- 前言
- 第⼀部分、认识⾃然
- 1. ⾃然源于⽣命
- -bio-“⽣命,⽣物”
- -nat-“⽣命,出⽣”
- -gen-,-geo- “⽣,出⽣,⽣发;⼟地”
- -viv- -vit-, “⽣,⽣命,出⽣”
- -mort- “死,死亡”
- 2.⽣命物种的界限与特征
- -form-“形式”
- -spec- “种类,特征”
- -term- “界限,期限”
- -lin- “线条,界线,界限”
- -lim-, -limin- “界线,界限”
- -fin- “界限,界线”
- 3.⼤地是⽣命之始
- -terr- “⼟地,领⼟”
- -hum- “⼟地,泥⼟”
- -bas- “基础,地基”
- 4.⼈类发现了⼟地上的植物
- -rad- “根,树根”
- -lev- “树叶”
- -flor- “花”
- 5.⼈类发现了⼟地上的⼭
- -mount-,-min- “⼭,凸起”
- -ori- “上升,升起”
- -cre- “增加,创造”
- -scend- “上升,升起”
- -aug- “增加”
- -lev- “升起,举起”
- -cid- “下降”
- -merg- “沉没”
- -Pend-, -pens—“悬挂”
- -grav- “重”
- 6.⼈类发现了⽔也是⽣命的源泉
- -flu- “⽔流”
- -mar- “海洋”
- -fus- “流淌”
- -spers- “流淌”
- 7.⼈类开始抬头认识太空和宇宙
- -cosm(o)- “宇宙”
- -chrom- “颜⾊”
- -astro-,-aster- “星星”
- -the- “神”
- 8.⼈类发现了四季的变化和⽓候
- -temp- “时间”
- -chron- “时间”
- -dur- “持续”
- 9.⼈类发现了由季节和时间带来的作息轮回
- -vers-,-vert- “旋转”
- -vol- , -volv- , -volt- “旋转”
- -turb- “旋转”
- -tour-, -torn- “旋转”
1. ⾃然源于⽣命
biology [baiˈɔlədʒi]n.⽣物学
biomass ['baiəumæs] n.⽣物量(单位⾯积或体积内的)
biomass pyramid
nature [ˈneitʃə]n.⼤⾃然;本质,本性,天性,性格;性质,类型
2014 年英语(⼀)Text4 中 the true nature of the crisis
2012 年英语(⼆)Text4 中的 human nature“⼈性”。a man of ill nature“本性恶的⼈”。
innate [ˌiˈneit]a.天⽣的,固有的,天赋的
[考点]2012 翻 innate ability/capacity
2004T4-innate goodness 天⽣的善良(美德)
postnatal [pəʊstˈneɪt(ə)l]adj. 产后的,分娩后的
-gen-,-geo- “⽣,出⽣,⽣发;⼟地”
genius [ˈdʒi:niəs]n.天才,天赋;天才⼈物
gene [dʒi:n]n.基因
genetic [dʒiˈnetik]a.遗传(学)的 n.[-s]遗传学
genetic information 遗传信息; genetic testing 基因测试;genetic disease 遗传疾病;
generate [ˈdʒenəreit]vt.⽣成,产⽣(光、热、电等);导致
[考察]2011-T3: generate income 产⽣收⼊;
2005T3: generate negative feelings 产⽣消极的情绪; 2010-2-T1:generates interest 带来利益
genuine [ˈdʒenjuin]a.真的,⾮⼈造的;真诚的,真⼼的
[搭配]genuine gold 真⾦; genuine devotion 真诚的奉献, 虔诚的信仰
geography [dʒiˈɔgrəfi]n.地理(学)
geology [dʒiˈɔlədʒi]n.地质学;地质情况
-viv- -vit-, “⽣,⽣命,出⽣”
vivid [ˈvivid]a.⽣动的,栩栩如⽣的;鲜艳的
vitamin [ˈvitəmin, vai-]n.维⽣素,维他命
[考察]2005-T3:vivid dreams occur 栩栩如⽣的梦就产⽣了;
2010-2-T2:a vivid account of the new book 对这本书的⽣动的描绘
survive [səˈvaiv]vi.幸存,继续存在 vt.幸免于;挺过来
[考察]2006-T3:Smaller species survived. 更⼩型的物种⽣存了下来。
revive [riˈvaiv]vt.使复苏 vi.恢复
[考察] 2003-T1: revived spying as a profession.将谍报⼯作复兴为⼀种职业;
2010-T4: revive the banking system will be difficult.复兴银⾏体系将会很困难。
-mort- “死,死亡”
mortal [ˈmɔ:tl]a.终有⼀死的;致命的;不共戴天的 n.⼈(⼈都是会死的嘛!)
[考察]2012-2-新 possessing higher authority than mere mortals.⽐起普通⼈,拥有更⾼的权⼒。
mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ]n.抵押,抵押借款 vt.抵押
就是“死的”,⽽不是“活的”。从学术的词源⾓度来讲,原为古法语,意思是“死亡的誓约”. 古
代法国⼈向⼈借钱时承诺只要⽗亲⼀去世,⾃⼰能继承财产就要还. 这种承诺称作
[搭配]lend money on mortgage 抵押贷款; mortgage slaves 房奴。
format [ˈfɔ:mæt]n. 格式,样式;设计,安排;(书刊的)开本,板式 vt.使格式化
transform [trænsˈfɔ:m]vt.使改观,改⾰;(transform A into B)变换,把…转换成
[考察]2007T3: It had been transformed by economic risk. 这已经被经济⻛险所改变了。
reform [riˈfɔ:m]vt./ n.改⾰(良,造) vi.改正,改过⾃新
[搭配] the reform and opening-up policy 改⾰开放政策
conform [kənˈfɔ:m]vi.(to)遵守,适应;相似,⼀致,符合
[考察]2010-2-T4: states ought to conform to the federal court in reforming the jury system.
-spec- “种类,特征”
special [ˈspeʃəl]a.特殊的,特别的;专⽤的,专⻔的 n.特价,特刊,特别节目
specialize [ˈspeʃəlaiz]vi.(in)专⻔研究,专攻
specialist [ˈspeʃəlist]n.专家
species [ˈspi:ʃi:z]n.物种,种类
[考察]2008 翻译 Origin of Species 物种起源
specify [ˈspesifai]vt.明确说明,具体指定
[考察]2006-writing-A:You should specify what kind of child you want to help.
-term- “界限,期限”
term [tə:m]n.措词,术语;(任,学)期;期限;条件,条款,细则 vt.把…称为
[考察]2011-cloze : short-term changes 短期的改变;
2010-T1: a term of contempt applied by writers ⼀个由作家们使⽤的(带有)鄙视的措辞;
2005 翻: television companies should cooperate in terms of both production and distribution.
2006T2: the two branches of the RSC are not on good terms.
RSC 的两个分⽀(机构)关系并不好。
terminal [ˈtə:minəl]a.晚期的;终点的 n.终点(站);终端;接线端
-lin- “线条,界线,界限”
line [lain]n.(界)线;条纹;⽅针;线路;家系;铁路线;⾏业;限度 v.排队(⻬)
bloodline ['blʌdlain] n. ⾎统, 种系
[考察]2009-T2: Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails
to rebuild reliable bloodlines. 持有怀疑态度的评论家认为,⾎统检测
lineage ['linidʒ] n. 家系, 直系, ⾎统
[记忆]line-线条;后缀-age 名词;⼀脉相承的,⾹⽕相续的——家系,直系;
[考察]2009T2:most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage.
-lim-, -limin- “界线,界限”
limit [ˈlimit]n.限度,限制[ pl.]范围;极限 vt.限制(定)
eliminate [iˈlimineit]vt.排除,消除,根除;淘汰
preliminary [priˈliminəri]a.预备的,初步的 n.[ pl.]初步做法
Preliminary study/ planning/ data
-fin- “界限,界线”
finish [ˈfiniʃ]v.完成结束 n.结束,末尾,最后阶段(或部分)
final [ˈfainəl]a.最后的;决定性的 n.[ pl.]期终考试,决赛
fine [fain]a.健康的;极好的的 ad.很好 vt./ n.罚款
2003-L-Boston Museum of Fine Art
finance [ˈfainæns]n.财政,⾦融[ pl.]资⾦ vt.提供(筹措)资⾦
financial [fəˈnænʃəl]a.财政的,⾦融的
finite [ˈfainait]a.有限的,有限制的;限定的
2003T4:a government with finite resources should simply stop paying for medical care
define [diˈfain]vt.给…下定义,解释;限定,规定
2007-T2: The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score
confine [kənˈfain]vt.限制;使不外出,禁闭 n.[ pl.]界限,范围
2006 新 a friend got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions.
Don’t confine yourself to one thing, regardless of how bad it is.
-terr- “⼟地,领⼟”
territory [ˈteritəri]n.领⼟,版图;领域,范围
terrorism ['terəˌrizəm] n.恐怖主义, 恐怖⾏动
terrorist [ˈterərist]n.恐怖分⼦
-hum- “⼟地,泥⼟”
human [ˈhju:mən]a.⼈的,⼈类的;有⼈情的,好⼼肠的 n.⼈
humble [ˈhʌmbəl]a.谦逊的;卑贱的;简陋的 vt.使谦恭
2003T4: we may underfund research on humbler therapies that could improve people’s lives.
2008 翻: He adds humbly that …
humble origin/ humble plant
-bas- “基础,地基”
base [beis]n.基;底;基础(地) vt.(on)建在…的基础上
basis [ˈbeisis]n.基础,根据,原则
2010-T2: questioned the legal basis
basic [ˈbeisik]a.基本的,基础的 n.[ pl.]基本原理
database [ˈdeitəbeis]n.数据库
-rad- “根,树根”
radical [ˈrædikəl]a.基本的,根本的;彻底的;激进(派)的 n.激进分⼦
radical faults in the design
2010-T1: Newspaper reviews were characterized by radical viewpoints.
2005-T4: Mr. McWhorter proposes no radical education reforms
-lev- “树叶”
alleviate [əˈli:vieit]vt.减轻,缓解,缓和
2011-T3:Toyota Motor alleviated the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year.
Alleviate burdens on students.
-flor- “花”
flora [ˈflɔ:rə]n.(某地区或时代的)植物群
flourish [ˈflʌriʃ] vi.茂盛,繁荣,兴旺 vt.挥动(以引起注意) n. 炫耀
2006T4: the anti-happy art flourishes when economy booms
a flourishing business
They showed us about the house with much flourish.
-mount-,-min- “⼭,凸起”
mountain [ˈmauntin]n.⼭;[ pl.]⼭脉
eminent [ˈeminənt]a.卓越的,显赫的
2006 翻 This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars.
-ori- “上升,升起”
horizon [həˈraizən]n.地平线;[ pl.]眼界,⻅识
origin [ˈɔridʒin]n.起源,来源,起因[常 pl.]出⾝,⾎统
2007cloze:people of mixed origin
country of origin 原产国;humble origins 卑微的出⾝;
origin of species 物种起源;
original [əˈridʒənəl]a.原来的;独创的;原版的 n.原件,原作
originate [əˈridʒineit]vi.起源于,来⾃ vt.创造,创始,开创
-cre- “增加,创造”
create [kri:ˈeit]vt.创造,创作,创建;引起,产⽣
recreate ['rekrieit] v.再创造;休息娱乐
recreation [ˌrekriˈeiʃən]n.娱乐活动,消遣
concrete [ˈkɔŋkri:t]a.实在的,具体的 n.混凝⼟
concrete suggestions/ analysis
-scend- “上升,升起”
ascend [əˈsend]vi.渐渐上升,升⾼ vt.攀登,登上 ascend to the surface/ ascend into heaven
descend [diˈsend]vi.下来;(from)起源;(to)沦为 vt.⾛下
descend the steps 下台阶; descend on defenseless village 突袭
-aug- “增加”
augment [ɔ:gˈment]vt.扩⼤,增加,提⾼
2012-T4: the income in the state sector is indirectly augmented.
Augment income / supply / confidence.
-lev- “升起,举起”
lift [lift]vt.提,举;解除;剽窃 vi.升起;消散 n.电梯
2010-T2: One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.
elevate [ˈeliveit]vt.提升职位,改善;使兴⾼采烈;举起
2005T4: even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone
when they put pen to paper before the 1960s
elevate sb. to a higher position. / elevate one’s chance of success.
-cid- “下降”
accident [ˈæksidənt]n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素)
2012-T2: A string of accidents raised serious questions about Entergy’s management
accidental [ˌæksiˈdentl]a.意外的,偶然(发⽣)的
incident [ˈinsidənt] n.发⽣的事;事件,事变
incidence [ˈinsidəns]n.发⽣率
2010T2:business-method patents increase the incidence of risks
incidental [ˌinsiˈdentəl]a.偶然的;附带的
2009 翻 In the former case the education is incidental;
-merg- “沉没”
emerge [iˈmə:dʒ]vi.(from)浮(出)现;发⽣,显露,暴露
new things emerge day after day. sb. emerge at a critical moment.
emergency [iˈmə:dʒənsi]n.紧急情况,不测事件,⾮常时刻
emergency contact phone number/ emergency room.
-Pend-, -pens—“悬挂”
depend [diˈpend] vi.(on,upon)依靠;信赖;决定于
2009T2:DNA database may differ depending on the company that processes the results.
suspend [səˈspend]vt.暂停,中⽌;悬,挂,吊
2005T3:In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended
suspend dealings/ be in suspend mode
-grav- “重”
grave [greiv]n.坟墓 a.严重的;严肃的,庄重的
2005T2:some 10 million smokers went to early graves
aggravate [ˈægrəveit]vt.加重(剧),使恶化;激怒,使恼⽕
2005T2:the outcome of the latter aggravates the former
2005T3: The negative feelings tend to aggravate in our unconscious mind
aggravate the problem/ aggravate the punishment/ aggravate state of illness
-flu- “⽔流”
flu [flu:]n.流感
influence [ˈinfluəns]n.影响(⼒);势⼒,权势 vt.影响
Will you use your influence to get me a job?
have influence over? Exert influence on
influential [ˌinfluˈenʃəl]a.有影响的,有权势的 n.有影响⼒的⼈
2010-T3: The supposed importance of influentials
derives from a plausible sounding but largely untested theory
-mar- “海洋”
marine [məˈri:n] a.海(洋)的;海军(事)的 n.海军陆战队⼠兵
2006T3:They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists
2006T3: the marine biomass has suffered a greater loss
-fus- “流淌”
refuse [riˈfju:z, riˈfju:s]v.拒绝,不接受,不同意 n.废物,垃圾
confuse [kənˈfju:z]vt.使困惑,把…弄糊涂;混淆;混乱
confuse love with like/ you make me confused.
diffuse [diˈfju:s] v.扩散;传播 a.冗⻓的;四散的,弥漫的
2009 新 sth. diffused throughout the world.
-spers- “流淌”
disperse [disˈpə:s]vi.使分散;使消失 vt.分散;传播;驱散
disperse the crowd/ disperse information
-cosm(o)- “宇宙”
cosmos [ˈkɔzmɔs] n 宇宙
cosmic [ˈkɔzmik]a.宇宙的;⽆⽐巨⼤的,⽆穷尽的
cosmic ray/ dust/ space
-chrom- “颜⾊”
chromosome [ˈkrəuməsəum]n.染⾊体
2009-T2: the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father’s line
-astro-,-aster- “星星”
astrology [əˈstrɔlədʒi]n.占星学
astronomy [əˈstrɔnəmi]n.天⽂学
astrospace[əˈstrəuspeis] n.宇宙空间
astronaut [ˈæstrənɔ:t] n.宇航员
astrophysics [ˌæstrəu’fiziks;ˌæstrə’fiziks] n.天体物理学
-the- “神”
theism [ˈθi:izəm]n.⼀神论,有神论
theology [θiˈɔlədʒi]n.神学,宗教
enthusiasm [inˈθju:ziæzəm]n.
show enthusiasm for/ about
enthusiastic [inˌθju:ziˈæstik]
-temp- “时间”
temper [ˈtempə] n.脾⽓;韧度 vt.调和,使缓和;使回⽕
2004-T3:sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending.
hot temper/ fly into a temper/ out of temper/ control temper/ in bad temper
temperature [ˈtemp(ə)ritʃə]n.温度,体温;热度,发烧
temporary [ˈtempərəri] a.暂时的,临时的
2009T4:raising a child can bring temporary delight
temporary building/ line/ shelter / budget
-chron- “时间”
chronic [ˈkrɔnik]a.慢性(病)的;⻓久的;积习难改的
2011-2-T4: As well as those chronic problems,
the EU face an acute crisis in its economic core
2008T1:the kinds of things that women are exposed to
tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature.
chronicle [ˈkrɔnikl n.编年史 v. 将(某事物)载⼊编年史
2011-2-T2:Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom.
-dur- “持续”
during [ˈdjuəriŋ] prep.在…期间
durable [ˈdjuərəbl]a.耐⽤的,持久的
2008T1:the stress women confront tends to be durable and frequent.
Attractive and durable/ durable material/ durable friendships
-vers-,-vert- “旋转”
reverse [riˈvə:s]v.逆转;推翻;颠倒;反向 n.反⾯;逆境 a.反向的
2012-新 The networked computer offers the first chance in 50 years to reverse the flow
diverse [daiˈvə:s]a.不同的,相异的;多种多样的
2011-T3: The same dramatic technological changes
have provided marketers with more (and more diverse) communications choices
2009 新:diverse aspects of culture all changed as societies evolved.
Diverse views/ levels/ in diverse ways/ cultural diversity
-vol- , -volv- , -volt- “旋转”
volume [ˈvɔlju:m, ˈvɑljəm]n. 体积,容量;卷,册,书卷;⾳量,响度
2011-2-翻 the IT industry produces about
the same volume of greenhouse gases as the world’s airlines do
involve [inˈvɔlv] vt.包含,含有;使卷⼊,使参于;牵涉
2012-T2:A deal is a deal-except, apparently ,when Entergy is involved.
2010-T2: It involves a very big business transaction
evolve [iˈvɔlv]v.(使)演变,(使)进化,(使)发展
2005T1:such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans
-turb- “旋转”
disturb [diˈstə:b] v 扰乱,打扰
disturb public/social order 扰乱治安/社会秩序
turbulence ['tə:bjuləns] n.骚乱, 动荡, 喧嚣
turbulent [ˈtə:bjulənt]a.动荡的,混乱的;汹涌的,狂暴的
we live in turbulent times.
A hero is known in the time of turbulence.
Bad times make a good man.
2006-T1:when viewed against America’s turbulent past,
today’s social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment.
2011-T2:A turbulent business environment also has senior managers
cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.
-tour-, -torn- “旋转”
tour [tuə]v.旅⾏,游历
tourist [ˈtuərist]n.旅游者,观光者
tornado [tɔ:ˈneidəu]n.⻰卷⻛
attorney [əˈtə:ni]n.律师
2010-T2:Harold C. Wegner, a patent attorney and professor
at George Washington University Law School.