ICASSP 2023说话人识别方向论文合集(一)

news2024/10/7 16:23:46

ICASSP (International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing) 即国际声学、语音与信号处理会议,是IEEE主办的全世界最大、最全面的信号处理及其应用方面的顶级会议,在国际上享有盛誉并具有广泛的学术影响力。

今年入选 ICASSP 2023 的论文中,说话人识别(声纹识别)方向约有64篇,初步划分为Speaker Verification(31篇)、Speaker Recognition(9篇)、Speaker Diarization(17篇)、Anti-Spoofing(4篇)、others(3篇)五种类型。


本文是 ICASSP 2023说话人识别方向论文合集系列第一期,整理了Speaker Verification(前15篇)部分的论文简述,论文来自国内研究团队——清华大学、武汉大学、上海交通大学、香港中文大学、香港理工大学、西北工业大学、天津大学、山东大学、腾讯、美团、OPPO,以及微软等美国、加拿大、法国、日本、韩国、新加坡的国外研究团队。

01 Speaker verification

1.Adaptive Large Margin Fine-Tuning For Robust Speaker Verification


作者:Leying Zhang, Zhengyang Chen, Yanmin Qian

单位:MoE Key Lab of Artificial Intelligence, AI Institute

X-LANCE Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China



Large margin fine-tuning (LMFT) is an effective strategy to improve the speaker verification system’s performance and is widely used in speaker verification challenge systems. Because the large margin in the loss function could make the training task too difficult, people usually use longer training segments to alleviate this problem in LMFT. However, the LMFT model could have a duration mismatch with the real scenario verification, where the verification speech may be very short. In our experiments, we also find that LMFT fails in short duration and other verification scenarios. To solve this problem, we propose the duration-based and similarity-based adaptive large margin fine-tuning (ALMFT) strategy. To verify its effectiveness, we constructed fixed, variable length, and asymmetric verification trials based on VoxCeleb1. Experimental results demonstrate that ALMFT algorithms are very effective and robust, which not only achieve comparable improvement with LMFT in official VoxCeleb evaluation trials but also overcome performance degradation problems in short-duration and asymmetric scenarios respectively.

2.Backdoor Attack Against Automatic Speaker Verification Models in Federated Learning


作者:Dan Meng1, Xue Wang2,Jun Wang1

单位:1 OPPO Research Institure;2 Wuhan University



Speaker verification has been widely and successfully adopted in many mission-critical fields for user identification. Similar to other classical machine learning tasks, the training performance of speaker verification relies heavily on the number and diversity of data. Therefore third-party data (e.g. data from public dataset benchmarks, the Internet or other cooperating companies) need to be included during the training process. This raises two major questions: How to use multiparty data while ensuring data security and privacy? Whether adopting entrusted third-party data can threaten the security of the speaker verification model? In this paper, we first demonstrate that federated learning (FL) provides an alternative way for training the speaker verification model without collecting data from multi-parties together. We then validate that it is possible to perform backdoor attack under a looser threat assumption, namely poisoning partial speakers instead of all of the speakers. Specifically, we study the security of speaker verification models in FL for the first time. During the training process of FL, we make full use of the advantages of FL, and design a two stage training strategy. Besides, we propose Global Spectral Cluster (GSC) method to alleviate insufficient trigger generalization problem, which cased by the constrain that the attacker can only reach and poison its own data. We also adopt Personalized Federated Aggregation (PFAgg) to avoid modeling pollution in other parties, enhancing the invisibility of backdoor attack in FL. Experimental results on the TIMIT dataset show that our proposed framework can not only achieve satisfying attack results, but also have an acceptable error rate.

3.Can Spoofing Countermeasure And Speaker Verification Systems Be Jointly Optimised?


作者:Wanying Ge, Hemlata Tak, Massimiliano Todisco and Nicholas Evans

单位:EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France



Spoofing countermeasure (CM) and automatic speaker verification (ASV) sub-systems can be used in tandem with a backend classifier as a solution to the spoofing aware speaker verification (SASV) task. The two sub-systems are typically trained independently to solve different tasks. While our previous work demonstrated the potential of joint optimisation, it also showed a tendency to over-fit to speakers and a lack of sub-system complementarity. Using only a modest quantity of auxiliary data collected from new speakers, we show that joint optimisation degrades the performance of separate CM and ASV sub-systems, but that it nonetheless improves complementarity, thereby delivering superior SASV performance. Using standard SASV evaluation data and protocols, joint optimisation reduces the equal error rate by 27% relative to performance obtained using fixed, independently-optimised subsystems under like-for-like training conditions.

4.Convolution-Based Channel-Frequency Attention for Text-Independent Speaker Verification


作者:Jingyu Li, Yusheng Tian, Tan Lee

单位:Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied to extracting speaker embeddings with significant success in speaker verification. Incorporating the attention mechanism has shown to be effective in improving the model performance. This paper presents an efficient two-dimensional convolution-based attention module, namely C2D-Att. The interaction between the convolution channel and frequency is involved in the attention calculation by lightweight convolution layers. This requires only a small number of parameters. Fine-grained attention weights are produced to represent channel and frequency-specific information. The weights are imposed on the input features to improve the representation ability for speaker modeling. The C2D-Att is integrated into a modified version of ResNet for speaker embedding extraction. Experiments are conducted on VoxCeleb datasets. The results show that C2DAtt is effective in generating discriminative attention maps and outperforms other attention methods. The proposed model shows robust performance with different scales of model size and achieves state-of-the-art results.

5. Covariance Regularization for Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis


作者:Zhiyuan Peng1,2, Mingjie Shao3, Xuanji He2, Xu Li4, Tan Lee1, Ke Ding2, Guanglu Wan2

单位:1Department of Electronic Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


3School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University, China

4ARC Lab, Tencent PCG



Probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) is commonly used in speaker verification systems to score the similarity of speaker embeddings. Recent studies improved the performance of PLDA in domain-matched conditions by diagonalizing its covariance. We suspect such a brutal pruning approach could eliminate its capacity in modeling dimension correlation of speaker embeddings, leading to inadequate performance with domain adaptation. This paper explores two alternative covariance regularization approaches, namely, interpolated PLDA and sparse PLDA, to tackle the problem. The interpolated PLDA incorporates the prior knowledge from cosine scoring to interpolate the covariance of PLDA. The sparse PLDA introduces a sparsity penalty to update the covariance. Experimental results demonstrate that both approaches outperform diagonal regularization noticeably with domain adaptation. In addition, in-domain data can be significantly reduced when training sparse PLDA for domain adaptation.

6.Cross-Modal Audio-Visual Co-Learning for Text-Independent Speaker Verification


作者:Meng Liu1,2, Kong Aik Lee2,3, Longbiao Wang1, Hanyi Zhang1, Chang Zeng4, Jianwu Dang1

单位:1Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cognitive Computing and Application,College of Intelligence and Computing, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

2Institute for Infocomm Research, A⋆STAR, Singapore

3Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore

4National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan



Visual speech (i.e., lip motion) is highly related to auditory speech due to the co-occurrence and synchronization in speech production. This paper investigates this correlation and proposes a crossmodal speech co-learning paradigm. The primary motivation of our cross-modal co-learning method is modeling one modality aided by exploiting knowledge from another modality. Specifically, two cross-modal boosters are introduced based on an audio-visual pseudo-siamese structure to learn the modality-transformed correlation. Inside each booster, a max-feature-map embedded Transformer variant is proposed for modality alignment and enhanced

feature generation. The network is co-learned both from scratch and with pretrained models. Experimental results on the test scenarios demonstrate that our proposed method achieves around 60% and 20% average relative performance improvement over baseline unimodal and fusion systems, respectively.

7. DASA: Difficulty-Aware Semantic Augmentation for Speaker Verification


作者:Yuanyuan Wang1, Yang Zhang1, Zhiyong Wu1,3, Zhihan Yang1, Tao Wei2, Kun Zou2, Helen Meng3

单位:1 Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, China

2 Ping An Technology, Shenzhen, China

3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China


摘要:数据增强对深度神经网络模型的泛化能力和鲁棒性至关重要。现有的说话人验证增强方法对原始信号进行处理,耗时长,增强后的样本缺乏多样性。本文提出了一种新的困难感知语义增强(DASA)方法用于说话人验证,该方法可以在说话人嵌入空间中生成多样化的训练样本,而额外的计算成本可以忽略不计。首先,我们通过沿语义方向扰动从说话人协方差矩阵中获得的说话人嵌入来增强训练样本。其次,在训练过程中从稳健的说话人嵌入中估计出准确的协方差矩阵,因此我们引入了难度感知加性余量softmax (DAAM-Softmax)来获得最优的说话人嵌入。最后,我们假设增广样本的数量趋于无穷,并利用DASA导出了期望损失的封闭上界,从而达到了兼容和效率。大量的实验表明,该方法可以取得显著的性能改进。在CN-名人评价集上,最佳结果达到了相对降低14.6%的EER指标。

Data augmentation is vital to the generalization ability and robustness of deep neural networks (DNNs) models. Existing augmentation methods for speaker verification manipulate the raw signal, which are time-consuming and the augmented samples lack diversity. In this paper, we present a novel difficulty-aware semantic augmentation (DASA) approach for speaker verification, which can generate diversified training samples in speaker embedding space with negligible extra computing cost. Firstly, we augment training samples by perturbing speaker embeddings along semantic directions, which are obtained from speaker-wise covariance matrices. Secondly, accurate covariance matrices are estimated from robust speaker embeddings during training, so we introduce difficultyaware additive margin softmax (DAAM-Softmax) to obtain optimal speaker embeddings. Finally, we assume the number of augmented samples goes to infinity and derive a closed-form upper bound of the expected loss with DASA, which achieves compatibility and efficiency. Extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed approach can achieve a remarkable performance improvement. The best result achieves a 14.6% relative reduction in EER metric on CN-Celeb evaluation set.

8.Discriminative Speaker Representation Via Contrastive Learning with Class-Aware Attention in Angular Space


作者:Zhe LI 1, Man-Wai MAK1, Helen Mei-Ling MENG2

单位:1Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


摘要:将对比学习应用于说话人验证(SV)的挑战在于,基于softmax的对比损失缺乏辨别力,而硬否定对很容易影响学习。为了克服第一个挑战,我们提出了一种对比学习SV框架,该框架在监督的对比损失中加入了一个附加的角度裕度,其中该裕度提高了说话人表征的辨别能力。对于第二个挑战,我们引入了一种类意识注意机制,通过该机制,硬负样本对监督对比损失的贡献较小。我们还采用了基于梯度的多目标优化来平衡分类和对比损失。在CN Celeb和Voxceleb1上的实验结果表明,这种新的学习目标可以使编码器找到一个嵌入空间,该嵌入空间在不同语言之间表现出很大的说话人区分能力。

The challenges in applying contrastive learning to speaker verification (SV) are that the softmax-based contrastive loss lacks discriminative power and that the hard negative pairs can easily influence learning. To overcome the first challenge, we propose a contrastive learning SV framework incorporating an additive angular margin into the supervised contrastive loss in which the margin improves the speaker representation’s discrimination ability. For the second challenge, we introduce a class-aware attention mechanism through which hard negative samples contribute less significantly to the supervised contrastive loss. We also employed gradient-based multi-objective optimization to balance the classification and contrastive loss. Experimental results on CN-Celeb and Voxceleb1 show that this new learning objective can cause the encoder to find an embedding space that exhibits great speaker discrimination across languages.

9. Distance-Based Weight Transfer for Fine-Tuning From Near-Field to Far-Field Speaker Verification


作者:Li Zhang1, Qing Wang1, Hongji Wang2, Yue Li1, Wei Rao2, Yannan Wang2, Lei Xie1

单位:1Audio, Speech and Language Processing Group (ASLP@NPU), School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, China

2Tencent Ethereal Audio Lab, Tencent Corporation, Shenzhen, China



The scarcity of labeled far-field speech is a constraint for training superior far-field speaker verification systems. In general, fine-tuning the model pre-trained on large-scale nearfield speech through a small amount of far-field speech substantially outperforms training from scratch. However, the vanilla fine-tuning suffers from two limitations – catastrophic forgetting and overfitting. In this paper, we propose a weight transfer regularization (WTR) loss to constrain the distance of the weights between the pre-trained model and the fine-tuned model. With the WTR loss, the fine-tuning process takes advantage of the previously acquired discriminative ability from the large-scale near-field speech and avoids catastrophic forgetting. Meanwhile, the analysis based on the PAC-Bayes generalization theory indicates that the WTR loss makes the fine-tuned model have a tighter generalization bound, thus mitigating the overfitting problem. Moreover, three different norm distances for weight transfer are explored, which are L1-norm distance, L2-norm distance, and Max-norm distance. We evaluate the effectiveness of the WTR loss on VoxCeleb (pre-trained) and FFSVC (fine-tuned) datasets. Experimental results show that the distance-based weight transfer fine-tuning strategy significantly outperforms vanilla finetuning and other competitive domain adaptation methods.

10.Exploring Binary Classification Loss for Speaker Verification


作者:Bing Han, Zhengyang Chen, Yanmin Qian

单位:MoE Key Lab of Artificial Intelligence, AI Institute

X-LANCE Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China



The mismatch between close-set training and open-set testing usually leads to significant performance degradation for speaker verification task. For existing loss functions, metric learning-based objectives depend strongly on searching effective pairs which might hinder further improvements. And popular multi-classification methods are usually observed with degradation when evaluated on unseen speakers. In this work, we introduce SphereFace2 framework which uses several binary classifiers to train the speaker model in a pair-wise manner instead of performing multi-classification. Benefiting from this learning paradigm, it can efficiently alleviate the gap between training and evaluation. Experiments conducted on Voxceleb show that the SphereFace2 outperforms other existing loss functions, especially on hard trials. Besides, large margin fine-tuning strategy is proven to be compatible with it for further improvements. Finally, SphereFace2 also shows its strong robustness to class-wise noisy labels which has the potential to be applied in the semi-supervised training scenario with inaccurate estimated pseudo labels.

11.Hybrid Neural Network with Cross- and Self-Module Attention Pooling for Text-Independent Speaker Verification


作者:Jahangir Alam, Woo Hyun Kang, Abderrahim Fathan

单位:Computer Research Institute of Montreal (CRIM)



Extraction of a speaker embedding vector plays an important role in deep learning-based speaker verification. In this contribution, to extract speaker discriminant utterance level embeddings, we propose a hybrid neural network that employs both cross- and self-module attention pooling mechanisms. More specifically, the proposed system incorporates a 2D-Convolution Neural Network (CNN)-based feature extraction module in cascade with a frame-level network, which is composed of a fully Time Delay Neural Network (TDNN) network and a TDNN-Long Short Term Memory (TDNNLSTM) hybrid network in a parallel manner. The proposed system also employs a multi-level cross- and self-module attention pooling for aggregating the speaker information within an utterance-level context by capturing the complementarity between two parallelly connected modules. In order to evaluate the proposed system, we conduct a set of experiments on the Voxceleb corpus, and the proposed hybrid network is able to outperform the conventional approaches trained on the same dataset.

12.Improving Learning Objectives for Speaker Verification from the Perspective of Score Comparison


作者:Min Hyun Han, Sung Hwan Mun, Minchan Kim, Myeonghun Jeong, Sung Hwan Ahn, Nam Soo Kim

单位:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and INMC Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea



Deep speaker embedding systems are usually trained with classification-based or end-to-end learning objectives. Popular end-to-end approaches utilize deep metric learning, which can be viewed as a few-shot classification objective. In this paper, we investigate the limit of conventional learning objectives in speaker verification and propose a new learning objective designed from the perspective of similarity scores. The proposed method trains a network by score comparison unbound from the classification, which is more suitable for verification tasks. Experiments conducted with popular speaker embedding networks demonstrate the improvements on the VoxCeleb dataset using the proposed loss.

13.Improving Transformer-Based Networks with Locality for Automatic Speaker Verification


作者:Mufan Sang1, Yong Zhao2, Gang Liu2, John H.L. Hansen1, Jian Wu2

单位:1The University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA

2Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA


摘要:近年来,基于Transformer的结构被用于语音嵌入提取。虽然Transformer使用自关注机制来有效地模拟token嵌入之间的全局交互,但它不足以捕获短的本地上下文,而这对于准确提取说话人信息至关重要。在本研究中,我们在两个方向上增强了变压器的局部性建模。首先,我们通过将深度卷积和通道关注引入到Conformer块中,提出了位置增强的Conformer (LE - Conformer)。其次,我们将最初提出的用于视觉任务的Swin Transformer应用到说话人嵌入网络中,提出了说话人Swin Transformer (SST)。我们在VoxCeleb数据集和大型微软内部多语言(MS-internal)数据集上评估了所提出的方法。提出的模型在VoxCeleb 1测试集上达到0.75%的EER,优于先前提出的基于Transformer的模型和基于CNN的模型,如ResNet34和ECAPA-TDNN。当在MS-internal数据集上训练时,所提出的模型取得了令人满意的结果,与Res2Net50模型相比,EER相对降低了14.6%。

Recently, Transformer-based architectures have been explored for speaker embedding extraction. Although the Transformer employs the self-attention mechanism to efficiently model the global interaction between token embeddings, it is inadequate for capturing shortrange local context, which is essential for the accurate extraction of speaker information. In this study, we enhance the Transformer with the enhanced locality modeling in two directions. First, we propose the Locality-Enhanced Conformer (LE-Confomer) by introducing depth-wise convolution and channel-wise attention into the Conformer blocks. Second, we present the Speaker Swin Transformer(SST) by adapting the Swin Transformer, originally proposed for vision tasks, into speaker embedding network. We evaluate the proposed approaches on the VoxCeleb datasets and a large-scale Microsoft internal multilingual (MS-internal) dataset. The proposed models achieve 0.75% EER on VoxCeleb 1 test set, outperforming the previously proposed Transformer-based models and CNN-based models, such as ResNet34 and ECAPA-TDNN. When trained on the MS-internal dataset, the proposed models achieve promising results with 14.6% relative reduction in EER over the Res2Net50 model.

14.Incorporating Uncertainty from Speaker Embedding Estimation to Speaker Verification


作者:Qiongqiong Wang, Kong Aik Lee, Tianchi Liu

单位:Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A⋆STAR, Singapore


摘要:在不同条件下记录的语音对其嵌入估计表现出不同程度的置信度,即不确定性,即使它们是使用相同的神经网络提取的。本文旨在将xi向量网络前端产生的不确定性估计与概率线性判别分析(PLDA)后端评分相结合,用于说话人验证。为了实现这一点,我们推导了一个后验协方差矩阵,它测量了从逐帧精度到嵌入空间的不确定性。我们提出了一个具有不确定性传播的PLDA评分的对数似然比函数。我们还提出用长度缩放技术取代长度归一化预处理技术,以在后端应用不确定性传播。在VoxCeleb-1、SITW测试集以及域不匹配的CNCeleb1-E测试集上的实验结果表明,所提出的技术可以将EER降低14.5% ~ 41.3%,将minDCF降低4.6% ~ 25.3%。

Speech utterances recorded under differing conditions exhibit varying degrees of confidence in their embedding estimates, i.e., uncertainty, even if they are extracted using the same neural network. This paper aims to incorporate the uncertainty estimate produced in the xi-vector network front-end with a probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) back-end scoring for speaker verification. To achieve this we derive a posterior covariance matrix, which measures the uncertainty, from the frame-wise precisions to the embedding space. We propose a log-likelihood ratio function for the PLDA scoring with the uncertainty propagation. We also propose to replace the length normalization pre-processing technique with a length scaling technique for the application of uncertainty propagation in the back-end. Experimental results on the VoxCeleb-1, SITW test sets as well as a domain mismatched CNCeleb1-E set show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques with 14.5%–41.3% EER reductions and 4.6%–25.3% minDCF reductions.

15.JSV-VC: Jointly Trained Speaker Verification and Voice Conversion Models


作者:Shogo Seki, Hirokazu Kameoka, Kou Tanaka, Takuhiro Kaneko

单位:NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan


摘要:本文提出了一种基于变分自编码器(VAE)的无平行语料库的任意源-目标说话人对的语音转换方法,即非并行任意到任意语音转换。一种典型的方法是使用从说话人验证(SV)模型获得的说话人嵌入作为VC模型的条件。然而,在VC和SV模型的朴素组合中,转换后的语音并不能保证反映目标说话人的特征。此外,说话人嵌入不是为VC问题设计的,导致转换性能不理想。为了解决这些问题,本文提出的方法JSV-VC同时训练VC和SV模型。对VC模型进行训练,使转换后的语音在SV模型中被验证为目标说话人,对SV模型进行训练,使其在VC模型前后输出一致的嵌入。实验评价表明,JSV -VC在定量和定性上都优于传统的任意对任意VC方法。

This paper proposes a variational autoencoder (VAE)-based method for voice conversion (VC) on arbitrary source-target speaker pairs without parallel corpora, i.e., non-parallel any-to-any VC. One typical approach is to use speaker embeddings obtained from a speaker verification (SV) model as the condition for a VC model. However, converted speech is not guaranteed to reflect a target speaker’s characteristics in a naive combination of VC and SV models. Moreover, speaker embeddings are not designed for VC problems, leading to suboptimal conversion performance. To address these issues, the proposed method, JSV-VC, trains both VC and SV models jointly. The VC model is trained so that converted speech is verified as the target speaker in the SV model, while the SV model is trained in order to output consistent embeddings before and after the VC model. The experimental evaluation reveals that JSV-VC outperforms conventional any-to-any VC methods quantitatively and qualitatively.






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引言 python中的元类MetaClass&#xff1a;本质也是一个类&#xff0c;但和普通类的用法不同&#xff0c;它可以对类内部的定义&#xff08;包括类属性和类方法&#xff09;进行动态的修改。 换句话说&#xff0c;使用元类的主要目的是为了实现在创建类时&#xff0c;能够动态…


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class Person:__age 18def __run(self):print("pao")def _Person__run(self):print("xxx")p Person # p._Person__run()print(Person.__dict__) 内置特殊方法 信息格式化操作 # class Person: # def __init__(self, n, a): # self.name n …

深入理解Linux 内核追踪机制

Linux 存在众多 tracing tools&#xff0c;比如 ftrace、perf&#xff0c;他们可用于内核的调试、提高内核的可观测性。众多的工具也意味着繁杂的概念&#xff0c;诸如 tracepoint、trace events、kprobe、eBPF 等&#xff0c;甚至让人搞不清楚他们到底是干什么的。本文尝试理清…


简介 PCI PCI&#xff08;Peripheral Component Interconnect&#xff09;&#xff0c;外设组件互联标准。 并行方式通信 PCI接口通常是白色的。 PCI接口分为32Bit和64Bit&#xff0c;主流的是32Bit&#xff0c;最大传输速度133MB/s。 适用于网卡、声卡等&#xff1b;现在…


flask中的session介绍 在Flask中&#xff0c;session是一个用于存储特定用户会话数据的字典对象。它在不同请求之间保存数据。它通过在客户端设置一个签名的cookie&#xff0c;将所有的会话数据存储在客户端。以下是如何在Flask应用中使用session的基本步骤&#xff1a; 首先…


目录 ​编辑 引言 等距动画 场景 分析性绘图 场景 着色书 场景 信息图画 场景 双重曝光 场景 图示性绘画 场景 二维插图 场景 图解式画像 场景 总结&#xff1a; 八种风格箴言&#xff1a; 引言 我相信大家都或多或少玩过Midjourney&#xff0c;但是要形…


有几种方式可以通过Excel技能实现变现&#xff1a; 1. 提供Excel咨询和培训服务&#xff1a;如果你对Excel非常熟悉&#xff0c;你可以提供咨询和培训服务&#xff0c;帮助他人解决Excel使用中的问题或提高他们的Excel技能。 2. 制作和销售Excel模板&#xff1a;你可以根据市…


一、程序中的同步和异步的区别 在编程中&#xff0c;同步和异步是指代码执行的方式和顺序。 1. 同步&#xff08;Synchronous&#xff09;&#xff1a; 同步代码按照顺序依次执行&#xff0c;每个操作必须等待前一个操作完成后才能执行。在同步模式下&#xff0c;代码会阻塞&…


下载Tomcat Tomcat镜像下载地址&#xff1a;https://mirrors.cnnic.cn/apache/tomcat/进入如下地址&#xff1a;zip的是压缩版&#xff0c;exe是安装版 修改第二个Tomcat配置文件 第一步&#xff1a;编辑conf/server.xml文件&#xff0c;修改三个端口&#xff0c;有些版本改…


目录 1、信号量介绍 2、信号量SystemV介绍 2.1 信号量函数 2.2 信号量C代码实现 3、信号量Posix介绍 3.1 无名信号量 3.2 有名信号量 1、信号量介绍 信号量是一种计数器&#xff0c;用在多进程、多线程的共享资源访问控制上面&#xff0c;防止多进程、多线程对共享资源的…


1、win下双击tomcat的start.bat出现闪退 检查环境变量是否配置正确&#xff1a; 1.在已解压的tomcat的bin文件夹下找到startup.bat&#xff0c;右击->编辑。在文件头加入下面两行&#xff1a; SET JAVA_HOMED:\Java\jdk1.6.0_10 &#xff08;java jdk目录&#xff09;S…


&#x1f525;博客主页&#xff1a;小王又困了 &#x1f4da;系列专栏&#xff1a;C语言 &#x1f31f;人之为学&#xff0c;不日近则日退 ❤️感谢大家点赞&#x1f44d;收藏⭐评论✍️ 目录 一、程序的翻译环境和执行环境 二、详解编译和链接 2.1翻译环境 2.2编译的过…