三伏天,是一年中最热的日子,今年的三伏天始于7月11日。sanfu, the hottest time of the year begins on July 11th this year.
三伏,也称为中国的dog days,预示着一年中最热的三个阶段,每一阶段大约有10-20天。Sanfu, also called China's "dog days of summer", refers to three 10-20days periods that are predicted to have the hottest days of the year.
虽然7月和8月一般被称为北半球一年中最热的月份,但每年最热的时期都会有所不同。且根据纬度的不同,天文学上的“三伏天”也会在不同的时间到来。lthough July and August are generally known as the hottest months of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the hottest period can vary from year to year. And depending on your latitude, the astronomical dog days can e at different times.
三伏天,夏天中最炎热潮湿的阶段。 sanfu,the hottest and dampest period of summer
中医认为,在夏季最热的时日贴三伏贴有助于治疗咳嗽、哮喘、关节炎。Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believe that receiving Sanfutie during the hottest summer days is effective for coughs, asthma and arthritis.
这是一种冬病夏治法。It is a patchwork solution for winter ills in summer.
外出要做好防晒措施,以防中暑,同时也要及时补充水分。严酷的高温可能会导致中暑等疾病。When going out, sun protection measures should be taken to prevent heatstroke. At the same time, water must be added in time.Dangerously high temperatures can result in heat-related illnesses like heatstroke.
冬练三九,夏练三伏In winter, keep exercising during the coldest days. In summer, do the same thing during the dog days.
注意饮食,不宜吃过多冷饮,可以多吃些新鲜果蔬。Pay attention to diet, do not eat too many cold drinks, you can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
《夏日南亭怀辛大》 唐 · 孟浩然
Westward, the mountain light dips out;a pond moon rises slowly in the east.
Letting down my hair, I welcome the cool of evening,opening the window, I stretch out at leisure.
Lotus wind perfumes the air,bamboo dew drips crisply to the ground.
I want to pick up my singing zither,but there's no-one around who's close to my music.
I'm moved by my remembrance of you, old friend,laboring through my midnight dream.