
news2024/9/20 16:44:36


  • 前言
  • 一、parametersUpdate
  • 二、imuPoll
  • 三、 put
  • 四、 confidence
  • 五、 get_best


PX4 1.13.2




void VotedSensorsUpdate::parametersUpdate()
	_parameter_update = true;


	// run through all IMUs
	for (uint8_t uorb_index = 0; uorb_index < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT; uorb_index++) {
		uORB::SubscriptionData<vehicle_imu_s> imu{ORB_ID(vehicle_imu), uorb_index};

		if (imu.advertised() && (imu.get().timestamp != 0)
		    && (imu.get().accel_device_id != 0) && (imu.get().gyro_device_id != 0)) {

			// find corresponding configured accel priority
			int8_t accel_cal_index = calibration::FindCurrentCalibrationIndex("ACC", imu.get().accel_device_id);

			if (accel_cal_index >= 0) {
				// found matching CAL_ACCx_PRIO
				int32_t accel_priority_old = _accel.priority_configured[uorb_index];

				_accel.priority_configured[uorb_index] = calibration::GetCalibrationParamInt32("ACC", "PRIO", accel_cal_index);

				if (accel_priority_old != _accel.priority_configured[uorb_index]) {
					if (_accel.priority_configured[uorb_index] == 0) {
						// disabled
						_accel.priority[uorb_index] = 0;

					} else {
						// change relative priority to incorporate any sensor faults
						int priority_change = _accel.priority_configured[uorb_index] - accel_priority_old;
						_accel.priority[uorb_index] = math::constrain(_accel.priority[uorb_index] + priority_change, static_cast<int32_t>(1),

			// find corresponding configured gyro priority
			int8_t gyro_cal_index = calibration::FindCurrentCalibrationIndex("GYRO", imu.get().gyro_device_id);

			if (gyro_cal_index >= 0) {
				// found matching CAL_GYROx_PRIO
				int32_t gyro_priority_old = _gyro.priority_configured[uorb_index];

				_gyro.priority_configured[uorb_index] = calibration::GetCalibrationParamInt32("GYRO", "PRIO", gyro_cal_index);

				if (gyro_priority_old != _gyro.priority_configured[uorb_index]) {
					if (_gyro.priority_configured[uorb_index] == 0) {
						// disabled
						_gyro.priority[uorb_index] = 0;

					} else {
						// change relative priority to incorporate any sensor faults
						int priority_change = _gyro.priority_configured[uorb_index] - gyro_priority_old;
						_gyro.priority[uorb_index] = math::constrain(_gyro.priority[uorb_index] + priority_change, static_cast<int32_t>(1),



void VotedSensorsUpdate::imuPoll(struct sensor_combined_s &raw)
	const hrt_abstime time_now_us = hrt_absolute_time();

	for (int uorb_index = 0; uorb_index < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT; uorb_index++) {
		vehicle_imu_s imu_report;

		if ((_accel.priority[uorb_index] > 0) && (_gyro.priority[uorb_index] > 0)
		    && _vehicle_imu_sub[uorb_index].update(&imu_report)) {

			// copy corresponding vehicle_imu_status for accel & gyro error counts
			vehicle_imu_status_s imu_status{};

			_accel_device_id[uorb_index] = imu_report.accel_device_id;
			_gyro_device_id[uorb_index] = imu_report.gyro_device_id;

			// convert the delta velocities to an equivalent acceleration
			const float accel_dt_inv = 1.e6f / (float)imu_report.delta_velocity_dt;
			Vector3f accel_data = Vector3f{imu_report.delta_velocity} * accel_dt_inv;

			// convert the delta angles to an equivalent angular rate
			const float gyro_dt_inv = 1.e6f / (float)imu_report.delta_angle_dt;
			Vector3f gyro_rate = Vector3f{imu_report.delta_angle} * gyro_dt_inv;

			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].timestamp = imu_report.timestamp_sample;
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accelerometer_m_s2[0] = accel_data(0);
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accelerometer_m_s2[1] = accel_data(1);
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accelerometer_m_s2[2] = accel_data(2);
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accelerometer_integral_dt = imu_report.delta_velocity_dt;
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accelerometer_clipping = imu_report.delta_velocity_clipping;
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].gyro_rad[0] = gyro_rate(0);
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].gyro_rad[1] = gyro_rate(1);
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].gyro_rad[2] = gyro_rate(2);
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].gyro_integral_dt = imu_report.delta_angle_dt;
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accel_calibration_count = imu_report.accel_calibration_count;
			_last_sensor_data[uorb_index].gyro_calibration_count = imu_report.gyro_calibration_count;

			_last_accel_timestamp[uorb_index] = imu_report.timestamp_sample;

			_accel.voter.put(uorb_index, imu_report.timestamp, _last_sensor_data[uorb_index].accelerometer_m_s2,
					 imu_status.accel_error_count, _accel.priority[uorb_index]);

			_gyro.voter.put(uorb_index, imu_report.timestamp, _last_sensor_data[uorb_index].gyro_rad,
					imu_status.gyro_error_count, _gyro.priority[uorb_index]);

	// find the best sensor
	int accel_best_index = _accel.last_best_vote;
	int gyro_best_index = _gyro.last_best_vote;

	if (!_parameter_update) {
		// update current accel/gyro selection, skipped on cycles where parameters update
		_accel.voter.get_best(time_now_us, &accel_best_index);
		_gyro.voter.get_best(time_now_us, &gyro_best_index);

		if (!_param_sens_imu_mode.get() && ((_selection.timestamp != 0) || (_sensor_selection_sub.updated()))) {
			// use sensor_selection to find best
			if (_sensor_selection_sub.update(&_selection)) {
				// reset inconsistency checks against primary
				for (int sensor_index = 0; sensor_index < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT; sensor_index++) {

			for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT; i++) {
				if ((_accel_device_id[i] != 0) && (_accel_device_id[i] == _selection.accel_device_id)) {
					accel_best_index = i;

				if ((_gyro_device_id[i] != 0) && (_gyro_device_id[i] == _selection.gyro_device_id)) {
					gyro_best_index = i;

		} else {
			// use sensor voter to find best if SENS_IMU_MODE is enabled or ORB_ID(sensor_selection) has never published
			checkFailover(_accel, "Accel", events::px4::enums::sensor_type_t::accel);
			checkFailover(_gyro, "Gyro", events::px4::enums::sensor_type_t::gyro);

	// write data for the best sensor to output variables
	if ((accel_best_index >= 0) && (accel_best_index < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT) && (_accel_device_id[accel_best_index] != 0)
	    && (gyro_best_index >= 0) && (gyro_best_index < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT) && (_gyro_device_id[gyro_best_index] != 0)) {

		raw.timestamp = _last_sensor_data[gyro_best_index].timestamp;
		memcpy(&raw.accelerometer_m_s2, &_last_sensor_data[accel_best_index].accelerometer_m_s2,
		memcpy(&raw.gyro_rad, &_last_sensor_data[gyro_best_index].gyro_rad, sizeof(raw.gyro_rad));
		raw.accelerometer_integral_dt = _last_sensor_data[accel_best_index].accelerometer_integral_dt;
		raw.gyro_integral_dt = _last_sensor_data[gyro_best_index].gyro_integral_dt;
		raw.accelerometer_clipping = _last_sensor_data[accel_best_index].accelerometer_clipping;
		raw.accel_calibration_count = _last_sensor_data[accel_best_index].accel_calibration_count;
		raw.gyro_calibration_count = _last_sensor_data[gyro_best_index].gyro_calibration_count;

		if ((accel_best_index != _accel.last_best_vote) || (_selection.accel_device_id != _accel_device_id[accel_best_index])) {
			_accel.last_best_vote = (uint8_t)accel_best_index;
			_selection.accel_device_id = _accel_device_id[accel_best_index];
			_selection_changed = true;

		if ((_gyro.last_best_vote != gyro_best_index) || (_selection.gyro_device_id != _gyro_device_id[gyro_best_index])) {
			_gyro.last_best_vote = (uint8_t)gyro_best_index;
			_selection.gyro_device_id = _gyro_device_id[gyro_best_index];
			_selection_changed = true;

			// clear all registered callbacks
			for (auto &sub : _vehicle_imu_sub) {

			for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT; i++) {
				vehicle_imu_s report{};

				if (_vehicle_imu_sub[i].copy(&report)) {
					if ((report.gyro_device_id != 0) && (report.gyro_device_id == _gyro_device_id[gyro_best_index])) {

	// publish sensor selection if changed
	if (_param_sens_imu_mode.get() || (_selection.timestamp == 0)) {
		if (_selection_changed) {
			// don't publish until selected IDs are valid
			if (_selection.accel_device_id > 0 && _selection.gyro_device_id > 0) {
				_selection.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time();
				_selection_changed = false;

			for (int sensor_index = 0; sensor_index < MAX_SENSOR_COUNT; sensor_index++) {

三、 put


void DataValidator::put(uint64_t timestamp, const float val[dimensions], uint32_t error_count_in, uint8_t priority_in)

	if (error_count_in > _error_count) {
		_error_density += (error_count_in - _error_count);

	} else if (_error_density > 0) {

	_error_count = error_count_in;
	_priority = priority_in;

	for (unsigned i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
		if (PX4_ISFINITE(val[i])) {
			if (_time_last == 0) {
				_mean[i] = 0;
				_lp[i] = val[i];
				_M2[i] = 0;

			} else {
				float lp_val = val[i] - _lp[i];

				float delta_val = lp_val - _mean[i];
				_mean[i] += delta_val / _event_count;
				_M2[i] += delta_val * (lp_val - _mean[i]);
				_rms[i] = sqrtf(_M2[i] / (_event_count - 1));

				if (fabsf(_value[i] - val[i]) < 0.000001f) {

				} else {
					_value_equal_count = 0;

			// XXX replace with better filter, make it auto-tune to update rate
			_lp[i] = _lp[i] * 0.99f + 0.01f * val[i];

			_value[i] = val[i];

	_time_last = timestamp;

四、 confidence

ret = 1.0f - (_error_density / ERROR_DENSITY_WINDOW);、

float DataValidator::confidence(uint64_t timestamp)

	float ret = 1.0f;

	/* check if we have any data */
	if (_time_last == 0) {
		_error_mask |= ERROR_FLAG_NO_DATA;
		ret = 0.0f;

	} else if (timestamp > _time_last + _timeout_interval) {
		/* timed out - that's it */
		_error_mask |= ERROR_FLAG_TIMEOUT;
		ret = 0.0f;

	} else if (_value_equal_count > _value_equal_count_threshold) {
		/* we got the exact same sensor value N times in a row */
		_error_mask |= ERROR_FLAG_STALE_DATA;
		ret = 0.0f;

	} else if (_error_count > NORETURN_ERRCOUNT) {
		/* check error count limit */
		_error_mask |= ERROR_FLAG_HIGH_ERRCOUNT;
		ret = 0.0f;

	} else if (_error_density > ERROR_DENSITY_WINDOW) {
		/* cap error density counter at window size */
		_error_density = ERROR_DENSITY_WINDOW;

	/* no critical errors */
	if (ret > 0.0f) {
		/* return local error density for last N measurements */
		ret = 1.0f - (_error_density / ERROR_DENSITY_WINDOW);

		if (ret > 0.0f) {
			_error_mask = ERROR_FLAG_NO_ERROR;

	return ret;

五、 get_best

这个函数就是根据confidence和传感器优先级来确定最优的传感器,判断如下,max_confidence是目前最优传感器的confidence,max_priority是目前最优的传感器的优先级,confidence是当前的传感器的confidence,根据这两个confidence 还有优先级确定当前传感器是否要取代最优传感器。
可以看到,((max_confidence < MIN_REGULAR_CONFIDENCE) && (confidence >=
MIN_REGULAR_CONFIDENCE)) ,这个判断一般是在目前最优传感器失效的情况下才会触发,所以这个判断是没有考虑优先级的,这很好理解,级别你优先级再高,如果你失效了,我只能往低优先级的传感器切换。实际上这个条件一般不会触发,一个稳定的硬件很少会出现传感器损坏的情况。

if ((((max_confidence < MIN_REGULAR_CONFIDENCE) && (confidence >=
(confidence > max_confidence && (next->priority() >= max_priority)) ||
(fabsf(confidence - max_confidence) < 0.01f && (next->priority() > max_priority))) &&
(confidence > 0.0f)) {

float *DataValidatorGroup::get_best(uint64_t timestamp, int *index)

	DataValidator *next = _first;

	// XXX This should eventually also include voting
	int pre_check_best = _curr_best;
	float pre_check_confidence = 1.0f;
	int pre_check_prio = -1;
	float max_confidence = -1.0f;
	int max_priority = -1000;
	int max_index = -1;
	DataValidator *best = nullptr;

	int i = 0;

	while (next != nullptr) {
		float confidence = next->confidence(timestamp);

		if (i == pre_check_best) {
			pre_check_prio = next->priority();
			pre_check_confidence = confidence;

		 * Switch if:
		 * 1) the confidence is higher and priority is equal or higher
		 * 2) the confidence is less than 1% different and the priority is higher
		if ((((max_confidence < MIN_REGULAR_CONFIDENCE) && (confidence >= MIN_REGULAR_CONFIDENCE)) ||
		     (confidence > max_confidence && (next->priority() >= max_priority)) ||
		     (fabsf(confidence - max_confidence) < 0.01f && (next->priority() > max_priority))) &&
		    (confidence > 0.0f)) {
			max_index = i;
			max_confidence = confidence;
			max_priority = next->priority();
			best = next;

		next = next->sibling();

	/* the current best sensor is not matching the previous best sensor,
	 * or the only sensor went bad */
	if (max_index != _curr_best || ((max_confidence < FLT_EPSILON) && (_curr_best >= 0))) {
		bool true_failsafe = true;

		/* check whether the switch was a failsafe or preferring a higher priority sensor */
		if (pre_check_prio != -1 && pre_check_prio < max_priority &&
		    fabsf(pre_check_confidence - max_confidence) < 0.1f) {
			/* this is not a failover */
			true_failsafe = false;

			/* reset error flags, this is likely a hotplug sensor coming online late */
			if (best != nullptr) {

		/* if we're no initialized, initialize the bookkeeping but do not count a failsafe */
		if (_curr_best < 0) {
			_prev_best = max_index;

		} else {
			/* we were initialized before, this is a real failsafe */
			_prev_best = pre_check_best;

			if (true_failsafe) {

				/* if this is the first time, log when we failed */
				if (_first_failover_time == 0) {
					_first_failover_time = timestamp;

		/* for all cases we want to keep a record of the best index */
		_curr_best = max_index;

	*index = max_index;
	return (best) ? best->value() : nullptr;




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