【IC设计】ICC1 workshop lab guide 学习笔记——Lab 2 Design Planning Task5-9

news2025/2/24 2:41:18


  • ICC1 workshop lab guide
    • 2.5 Create P/G Rings Around Macro Groups
    • 2.6 Power Network Synthesis
    • 2.7 Check the Timing
    • 2.8 Write Out the DEF Floorplan File
    • 2.9 Create 2nd Pass Design Ready for Placement

ICC1 workshop lab guide

2.5 Create P/G Rings Around Macro Groups

In the task following this one you will use “Power Network Synthesis” (PNS) to
automate the creation of power/ground core and individual macro rings, as well as
vertical and horizontal straps. If you want to create rings around groups of macros,
that is done prior to PNS, which is what this task will accomplish.

  1. We have created a script to create P/G rings around six groups of macros. Take a look at the file located at ./scripts/macro_pg_rings.tcl. The P/G rings are created by:
  • Defining a rough “region” that encompasses a group of macros
  • Defining the block ring layers, widths and offsets
  • Creating (committing) the metal routes
  1. Execute the script:
source ./scripts/macro_pg_rings.tcl
  1. Take a look at the rings that have been created.
    Notice that the “PLL” macro in the upper-left corner is the only macro that
    does not have a P/G ring around it - this will be done by PNS.
    Notice also that, in addition to the rings around the macro groups, there are
    vertical/horizontal straps in between the macros. This is nice feature of the
    create_fp_group_block__ring command. It can be disabled with the
    -skip_strap option, if preferred.

2.6 Power Network Synthesis

实际上是做power plan

The power “grid” needs to be completed. You could create P/G straps that feed the
center of the core, a core ring, as well as rings around individual macros “manually”
(similar to the way the macro group rings were created in the previous task), but to
do so would require you to guess the appropriate number and width of the straps, as
well as the width of the core ring to achieve acceptably low IR drop. Instead, you
will use IC Compiler’s Power Network Synthesis (PNS) capability to automatically
determine the number and width of straps, as well as the core ring width, based on a
target IR drop. You can experiment with different goals, and when acceptable
results are achieved you then “commit” or physically implement the power grid.



2.7 Check the Timing

Now that the power plan is done,you have to perform a few more steps to complete the placement and to verify max-delay(setup)timing.
1.If you are not able to see the standard cells in the LayoutWindow,go to the “Visibility” panel in the left margin of the LayoutWindow,expand the “Cell” listing by selecting the “+” sign,and make sure that “Standard” is checked.

2.PNS created many straps on METAL4 and METAL5,which were placed over the standard cells.It can be advantageous to prevent standard cell placement under the straps——this reduces the likelihood of congestion along the straps,and reduces crosstalk effects on the power nets.Apply a “complete” power net(pnet) blockage on the straps,then run the virtual flat placement again to take pnet setting into account:
PNS用METAL 4和5创建了许多放在标准单元上的电源条带。阻止标准单元布局在条带下是有利的——这减少了条带上阻塞的可能,并且减少了在电源网线上的串扰效应。应用"complete"电源网络障碍在条带上,然后再次运行vfp来讲pnet设置生效:

set_pnet_options -complete "METAL4 METAL5"
create_fp_placement -timing_driven -no_hierarchy_gravity

Verify that there are no longer any standard cells under the straps

3.Since we are about to check timing,perform actual global routing by running the following command:


4.Bring up the global route congestion map(no need to “reload”).There should not be any congestion issues.Close the panel(click on small “x”).

5.Generate a maximum-delay(setup) timing report using the “view” procedure (it will take a few seconds to update the timing and generate the report):
使用view工具生成最大延时(setup)timing report

v report_timing

Use the search machanism to highlight or tag the word “slack”:
RE Search-> type in “slack-> Tag.

Scroll up/down.You should see the words slack(MET) followed by a positive number at the end of each of the 8 clock group paths.This design meets setup timing.Click on Close Search then Close Window.
这个设计满足setup timing。点击关闭搜索窗口。

6.To fix any timing violations(and design rule violations),if there were any,you would invoke the following command and repeat global route.Feel free to do so,if you have the time,otherwise skip to the “Save the cell” step:

optimize_fp_timing -fix_design_rule

7.Save the cell as floorplan_complete

2.8 Write Out the DEF Floorplan File

1.Remove all the placed standard cells then write out the floorplan file in DEF format.The DEF floorplan file will be used by Design Compiler Topographical to re-synthesize the design using the floorplan you just designed,and will again be used by IC Compiler to re-create the floorplan when reading in the re-synthesized netlist(next Task):

remove_placement -object_type standard_cell
write_def -verison 5.6 -placed -all_vias -blockages -routed_nets -rows_tracks_gcells -specialnets -output design_data/ORCA.def

2.Verify that the DEF file has been created in the design_data directory.

3.Close the design library without saving the design in momory.

2.9 Create 2nd Pass Design Ready for Placement

We will now pretend that this design was re-synthesized from RTL code using Design Compiler Topographical mode,along with the floorplan description captured in the DEF file generated in the previous task.You have been given a 2nd pass netlist,ORCA_2.v,along with an updated constraints file ,ORCA_2.sdc.

1.Perform data setup using the new ORCA netlist and constraints:

source scripts/2nd_pass_setup.tcl

This script executes the following standard data setup steps:

2.Read the DEF file that was written out in the previous task:
read_def design_data/ORCA.def

3.Re-apply the pnet options that you applied after Power Network Synthesis in Task 6,step 1.These settings are not captured in the DEF file:

set_pnet_options -complete "METAL4 METAL5"

4.Save the cell as ready_for_placement.

5.Exit IC Compiler.




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