PostgreSQL数据库TPCC测试,Banchmarksql 5.0部署详解

news2025/1/9 3:08:28

1 BenchmarkSQL安装部署

1.1 部署Java环境

首先使用java - version查看是否已有 Java环境(下图是有的情况)


1.1.1 若没有Java环境


1.1.2 若有Java环境

  1. 使用which java查看java安装在了哪里
[root@localhost software]# which java


若一次没找出来,可以用ls -lrt命令顺藤摸瓜

1.2 安装ant工具。

yum -y install ant 


1.3 编辑jdk和ant环境变量

[postgres@localhost /]$ vim ~/.bash_profile


export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.ft
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/module/jdk1.8.0_212
export ANT_HOME=/opt/module/tpcc/apache-ant-1.9.14
export JDK_PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin
export JDK_CLASSPATH=${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib
export PATH=${JDK_PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin:${PATH}


source ~/.bash_profile

1.4 下载benchmarksql 5.0 源码包,解压编译。

  1. 下载地址
  1. 上传解压
[postgres@localhost benchmarksql-5.0]$ su - postgres --我这里使用的是postgres用户,切换到对应的测试用户即可
[postgres@localhost benchmarksql-5.0]$ cd  /opt/module/tpcc
[postgres@localhost benchmarksql-5.0]$ unzip
[postgres@localhost benchmarksql-5.0]$ cd benchmarksql-5.0
[postgres@localhost benchmarksql-5.0]$ ant
Buildfile: /opt/module/tpcc/benchmarksql-5.0/build.xml

    [mkdir] Created dir: /opt/module/tpcc/benchmarksql-5.0/build

    [javac] Compiling 11 source files to /opt/module/tpcc/benchmarksql-5.0/build

    [mkdir] Created dir: /opt/module/tpcc/benchmarksql-5.0/dist
      [jar] Building jar: /opt/module/tpcc/benchmarksql-5.0/dist/BenchmarkSQL-5.0.jar

Total time: 0 seconds


[postgres@localhost tpcc]$ cat benchmarksql-5.0/src/client/ | grep postgres
	else if (iDB.equals("postgres"))

2 测试数据准备及执行

2.1 编辑props_file文件

vim /opt/module/tpcc/benchmarksql-5.0/run/props.pg_cn01
conn=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/benchmarksql  <<<填写需要测试的目标环境 ip、port和database name
user=postgres <<< DB用户名
password=postgres  <<< DB用户密码


//To run specified transactions per terminal- runMins must equal zero
//To run for specified minutes- runTxnsPerTerminal must equal zero
//Number of total transactions per minute

//Set to true to run in 4.x compatible mode. Set to false to use the
//entire configured database evenly.

//The following five values must add up to 100
//The default percentages of 45, 43, 4, 4 & 4 match the TPC-C spec

// Directory name to create for collecting detailed result data.
// Comment this out to suppress.
//osCollectorDevices=net_eth0 blk_sda

2.2 修改表结构和索引


[root@localhost sql.common]$ pwd
[root@localhost sql.common]# ll
total 28
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres  117 May 25  2016 buildFinish.sql
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres 1392 May 25  2016 foreignKeys.sql
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres  960 May 25  2016 indexCreates.sql
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres  620 May 25  2016 indexDrops.sql
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres 3068 May 25  2016 tableCreates.sql
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres  306 May 25  2016 tableDrops.sql
-rw-r--r--. 1 postgres postgres  282 May 25  2016 tableTruncates.sql

2.3 初始化测试数据:

  1. 创建测试库
[root@localhost ~]# su - postgres
Last login: Sat Dec 10 17:51:14 PST 2022 on pts/0
[postgres@localhost ~]$ psql
psql (14.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# create database benchmarksql;

  1. 根据上述props.pg_cn01的配置,建立仓库
[postgres@localhost run]$ ./ props.pg_cn01
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/tableCreates.sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------
create table bmsql_config (
cfg_name    varchar(30) primary key,
cfg_value   varchar(50)
create table bmsql_warehouse (
w_id        integer   not null,
w_ytd       decimal(12,2),
w_tax       decimal(4,4),
w_name      varchar(10),
w_street_1  varchar(20),
w_street_2  varchar(20),
w_city      varchar(20),
w_state     char(2),
w_zip       char(9)
create table bmsql_district (
d_w_id       integer       not null,
d_id         integer       not null,
d_ytd        decimal(12,2),
d_tax        decimal(4,4),
d_next_o_id  integer,
d_name       varchar(10),
d_street_1   varchar(20),
d_street_2   varchar(20),
d_city       varchar(20),
d_state      char(2),
d_zip        char(9)
create table bmsql_customer (
c_w_id         integer        not null,
c_d_id         integer        not null,
c_id           integer        not null,
c_discount     decimal(4,4),
c_credit       char(2),
c_last         varchar(16),
c_first        varchar(16),
c_credit_lim   decimal(12,2),
c_balance      decimal(12,2),
c_ytd_payment  decimal(12,2),
c_payment_cnt  integer,
c_delivery_cnt integer,
c_street_1     varchar(20),
c_street_2     varchar(20),
c_city         varchar(20),
c_state        char(2),
c_zip          char(9),
c_phone        char(16),
c_since        timestamp,
c_middle       char(2),
c_data         varchar(500)
create sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq;
create table bmsql_history (
hist_id  integer,
h_c_id   integer,
h_c_d_id integer,
h_c_w_id integer,
h_d_id   integer,
h_w_id   integer,
h_date   timestamp,
h_amount decimal(6,2),
h_data   varchar(24)
create table bmsql_new_order (
no_w_id  integer   not null,
no_d_id  integer   not null,
no_o_id  integer   not null
create table bmsql_oorder (
o_w_id       integer      not null,
o_d_id       integer      not null,
o_id         integer      not null,
o_c_id       integer,
o_carrier_id integer,
o_ol_cnt     integer,
o_all_local  integer,
o_entry_d    timestamp
create table bmsql_order_line (
ol_w_id         integer   not null,
ol_d_id         integer   not null,
ol_o_id         integer   not null,
ol_number       integer   not null,
ol_i_id         integer   not null,
ol_delivery_d   timestamp,
ol_amount       decimal(6,2),
ol_supply_w_id  integer,
ol_quantity     integer,
ol_dist_info    char(24)
create table bmsql_item (
i_id     integer      not null,
i_name   varchar(24),
i_price  decimal(5,2),
i_data   varchar(50),
i_im_id  integer
create table bmsql_stock (
s_w_id       integer       not null,
s_i_id       integer       not null,
s_quantity   integer,
s_ytd        integer,
s_order_cnt  integer,
s_remote_cnt integer,
s_data       varchar(50),
s_dist_01    char(24),
s_dist_02    char(24),
s_dist_03    char(24),
s_dist_04    char(24),
s_dist_05    char(24),
s_dist_06    char(24),
s_dist_07    char(24),
s_dist_08    char(24),
s_dist_09    char(24),
s_dist_10    char(24)
Starting BenchmarkSQL LoadData

fileLocation (not defined)
csvNullValue (not defined - using default 'NULL')

Worker 000: Loading ITEM
Worker 001: Loading Warehouse      1
Worker 000: Loading ITEM done
Worker 001: Loading Warehouse      1 done
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/indexCreates.sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------
alter table bmsql_warehouse add constraint bmsql_warehouse_pkey
primary key (w_id);
alter table bmsql_district add constraint bmsql_district_pkey
primary key (d_w_id, d_id);
alter table bmsql_customer add constraint bmsql_customer_pkey
primary key (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id);
create index bmsql_customer_idx1
on  bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last, c_first);
alter table bmsql_oorder add constraint bmsql_oorder_pkey
primary key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id);
create unique index bmsql_oorder_idx1
on  bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_carrier_id, o_id);
alter table bmsql_new_order add constraint bmsql_new_order_pkey
primary key (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id);
alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint bmsql_order_line_pkey
primary key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number);
alter table bmsql_stock add constraint bmsql_stock_pkey
primary key (s_w_id, s_i_id);
alter table bmsql_item add constraint bmsql_item_pkey
primary key (i_id);
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading SQL file ./sql.common/foreignKeys.sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------
alter table bmsql_district add constraint d_warehouse_fkey
foreign key (d_w_id)
references bmsql_warehouse (w_id);
alter table bmsql_customer add constraint c_district_fkey
foreign key (c_w_id, c_d_id)
references bmsql_district (d_w_id, d_id);
alter table bmsql_history add constraint h_customer_fkey
foreign key (h_c_w_id, h_c_d_id, h_c_id)
references bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id);
alter table bmsql_history add constraint h_district_fkey
foreign key (h_w_id, h_d_id)
references bmsql_district (d_w_id, d_id);
alter table bmsql_new_order add constraint no_order_fkey
foreign key (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id)
references bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id);
alter table bmsql_oorder add constraint o_customer_fkey
foreign key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id)
references bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id);
alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint ol_order_fkey
foreign key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id)
references bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id);
alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint ol_stock_fkey
foreign key (ol_supply_w_id, ol_i_id)
references bmsql_stock (s_w_id, s_i_id);
alter table bmsql_stock add constraint s_warehouse_fkey
foreign key (s_w_id)
references bmsql_warehouse (w_id);
alter table bmsql_stock add constraint s_item_fkey
foreign key (s_i_id)
references bmsql_item (i_id);
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading SQL file ./sql.postgres/extraHistID.sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----
-- Extra Schema objects/definitions for history.hist_id in PostgreSQL
-- ----
-- ----
--      This is an extra column not present in the TPC-C
--      specs. It is useful for replication systems like
--      Bucardo and Slony-I, which like to have a primary
--      key on a table. It is an auto-increment or serial
--      column type. The definition below is compatible
--      with Oracle 11g, using a sequence and a trigger.
-- ----
-- Adjust the sequence above the current max(hist_id)
select setval('bmsql_hist_id_seq', (select max(hist_id) from bmsql_history));
-- Make nextval(seq) the default value of the hist_id column.
alter table bmsql_history
alter column hist_id set default nextval('bmsql_hist_id_seq');
-- Add a primary key history(hist_id)
alter table bmsql_history add primary key (hist_id);
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading SQL file ./sql.postgres/buildFinish.sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----
-- Extra commands to run after the tables are created, loaded,
-- indexes built and extra's created.
-- PostgreSQL version.
-- ----
vacuum analyze;
  1. 执行benchmark测试
[postgres@localhost run]$ pwd
[postgres@localhost run]$ ./ props.pg_cn01
18:11:00,274 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:00,276 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, +-------------------------------------------------------------+
18:11:00,276 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,      BenchmarkSQL v5.0
18:11:00,276 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, +-------------------------------------------------------------+
18:11:00,276 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,  (c) 2003, Raul Barbosa
18:11:00,276 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,  (c) 2004-2016, Denis Lussier
18:11:00,278 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,  (c) 2016, Jan Wieck
18:11:00,278 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, +-------------------------------------------------------------+
18:11:00,278 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:00,278 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, db=postgres
18:11:00,278 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, driver=org.postgresql.Driver
18:11:00,278 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, conn=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/benchmarksql
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, user=postgres
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, warehouses=1
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, terminals=1
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, runTxnsPerTerminal=10
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, limitTxnsPerMin=300
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, terminalWarehouseFixed=true
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:00,279 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, newOrderWeight=45
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, paymentWeight=43
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, orderStatusWeight=4
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, deliveryWeight=4
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, stockLevelWeight=4
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, resultDirectory=null
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, osCollectorScript=null
18:11:00,280 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:00,354 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, C value for C_LAST during load: 156
18:11:00,354 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, C value for C_LAST this run:    226
18:11:00,354 [main] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00,                                            Te18:11:02,377 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, nt tpmTOTAL: 84    Memory Usage: 7MB / 2918:11:02,377 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, 
18:11:02,377 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmC (NewOrders) = 89.68
18:11:02,378 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Measured tpmTOTAL = 328.84
18:11:02,378 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Session Start     = 2022-12-10 18:11:00
18:11:02,378 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Session End       = 2022-12-10 18:11:02
18:11:02,378 [Thread-0] INFO   jTPCC : Term-00, Transaction Count = 10





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有人调侃我们说&#xff1a; 程序员不如送外卖。送外卖是搬运食物&#xff0c;自己是搬运代码&#xff0c;都不产出新的东西……透支体力&#xff0c;又消耗健康&#xff0c;可替代性极强&#xff0c;30岁之后就要面临被优化的危险……想跳槽&#xff0c;但是更高的平台难进&a…

R 两组样本t检验 wilcoxon检验、卡方、fisher精确检验

一般统计方法R实现 文章目录一、读入数据二、连续性变量1.正态性和方差齐性检验2.描述统计量3.独立样本t检验和wilcoxon秩和检验三、四格表卡方或fisher精确检验&#xff08;OR【95%CI】&#xff09;1.计算各组频数和相对频率2.整理数据进行检验总结一、读入数据 library(read…