res_list, res_str, res_dict, res_tuple, res_set =[10,15],"0123q",{"name":"Lujier","sex":"Female"}, \
(0,5,10),{"name","age"}for one_ele in res_list:print(f"【列表】当前遍历到的元素是: {one_ele}")for one_ele in res_tuple:print(f"【元组】当前遍历到的元素是: {one_ele}")for key, value in res_dict.items():print(f"【dict】当前遍历到的元素是: key={key}, value={value}")for one_ele in res_str:print(f"【str】当前遍历到的元素是: {one_ele}")for one_ele in res_set:print(f"【set】当前遍历到的元素是: {one_ele}")
文章目录 a left join b left join cuser casesql query execution order In SQL, the left join is a powerful tool for combining data from multiple tables based on a common column. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of cascade left joins, providing …