
news2024/9/20 8:37:42






此电脑 --> 属性 --> 高级系统设置 --> 环境变量






jmeter.bat:windows 的启动文件 的启动文件

jmeter.log:jmeter 运行日志文件系统配置文件

jmeter-server.bat:windows 分布式测试要用到的服务器配置

jmeter-serrver:Linux 分布式测试要用到的服务器配置








jmeter 证书目录




# Apache JMeter Property file

##   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
##   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
##   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
##   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
##   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
##   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
##   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
##   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
##   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
##   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
##   limitations under the License.

#                      THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED
# This avoids having to re-apply the modifications when upgrading JMeter
# Instead only should be modified:
# 1/ copy the property you want to modify to from
# 2/ Change its value there

# JMeter properties are described in the file
# A local copy can be found in
# printable_docs/usermanual/properties_reference.html

#Preferred GUI language. Comment out to use the JVM default locale's language.
# 设置语言

# Additional locale(s) to add to the displayed list.
# The current default list is: en, fr, de, no, es, tr, ja, zh_CN, zh_TW, pl, pt_BR
# [see JMeterMenuBar#makeLanguageMenu()]
# The entries are a comma-separated list of language names

# XML Parser

# Path to a Properties file containing Namespace mapping in the form
# prefix=Namespace
# Example:
# ns=

# SSL configuration

## SSL System properties are now in

# JMeter no longer converts property entries in this file into System properties.
# These must now be defined in the file or on the command-line.
# The file gives more flexibility.

# By default, SSL session contexts are now created per-thread, rather than being shared.
# The original behaviour can be enabled by setting the JMeter property to true

# Be aware that https default protocol may vary depending on the version of JVM
# See
# See
# Default HTTPS protocol level:
# This may need to be changed here (or in to:

# List of protocols to enable. You may have to select only a subset if you find issues with target server.
# This is needed when server does not support Socket version negotiation, this can lead to:
# peer not authenticated
# Connection reset
# see
#https.socket.protocols=SSLv2Hello SSLv3 TLSv1

# Control if we allow reuse of cached SSL context between iterations
# set the value to 'false' to reset the SSL context each iteration

# Start and end index to be used with keystores with many entries
# The default is to use entry 0, i.e. the first

# Look and Feel configuration

#Classname of the Swing default UI
# The LAF classnames that are available are now displayed as ToolTip text
# when hovering over the Options/Look and Feel selection list.
# You can either use a full class name, as shown below,
# or one of the strings "System" or "CrossPlatform" which means
#  JMeter will use the corresponding string returned by UIManager.get<name>LookAndFeelClassName()

# LAF can be overridden by (lowercased, spaces replaced by '_')
# Sample LAF:

# Failing that, the OS family =, but only up to first space:
# Sample OS family LAF:

# Custom settings for Mac using System LAF if you don't want to use Darcula

# Failing that, the JMeter default laf can be defined:

# If none of the above jmeter.laf properties are defined, JMeter uses the CrossPlatform LAF.
# This is because the CrossPlatform LAF generally looks better than the System LAF.
# See for details
# N.B. the laf can be defined in

# LoggerPanel display
# default to false

# Enable LogViewer Panel to receive log event even if closed
# Enabled since 2.12
# Note this has some impact on performances, but as GUI mode must
# not be used for Load Test it is acceptable

# Max lines kept in LoggerPanel, default to 1000 chars
# 0 means no limit

# Interval period in ms to process the queue of events of the listeners

# HiDPI mode (default: false)
# Activate a 'pseudo'-hidpi mode. Allows to increase size of some UI elements
# which are not correctly managed by JVM with high resolution screens in Linux or Windows
# To enable pseudo-hidpi mode change to true
# HiDPI scale factor
# Suggested value for HiDPI

# Toolbar display
# Toolbar icon definitions
# Toolbar list
# Toolbar icons default size: 22x22. Available sizes are: 22x22, 32x32, 48x48
# Suggested value for HiDPI

# Icon definitions
# default:
# alternate:
# Historical icon set (deprecated)

# Tree icons default size: 19x19. Available sizes are: 19x19, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48
# Useful for HiDPI display (see below)
# Suggested value for HiDPI screen like 3200x1800:

#Components to not display in JMeter GUI (GUI class name or static label)
# These elements are deprecated and will be removed in next version:
# MongoDB Script, MongoDB Source Config, Monitor Results
# BSF Elements

# Number of items in undo history
# Feature is disabled by default (0) due to known and not fixed bugs:
# Set it to a number > 0 (25 can be a good default)
# The bigger it is, the more it consumes memory

# Hotkeys to add JMeter components, will add elements when you press Ctrl+0 .. Ctrl+9 (Command+0 .. Command+9 on Mac)

# JMX Backup configuration
#Enable auto backups of the .jmx file when a test plan is saved.
#When enabled, before the .jmx is saved, it will be backed up to the directory pointed
#by the property (see below). Backup file names are built
#after the jmx file being saved. For example, saving test-plan.jmx will create a test-plan-000012.jmx
#in the backup directory provided that the last created backup file is test-plan-000011.jmx.
#Default value is true indicating that auto backups are enabled

#Set the backup directory path where JMX backups will be created upon save in the GUI.
#If not set (what it defaults to) then backup files will be created in
#a sub-directory of the JMeter base installation. The default directory is ${JMETER_HOME}/backups
#If set and the directory does not exist, it will be created.

#Set the maximum time (in hours) that backup files should be preserved since the save time.
#By default no expiration time is set which means we keep backups for ever.

#Set the maximum number of backup files that should be preserved. By default 10 backups will be preserved.
#Setting this to zero will cause the backups to not being deleted (unless keep_backup_max_hours is set to a non zero value)

#Enable auto saving of the .jmx file before start run a test plan
#When enabled, before the run, the .jmx will be saved and also backed up to the directory pointed

# Remote hosts and RMI configuration

# Remote Hosts - comma delimited

# RMI port to be used by the server (must start rmiregistry with same port)

# To change the port to (say) 1234:
# On the server(s)
# - set server_port=1234
# - start rmiregistry with port 1234
# On Windows this can be done by:
# On Unix:
# SERVER_PORT=1234 jmeter-server
# On the client:
# - set remote_hosts=server:1234

# Parameter that controls the RMI port used by RemoteSampleListenerImpl (The Controller)
# Default value is 0 which means port is randomly assigned
# You may need to open Firewall port on the Controller machine

# When distributed test is starting, there may be several attempts to initialize
# remote engines. By default, only single try is made. Increase following property
# to make it retry for additional times

# If there is initialization retries, following property sets delay between attempts

# When all initialization tries was made, test will fail if some remote engines are failed
# Set following property to true to ignore failed nodes and proceed with test

# To change the default port (1099) used to access the server:

# To use a specific port for the JMeter server engine, define
# the following property before starting the server:

# The jmeter server creates by default the RMI registry as part of the server process.
# To stop the server creating the RMI registry:

# Define the following property to cause JMeter to exit after the first test

# Configuration of Secure RMI connection
# Type of keystore : JKS
# Keystore file that contains private key
# Password of Keystore
# Key alias
# Type of truststore : JKS
# Keystore file that contains certificate
# Password of Trust store
# Set this if you don't want to use SSL for RMI
#         Include Controller

# Prefix used by IncludeController when building file name

# HTTP Java configuration

# Number of connection retries performed by HTTP Java sampler before giving up
# 0 means no retry since version 3.0

# Following properties apply to Apache HttpClient

# set the socket timeout (or use the parameter http.socket.timeout)
# for AJP Sampler implementation.
# Value is in milliseconds
# 0 == no timeout

# Set the http version (defaults to 1.1)
#httpclient.version=1.1 (or use the parameter http.protocol.version)

# Define characters per second > 0 to emulate slow connections

#Enable loopback protocol

# Define the local host address to be used for multi-homed hosts

# AuthManager Kerberos configuration

# AuthManager Kerberos configuration
# Name of application module used in jaas.conf

# Should ports be stripped from urls before constructing SPNs
# for SPNEGO authentication

# Apache HttpComponents HTTPClient configuration (HTTPClient4)

# define a properties file for overriding Apache HttpClient parameters
# Uncomment this line if you put anything in hc.parameters file

# Preemptively send Authorization Header when BASIC auth is used

# Number of retries to attempt (default 0)

# true if it's OK to retry requests that have been sent
# This will retry Idempotent and non Idempotent requests
# This should usually be false, but it can be useful
# when testing against some Load Balancers like Amazon ELB

# Idle connection timeout (Milliseconds) to apply if the server does not send
# Keep-Alive headers (default 0)
# Set this > 0 to compensate for servers that don't send a Keep-Alive header
# If <= 0, idle timeout will only apply if the server sends a Keep-Alive header

# Check connections if the elapsed time (Milliseconds) since the last
# use of the connection exceed this value

# TTL (in Milliseconds) represents an absolute value.
# No matter what, the connection will not be re-used beyond its TTL.

# Max size in bytes of PUT body to retain in result sampler.
# Bigger results will be clipped.

# HTTP Cache Manager configuration
# Space or comma separated list of methods that can be cached
# N.B. This property is currently a temporary solution for Bug 56162

# Since 2.12, JMeter does not create anymore a Sample Result with 204 response
# code for a resource found in cache which is inline with what browser do.

# You can choose between 3 modes:
# RETURN_NO_SAMPLE (default)

# Those mode have the following behaviours:
# this mode returns no Sample Result, it has no additional configuration

# this mode will return Sample Result with response code to 200 and
# response message to "(ex cache)", you can modify response message by setting
# RETURN_200_CACHE.message=(ex cache)

# This mode lets you select what response code and message you want to return,
# if you use this mode you need to set those properties

# Results file configuration

# This section helps determine how result data will be saved.
# The commented out values are the defaults.

# legitimate values: xml, csv, db.  Only xml and csv are currently supported.

# The below properties are true when field should be saved; false otherwise
# assertion_results_failure_message only affects CSV output
# legitimate values: none, first, all
# response_data is not currently supported for CSV output
# Save ResponseData for failed samples
# Only available with HttpClient4
# Only available with HttpClient4

# Timestamp format - this only affects CSV output files
# legitimate values: none, ms, or a format suitable for SimpleDateFormat HH:mm:ss.SSS

# For use with Comma-separated value (CSV) files or other formats
# where the fields' values are separated by specified delimiters.
# Default:,
# For TAB, one can use:\t

# Only applies to CSV format files:
# Print field names as first line in CSV

# Optional list of JMeter variable names whose values are to be saved in the result data files.
# Use commas to separate the names. For example:
# N.B. The current implementation saves the values in XML as attributes,
# so the names must be valid XML names.
# By default JMeter sends the variable to all servers
# to ensure that the correct data is available at the client.

# Optional xml processing instruction for line 2 of the file:
# Example:<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../extras/jmeter-results-detail-report.xsl"?>
# Default value:

# Prefix used to identify filenames that are relative to the current base

# AutoFlush on each line written in XML or CSV output
# Setting this to true will result in less test results data loss in case of Crash
# but with impact on performances, particularly for intensive tests (low or no pauses)
# Since JMeter 2.10, this is false by default

# Settings that affect SampleResults

# Save the start time stamp instead of the end
# This also affects the timestamp stored in result files

# Whether to use System.nanoTime() - otherwise only use System.currentTimeMillis()

# Use a background thread to calculate the nanoTime offset
# Set this to <= 0 to disable the background thread

# Upgrade property

# File that holds a record of name changes for backward compatibility issues

# JMeter Test Script recorder configuration
# N.B. The element was originally called the Proxy recorder, which is why the
# properties have the prefix "proxy".

# If the recorder detects a gap of at least 5s (default) between HTTP requests,
# it assumes that the user has clicked a new URL

# Add numeric prefix to Sampler names (default true)

# List of URL patterns that will be added to URL Patterns to exclude
# Separate multiple lines with ;

# Change the default HTTP Sampler (currently HttpClient4)
# Java:
# HttpClient4.x

# By default JMeter tries to be more lenient with RFC2616 redirects and allows
# relative paths.
# If you want to test strict conformance, set this value to true
# When the property is true, JMeter follows

# Default content-type include filter to use
# Default content-type exclude filter to use

# Default headers to remove from Header Manager elements
# (Cookie and Authorization are always removed)

# Binary content-type handling
# These content-types will be handled by saving the request in a file:
# The files will be saved in this directory:
# The files will be created with this file filesuffix:

# Test Script Recorder certificate configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------<JMeter bin directory>
# define this property if you wish to use your own keystore
# The default validity for certificates created by JMeter
# Use dynamic key generation (if supported by JMeter/JVM)
# If false, will revert to using a single key with no certificate

# Test Script Recorder miscellaneous configuration

# Whether to attempt disabling of samples that resulted from redirects
# where the generated samples use auto-redirection

# SSL configuration

# JMeter Proxy configuration
# use command-line flags for user-name and password
#http.proxyDomain=NTLM domain, if required by HTTPClient sampler

# HTTPSampleResponse Parser configuration

# Space-separated list of parser groups
HTTPResponse.parsers=htmlParser wmlParser cssParser
# for each parser, there should be a parser.types and a parser.className property

# CSS Parser based on ph-css

# CSS parser LRU cache size
# This cache stores the URLs found in a CSS to avoid continuously parsing the CSS
# By default the cache size is 400
# It can be disabled by setting its value to 0

# Let the CSS Parser ignore all css errors

# HTML Parser configuration

# Define the HTML parser to be used.
# Default parser:
# This new parser (since 2.10) should perform better than all others
# see
# Do not comment this property

# Other parsers:
# Default parser before 2.10
# Note that Regexp extractor may detect references that have been commented out.
# In many cases it will work OK, but you should be aware that it may generate
# additional references.
# This parser is based on JSoup, it should be the most accurate but less
# performant than LagartoBasedHtmlParser

#Used by HTTPSamplerBase to associate htmlParser with content types below
htmlParser.types=text/html application/xhtml+xml application/xml text/xml

# WML Parser configuration


#Used by HTTPSamplerBase to associate wmlParser with content types below

# Remote batching configuration
# How is Sample sender implementations configured:
# - true (default) means client configuration will be used
# - false means server configuration will be used

# By default when Stripping modes are used JMeter since 3.1 will strip
# response even for SampleResults in error.
# If you want to revert to previous behaviour (no stripping of Responses in error)
# set this property to false

# Remote batching support
# Since JMeter 2.9, default is MODE_STRIPPED_BATCH, which returns samples in
# batch mode (every 100 samples or every minute by default)
# Note also that MODE_STRIPPED_BATCH strips response data from SampleResult, so if you need it change to
# another mode
# Batch returns samples in batches
# Statistical returns sample summary statistics
# mode can also be the class name of an implementation of org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleSender
#Set to true to key statistical samples on threadName rather than threadGroup
# Value is in milliseconds
# Asynchronous sender; uses a queue and background worker process to return the samples
# default queue size
# Same as Asynch but strips response data from SampleResult
# DiskStore: Serialises the samples to disk, rather than saving in memory
# Same as DiskStore but strips response data from SampleResult
# Note: the mode is currently resolved on the client;
# other properties (e.g. time_threshold) are resolved on the server.

# JDBC Request configuration

# String used to indicate a null value
# Max size of BLOBs and CLOBs to store in JDBC sampler. Result will be cut off

# Database validation query
# based in list
jdbc.config.check.query=select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS|select 1 from dual|select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1|select 1|select 1 from rdb$database

# OS Process Sampler configuration
# Polling to see if process has finished its work, used when a timeout is configured on sampler

# TCP Sampler configuration

# The default handler class
# eolByte = byte value for end of line
# set this to a value outside the range -128 to +127 to skip eol checking
# TCP Charset, used by org.apache.jmeter.protocol.tcp.sampler.TCPClientImpl
# default to Platform defaults charset as returned by Charset.defaultCharset().name()
# status.prefix and suffix = strings that enclose the status response code
# = property file to convert codes to messages

# The length prefix used by LengthPrefixedBinaryTCPClientImpl implementation
# defaults to 2 bytes.

# Summariser - Generate Summary Results - configuration (mainly applies to non-GUI mode)
# Comment the following property to disable the default non-GUI summariser
# [or change the value to rename it]
# (applies to non-GUI mode only)
# interval between summaries (in seconds) default 30 seconds
# Write messages to log file
# Write messages to System.out

# Ignore SampleResults generated by TransactionControllers
# defaults to true

# Aggregate Report and Aggregate Graph - configuration
# Percentiles to display in reports
# Can be float value between 0 and 100
# First percentile to display, defaults to 90%
# Second percentile to display, defaults to 95%
# Second percentile to display, defaults to 99%

# BackendListener - configuration
# Backend metrics window mode (fixed=fixed-size window, timed=time boxed)
# Backend metrics sliding window size for Percentiles, Min, Max

# Backend metrics sliding window size for Percentiles, Min, Max
# when backend_metrics_window_mode is timed
# Setting this value too high can lead to OOM

# Graphite Backend
# Send interval in second
# Defaults to 1 second

# Influx Backend

# Send interval in second
# Defaults to 5 seconds
#Influxdb timeouts

# BeanShell configuration

# BeanShell Server properties
# Define the port number as non-zero to start the http server on that port
# The telnet server will be started on the next port

# Define the server initialisation file

# Define a file to be processed at startup
# This is processed using its own interpreter.

# Define the intialisation files for BeanShell Sampler, Function and other BeanShell elements
# N.B. Beanshell test elements do not share interpreters.
#      Each element in each thread has its own interpreter.
#      This is retained between samples.

# The file BeanShellListeners.bshrc contains sample definitions
# of Test and Thread Listeners.

# Groovy function

#Path to Groovy file containing utility functions to make available to __groovy function

# Example

# MailerModel configuration

# Number of successful samples before a message is sent
# Number of failed samples before a message is sent

# CSVRead configuration

# CSVRead delimiter setting (default ",")
# Make sure that there are no trailing spaces or tabs after the delimiter
# characters, or these will be included in the list of valid delimiters
# The following line has a tab after the =

# __time() function configuration
# The properties below can be used to redefine the default formats

# CSV DataSet configuration

# String to return at EOF (if recycle not used)
#list in

# LDAP Sampler configuration
# Maximum number of search results returned by a search that will be sorted
# to guarantee a stable ordering (if more results then this limit are returned
# then no sorting is done). Set to 0 to turn off all sorting, in which case
# "Equals" response assertions will be very likely to fail against search results.

# Number of characters to log for each of three sections (starting matching section, diff section,
#   ending matching section where not all sections will appear for all diffs) diff display when an Equals
#   assertion fails. So a value of 100 means a maximum of 300 characters of diff text will be displayed
#   (+ a number of extra characters like "..." and "[[["/"]]]" which are used to decorate it).
# test written out to log to signify start/end of diff delta

# Miscellaneous configuration
# Used to control what happens when you start a test and
# have listeners that could overwrite existing result files
# Possible values:
# ASK : Ask user
# APPEND : Append results to existing file
# DELETE : Delete existing file and start a new file

# If defined, then start the mirror server on the port

# ORO PatternCacheLRU size


# Turn expert mode on/off: expert mode will show expert-mode beans and properties

# Max size of bytes stored in memory per SampleResult
# Ensure you don't exceed max capacity of a Java Array and remember
# that the higher it is, the higher JMeter will consume heap
# Defaults to 0, which means no truncation

# Max size of buffer in bytes used when reading responses
# Defaults to 64k

# Maximum redirects to follow in a single sequence (default 20)
# Maximum frame/iframe nesting depth (default 5)

# Revert to BUG 51939 behaviour (no separate container for embedded resources) by setting the following false:

# If embedded resources download fails due to missing resources or other reasons, if this property is true
# Parent sample will not be marked as failed

#keep alive time for the parallel download threads (in seconds)

# Don't keep the embedded resources response data : just keep the size and the md5
# default to false

# List of extra HTTP methods that should be available in select box

# The encoding to be used if none is provided (default ISO-8859-1)

# CookieManager behaviour - should cookies with null/empty values be deleted?
# Default is true. Use false to revert to original behaviour

# CookieManager behaviour - should variable cookies be allowed?
# Default is true. Use false to revert to original behaviour

# CookieManager behaviour - should Cookies be stored as variables?
# Default is false

# CookieManager behaviour - prefix to add to cookie name before storing it as a variable
# Default is COOKIE_; to remove the prefix, define it as one or more spaces

# CookieManager behaviour - check received cookies are valid before storing them?
# Default is true. Use false to revert to previous behaviour

# Netscape HTTP Cookie file

# Ability to switch to Nashorn as default Javascript Engine used by IfController and __javaScript function
# JMeter works as following:
# - JDK >= 8 and javascript.use_rhino=false or not set : Nashorn
# - JDK >= 8 and javascript.use_rhino=true: Rhino
# If you want to use Rhino on JDK8, set this property to true

# Number of milliseconds to wait for a thread to stop

#Whether to invoke System.exit(0) in server exit code after stopping RMI

# Whether to call System.exit(1) on failure to stop threads in non-GUI mode.
# This only takes effect if the test was explicitly requested to stop.
# If this is disabled, it may be necessary to kill the JVM externally

# Whether to force call System.exit(0) at end of test in non-GUI mode, even if
# there were no failures and the test was not explicitly asked to stop.
# Without this, the JVM may never exit if there are other threads spawned by
# the test which never exit.

# How long to pause (in ms) in the daemon thread before reporting that the JVM has failed to exit.
# If the value is <= 0, the JMeter does not start the daemon thread

# If running non-GUI, then JMeter listens on the following port for a shutdown message.
# To disable, set the port to 1000 or less.
# If the initial port is busy, keep trying until this port is reached
# (to disable searching, set the value less than or equal to the .port property)

# How often to check for shutdown during ramp-up (milliseconds)

#Should JMeter expand the tree when loading a test plan?
# default value is false since JMeter 2.7

#JSyntaxTextArea configuration
# Set 0 to disable undo feature in JSyntaxTextArea
# Change the font on the (JSyntax) Text Areas. (Useful for HiDPI screens)

# Set this to false to disable the use of JSyntaxTextArea for the Console Logger panel

# Maximum size of HTML page that can be displayed; default=10 mbytes
# Set to 0 to disable the size check and display the whole response

# Order of Renderers in View Results Tree
# Note full class names should be used for non jmeter core renderers
# For JMeter core renderers, class names start with . and are automatically
# prefixed with org.apache.jmeter.visualizers

# Maximum number of results in the results tree
# Set to 0 to store all results (might consume a lot of memory)

# Maximum size of Document that can be parsed by Tika engine; defaut=10 * 1024 * 1024 (10MB)
# Set to 0 to disable the size check

#JMS options
# Enable the following property to stop JMS Point-to-Point Sampler from using
# the properties[principal|credentials] when creating the queue connection

# Set the following value to true in order to skip the delete confirmation dialogue

# Used by JSR223 elements
# Size of compiled scripts cache

# Classpath configuration

# List of directories (separated by ;) to search for additional JMeter plugin classes,
# for example new GUI elements and samplers.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib/ext directory.
# Do not use this for utility or plugin dependency jars.

# List of directories that JMeter will search for utility and plugin dependency classes.
# Use your platform path separator to separate multiple paths.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory.
# All entries will be added to the class path of the system class loader
# and also to the path of the JMeter internal loader.
# Paths with spaces may cause problems for the JVM

# List of directories (separated by ;) that JMeter will search for utility
# and plugin dependency classes.
# Any jar file in such a directory will be automatically included,
# jar files in sub directories are ignored.
# The given value is in addition to any jars found in the lib directory
# or given by the user.classpath property.
# All entries will be added to the path of the JMeter internal loader only.
# For plugin dependencies this property should be used instead of user.classpath.

# Classpath finder
# ================
# The classpath finder currently needs to load every single JMeter class to find
# the classes it needs.
# For non-GUI mode, it's only necessary to scan for Function classes, but all classes
# are still loaded.
# All current Function classes include ".function." in their name,
# and none include ".gui." in the name, so the number of unwanted classes loaded can be
# reduced by checking for these. However, if a valid function class name does not match
# these restrictions, it will not be loaded. If problems are encountered, then comment
# or change the following properties:

# Additional property files to load

# Should JMeter automatically load additional JMeter properties?
# File name to look for (comment to disable)

# Should JMeter automatically load additional system properties?
# File name to look for (comment to disable)

# Comma separated list of files that contain reference to templates and their description
# Path must be relative to JMeter root folder

# Thread Group Validation feature

# Validation is the name of the feature used to rapidly validate a Thread Group runs fine
# Default implementation is org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.validation.TreeClonerForValidation
# It runs validation without timers, with 1 thread, 1 iteration and Startup Delay set to 0
# You can implement your own policy that must extend org.apache.jmeter.engine.TreeCloner
# JMeter will instantiate it and use it to create the Tree used to run validation on Thread Group

# Number of threads to use to validate a Thread Group

# Ignore BackendListener when validating the thread group of plan

# Ignore timers when validating the thread group of plan

# Number of iterations to use to validate a Thread Group

# Force throuput controllers that work in percentage mode to be a 100%
# Disabled by default

# Think Time configuration

# Apply a factor on computed pauses by the following Timers:
# - Gaussian Random Timer
# - Uniform Random Timer
# - Poisson Random Timer

# Default implementation that create the Timer structure to add to Test Plan
# Implementation of interface org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.thinktime.ThinkTimeCreator

# Default Timer GUI class added to Test Plan by DefaultThinkTimeCreator

# Default constant pause of Timer

# Default range pause of Timer

# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX satisfaction threshold.

# Change this parameter if you want to override the APDEX tolerance threshold.

# Naming Policy configuration

# Prefix used when naming elements
# Suffix used when naming elements

# Implementation of interface org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.TreeNodeNamingPolicy

# Help Documentation

# Switch that allows using Local documentation opened in JMeter GUI
# By default we use Online documentation opened in Browser












系列文章 【设计模式】七大设计原则 【设计模式】第一章&#xff1a;单例模式 【设计模式】第二章&#xff1a;工厂模式 【设计模式】第三章&#xff1a;建造者模式 【设计模式】第四章&#xff1a;原型模式 【设计模式】第五章&#xff1a;适配器模式 【设计模式】第六章&…

scanpy sc.pp.normalize_per_cell bug

今天遇到一个很奇怪的bug, 当今天跑covid_atlas数据集的时候&#xff0c;在123服务器总是报错&#xff0c;但是我记得在122服务器上是跑过没问题的 最终的测试结果如下 import scanpy as sc import numpy as np from QUEST import QUEST from QUEST.utils import get_free_…

【MySQL】简介 MySQL 事务

一、事务 ACID 原则 什么是事务呢&#xff1f;事务通常是一个或一组 SQL 组成的&#xff0c;组成一个事务的 SQL 一般都是一个业务操作&#xff0c;例如下单操作&#xff1a;【扣库存数量、增加订单详情记录、插入物流信息】&#xff0c;这一组 SQL 就可以组成一个事务。 而数据…


推特正在限制用户可以阅读的推文数量&#xff0c;因为埃隆马斯克 (Elon Musk) 拥有的服务长期中断&#xff0c;阻碍了用户跟踪新帖子的能力。 在一条推文中&#xff0c;马斯克详细介绍了修改后的使用配额。 经过验证的帐户持有者每天最多可以浏览 6000 个帖子&#xff0c;而未…

docker的联合文件系统 UnionFS《深入docker底层原理》

介绍 docker最大的贡献就是定义了容器镜像的分层的存储格式&#xff0c;docker镜像技术的基础是联合文件系统(UnionFS)&#xff0c;其文件系统是分层的。这样既可以充分利用共享层&#xff0c;又可以减少存储空间占用。 联合挂载系统的工作原理&#xff1a;读&#xff1a;如果…

结束 guard else 只能使用 return ?

Guard 语句 A guard statement is used to transfer program control out of a scope if one or more conditions aren’t met. 如果一个或者多个条件不成立&#xff0c;可用 guard 语句来退出当前作用域 (guard所在的作用域)。 Statement Form 语句格式 guard condition1, co…


三、中介者模式&#xff08;迪米特法则&#xff09; 概念 模式动机&#xff1a; 为了减少对象两之间复杂的引用关系&#xff0c;使之成为一个松耦合的系统&#xff0c;需要适用中介者模式 定义&#xff1a; 用一个中介对象来封装一系列的对象交互&#xff0c;中介者使各对象…


说在前面 从0开始&#xff0c;手写一个Redis的学习价值在于&#xff1a; 可以深入地理解Redis的内部机制和原理&#xff0c;Redis可谓是面试的绝对重点和难点从而更好地掌握Redis的使用和优化帮助你提高编程能力和解决问题的能力手写一个Redis可以作为一个优质的简历轮子项目…


LVS和keepalived群集 一、keepalived概述&#xff1a;1.keepalived服务的重要功能&#xff1a;2.高可用故障切换转移原理&#xff1a;3.keepalived实现原理剖析&#xff1a;4.keepalived体系主要模块及作用&#xff1a;5.keepalived的工作原理&#xff1a; 二、部署LVS和keepal…

Android JetPack深入分析DataBinding源码

前言 数据绑定库是一种支持库&#xff0c;借助该库&#xff0c;您可以使用声明性格式&#xff08;而非程序化地&#xff09;将布局中的界面组件绑定到应用中的数据源。 DataBinding支持双向绑定&#xff0c;数据变化的时候界面跟着变化&#xff0c;界面变化也同步给数据&…

华为6605AC控制器大型组网wlan pool技术应用(自动漫游)

AC命令行配置&#xff1a; dis current-configuration set memory-usage threshold 0 ssl renegotiation-rate 1 vlan batch 100 vlan pool vlan_pool_test vlan 11 to 12 diffserv domain default radius-server template default free-rule-template name default_free_rule …

win10通过conda安装pytorch gpu

1. 安装anaconda 到官网下载最新版的anaconda&#xff0c;下载对应的windows版本&#xff0c;地址&#xff1a;anaconda官网 下载后直接安装&#xff0c;安装完成后配置环境变量&#xff0c;具体可以百度anaconda安装说明。安装完成后&#xff0c;打开cmd&#xff0c;输入conda…

Leetcode - 352周赛详解

一&#xff0c;最长奇偶子数组 看题可知可以使用暴力求解&#xff0c;从头开始遍历数组&#xff0c;另设一个变量来记录满足条件的子数组长度的最大值&#xff0c;将该变量不断与新得到的子数组长度比较&#xff0c;最终得到子数组长度的最大值。但是这样依次遍历的话&#xff…

git 分支管理

目录 一. 理解分支 1. master分支 二. 分支的&#xff08;创建&#xff0c;切换、合并、删除&#xff09; 1.查看分支 2.创建分支 3. 切换分支 4. 合并分支 5. 删除分支 三. 合并冲突 四. 合并模式 五. bug 分支 六. 强制删除分支 一. 理解分支 1. master分支 在我们的…

省电,AMD 提交 Linux 新技术 FreeSync Panel Replay

导读AMD 近日发布了一系列补丁&#xff0c;为其 AMDGPU Linux 内核显卡驱动程序的显示代码 “DC” 添加了一个新功能&#xff1a;FreeSync Panel Replay。这个功能针对搭载 DCN v3.1.4 显示块或更新版本的 AMD Ryzen 笔记本电脑&#xff0c;可以在屏幕内容不变时降低功耗。 目…


目录 对称加密&#xff1a; 非对称加密 对称加密&#xff1a; 在网络发展的初阶&#xff0c;为了保护数据安全&#xff0c;防止黑客攻击&#xff0c;我们发明了对称加密 即一把秘钥&#xff0c;客户端和服务器通过这把钥匙对数据进行加密/解密 理想情况下&#xff0c;只要没…


知识点 #知识点 -网页篡改与后门攻击防范应对指南 主要需了解&#xff1a;异常特征&#xff0c;处置流程&#xff0c;分析报告等 主要需了解&#xff1a;日志存储&#xff0c;Webshell检测&#xff0c;分析思路等 掌握&#xff1a; 中间件日志存储&#xff0c;日志格式内容介绍…

Qt之QMainWindow 自定义标题栏

简述 Qt自带标题栏功能还是很强大的&#xff0c;但是确实不能百分百满足需求&#xff0c;除了丑以外还不能随意更改标题栏字体&#xff0c;也不能更改样式&#xff1b;所以为了满足自己的虚荣心让标题栏变得更加好用看好看&#xff0c;特地花时间做了以下测试&#xff1b; 支持…


数据的增删改查 前言一、插入数据1、实际问题2、方式1&#xff1a;VALUES的方式添加3、方式2&#xff1a;将查询结果插入到表中 二、删除数据三、更新数据四、查询数据五、MySQL8新特性&#xff1a;计算列 前言 本博主将用CSDN记录软件开发求学之路上亲身所得与所学的心得与知…

Dubbo sentinel 哨兵 熔断 慢调用比例、异常比例、异常数

目录 熔断报这个错误 在调用程序中检测即可 页面配置熔断&#xff0c;配置在 consumer 消费端 慢调用比例规则 最大rt 比例阈值 熔断时长 最小请求数 统计时长 让流量一直降低发送 异常数量 设置30个异常数 Tps 异常数量未达到30个正常运行 设置1个效果直接连续…