
news2025/2/24 10:14:23



Raft 使用心跳(heartbeat)触发Leader选举。当服务器启动时,初始化为Follower。Leader向所有Followers周期性发送heartbeat。如果Follower在选举超时时间内没有收到Leader的heartbeat,就会等待一段随机的时间后发起一次Leader选举。

Follower将其当前term加一然后转换为Candidate。它首先给自己投票并且给集群中的其他服务器发送 RequestVote RPC 。结果有以下三种情况:









// raft/node.go 文件
// StartNode returns a new Node given configuration and a list of raft peers.
// It appends a ConfChangeAddNode entry for each given peer to the initial log.
// Peers must not be zero length; call RestartNode in that case.
func StartNode(c *Config, peers []Peer) Node {
	if len(peers) == 0 {
		panic("no peers given; use RestartNode instead")
	rn, err := NewRawNode(c) // ref-1 创建初始的节点(Node)
	if err != nil {
	rn.Bootstrap(peers) // ref-2 对节点进行引导

	n := newNode(rn)

	go n.run() // ref-3  让节点跑起来
	return &n


// raft/rawnode.go文件
// NewRawNode instantiates a RawNode from the given configuration.
// See Bootstrap() for bootstrapping an initial state; this replaces the former
// 'peers' argument to this method (with identical behavior). However, It is
// recommended that instead of calling Bootstrap, applications bootstrap their
// state manually by setting up a Storage that has a first index > 1 and which
// stores the desired ConfState as its InitialState.
func NewRawNode(config *Config) (*RawNode, error) {
	r := newRaft(config) // ref-4 创建一个raft出来,我理解这儿的raft就代表一个集群
	rn := &RawNode{
		raft: r,
	rn.prevSoftSt = r.softState()
	rn.prevHardSt = r.hardState()
	return rn, nil


// raft/raft.go文件
func newRaft(c *Config) *raft {
	...... // 省略
	r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None) // ref-5 变更当前节点角色为Follower

	var nodesStrs []string
	for _, n := range r.prs.VoterNodes() {
		nodesStrs = append(nodesStrs, fmt.Sprintf("%x", n))

	r.logger.Infof("newRaft %x [peers: [%s], term: %d, commit: %d, applied: %d, lastindex: %d, lastterm: %d]",
		r.id, strings.Join(nodesStrs, ","), r.Term, r.raftLog.committed, r.raftLog.applied, r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.raftLog.lastTerm())
	return r



// raft/bootstrap.go文件
// Bootstrap initializes the RawNode for first use by appending configuration
// changes for the supplied peers. This method returns an error if the Storage
// is nonempty.
// It is recommended that instead of calling this method, applications bootstrap
// their state manually by setting up a Storage that has a first index > 1 and
// which stores the desired ConfState as its InitialState.
func (rn *RawNode) Bootstrap(peers []Peer) error {
	if len(peers) == 0 {
		return errors.New("must provide at least one peer to Bootstrap")
	lastIndex, err := rn.raft.raftLog.storage.LastIndex()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if lastIndex != 0 {
		return errors.New("can't bootstrap a nonempty Storage")

	// We've faked out initial entries above, but nothing has been
	// persisted. Start with an empty HardState (thus the first Ready will
	// emit a HardState update for the app to persist).
	rn.prevHardSt = emptyState

	// TODO(tbg): remove StartNode and give the application the right tools to
	// bootstrap the initial membership in a cleaner way.
	rn.raft.becomeFollower(1, None) // ref-6 变更角色为follower
	ents := make([]pb.Entry, len(peers))
	for i, peer := range peers {
		cc := pb.ConfChange{Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode, NodeID: peer.ID, Context: peer.Context}
		data, err := cc.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ents[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChange, Term: 1, Index: uint64(i + 1), Data: data}

	// Now apply them, mainly so that the application can call Campaign
	// immediately after StartNode in tests. Note that these nodes will
	// be added to raft twice: here and when the application's Ready
	// loop calls ApplyConfChange. The calls to addNode must come after
	// all calls to raftLog.append so progress.next is set after these
	// bootstrapping entries (it is an error if we try to append these
	// entries since they have already been committed).
	// We do not set raftLog.applied so the application will be able
	// to observe all conf changes via Ready.CommittedEntries.
	// TODO(bdarnell): These entries are still unstable; do we need to preserve
	// the invariant that committed < unstable?
	rn.raft.raftLog.committed = uint64(len(ents))
	for _, peer := range peers {
		rn.raft.applyConfChange(pb.ConfChange{NodeID: peer.ID, Type: pb.ConfChangeAddNode}.AsV2())
	return nil



// raft/node.go文件
func (n *node) run() {
	var propc chan msgWithResult
	var readyc chan Ready
	var advancec chan struct{}
	var rd Ready

	r := n.rn.raft

	lead := None

	for {
		if advancec != nil {
			readyc = nil
		} else if n.rn.HasReady() {
			// Populate a Ready. Note that this Ready is not guaranteed to
			// actually be handled. We will arm readyc, but there's no guarantee
			// that we will actually send on it. It's possible that we will
			// service another channel instead, loop around, and then populate
			// the Ready again. We could instead force the previous Ready to be
			// handled first, but it's generally good to emit larger Readys plus
			// it simplifies testing (by emitting less frequently and more
			// predictably).
			rd = n.rn.readyWithoutAccept()
			readyc = n.readyc

		if lead != r.lead { // ref-7 这儿再判断leader是否发生了变更
			if r.hasLeader() { // 判断是否有leader
				if lead == None { // 初始状态,从没有leader的情况选举出来了leader
					r.logger.Infof("raft.node: %x elected leader %x at term %d", r.id, r.lead, r.Term)
				} else { // leader变更的情况
					r.logger.Infof("raft.node: %x changed leader from %x to %x at term %d", r.id, lead, r.lead, r.Term)
				propc = n.propc
			} else { // 集群失去leader
				r.logger.Infof("raft.node: %x lost leader %x at term %d", r.id, lead, r.Term)
				propc = nil
			lead = r.lead

		select {
		// TODO: maybe buffer the config propose if there exists one (the way
		// described in raft dissertation)
		// Currently it is dropped in Step silently.
		case pm := <-propc:
			m := pm.m // 收到的消息
			m.From = r.id
			err := r.Step(m) // ref-8
			if pm.result != nil {
				pm.result <- err
		case m := <-n.recvc:
			// filter out response message from unknown From.
			if pr := r.prs.Progress[m.From]; pr != nil || !IsResponseMsg(m.Type) {
				r.Step(m) // ref-9
		case cc := <-n.confc:
			_, okBefore := r.prs.Progress[r.id]
			cs := r.applyConfChange(cc)
			// If the node was removed, block incoming proposals. Note that we
			// only do this if the node was in the config before. Nodes may be
			// a member of the group without knowing this (when they're catching
			// up on the log and don't have the latest config) and we don't want
			// to block the proposal channel in that case.
			// NB: propc is reset when the leader changes, which, if we learn
			// about it, sort of implies that we got readded, maybe? This isn't
			// very sound and likely has bugs.
			if _, okAfter := r.prs.Progress[r.id]; okBefore && !okAfter {
				var found bool
				for _, sl := range [][]uint64{cs.Voters, cs.VotersOutgoing} {
					for _, id := range sl {
						if id == r.id {
							found = true
							break outer
				if !found {
					propc = nil
			select {
			case n.confstatec <- cs:
			case <-n.done:
		case <-n.tickc:
		case readyc <- rd:
			advancec = n.advancec
		case <-advancec:
			rd = Ready{}
			advancec = nil
		case c := <-n.status:
			c <- getStatus(r)
		case <-n.stop:


// raft/raft.go文件
func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error {
	// Handle the message term, which may result in our stepping down to a follower.
	switch { // 这个switch是在处理任期数据
	case m.Term == 0:
		// local message
	case m.Term > r.Term
        // 大概意思是要是在超时时间内收到了来自当前leader的投票请求,那么就不会更新自己的term,也不会再授予投票
		if m.Type == pb.MsgVote || m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote {
			force := bytes.Equal(m.Context, []byte(campaignTransfer))
			inLease := r.checkQuorum && r.lead != None && r.electionElapsed < r.electionTimeout
			if !force && inLease {
				// If a server receives a RequestVote request within the minimum election timeout
				// of hearing from a current leader, it does not update its term or grant its vote
				r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] ignored %s from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d: lease is not expired (remaining ticks: %d)",
					r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.Type, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term, r.electionTimeout-r.electionElapsed)
				return nil
		switch { 
		case m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote:
			// Never change our term in response to a PreVote
		case m.Type == pb.MsgPreVoteResp && !m.Reject: // 要是term是来自拒绝我们的投票的节点,那么我们就会成为一个follower
			// We send pre-vote requests with a term in our future. If the
			// pre-vote is granted, we will increment our term when we get a
			// quorum. If it is not, the term comes from the node that
			// rejected our vote so we should become a follower at the new
			// term.
			r.logger.Infof("%x [term: %d] received a %s message with higher term from %x [term: %d]",
				r.id, r.Term, m.Type, m.From, m.Term)
            // 变更自己成为一个follower
			if m.Type == pb.MsgApp || m.Type == pb.MsgHeartbeat || m.Type == pb.MsgSnap {
				r.becomeFollower(m.Term, m.From)
			} else {
				r.becomeFollower(m.Term, None)

	case m.Term < r.Term:
		if (r.checkQuorum || r.preVote) && (m.Type == pb.MsgHeartbeat || m.Type == pb.MsgApp) {
			// We have received messages from a leader at a lower term. It is possible
			// that these messages were simply delayed in the network, but this could
			// also mean that this node has advanced its term number during a network
			// partition, and it is now unable to either win an election or to rejoin
			// the majority on the old term. If checkQuorum is false, this will be
			// handled by incrementing term numbers in response to MsgVote with a
			// higher term, but if checkQuorum is true we may not advance the term on
			// MsgVote and must generate other messages to advance the term. The net
			// result of these two features is to minimize the disruption caused by
			// nodes that have been removed from the cluster's configuration: a
			// removed node will send MsgVotes (or MsgPreVotes) which will be ignored,
			// but it will not receive MsgApp or MsgHeartbeat, so it will not create
			// disruptive term increases, by notifying leader of this node's activeness.
			// The above comments also true for Pre-Vote
			// When follower gets isolated, it soon starts an election ending
			// up with a higher term than leader, although it won't receive enough
			// votes to win the election. When it regains connectivity, this response
			// with "pb.MsgAppResp" of higher term would force leader to step down.
			// However, this disruption is inevitable to free this stuck node with
			// fresh election. This can be prevented with Pre-Vote phase.
			r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Type: pb.MsgAppResp})
		} else if m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote {
			// Before Pre-Vote enable, there may have candidate with higher term,
			// but less log. After update to Pre-Vote, the cluster may deadlock if
			// we drop messages with a lower term.
			r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] rejected %s from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
				r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.Type, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
			r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Term: r.Term, Type: pb.MsgPreVoteResp, Reject: true})
		} else {
			// ignore other cases
			r.logger.Infof("%x [term: %d] ignored a %s message with lower term from %x [term: %d]",
				r.id, r.Term, m.Type, m.From, m.Term)
		return nil

	switch m.Type { // 这个switch是在处理消息类型
	case pb.MsgHup:
		if r.preVote {
			r.hup(campaignPreElection) // 处理选举消息 // ref-10
		} else {
			r.hup(campaignElection) // 处理选举消息 // ref-11

	case pb.MsgVote, pb.MsgPreVote:
		// We can vote if this is a repeat of a vote we've already cast...
		canVote := r.Vote == m.From ||
			// ...we haven't voted and we don't think there's a leader yet in this term...
			(r.Vote == None && r.lead == None) ||
			// ...or this is a PreVote for a future term...
			(m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote && m.Term > r.Term)
		// ...and we believe the candidate is up to date.
		if canVote && r.raftLog.isUpToDate(m.Index, m.LogTerm) {
			// Note: it turns out that that learners must be allowed to cast votes.
			// This seems counter- intuitive but is necessary in the situation in which
			// a learner has been promoted (i.e. is now a voter) but has not learned
			// about this yet.
			// For example, consider a group in which id=1 is a learner and id=2 and
			// id=3 are voters. A configuration change promoting 1 can be committed on
			// the quorum `{2,3}` without the config change being appended to the
			// learner's log. If the leader (say 2) fails, there are de facto two
			// voters remaining. Only 3 can win an election (due to its log containing
			// all committed entries), but to do so it will need 1 to vote. But 1
			// considers itself a learner and will continue to do so until 3 has
			// stepped up as leader, replicates the conf change to 1, and 1 applies it.
			// Ultimately, by receiving a request to vote, the learner realizes that
			// the candidate believes it to be a voter, and that it should act
			// accordingly. The candidate's config may be stale, too; but in that case
			// it won't win the election, at least in the absence of the bug discussed
			// in:
			// https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/7625#issuecomment-488798263.
			r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] cast %s for %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
				r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.Type, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
			// When responding to Msg{Pre,}Vote messages we include the term
			// from the message, not the local term. To see why, consider the
			// case where a single node was previously partitioned away and
			// it's local term is now out of date. If we include the local term
			// (recall that for pre-votes we don't update the local term), the
			// (pre-)campaigning node on the other end will proceed to ignore
			// the message (it ignores all out of date messages).
			// The term in the original message and current local term are the
			// same in the case of regular votes, but different for pre-votes.
			r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Term: m.Term, Type: voteRespMsgType(m.Type)})
			if m.Type == pb.MsgVote {
				// Only record real votes.
				r.electionElapsed = 0
				r.Vote = m.From
		} else {
			r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d, vote: %x] rejected %s from %x [logterm: %d, index: %d] at term %d",
				r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), r.Vote, m.Type, m.From, m.LogTerm, m.Index, r.Term)
			r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Term: r.Term, Type: voteRespMsgType(m.Type), Reject: true})

		err := r.step(r, m)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil


// raft/raft.go文件
func (r *raft) hup(t CampaignType) {
	if r.state == StateLeader {
		r.logger.Debugf("%x ignoring MsgHup because already leader", r.id)

	if !r.promotable() {
		r.logger.Warningf("%x is unpromotable and can not campaign", r.id)
	ents, err := r.raftLog.slice(r.raftLog.applied+1, r.raftLog.committed+1, noLimit)
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.Panicf("unexpected error getting unapplied entries (%v)", err)
	if n := numOfPendingConf(ents); n != 0 && r.raftLog.committed > r.raftLog.applied {
		r.logger.Warningf("%x cannot campaign at term %d since there are still %d pending configuration changes to apply", r.id, r.Term, n)

	r.logger.Infof("%x is starting a new election at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
	r.campaign(t) // ref-12


// raft/raft.go文件
// campaign transitions the raft instance to candidate state. This must only be
// called after verifying that this is a legitimate transition.
func (r *raft) campaign(t CampaignType) {
	if !r.promotable() {
		// This path should not be hit (callers are supposed to check), but
		// better safe than sorry.
		r.logger.Warningf("%x is unpromotable; campaign() should have been called", r.id)
	var term uint64
	var voteMsg pb.MessageType
	if t == campaignPreElection { // 选举的第一阶段 
		voteMsg = pb.MsgPreVote
		// PreVote RPCs are sent for the next term before we've incremented r.Term.
		term = r.Term + 1
	} else { // 选举的第二阶段
		voteMsg = pb.MsgVote
		term = r.Term
    // 拉取投票结果
	if _, _, res := r.poll(r.id, voteRespMsgType(voteMsg), true); res == quorum.VoteWon {
		// We won the election after voting for ourselves (which must mean that
		// this is a single-node cluster). Advance to the next state.
		if t == campaignPreElection {
		} else {
	var ids []uint64
		idMap := r.prs.Voters.IDs()
		ids = make([]uint64, 0, len(idMap))
		for id := range idMap {
			ids = append(ids, id)
		sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool { return ids[i] < ids[j] })
	for _, id := range ids {
		if id == r.id {
		r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d] sent %s request to %x at term %d",
			r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), voteMsg, id, r.Term)

		var ctx []byte
		if t == campaignTransfer {
			ctx = []byte(t)
        // 发送投票请求
		r.send(pb.Message{Term: term, To: id, Type: voteMsg, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex(), LogTerm: r.raftLog.lastTerm(), Context: ctx})







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我们将 ChatGPT 的功能扩展到机器人&#xff0c;并通过语言直观地控制机器人手臂、无人机和家庭助理机器人等多个平台。 你有没有想过用你自己的话告诉机器人该怎么做&#xff0c;就像你对人类一样&#xff1f;只是告诉你的家庭助理机器人&#xff1a;“请加热我的午餐”&…

SpringBoot+ Dubbo + Mybatis + Nacos +Seata整合来实现Dubbo分布式事务

1.简介 “ 本文主要介绍SpringBoot2.1.5 Dubbo 2.7.3 Mybatis 3.4.2 Nacos 1.1.3 Seata 0.8.0整合来实现Dubbo分布式事务管理&#xff0c;使用Nacos 作为 Dubbo和Seata的注册中心和配置中心,使用 MySQL 数据库和 MyBatis来操作数据。 ” 如果你还对SpringBoot、Dubbo、Nacos…

数据湖真的能取代数据仓库吗?【SNP SAP数据转型 】

数据湖和数据仓库的存在并不冲突&#xff0c;也并不是取代的关系&#xff0c;而是相互的融合关系。 数据湖是近两年中比较新的技术在大数据领域中&#xff0c;对于一个真正的数据湖应该是什么样子&#xff0c;现在对数据湖认知还是处在探索的阶段&#xff0c;像现在代表的开源产…


本文内容主要如下&#xff1a; 1. 复积分的概念1.1. 复积分的定义1.2. 复积分的存在性与计算1.3. 一个圆周上的重要积分公式1.4. 复积分的基本性质 1. 复积分的概念 1.1. 复积分的定义 定义&#xff1a; 如图&#xff0c;C为平面上一条光滑的简单曲线: z z ( t ) x ( t )…


目录 1 概述2 GAD7980简介3 用法时序4 参数计算与参数解释4.1 采样率4.2 转换时间4.3 采集时间5 采样数值折算6 设计注意事项7 代码demo 1 概述 本文用于讲述GAD7980的功能与用法&#xff0c;以及其中一些参数的计算方法&#xff0c;用法时序&#xff0c;输出数值等等&#xf…


目录 chatglmlangchain 1.1. 主要功能&#xff1a; 1.2. Langchain中提供的模块 1.3. Langchain应用场景 2.1. chatglm应用&#xff1a; 1.1. 基于单一文档问答的实现原理 chatglmlangchain GitHub - imClumsyPanda/langchain-ChatGLM: langchain-ChatGLM, local knowledge bas…

基于Java+SpringBoot+Mybaties-plus+Vue+ElementUI 在线考试管理系统的设计与实现

一.项目介绍 学生在线考试系统分为三类角色 超管、老师、学生 超级管理员&#xff1a;维护考试管理、提供管理、成绩查询、学生管理以及教师管理 老师&#xff1a;维护考试管理、提供管理、成绩查询以及学生管理 学生&#xff1a;我的试卷…


Linux 学自尚硅谷武晟然老师&#xff0c;结合老师课堂内容和自己笔记所写博文。 文章目录 Linux入门篇Linux概述Linux vs WindowsLinux安装CentOS的版本选择和下载VMware下载VMware安装创建虚拟机安装CentOS 入门篇 Linux概述 Linux是一个操作系统&#xff0c;一切皆文件&…