower limit on the X axis.
      对齐框,使其在 Y 轴和 Z 轴上以我们复制的形状为中心,但使其在 X 轴上共享下限。

    4. Turn the box into a hole and group it with our copied shape.

    5. Select this new shape and drag its Z translation handle up 5mm.
      选择此新形状并将其 Z 平移手柄向上拖动 5 毫米。

    6. Use the Align tool to center this new shape to our original hemi-sphere along the Y and Z axes, and align them to the upper limit along the X axis,
      使用对齐工具沿 Y 轴和 Z 轴将此新形状居中到原始半球体,并沿 X 轴将它们与上限对齐,

    7. Turn the bowl shape into a hole and group it with the hemi-sphere.

    8. Continue to the next step

  3. Good job making the spoon! We’re taking design of this tool one step at a time. Isn’t it fun watching it take shape?

    Now it’s time to shape the fork. What are some characteristics of a fork?

    Well, a fork is a set of sharp, narrow tines, generally uniform in length.

    An oval, however, is not conducive to making tines of uniform length. Let’s fix that.

    Instructions 指示



  1. Drag a wedge shape to the workplane.


  2. Rotate the wedge around it's Z axis 90° (clock wise) so that it points in the positive direction along the X Axis.
     将楔块绕其 Z 轴旋转 90°(顺时针),使其沿 X 轴指向正方向。


  3. Make the wedge 34mm long (along the X axis), 30mm wide (Y axis), and 20mm tall (Z axis).
     使楔块长 34 毫米(沿 X 轴),宽 30 毫米(Y 轴),高 20 毫米(Z 轴)。


  4. Move the wedge so that it fits within the hint.


  5. This shape and its position are arbitrary, meaning there are plenty of opportunities to tune these values.


  6. Turn this wedge into a hole and group it with your spoon.


  7. Continue to the next step.
  1. Now we have a spoon on one side and the uniform length of a fork on the other. Ready to cut the tines?

    Like we used a negative space to define the bowl of the spoon, we’re going to use negative spaces to define the shape of the tines.

    Instructions 指示



  1. Drag out a green roof to the workplane.


  2. Rotate the roof 90° about its Z axis, and then again 90° about its Y axis so that it points in the positive direction along the X axis.
     将屋顶绕其 Z 轴旋转 90°,然后绕其 Y 轴旋转 90°,使其沿 X 轴指向正方向。


  3. Resize the roof so that it is 40mm long (along the X axis) and 3mm wide (along the Y axis).
     调整屋顶大小,使其长 40 毫米(沿 X 轴)和宽 3 毫米(沿 Y 轴)。


  4. Align the roof to the center of the Spork along the Y axis and the bottom limit of the Z axis. The alignment along the X axis is, again, arbitrary. Adjust the length and position of these roofs as an experiment!
     沿 Y 轴和 Z 轴的下限将屋顶与 Spork 的中心对齐。沿 X 轴的对齐再次是任意的。调整这些屋顶的长度和位置作为实验!


  5. Duplicate the green roof twice and move the Duplicates 7mm along the Y Axis, one in the the positive direction and one in the negative direction.
     复制绿色屋顶两次,然后沿 Y 轴移动复制 7 毫米,一个在正方向,一个在负方向。


  6. Select your three roof objects, turn them into a group and turn this group into a hole.


  7. Now group the tines with the rest of the spork, and we're done!


  8. Continue to the next step.
  1. Now here’s where designs become a challenge. Not all designs are easy to manufacture. 3D printing can produce things other tools can, but there are still limits.

    For example, 3D printers can’t print on top of empty space. These features, called overhangs, will cause the 3D printer to dispense material into thin air.

    To accomplish prints with overhangs, 3D printers use “support scaffolding” or printed temporary supports to hold up the part. This material can be removed but may require some “Finishing Work” such as sanding.

    It’s best to minimize this finishing work.

    To minimize this work, we’ll rotate our final design around its Y axis.
    为了尽量减少这项工作,我们将围绕其 Y 轴旋转最终设计。

    The least amount of finishing work will be required if we rotate it 90° so that its tines are pointing down.
    如果我们将其旋转 90°,使其尖齿朝下,则需要最少的精加工工作。

    However, rotating it 180° about the Y axis may be a more stable way to print.
    但是,绕 Y 轴旋转 180° 可能是一种更稳定的打印方式。

    Experiment with both! 两者兼而有之!

    Instructions 指示


    1. Drag out a green roof to the workplane.

    2. Rotate the roof 90° about its Z axis, and then again 90° about its Y axis so that it points in the positive direction along the X axis.
      将屋顶绕其 Z 轴旋转 90°,然后绕其 Y 轴旋转 90°,使其沿 X 轴指向正方向。

    3. Resize the roof so that it is 40mm long (along the X axis) and 3mm wide (along the Y axis).
      调整屋顶大小,使其长 40 毫米(沿 X 轴)和宽 3 毫米(沿 Y 轴)。

    4. Align the roof to the center of the Spork along the Y axis and the bottom limit of the Z axis. The alignment along the X axis is, again, arbitrary. Adjust the length and position of these roofs as an experiment!
      沿 Y 轴和 Z 轴的下限将屋顶与 Spork 的中心对齐。沿 X 轴的对齐再次是任意的。调整这些屋顶的长度和位置作为实验!

    5. Duplicate the green roof twice and move the Duplicates 7mm along the Y Axis, one in the the positive direction and one in the negative direction.
      复制绿色屋顶两次,然后沿 Y 轴移动复制 7 毫米,一个在正方向,一个在负方向。

    6. Select your three roof objects, turn them into a group and turn this group into a hole.

    7. Now group the tines with the rest of the spork, and we’re done!





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