
news2025/3/10 5:20:52



在Leader选举过程中,集群最终会选举出一个Leader节点,而集群中剩余的其他节点将会成为Follower节点。Leader节点除了向Follower节点发送心跳消息,还会处理客户端的请求,并将客户端的更新操作以消息(Append Entries消息)的形式发送到集群中所有的Follower节点。当Follower节点记录收到的这些消息之后,会向Leader节点返回相应的响应消息。当Leader节点在收到半数以上的Follower节点的响应消息之后,会对客户端的请求进行应答。最后,Leader会提交客户端的更新操作,该过程会发送Append Entries消息到Follower节点,通知Follower节点该操作已经提交,同时Leader节点和Follower节点也就可以将该操作应用到自己的状态机中。



2.1 消息的发送






// contrib/raftexample/main.go文件
func main() {
	cluster := flag.String("cluster", "", "comma separated cluster peers")
	id := flag.Int("id", 1, "node ID")
	kvport := flag.Int("port", 9121, "key-value server port")
	join := flag.Bool("join", false, "join an existing cluster")

	proposeC := make(chan string)
	defer close(proposeC)
	confChangeC := make(chan raftpb.ConfChange)
	defer close(confChangeC)

	// raft provides a commit stream for the proposals from the http api
	var kvs *kvstore // 定义kvstore
	getSnapshot := func() ([]byte, error) { return kvs.getSnapshot() }
	commitC, errorC, snapshotterReady := newRaftNode(*id, strings.Split(*cluster, ","), *join, getSnapshot, proposeC, confChangeC)

	kvs = newKVStore(<-snapshotterReady, proposeC, commitC, errorC) // ref-1 创建kvstore

	// the key-value http handler will propose updates to raft
	serveHttpKVAPI(kvs, *kvport, confChangeC, errorC) // ref-2 使用kvstore


// serveHttpKVAPI starts a key-value server with a GET/PUT API and listens.
func serveHttpKVAPI(kv *kvstore, port int, confChangeC chan<- raftpb.ConfChange, errorC <-chan error) {
	srv := http.Server{ // 创建http server
		Addr: ":" + strconv.Itoa(port),
		Handler: &httpKVAPI{
			store:       kv, // 把前面提到的kvstore 赋值给httpKVAPI的成员字段store
			confChangeC: confChangeC,
	go func() { // 开启http server
		if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {

	// exit when raft goes down
	if err, ok := <-errorC; ok {


// contrib/raftexample/httpapi.go文件
// Handler for a http based key-value store backed by raft
type httpKVAPI struct {
	store       *kvstore
	confChangeC chan<- raftpb.ConfChange

func (h *httpKVAPI) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	key := r.RequestURI
	defer r.Body.Close()
	switch {
	case r.Method == "PUT": // ref-3 设置键值对时,是用的put方法,在该模块的reademe文件有提到。
		v, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) // 读取客户端传递过来的body
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Failed to read on PUT (%v)\n", err)
			http.Error(w, "Failed on PUT", http.StatusBadRequest)

		h.store.Propose(key, string(v)) // ref-4 kvstore处理存储键值对

		// Optimistic-- no waiting for ack from raft. Value is not yet
		// committed so a subsequent GET on the key may return old value
	case r.Method == "GET":
		if v, ok := h.store.Lookup(key); ok {
		} else {
			http.Error(w, "Failed to GET", http.StatusNotFound)
	case r.Method == "POST":
		url, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Failed to read on POST (%v)\n", err)
			http.Error(w, "Failed on POST", http.StatusBadRequest)

		nodeId, err := strconv.ParseUint(key[1:], 0, 64)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Failed to convert ID for conf change (%v)\n", err)
			http.Error(w, "Failed on POST", http.StatusBadRequest)

		cc := raftpb.ConfChange{
			Type:    raftpb.ConfChangeAddNode,
			NodeID:  nodeId,
			Context: url,
		h.confChangeC <- cc

		// As above, optimistic that raft will apply the conf change
	case r.Method == "DELETE":
		nodeId, err := strconv.ParseUint(key[1:], 0, 64)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Failed to convert ID for conf change (%v)\n", err)
			http.Error(w, "Failed on DELETE", http.StatusBadRequest)

		cc := raftpb.ConfChange{
			Type:   raftpb.ConfChangeRemoveNode,
			NodeID: nodeId,
		h.confChangeC <- cc

		// As above, optimistic that raft will apply the conf change
		w.Header().Set("Allow", "PUT")
		w.Header().Add("Allow", "GET")
		w.Header().Add("Allow", "POST")
		w.Header().Add("Allow", "DELETE")
		http.Error(w, "Method not allowed", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)


// contrib/raftexample/kvstore.go文件
func (s *kvstore) Propose(k string, v string) {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
    // 对key-value数据进行编码,存储到buf中
	if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(kv{k, v}); err != nil {
	s.proposeC <- buf.String() // 将buf中的数据传递过channel







// contrib/raftexample/main.go文件
func main() {
	cluster := flag.String("cluster", "", "comma separated cluster peers")
	id := flag.Int("id", 1, "node ID")
	kvport := flag.Int("port", 9121, "key-value server port")
	join := flag.Bool("join", false, "join an existing cluster")

	proposeC := make(chan string) // 创建proposeC
	defer close(proposeC)
	confChangeC := make(chan raftpb.ConfChange)
	defer close(confChangeC)

	// raft provides a commit stream for the proposals from the http api
	var kvs *kvstore // 定义kvstore
	getSnapshot := func() ([]byte, error) { return kvs.getSnapshot() }
	commitC, errorC, snapshotterReady := newRaftNode(*id, strings.Split(*cluster, ","), *join, getSnapshot, proposeC, confChangeC) // ref-5 传递proposeC给raft的node

	kvs = newKVStore(<-snapshotterReady, proposeC, commitC, errorC) // ref-1 创建kvstore

	// the key-value http handler will propose updates to raft
	serveHttpKVAPI(kvs, *kvport, confChangeC, errorC) // ref-2 使用kvstore


// contrib/raftexample/raft.go 文件
// newRaftNode initiates a raft instance and returns a committed log entry
// channel and error channel. Proposals for log updates are sent over the
// provided the proposal channel. All log entries are replayed over the
// commit channel, followed by a nil message (to indicate the channel is
// current), then new log entries. To shutdown, close proposeC and read errorC.
func newRaftNode(id int, peers []string, join bool, getSnapshot func() ([]byte, error), proposeC <-chan string,
	confChangeC <-chan raftpb.ConfChange) (<-chan *commit, <-chan error, <-chan *snap.Snapshotter) {

	commitC := make(chan *commit)
	errorC := make(chan error)

	rc := &raftNode{
		proposeC:    proposeC, // ref-6  proposeC赋值给字段proposeC
		confChangeC: confChangeC,
		commitC:     commitC,
		errorC:      errorC,
		id:          id,
		peers:       peers,
		join:        join,
		waldir:      fmt.Sprintf("raftexample-%d", id),
		snapdir:     fmt.Sprintf("raftexample-%d-snap", id),
		getSnapshot: getSnapshot,
		snapCount:   defaultSnapshotCount,
		stopc:       make(chan struct{}),
		httpstopc:   make(chan struct{}),
		httpdonec:   make(chan struct{}),

		logger: zap.NewExample(),

		snapshotterReady: make(chan *snap.Snapshotter, 1),
		// rest of structure populated after WAL replay
	go rc.startRaft()
	return commitC, errorC, rc.snapshotterReady



// contrib/raftexample/raft.go文件
func (rc *raftNode) serveChannels() {
	snap, err := rc.raftStorage.Snapshot()
	if err != nil {
	rc.confState = snap.Metadata.ConfState
	rc.snapshotIndex = snap.Metadata.Index
	rc.appliedIndex = snap.Metadata.Index

	defer rc.wal.Close()

	ticker := time.NewTicker(100 * time.Millisecond)
	defer ticker.Stop()

	// send proposals over raft
	go func() {
		confChangeCount := uint64(0)

		for rc.proposeC != nil && rc.confChangeC != nil {
			select {
			case prop, ok := <-rc.proposeC: // 读取键值对数据
				if !ok {
					rc.proposeC = nil
				} else {
					// blocks until accepted by raft state machine
					rc.node.Propose(context.TODO(), []byte(prop)) // ref-7 处理客户端写入的键值对

			case cc, ok := <-rc.confChangeC:
				if !ok {
					rc.confChangeC = nil
				} else {
					cc.ID = confChangeCount
					rc.node.ProposeConfChange(context.TODO(), cc)
		// client closed channel; shutdown raft if not already

	...... // 省略




// raft/node.go文件
func (n *node) Propose(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
	return n.stepWait(ctx, pb.Message{Type: pb.MsgProp, Entries: []pb.Entry{{Data: data}}})


// raft/node.go 文件
func (n *node) stepWait(ctx context.Context, m pb.Message) error {
	return n.stepWithWaitOption(ctx, m, true)

// 进入到使用消息的状态机中。
// Step advances the state machine using msgs. The ctx.Err() will be returned,
// if any.
func (n *node) stepWithWaitOption(ctx context.Context, m pb.Message, wait bool) error {
	if m.Type != pb.MsgProp { // 如果消息类型不是pb.MsgProp
		select {
		case n.recvc <- m:
			return nil
		case <-ctx.Done():
			return ctx.Err()
		case <-n.done:
			return ErrStopped
	ch := n.propc // 赋值channel
	pm := msgWithResult{m: m} // 依据消息构建msgWithResult类型变量
	if wait { // 上游传递是true
		pm.result = make(chan error, 1) // 创建接收处理结果的channel
	select {
	case ch <- pm: // ref-7  将构建的消息发送出去
		if !wait {
			return nil
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return ctx.Err()
	case <-n.done:
		return ErrStopped
	select {
	case err := <-pm.result: // ref-8  等待处理结果
		if err != nil {
			return err
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return ctx.Err()
	case <-n.done:
		return ErrStopped
	return nil




// raft/node.go文件
func (n *node) run() {
	var propc chan msgWithResult
	var readyc chan Ready
	var advancec chan struct{}
	var rd Ready

	r := n.rn.raft

	lead := None

	for {
		if advancec != nil {
			readyc = nil
		} else if n.rn.HasReady() {
			// Populate a Ready. Note that this Ready is not guaranteed to
			// actually be handled. We will arm readyc, but there's no guarantee
			// that we will actually send on it. It's possible that we will
			// service another channel instead, loop around, and then populate
			// the Ready again. We could instead force the previous Ready to be
			// handled first, but it's generally good to emit larger Readys plus
			// it simplifies testing (by emitting less frequently and more
			// predictably).
			rd = n.rn.readyWithoutAccept()
			readyc = n.readyc

		if lead != r.lead {
			if r.hasLeader() {
				if lead == None {
					r.logger.Infof("raft.node: %x elected leader %x at term %d", r.id, r.lead, r.Term)
				} else {
					r.logger.Infof("raft.node: %x changed leader from %x to %x at term %d", r.id, lead, r.lead, r.Term)
				propc = n.propc // ref-9 将节点的propc赋值给变量propc
			} else {
				r.logger.Infof("raft.node: %x lost leader %x at term %d", r.id, lead, r.Term)
				propc = nil
			lead = r.lead

		select {
		// TODO: maybe buffer the config propose if there exists one (the way
		// described in raft dissertation)
		// Currently it is dropped in Step silently.
		case pm := <-propc:  // 读取propc中的数据
			m := pm.m // 将pb.Message取出来
			m.From = r.id
			err := r.Step(m) // ref-9
			if pm.result != nil {
				pm.result <- err
		...... // 省略其他case
		case <-advancec:
			rd = Ready{}
			advancec = nil
		case c := <-n.status:
			c <- getStatus(r)
		case <-n.stop:


// raft/raft.go文件
func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error {
	// Handle the message term, which may result in our stepping down to a follower.
	switch { // 处理消息的任期数据
	case m.Term == 0: // 由于前面的数据都没有设置term,所以会走这个case
		// local message
	case m.Term > r.Term:
		...... // 省略

	case m.Term < r.Term:
		...... // 省略

	switch m.Type {
	case pb.MsgHup:
		...... // 省略

	case pb.MsgVote, pb.MsgPreVote:
		...... // 省略

		err := r.step(r, m) // ref-10 处理消息
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil



// raft/raft.go文件
func (r *raft) becomeLeader() {
	// TODO(xiangli) remove the panic when the raft implementation is stable
	if r.state == StateFollower {
		panic("invalid transition [follower -> leader]")
	r.step = stepLeader // ref-11 将stepLeader赋值给step字段
	r.tick = r.tickHeartbeat
	r.lead = r.id
	r.state = StateLeader
	...... // 省略


// raft/raft.go文件
func stepLeader(r *raft, m pb.Message) error {
	// These message types do not require any progress for m.From.
	switch m.Type {
	case pb.MsgBeat:
		...... // 省略
		return nil
	case pb.MsgCheckQuorum:
		...... // 省略
		return nil
	case pb.MsgProp: // 依据前文阅读代码,消息类型是MsgProp,所以会走这个分支
		if len(m.Entries) == 0 {
			r.logger.Panicf("%x stepped empty MsgProp", r.id)
		if r.prs.Progress[r.id] == nil {
			// If we are not currently a member of the range (i.e. this node
			// was removed from the configuration while serving as leader),
			// drop any new proposals.
			return ErrProposalDropped
		if r.leadTransferee != None {
			r.logger.Debugf("%x [term %d] transfer leadership to %x is in progress; dropping proposal", r.id, r.Term, r.leadTransferee)
			return ErrProposalDropped

		for i := range m.Entries {
			e := &m.Entries[i]
			var cc pb.ConfChangeI
			if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChange { // 如果是配置改变
				var ccc pb.ConfChange
				if err := ccc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {
				cc = ccc
			} else if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChangeV2 { // 如果是配置改变的V2版本
				var ccc pb.ConfChangeV2
				if err := ccc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {
				cc = ccc
			if cc != nil {
				alreadyPending := r.pendingConfIndex > r.raftLog.applied
				alreadyJoint := len(r.prs.Config.Voters[1]) > 0
				wantsLeaveJoint := len(cc.AsV2().Changes) == 0

				var refused string
				if alreadyPending {
					refused = fmt.Sprintf("possible unapplied conf change at index %d (applied to %d)", r.pendingConfIndex, r.raftLog.applied)
				} else if alreadyJoint && !wantsLeaveJoint {
					refused = "must transition out of joint config first"
				} else if !alreadyJoint && wantsLeaveJoint {
					refused = "not in joint state; refusing empty conf change"

				if refused != "" {
					r.logger.Infof("%x ignoring conf change %v at config %s: %s", r.id, cc, r.prs.Config, refused)
					m.Entries[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryNormal}
				} else {
					r.pendingConfIndex = r.raftLog.lastIndex() + uint64(i) + 1

		if !r.appendEntry(m.Entries...) { // ref-13 将entry数据追加到raftlog中
			return ErrProposalDropped
		r.bcastAppend() // ref-12 将entry数据广播到其他节点上
		return nil
	case pb.MsgReadIndex:
		...... // 省略
		return nil

	// All other message types require a progress for m.From (pr).
	pr := r.prs.Progress[m.From]
	if pr == nil {
		r.logger.Debugf("%x no progress available for %x", r.id, m.From)
		return nil
	switch m.Type {
    ...... // 省略


// raft/raft.go文件
// bcastAppend sends RPC, with entries to all peers that are not up-to-date
// according to the progress recorded in r.prs.
func (r *raft) bcastAppend() {
    // r.prs字段记录着其他节点的信息。这个visit方法就是遍历其他所有节点,然后发送信息
	r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, _ *tracker.Progress) {
		if id == r.id {
		r.sendAppend(id) // ref-14 发送数据给其他节点


// raft/raft.go 文件
// sendAppend sends an append RPC with new entries (if any) and the
// current commit index to the given peer.
func (r *raft) sendAppend(to uint64) {
	r.maybeSendAppend(to, true)
// maybeSendAppend sends an append RPC with new entries to the given peer,
// if necessary. Returns true if a message was sent. The sendIfEmpty
// argument controls whether messages with no entries will be sent
// ("empty" messages are useful to convey updated Commit indexes, but
// are undesirable when we're sending multiple messages in a batch).
func (r *raft) maybeSendAppend(to uint64, sendIfEmpty bool) bool {
	pr := r.prs.Progress[to]
	if pr.IsPaused() {
		return false
	m := pb.Message{}
	m.To = to
	// 从r.raftlog中获取任期和entry数据。这个地方就和前面往r.raftlog中存入日志呼应起来了。
	term, errt := r.raftLog.term(pr.Next - 1)
	ents, erre := r.raftLog.entries(pr.Next, r.maxMsgSize)
	if len(ents) == 0 && !sendIfEmpty {
		return false

	if errt != nil || erre != nil { // send snapshot if we failed to get term or entries
		...... // 省略对错误情况的处理
	} else {
        // 组装要发送的消息
		m.Type = pb.MsgApp  // 注意这个消息类型是pb.MsgApp
		m.Index = pr.Next - 1
		m.LogTerm = term
		m.Entries = ents
		m.Commit = r.raftLog.committed
		if n := len(m.Entries); n != 0 {
			switch pr.State {
			// optimistically increase the next when in StateReplicate
			case tracker.StateReplicate:
				last := m.Entries[n-1].Index
			case tracker.StateProbe:
				pr.ProbeSent = true
				r.logger.Panicf("%x is sending append in unhandled state %s", r.id, pr.State)
	r.send(m) // 发送数据
	return true


// raft/raft.go文件
// send schedules persisting state to a stable storage and AFTER that
// sending the message (as part of next Ready message processing).
func (r *raft) send(m pb.Message) {
	if m.From == None {
		m.From = r.id
	if m.Type == pb.MsgVote || m.Type == pb.MsgVoteResp || m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote || m.Type == pb.MsgPreVoteResp {
		if m.Term == 0 {
			// All {pre-,}campaign messages need to have the term set when
			// sending.
			// - MsgVote: m.Term is the term the node is campaigning for,
			//   non-zero as we increment the term when campaigning.
			// - MsgVoteResp: m.Term is the new r.Term if the MsgVote was
			//   granted, non-zero for the same reason MsgVote is
			// - MsgPreVote: m.Term is the term the node will campaign,
			//   non-zero as we use m.Term to indicate the next term we'll be
			//   campaigning for
			// - MsgPreVoteResp: m.Term is the term received in the original
			//   MsgPreVote if the pre-vote was granted, non-zero for the
			//   same reasons MsgPreVote is
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("term should be set when sending %s", m.Type))
	} else {
		if m.Term != 0 {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("term should not be set when sending %s (was %d)", m.Type, m.Term))
		// do not attach term to MsgProp, MsgReadIndex
		// proposals are a way to forward to the leader and
		// should be treated as local message.
		// MsgReadIndex is also forwarded to leader.
		if m.Type != pb.MsgProp && m.Type != pb.MsgReadIndex {
			m.Term = r.Term
	r.msgs = append(r.msgs, m) // 将消息m追加到r.msgs上


// raft/node.go文件
func newReady(r *raft, prevSoftSt *SoftState, prevHardSt pb.HardState) Ready {
	rd := Ready{
		Entries:          r.raftLog.unstableEntries(),
		CommittedEntries: r.raftLog.nextEnts(),
		Messages:         r.msgs, // 将r.msgs赋值给Messages
	...... // 省略其他处理
	return rd


func (rc *raftNode) serveChannels() {
    ...... // 省略

	// event loop on raft state machine updates
	for {
		select {
		case <-ticker.C:

		// store raft entries to wal, then publish over commit channel
		case rd := <-rc.node.Ready():
			rc.wal.Save(rd.HardState, rd.Entries)
			if !raft.IsEmptySnap(rd.Snapshot) {
			rc.transport.Send(rd.Messages) // 调用传输模块,发送消息。这个传输模块是ETCD的etcdserver模块提供的。
			applyDoneC, ok := rc.publishEntries(rc.entriesToApply(rd.CommittedEntries))
			if !ok {

		case err := <-rc.transport.ErrorC:

		case <-rc.stopc:

2.2 消息的接收


// raft/raft.go 文件
func (r *raft) becomeFollower(term uint64, lead uint64) {
	r.step = stepFollower // ref-15 设置处理消息接收的函数
	r.tick = r.tickElection
	r.lead = lead
	r.state = StateFollower
	r.logger.Infof("%x became follower at term %d", r.id, r.Term)


// raft/raft.go文件
func stepFollower(r *raft, m pb.Message) error {
	switch m.Type {
	case pb.MsgProp:
		if r.lead == None {
			r.logger.Infof("%x no leader at term %d; dropping proposal", r.id, r.Term)
			return ErrProposalDropped
		} else if r.disableProposalForwarding {
			r.logger.Infof("%x not forwarding to leader %x at term %d; dropping proposal", r.id, r.lead, r.Term)
			return ErrProposalDropped
		m.To = r.lead
	case pb.MsgApp: // 上文中Leader最后发送的消息类型就是pb.MsgApp,因此会走这个分支
		r.electionElapsed = 0
		r.lead = m.From
		r.handleAppendEntries(m) // ref-16 处理消息中的entries数据
	case pb.MsgHeartbeat:
		r.electionElapsed = 0
		r.lead = m.From
	case pb.MsgSnap:
		r.electionElapsed = 0
		r.lead = m.From
	case pb.MsgTransferLeader:
		if r.lead == None {
			r.logger.Infof("%x no leader at term %d; dropping leader transfer msg", r.id, r.Term)
			return nil
		m.To = r.lead
	case pb.MsgTimeoutNow:
		r.logger.Infof("%x [term %d] received MsgTimeoutNow from %x and starts an election to get leadership.", r.id, r.Term, m.From)
		// Leadership transfers never use pre-vote even if r.preVote is true; we
		// know we are not recovering from a partition so there is no need for the
		// extra round trip.
	case pb.MsgReadIndex:
		if r.lead == None {
			r.logger.Infof("%x no leader at term %d; dropping index reading msg", r.id, r.Term)
			return nil
		m.To = r.lead
	case pb.MsgReadIndexResp:
		if len(m.Entries) != 1 {
			r.logger.Errorf("%x invalid format of MsgReadIndexResp from %x, entries count: %d", r.id, m.From, len(m.Entries))
			return nil
		r.readStates = append(r.readStates, ReadState{Index: m.Index, RequestCtx: m.Entries[0].Data})
	return nil


// raft/raft.go文件
func (r *raft) handleAppendEntries(m pb.Message) {
	if m.Index < r.raftLog.committed { // 如果消息的index小于提交的记录,则什么也不做。
		r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: r.raftLog.committed})

    // 开始追加entry数据
	if mlastIndex, ok := r.raftLog.maybeAppend(m.Index, m.LogTerm, m.Commit, m.Entries...); ok {
		r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp, Index: mlastIndex})
	} else {
		...... // 省略

现在关键步骤是r.raftLog.maybeAppend(m.Index, m.LogTerm, m.Commit, m.Entries...),我们接着看:

// raft/log.go 文件
// maybeAppend returns (0, false) if the entries cannot be appended. Otherwise,
// it returns (last index of new entries, true).
func (l *raftLog) maybeAppend(index, logTerm, committed uint64, ents ...pb.Entry) (lastnewi uint64, ok bool) {
	if l.matchTerm(index, logTerm) {
		lastnewi = index + uint64(len(ents))
		ci := l.findConflict(ents)
		switch {
		case ci == 0:
		case ci <= l.committed:
			l.logger.Panicf("entry %d conflict with committed entry [committed(%d)]", ci, l.committed)
			offset := index + 1
			l.append(ents[ci-offset:]...) // ref-16 将数据追加到日志中
		l.commitTo(min(committed, lastnewi)) // 提交数据
		return lastnewi, true
	return 0, false


// raft/log.go文件
func (l *raftLog) append(ents ...pb.Entry) uint64 {
	if len(ents) == 0 {
		return l.lastIndex()
	if after := ents[0].Index - 1; after < l.committed {
		l.logger.Panicf("after(%d) is out of range [committed(%d)]", after, l.committed)
	return l.lastIndex()

// raft/log_unstable.go文件
func (u *unstable) truncateAndAppend(ents []pb.Entry) {
	after := ents[0].Index
	switch {
	case after == u.offset+uint64(len(u.entries)):
		// after is the next index in the u.entries
		// directly append
		u.entries = append(u.entries, ents...)
	case after <= u.offset:
		u.logger.Infof("replace the unstable entries from index %d", after)
		// The log is being truncated to before our current offset
		// portion, so set the offset and replace the entries
		u.offset = after
		u.entries = ents
		// truncate to after and copy to u.entries
		// then append
		u.logger.Infof("truncate the unstable entries before index %d", after)
		u.entries = append([]pb.Entry{}, u.slice(u.offset, after)...)
		u.entries = append(u.entries, ents...)

func (u *unstable) truncateAndAppend(ents []pb.Entry) {
	after := ents[0].Index
	switch {
	case after == u.offset+uint64(len(u.entries)):
		// after is the next index in the u.entries
		// directly append
		u.entries = append(u.entries, ents...)
	case after <= u.offset:
		u.logger.Infof("replace the unstable entries from index %d", after)
		// The log is being truncated to before our current offset
		// portion, so set the offset and replace the entries
		u.offset = after
		u.entries = ents
		// truncate to after and copy to u.entries
		// then append
		u.logger.Infof("truncate the unstable entries before index %d", after)
		u.entries = append([]pb.Entry{}, u.slice(u.offset, after)...)
		u.entries = append(u.entries, ents...)






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